OX-FORD UNIVERSITY PRESScreat Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 GDp Oxlord University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford.. It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in
Trang 1Cothg Lowdou
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Trang 3O Listen qnd sou E
Trang 4@ Listen ond sing E
Trang 6I |Filfi-]
ll Poge 1;', ^
It +
= +;g
Trang 7O Listen ond sou L.{
Trang 8@ Listen, reod ond squ f
o bqno.no o co.ke
qn umbrello
Trang 9q rubber o book q cossette
Trang 10@ Ask ond onswer
Trang 11O Listen ond sou E
Look of the clock!
It's three o'clock.
Stond up, children.
Open the door,
Oh, ges It's hometime.
Close Uour books.
No, stop!
It isn't
three o'clock!
Sit down Open
uour books F? / "\ You ncughtg porrot!
Trang 12O Listen, reod qnd sou
3 Open Uour book!
Trang 13w
ffito /o^^
One bog, two bags, three bogs, four
Eight bogs, nine bogs, qnd then ten.Now let's sog the rhgme ogoin!
One p€h, two pens, three pens, four
One book, two books, three books, four
Trang 15O Listen ond sog E
Trang 16@ Listen ond sing E
A drum ond q boqt qnd q bike
A gogo qnd o big, red kite
Trang 17@ Listen, reod ond sou H
f r
:? a
Trang 18@ Point ond sou
Your gome
l/,:tl:ra1{.rjt4 Jn;.:rrjtr'+7-jn;J!art:.;:i;ri.rt t?jt}11+rta?if,1,-+lr:.,:ffh,1j4t
Trang 19O Listen ond reod E
This is Alison She's o
Trang 21/-@ Listen ond reod E
Trang 22O Ask ond qnswer
4 Is he q zookeeper? 5 Is she q doctor? 6 Is he o tqxi driver?
Your gome
Trang 23O Listen ond sou E
Trang 24@ Listen, reod ond squ E
I brother
Come qnd see mU fqther
Come CI.nd see mU sister
Come qnd see mU fomilg
Come ond see me!
Come qnd see mU grondfother
Come o.nd see mU uncle
Come qnd see mg cousin.
Come qnd see me!
Trang 25@ Ask ond onswer
.h t4
Trang 26O Ask ond onswer
Trang 27O Listen ond sou E
Look of the snokes.
Theg're long.
Look of the elephont! It's big!
And it's fot!
And theg're And whqt q
big nose! $Pr"i V,.EE- w -(
:rfrflr, € -.trr.', Z//h <4(, .
Look of the
Theg're noughtg!
Trang 28It's verg big, it's verg fot.
Trang 29O Listen qnd reod f
This is o giroffe It's gellow
o.nd brown It's verg tqII
This is o tortoise It's big
And it's verg old It's 150!
Trang 30No, it isn,t.
It's big.
It's brown.
Trang 31O Listen qnd sou f {i
I cqn reo.d qnd I cqn write.
I con jump ond I con hop.
I cqn hop but I cqn't stop!
jump ond I con hop.
hop but I cqn't stop!
I cqn run ond I cqn sing
I can do ongthing
I con jump qnd I cqn hop
I cqn hop but I con't stop!
Trang 32ffi Listen, reod qnd sou E
one two three
Trang 33@ Listen ond reod E
He aanflY' He oan iumv
Ftut' he oan'l oin6'
{>\ a
*iu io guPerPuPit'
ilhe oan read and wrile'
the aan oounl'
And she oan tlyt' *
ffiThis comic
is greot!
Trang 343 ,+}ry
3 Con she ride q bike?
5 Cqn he flg?
8 Con she count?
Trang 35Listen qnd sou E
Trang 36@ Listen, reod ond sou f O Point ond squ
Trang 37O Listen ond reod f
twins Theg're eight Theg've
() Reod ond squ
5 I've got q smCI.ll nose.
I've got fqir hqir.
I've got o big nose.
I've got blqck hqir
I'm ten I've got
brown eges ond
block hqir I've
I'm seven I've got blue
eges qnd red hqir I've got o big nose.
Trang 38O Listen ond sing E
( /o
I've got twoI've got two
eges Look, look, look
eCI.rs Listen, listen, listen
mouth Sing, sing, sing!
I've got two
heqd Nod, nod, nod.
mouth Sing, sing, sing!
I've got brown hqir.
* w*
Trang 39O Listen ond sou E
Trang 40@ Listen, reod qnd sou E
eue nose
Heqd ond shoulders,
Knees qnd toes,Knees o.nd toes.
And eges o.nd eors,
And mouth qnd nose.Heqd qnd shoulders,
Legs qnd feet,
Legs ond feet
Arms o.nd fingers,
knee Legs ond feet,
Legs qnd feet
And fqce qnd teeth
Arms ond fingers,
Legs ond feet,Legs qnd feet.
'g\{ t
Trang 41@ Listen ond reod E
This is Mug He's to[L ond he's
got blue eues He's got big
feet ond two purple ond
gel[ow wings Mrg con wolk
ond he con f[g But Mug is
veru sod He con't donce.
This is Nimble She's tol[
She's got brown eues She's
got smoll, feet ond [ong,
oronge hoir Nimble con
donce ond sing.
Trang 42Hqs Nimble got brown eges? _$
Hqs she got big feet?
Ho.s she got green hoir?
Hqs Mug got green wings?
Trang 44@ Listen, reod qnd sou E
Trang 45We'll clop our hqnds to show it.
Are gou hqppU todog?
Yes, we qre.
And we wont evergone
Trang 47O Listen ond squ E
Trang 48eht
Trang 49@ Listen ond reod E
These ore mU togs.
I've got o computer ond three computer
gomes Mg fovourite tog is mg kite.
These ore Bonng's togs.
She's got two beors She's
got a big elephant ond
o drum.
These qre Biffs togs.
He's got o UoUo qnd o boll.
He's got a plone qnd lots of cqrs
ond o bike.
Workbook poge
Trang 50b
Trang 51O Listen qnd reod f
Are Uou hungru?
In everg Super Egg-burger
o there's o big burger
o ond there's on egg
o ond there ore tomotoes!
@ True or folse?
There qre lots of oronges in
Jiffg Juice There qre gropes.
And there qre lots of lemons
qnd bqnonqs too.
Trang 52O Listen, reod qnd sou E
Trang 53(I Listen ond sou f
Peqs on mU plcte, qnd then
Peqs on the floor ogoin!
\l 6\
Trang 55O Listen ond squ f
m weOrlng
trousers qnd o.
shirt I'm weoring
o big hot too I'm o
I'm o pirote!
I'm o pirate porrot! Hq, ho!
And here's mg
Trang 58Jo.ne's weqring o dress.
Jo.ne's weoring o hot
ian il
f'm weoring o
gellow T-shirt.
Trang 59O Listen ond reqd E
Adom, Helen ond SoIIg ore
Hic! Hic! Oh, no!
Trang 60.i1i*3riit&a5ii!i**fai:i t ]$!::aa :€1*3ii!tl;r.i1_-:i.:1:riil*r::r,?:ir,':rit::,:ri:i r::r:r::1r-lll?:jrir:r|Pr!!:j.ir1:iriijlatt.l:1:i?::i
Trang 61@ Ask qnd onswer
Is he swimming?
-r v
5 Is he running?
Trang 62O Listen qnd sing E
Ploging footbqll, of the club
Ploging footbqll, hoving fun
Tolking to mg friends, of the club
Trang 63Listen ond reod f
It's nine o'clock Adom's
wolking to school.
It's twelve o'clock He's eotinghis lunch He's eoting
It's four o'clock He's ploging
footbqll of the club
It's two o'clock.
o picture
It's five o'clock He's wotching
TV He's wo.tching cortoons
It's nihe o'clock Adom's
Trang 64@ Listen, reod ond squ E
Trang 65@ Listen qnd sou E
Trang 66O Point, osk ond onswe
Whot ore theg
Trang 67O Listen ond sou E
Trang 68@ Listen ond reod E
the grass
Don't open the door.
5 Don't drop litter.
3d? lt**l -s{'74f8!r# "*'
4 Don't Sit down
F =*t**ll-wo;;;;;-ll"*''*'oo.*'u"o"'*''"+::'':i:::1"-titillr'x']:::::':::":::''1::'':.:::':::''.
ll noo" rl
lLee- G
Trang 69O Listen ond sing E
Pleo.se don't feed the kongoroo
Don't open the door.
Don't drop litter on the floor
Pleo.se don't feed the kongoroo
Don't shout qt the beor.
Trang 702 Close Uour eues.
Your gqme
4 Point to the door
6 Open Uour book.
Uour nose! You're out! Sit down.
Trang 71O Listen ond sou E
Trang 73O Listen, reod ond sou E
next to
the tqble
under thetqble
The clock is next to the tqble
The phone is behind the chqir
The phone is in the bin
, :-'''
Trang 74() Listen ond do H
Put gour pen
on the floor.
Your gome
Trang 75O Listen ond sou E
Come on It's
October the ninth It's
Mum's birthdog! ,/'.-&'&:l
' '1+!+ iLrj lr+tr |
Here's Uourpresent.
Oh, flowers!
Thonk gou! HqppU birthdog, Mum!
Whot? Oh,
thonk gou!
h, no! It's four
o'clock in the morning!
Whot time is it?
Trang 76@ Listen, reod qnd sou f
Trang 77second
Trang 79O Listen ond sqg E
Trang 80@ Listen ond sing f
I like mg bike It's red qnd blue
I like mg bike, oll shing qnd new
I like mg brond new bike Do gou?
I like mg drum It's green qnd blue
I like mg drum, oll shing qnd new
I like mg brond new drum Do gou?
See me skoting on mU skotes,
See me skoting on mU skotes,
I like mg skctes Theg're pink qnd blue
I like mg skotes, oll shing qnd new
I like mg brond new skotes Do gou?
Trang 81I I like mg computerqnd I like mg
fqvourite gome.
2 I like mg kite ond mU UoUo.
fo.vourite colour I like co.rs too.
3 We don't like cCI.rs o.nd
We like qnimols.
I don't like
We like tigers!
Trang 82@ Point ond sou obout Uou
O Your work
Trang 83O Listen ond sou
Kr05 ll
Trang 84
@ Listen, reod qnd sou f
Trang 85O Listen ond sou E
WednesdqU ond Thursdog,
Fridcg, Soturdog, Sundog
WednesdoU ond Thursdog,
Fridog, Sqturdog, Sundog
Trang 86s) Ask ond qnswer It's on Wednesdog
Trang 87O Listen ond squ E
Trang 88ffi Listen, reqd qnd squ H
Trang 89@ Listen qnd reqd E
This is Borboro, the
She likes meqt Andlikes eggs She likes
BorbCIro like fruit?
Chqrlie like eggs?
Chqrlie like cpples?
4 Does Nellie like meot?
5 Does Bqrborq like eggs?
6 Does Nellie like hog?
This is Chqrlie He's q
chimpartzee He likes fruit.
He likes opples, gropes qnd
bqnCI.nqs His fqvourite
food is qnts! He doesn't
like eggs.
This is Nellie, the elephont
She doesn't like meot
And she likes hog qnd
gross too.
Trang 90@ Listen ond squ E
Nellie the elephqnt doesn't like meqt
Chorlie the chimp doesn't like hqU.
He likes bqno.nqs everU dqU.
He likes opples, he likes gropes too.
He likes lots of fruit Do gou?
O Your work
Trang 91O Listen qnd squ E
Trang 92wqnt hots - red qnd blue.
wo.nt bolloons o.nd streo.mers too.
e're ho.ving o portg, o portg todog!
We wont lots ond lots of fun
e're hoving o portg Cqn Uou come]
're hoving 0 portg, o partU, o portg
We wont so.ndwiches - egg qnd cheese.
We wqnt cqke qnd biscuits, pleo.se!
Trang 93@ Listen ond reqd f
cheese sqndwiches
Bobo, Biff qnd Bonng ore plonning o portg
chocolo.te ice creqm ice creo.m.
He doesn't wo.ntstreo.mers.
He wonts lots of blqckond red bolloons!
She doesn't wqnt She wo.nts opple
I Bobo wqnts lots of ice creqm
2 Bobo wqnts chocolo.te ice creqm
3 Biff wCInts blqck portg hots
4 Biff wonts blue bqlloons
Trang 95Listen ond sou
Trang 96ffi Ask ond onswer
"rfa Listen ond sing E
It's time to go.
goodbge-It's time to go.
It's holidqg time
It's time to go.
Trang 97What's this? It's
Is it a (rubber)?
a (banana)/an (apple) Yes, it is No, it isn't.
Yes, he/she is No, he/she isn't
How old are gou? I'm (seven).
Who's that? That's (HeLen).
(She's) mg (sister).
It's (Bobo's) (sister).
(Her) name's (Bonng).
What's his,her nome?
It's/Thell're (big').
(It's) verg (oLd) (It's) (150) oction verbs
I/IIe/She can /can't (read).
Can he/she/gou (read)?
Yes, he/she/I co" * he/she/I can't.
I've got (a big, red nose).
Here at:e (Ann and Dan).
Theg're/Theg aren't (twins)/(eight).
Theg vefil'e\'e got (green
It's/IIe's/She's got (blue eges).
Has it4te/she got (blue eges)?
Yes, ithe/she has No, if,/he/she hasn't I'm/She's (thirstg) You aren't (hot).
Are gou (sad)?
Yes, we are No, we aren'L.
Yes, I am No, I'm not.
t2 toUS
the home
Is it mg/gour (kite)?
Is this (Jenng's) (kite)? Yes, it is No, it isn't.
These are mg/(Biff's) (togs).
Whose is this? Il's rBiff'st
There's one (apple) There are (three) (oranges).
numbers: / I-JO present continuous This is (a shirt) These are (shoes).
I'm/(Edward's ) weartng ( a T-shirt).
present continuous: oction verbs (Helen's) (swimming) (TheA're) (eating).
f ha/cha t anfinn )2
Yes, he/she is No, he/she isn't.
Are theg (plaging football)?
Yes, theg are No, theg aren't.
Are gou Gating)? Yes, I am No, I'm not What time is it? It's (nine) o'cLock.
What's he/she doing?
Whot ore you/theg doing?
negotive commonds
Where are gou? Where's (SalI|?
( She's ) in ( Helen's be droom ).
Is (she) (in) (the bathroom)?
The (dock) is (next to) the (table) ordinols
It's the (ninth) of (October).
When's (Biff's ) birthdag?
It's on (Januarg) the (fifteenth) present simple: like
I like/don't like (r,tl)er skates)
dogs ofthe week
Do gou hke (maths)? Yes, I do No, I dont
He/She likes/doesn't Like (nuts).
Does (he) like (apples)?
Yes, he does No, he doesn't present simple: wonf
Do gou want ftheese sandwiches)7 Yes, I do No, I don't.
He/She wants/doxn't want (ice cream) revision
Trang 98www.oup.com/elt