American - English Pronunciation

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American - English Pronunciation

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July 6, 2013 American English Pronunciation Program Living Language Written by Barbara Raifsnider 1999 Первые четыре кассеты я пропускаю – они есть в брошюре. А вот две последние пытаюсь на слух законспектировать. Потом выделю главное. Работа идет не равномерно – по обстоятельствам. ;-) Замечания по почте или Icq#75088656// slavaaa @ hotmail . com или надежнее yanko _ slava @ yahoo . com 1. Первое на что бы я хотел обратить внимание – это “ T ” и “ D ” между гласными, не важно “TT” или “DD” это. Звучат они почти одинаково — T d . Можно сказать, что чистой буквы “T” в американском языке гораздо меньше чем нам кажется. Второе, касающееся буквы “T” — ее любят не произносить вааще (Смотрите Drop “T” and “D”) в окончании слов или имитировать ее прерыванием потока воздуха, как в слове «Wha(t)» — т.е. “T” не произносят, но при этом как бы резко обрывают голос. С буквой “D” та же история. Ее вааще не произносят, например, в слове Friends и ему подобных. Но нужно понять, что эти несколько фишек используются ТОТАЛЬНО. И это меняет все звучание беглой речи начисто. Для примера можете послушать припев из песни той же Агулеры “Genie in a Bottle” — где Bottle звучит как Bott d le. Это правило. 2. Второе — это буква “i” совсем не русская «и» - чаще это «Ы» или вааще, так называемая «ШВА» некое «Э». Например, на курсах English здесь, в New York’e мне не могли объяснить разницу между Сукой и Пляжем. Говорили — освоитесь – научитесь различать. Да все проще — Beach – более русское «И», а в Bitch – откровенно и грубо Бы[э]ч. Вот и все. Это различие между «И» и «Ы» принципиально. 3. При образовании множественного числа буквой “S”, для меня разница психологически заключалась в том, что я это окончание больше ощущал как относящееся к слову, в котором оно и образует множественное число. Но на практике, в устной речи, это окончание всеееегггдддаааа сливается с последующим словом больше чем с тем, в котором оно образует множественное число. И так получается, что просто следующее слово начинается с буквы “S”. 4. Четвертое — это drop the “H” и “TH”. Это вааще мне показалось сенсацией на практике. Что такое ДыдыДуЫт? = Did He Do It? При этом, как говорилось в первом пункте — “D” между гласными звучит и произносится как D d . Получается скороговорка Did d H e D d o It как одно слово. Тоже самое и с “TH”. 5. Дальше слияние или вычеркивание одинаковых букв в окончаниях предыдущих и началах последующих слов. I hat e t o do it. 6. Шестое — опять-таки Drop “T” в DON’T CAN’T и прочих. Например, в Хвостатых вопросах — isn’t it и прочая. American English Pronunciation Program .1 Cassette 1.1-2.2 5 Cassette 1.1 .10 SECTION ONE: VOWELS 10 Здесь закончил 14 SHORT VOWELS .14 CONFUSING VOWEL PAIRS LONG EE / SHORT IH .19 LONG A/SHORT EH .19 LONG O / SHORT O .19 SECTION TWO: CONSONANTS .24 SIMPLE CONSONANTS .24 R .25 COMPARISON L / R 26 TH: VOICED / VOICELESS PAIRS 26 S 27 Z 28 COMPARISON: S / Z 28 SH 29 ZH 29 COMPARISON: ZH / SH .29 F .30 V 30 COMPARISON F/V .31 M 31 N 31 NG 32 NG + G 32 NK 33 Y 33 W 34 H 34 P .35 PH 35 PS .35 B .35 T .36 D 36 COMPARISON T/D .37 K 37 G 37 J 38 CH 38 COMPARISON SH / CH 39 hints 1 39 1 STRESSED SYLLABLES BEGINNING WITH P, K.T .39 P .39 K 39 T .39 2 UNSTRESSED SYLLABLES BEGINNING WITH P, K.T .39 3 MIDDLE Td .40 COMPARISON: MIDDLE T/MIDDLE D41 4 T / D FOLLOWED BY L AT THE END OF WORDS .41 5 T FOLLOWING N .41 6 T FOLLOWED BY -EN,-ON,-IN 42 7 T, D. K, G, P. or B AT THE END OF A WORD .42 GRAMMATICAL ENDING S as /S/ 43 GRAMMATICAL ENDING –ED 44 INITIAL CONSONANT CLUSTERS 46 FINAL CONSONANT CLUSTERS .56 Cassette 4.1 .63 Hints .63 Hint # 1 .63 Stressed syllables beginning with P, K, T .63 Hint # 2 .63 Unstress syllables beginning with P,K,D 63 Hint # 3 .63 MIDDLE “T”. “…t…; …tt…” = “Td” .63 MIDDLE “D”. “…d…; …dd…” = “Td” 63 Hint # 4 .63 T / D followed by “L” at the end of the words 63 Hint # 5 .64 “T” following “N” .64 Hint # 6 .64 “T” folowed by —EN, —ON, —IN. .64 Cassette 5.1 .64 Final clusters sounds 64 Section III: Linking 64 1. Link a final consonant sound to a vowel to begin the next word 64 2. Появление Y-sound between two words 64 4. Одинаковые или похожие окончания и начала следующих слов .65 5. Consonant + Vowel = LINKING .65 6. Y-link .65 Cassette 5.2 .65 Practice exercises using the W— link .66 Practice Y— link .66 Конец — Начало. The end + the beginning .66 Drop “T” and “D” .67 SECTION 4 Reduced English .67 PART I Reductions 68 The second category of vowel reductions 69 IS and AS sound the same .69 “AS” .69 “IS” 69 “WAS” .69 “IN” .69 “OF” .69 OF = [A] 69 “OF” = [OV] .69 “AND” and “AN” sounds the same = “N” 69 “AND” .70 “AN” 70 “AT” 70 “FOR” 70 “OR” and “ARE” sounds the same 70 “ARE” 70 “OUR” .70 “THE” [tha], [thi:] .70 “THAN” .71 “YOUR” 71 “SOME” .71 “BUT” 71 “TO” 71 Some “WH—words” are reduced when they being used as conjunction. 71 PART 2 CONTRACTIONS. 72 ‘m, ‘is, are, have, has .72 Cassette 6.1 .73 ISN’T .73 AREN’T .73 DON’T 73 DOESN’T .73 DIDN’T .73 HASN’T 73 HAVEN’T .73 HADN’T .73 CAN&CAN’T 73 “H”— reduction .74 HAVE .74 HAVAN’T 74 HAS/HE 74 HIS 74 HASN’T HE .74 HAS HIM 74 HERS 74 HASN’T&HER .74 HE’S 74 Rapid English Hints and Phrases 74 S, Z,T,D before “Y” .74 S+Y=[SH] [Ш] .74 Z+Н=[ZH] [ЖЬ] [ЖЬЁ] .75 T+Y=[CH] [ЧЬ] 75 D+Y=[DJ] [ДЖЬЮ] .75 S/Z+SH=[SH][Шь] .75 THE REDUCTION MANY COMMONLY USED VERB FORMS .75 Has to 75 Have to 75 Had to 75 Ought to 75 Got to 76 Want to 76 Used to 76 Suppose to .76 MODAL CONTRACTIONS. .76 Таблица modal contractions 76 Should have .76 Shouldn’t have 76 Would have .76 Wouldn’t have .76 Could have 76 Couldn’t have 76 Must have 76 Must not have 76 Might have .76 Use easier form before consonants. 76 “DON’T” = “DONE” [doun] 76 “DIDN’T” = [DINT] or [din(t)] 77 RAPID ENGLISH PHRASES .77 What do you = [wodiya] [вудийа] 77 Who does = Who’s [huz] [ху:з] 77 Where did I = Wheredy [уэадай] 77 Where did you =Wheredja [уэаджа] .77 What am I = Whatdamy [уотdэмай] .77 What are you = Whatcha = [уотча] .77 … am I = my [май] 77 Are you = areye [арйе] 77 Could you = Couldja [куджа] .77 Couldn’t you = Couldnchu [куднчу] 77 Would you = wouldja [вуджа] 77 In informal conversations to drop the helping or auxiliary verbs out of questions .78 SECTION 5 STRESS 78 —hood, —ship, —ful(l), —wise, —ness, —some, —less, —an, —er, —ish, —ly, —able, —al, —dom, —ess, and —en Stress NounsVerbs .79 Stress of Phrasal Nouns Phrasal Verbs 80 Phrasal verbs — stress on 2nd syllable .80 Noun – stress on 1st syllable .80 —ate 80 —ATE Verbs = [ei] 80 Adjectives, nouns = [эт] .80 —ble 81 —ic 81 —ion .81 ––ial .81 —ical .81 —ity 81 —ous .81 —graph .81 —graphy .81 —ian 81 —ient .81 —logy .81 —ify 81 —ain 81 Конец 6.1 .81 Cassette 6.2 .81 — ICE .81 — ILE .81 — INE .81 UNSTRESS PREFIXES .82 a— , be— , for— , out— , over— , un— , under— , up— , with— 82 THE ENDS 82 — ness, —ment, — able, — ive, — ous, —or, —ist 82 The endings came from French – Stress of/or the last syllable .82 LINK THE VOWEL 82 VOWELS .82 T—D 83 P—B 83 K—G 83 F—V 83 S—Z .83 TH[S]—TH[Z] after TH[Z] + “E” = [Z] .83 SECTION VI .84 PART I .84 INTONATION 84 1. Обычное предложение 84 2. Exclamatory statement. .84 3. Command .84 4. Choice-questions 84 TAG-QUESTIONS 85 LISTENING 85 PART II 86 WORD STRESS 86 KEY-WORDS .86 THIRD GROUPS 86 Next we’ll talk about PREPOSITIONS .87 Finally here some examples of stressed pronouns .87 PART III .87 SPEECH PATTdERNS .87 VOICE RANGE 87 END 88 Cassette 1.1-2.2 Я бы обратил внимание на звук — L (21) Варианты O = A (стр. 18) Cassette 3.2 T d &D — стр.41 Cassette 3.2 LIVING LANGUAGE ® A Random House Company American English Pronunciation Program Written by Barbara Raifsnider Edited by Christopher A.Wamasch Copyright® 1999 by Living Language,A Random House Company. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Living Language.A Random House Company, 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022. Random House, Inc. New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, Auckland. Living Language' is a registered trademark of Crown Publishers, lnc.,A Random House Company. Manufactured in the United States of America. ISBN 0-609-60419-8 1098765432 I First Edition Living Language* publications are available at special discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions or premiums, as well as for fund-raising or educational use. Special editions can be created in large quantities for special needs. For more information, write to: Special Sales Manager, Living Language, 201 East 50th Street, New York. New York 10022. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to the Living Language staff: LisaAlpert, Ana Suffredini, Andrea Rosen, Christopher Medellin, Germaine Ma, Eric Sommer, Helen Tang, Erin Bekowies, Amy Boorstein, and Jim Walsh. Recorded at Paul Ruben Productions, Inc., New York. NY. Special thanks to Paul Ruben, Paula Parker, Jeff Woodman, and Zed Starkovich. CONTENTS SECTION ONE: VOWELS Long Vowels 11 Short Vowels 15 Vowels Followed by L or R 21 SECTION TWO: CONSONANTS Simple Consonants 25 Initial Consonant Clusters 47 Final Consonant Clusters 57 Please note that the following sections appear on the recordings only: SECTION THREE: LINKING SECTION FOUR: REDUCED ENGLISH SECTION FIVE: STRESS SECTION SIX: INTONATION LIVING LANGUAGE A Random House Company American English Pronunciation Program Cassette 1.1 SECTION ONE: VOWELS To pronounce long vowels: 1. Keep your tongue tight. 2. Hold the sound of the vowel. 3. Make your voice go up and then glide down at the end. To pronounce short vowels: 1. Keep your tongue relaxed. 2. Keep the sound short. 3. Do not let your voice glide down at the end. beat/bet cape/cap hope/hop LONG VOWELS LONG EE Common Spellings: e, ee, ea, e + consonant + e, -y he three be we she tree knee gee see Lee Dee fee key pea tea agree keep heat seat seek leap meek weak bead, read deep sweep repeat deplete concede sweet Here, take this seat. I think we all agree that the tree needs to be trimmed. When does he go out to sea? How can you leap to such sweeping conclusions? This heat is depleting my energy. 11 [...]... happened to the dog's paw? Paul looked awful the last time I saw him I ought to get up at dawn This cough is from the cold I caught I thought the coffee was awful today 17 COMPARISON: AW / SHORT O (REGIONAL PRONUNCIATION) saw/saw awful/awful cahght/caught dog/dog water/water coffee/coffee off/off walk/walk SHORT OO Common Spellings: oo, ou, u could put cook brook should took nook crook would soot book cushy... breath/breathe cloth/clothe ether/either wrath/rather What are those things over there? They don't know whether he's wealthy or not The man in the leather jacket is very thoughtful The weather man says it's thirty-three degrees This warmth is rather odd this year There are a few things I need to think about S rice sweet sale Susan submit sedan soup solve sold Sally sit cell sing Rosa soda This soda is too sweet . it. 6. Шестое — опят - аки Drop “T” в DON’T CAN’T и прочих. Например, в Хвостатых вопросах — isn’t it и прочая. American English Pronunciation Program .1. SECTION FOUR: REDUCED ENGLISH SECTION FIVE: STRESS SECTION SIX: INTONATION LIVING LANGUAGE A Random House Company American English Pronunciation Program

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2013, 01:25

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