FPT POLYTECHNIC TOPIC VIETNAM’S POPULARSPORT Instructor: Student perform: StudentCode: Major: Class: February, 2017 COMMENTS Lecturer 1: Lecturer 2: INTRODUCTION Entering the 21st Century, beside the development of a civilized world is the interest in the issue of training and maintaining health The sports were and are becoming an indispensable part in social life of all people Vietnamese sports have started to progress and develop since 1975 Since that year, Vietnamese athletes have participated in many international sports competitions and events Some of the most popular sports in Vietnam must mention such as soccer, basketball, chess, cycling, boxing, swimming, tennis, aerobics, judo, karate, taekwondo Except from Soccer thesport is considered the most popular in Vietnam, our country has another sport which is equally interesting A sport which is at No in the Top 10 most popular outdoor sports in the world, that is a water sport SwimmingTHE POPULARITY OF SWIMMINGSwimming is one of the most popular sports in the world, it remains the most popularsport in Australia with nearly 3.15 million people participating and regularly getting in the pool in 2016 This is a sport suitable for everybody of all ages, whatever the case you are or 65 years old maybe learn to swim Compared to other sports, you can see theswimming have costs less than Although you have to buy a ticket but it isn’t expensive So you don't have to spend a lot of money on it, everyone is eligible to participate THE KIND OF SWIMMINGThe Freestyle Stroke: It is often the favorite kind of swim of the professional swimmers Freestyle is fast and efficient, can say is the fastest in all type That’s why it is used in freestyle competitions Breaststroke: It is the most popular style swim of all Breaststroke is often the first kind of swim taught to beginners and many casual swimmers may only swim this style In fact, it has a slow movement speed the slowest if use in the competitive contests but it's a good choose at endurance competitions Backstroke: It's swim on the back face the sky About movement speed, Backstroke is faster than breaststroke but slower than butterfly Backstroke swimming is prescribed for those in difficulty because it gives the back a great workout Butterfly: This is a type of swim in its unique, breakthrough and extremely beautiful with flexible motions by body undulation like a wave Just after the freestyle, Butterfly is the second fastest if talk about movement speed It has hard to learn and is quickly exhausting because wasting a lot of power But once you have succeed in controlling it, just a few lengths of butterfly can be a lot of fun to you ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Advantages: Very low possibility of injury and it's less affect old injuries Helps cooling, body will less to overheat when hot weather To meet new people, add new relationships and play with friends Disadvantages: For women, swimming can make the body become rough The skin can be damaged because ontact with water for too long and receive ultraviolet rays from the sun Chlorine the chemical in the pool water if the air stagnanted might have unsafe levels of in the air, it’s a toxin that might cause asthma and other respiratory conditions CONCLUSION Swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world Moreover, it provides for swimmer some severe physicals and mental benefits I learned to swim when I was 15 years old And right from the start, I have had a love for swimming and the desire to be in the pool Swimming will always be my favorite hobby because it isn’t only healthy and fun but also a life-saving skill I liked the competitive aspect of swimming Sometimes it's difficult to say "who is being ahead of you or behind you?", but as soon as you touch that wall and find that "No one else it's me and right now I'm having a real nice feeling" Do you want to swimming like me? All you needed are swimsuits make you feel comfortable and a swimming goggle to protect your eyes!