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An investigation into the relationship between motivations and language learning strategies of first year students at faculty of electrical engineering technology, hanoi university of industry

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ***************** QUÁCH THU HƢƠNG AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTIVATIONS AND LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES OF FIRSTYEAR STUDENTS AT FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY Nghiên cứu mối quan hệ động lực học chiến lƣợc học ngôn ngữ sinh viên năm khoa Điện, trƣờng Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội M.A Minor Programme Thesis Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Hanoi - 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ***************** QUÁCH THU HƢƠNG AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTIVATIONS AND LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES OF FIRSTYEAR STUDENTS AT FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF INDUSTRY Nghiên cứu mối quan hệ động lực học chiến lƣợc học ngôn ngữ sinh viên năm khoa Điện, trƣờng Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội M.A Minor Programme Thesis Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Dr ĐỖ MINH HOÀNG Hanoi - 2017 DECLARATION I hereby declare that the thesis entitled “An investigation into the relationship between motivations and language learning strategies of first-year students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology, Hanoi University of Industry” is the result of my own research for the Degree of Master at the University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS), Viet Nam National University, and this thesis has not been submitted for any other degrees I also accept all the requirements of ULIS relating to the retention and use of M.A Graduation Thesis deposited in the library Hanoi, 2017 Quách Thu Hương i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr Đỗ Minh Hoàng for helping me complete this study This paper would not be finished without his support and guidance His useful suggestions and valuable critical feedback encouraged me during the process of conducting this study I would also like to give my warmest thanks to the students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology, Hanoi University of Industry who helped me a lot and showed their great willingness to take part in my survey and interview My special thanks also go to my lecturers, my friends, my classmates for valuable comments and criticism, their interest and encouragement Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents and my brother for their love, care and encouragement ii ABSTRACT This study investigates into the relationship between motivations and language learning strategies in the context of learning English as a second language of first-year students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology, Hanoi University of Industry The participants included 100 non-English major freshmen The data were collected from survey questionnaires and interviews with 10 students The results show that the students had strong instrumental orientations and integrative orientations It is suggested that they focused mainly on practical benefits and communicative purposes In terms of learning strategy, participants used social and cognitive strategies most frequently; on the other hand, the use of compensation strategies gained the least attention Moreover, there were significant correlations among types of motivation and learning strategies which were consistent to previous studies From the findings and discussion based on data collection, some pedagogical implications, limitations and recommendations for further studies were included in this research iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS iv LISTS OF FIGURES, TABLES AND CHARTS v PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the problem and rationale of the study Objectives of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Significance of the study Organization of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 The overview of motivation in second language learning 1.2 The overview of language learning strategies 1.3 Related previous studies on the relationship between motivations and language learning strategies 11 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 14 2.1 The context of the study and the research participants 14 2.2 Research method 15 2.3 Data collection instruments 15 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 25 3.1 Data analysis 25 3.2 Discussion 38 PART C: CONCLUSION 42 Concluding remarks 42 Pedagogical implications 43 Limitations and suggestions for further research 44 REFERENCES 45 APPENDICES I Appendix 1: Questionnaire: The language learning questionnaire (English version) I Appendix 2: Questionnaire: The language learning questionnaire (Vietnamese version) V Appendix 3: Interview Scripts in English (Summary) .IX LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS EFT: English as a Foreign Language I: Interviewer L2: Second language LLS: Language Learning Strategies P: Participant RQ: Research Question SILL: Strategy Inventory for Language Learning iv LISTS OF FIGURES, TABLES AND CHARTS Figure 1: Gardner’s Socio-Educational Model of Motivation Figure 2: Theoretical Framework for L2 Learning Motivation Scale 17 Table 1: Theoretical Framework for L2 Learning Strategy Use Scale 18 Table 2: Scale showing level of (dis)agreement 22 Table 3: Oxford’s scale showing the frequencies of strategy use 23 Table 4: Summary of Descriptive Statistic for Language Learning Motivation 25 Chart 1: The overall mean of six motivational types 26 Table 5: Descriptive Statistic for Each Motivational Item 27 Table 6: Summary of Descriptive Statistic for Language Learning Strategy Use30 Chart 2: The overall mean for six types of language strategy use 31 Table 7: Descriptive Statistic for Each Language Strategy Use Item 32 Table 8: Correlations of motivational and strategy use components 35 Table 9: Correlation Coefficients between overall motivation and learning strategies 37 v PART A: INTRODUCTION In this part, the researcher will present the rationale of the study, the objectives, the scope, the methods, the significance, and the organization of the study Statement of the problem and rationale of the study With educational innovation in recent years, it seems that research trend in English Language Teaching is shifted from language teaching methodology to language learning When teacher centeredness has been substituted by learner centeredness, teaching method does not play the most important role in leading to success or failure of teaching and learning second language any more Besides, other factors such as learners’ autonomy, learning strategies, learners’ beliefs and attitudes may have decisive effects on second language acquisition According to Ellis (1985), language learning strategies and motivation are considered to be two key components to make differences in individual language learners In other words, learners’ motivation and learning strategies are crucial elements involved in achievement of second language learning Hence, it is necessary for both teachers and learners to find out factors which motivate students to learn English and general strategies used in learning process It is the fact that a close relationship between motivations and language learning strategies has been proved in some research (Ellis, 1994; Wen, 2004) However, it is hard to find the research which directly shows how much motivations have great influence on learners’ strategies and what aspects clearly reflect the relationship between them That is the reason why more studies should be conducted to investigate students’ motivations and their learning strategies to learn English in other countries in general as well as in Vietnam in particular From the fact presented above, the researcher can assert that finding “the relationship between motivations and language learning strategies” is very necessary for students to develop their English It is the reason that motivated the researcher to conduct a study Appendix 2: Questionnaire: The language learning questionnaire (Vietnamese version) PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT Mối quan hệ động lực học chiến lƣợc học tiếng Anh Các em thân mến, Cảm ơn em sẵn sàng hoàn thành phiếu khảo sát Những câu hỏi nhằm mục đích thu thập ý kiến em phục vụ cho khảo sát động thúc đẩy việc học tiếng Anh chiến lược học tiếng Anh mà em sử dụng Các em trả lời câu hỏi độc lập Tất thông tin cá nhân ý kiến em bảo mật tuyệt đối Các em đánh dấu () vào trống thích hợp để đánh giá Phần A: Phần B: 1= Hoàn tồn khơng đồng ý = Tơi khơng làm việc 2= Không đồng ý = Tôi làm việc 3= Khơng hồn tồn đồng ý phản đối = Tôi làm việc 4= Đồng ý = Tôi thường xuyên làm việc 5= Hoàn toàn đồng ý = Tôi luôn làm việc V PHẦN A: ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC TIẾNG ANH Câu hỏi STT 10 11 12 Tôi tham gia lớp học tiếng Anh lớp học khơng bắt buộc Tơi thích dùng tiếng Anh bên lớp học tơi có hội Tơi học tiếng Anh chủ yếu nhà trường yêu cầu sinh viên học môn học Nâng cao lực sử dụng tiếng Anh đem lại cho tơi lợi ích kinh tế Tôi học tiếng Anh để hiểu phim, video hát tiếng Anh Tôi học tiếng Anh để giao tiếp với người bạn nói tiếng Anh Hiện tại, đạt điểm cao môn học điều quan trọng Tôi muốn học tốt bạn khác lớp Tôi thường cảm thấy lười biếng buồn chán học lớp tiếng Anh Khi gặp tập khó bỏ qua làm dễ Tơi khơng lo lắng việc mắc lỗi nói trước lớp Tôi e giáo viên sửa tất lỗi mà mắc phải VI PHẦN B: CHIẾN LƢỢC HỌC TIẾNG ANH Câu hỏi STT 1 Tơi nói viết từ tiếng Anh vài lần 10 11 12 hình ảnh tranh từ để nhớ từ dễ Tơi dùng flash card để ghi nhớ từ tiếng Anh Tôi liên kết âm từ tiếng Anh với Tôi xem chương trình tiếng Anh phim tiếng Anh Tôi đọc tiếng Anh mà không tra nghĩa từ Nếu không nghĩ từ tiếng Anh tơi dùng từ cụm từ tương đương nghĩa Tôi ý đến lỗi mà mắc phải dùng tiếng Anh sử dụng thơng tin để học tốt Tơi lập kế hoạch để có đủ thời gian học tiếng Anh Tôi cố thư giãn cảm thấy sợ dùng tiếng Anh Tơi trị chuyện với cảm nhận học tiếng Anh Nếu không hiểu điều tiếng Anh tơi u cầu người khác nói chậm lại nhắc lại Tơi luyện tiếng Anh với bạn sinh viên khác Nếu em muốn tham gia vấn, vui lòng điền thông tin đây: Họ tên: _ Chữ ký: _ VII Số điện thoại: _ Email: Ngày em muốn tham gia vấn: _ Cảm ơn hợp tác em VIII Appendix 3: Interview Scripts in English (Summary) INTERVIEW SCRIPTS IN ENGLISH (SUMMARY) Student 1: I: How long have you been learning English? P: About 10 years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Not really Because it is very hard to understand what people say and I can’t remember new words in English well I: Why are you learning English? P: Because it is a compulsory subject at my university I must learn it to pass the exam and meet graduation requirement I: Do you think learning English will help you find a good job with a high salary? Why or why not? P: I’m not sure because some companies require other foreign languages such as Japanese, Chinese or Korean I: How you learn English? P: I often learn English by listening to music and watching films in English I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Learning new words/ phrases by writing them several times or doing grammar exercises - Listening to music and watching films in English with subtitles - Learning by heart before the exam I mean that I often write topics in English provided by my teacher and then I learn by heart most of them to prepare for the test Sometimes, I practice speaking cards with my roommate I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you IX not use them? P: - I think practicing speaking English with native speakers is an effective way to improve my proficiency but I’ve never done it before because I’m afraid of misunderstanding or having troubles in acquiring what they are saying Student 2: I: How long have you been learning English? P: Nearly years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Yes, of course Because it helps me meet and interact with people from many cultures, broaden my social relationships I: Why are you learning English? P: Because I want proficiency in four skills of English I: How you learn English? P: I learn English at school and English center Sometimes, I take part in English clubs I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Learning English through online classes - Listening to music and watching films in English with subtitles - Reading English books - Communicate with friends in English every day I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: Subscribing to Kenny N Channel on Youtube to learn and improve pronunciation may bring you practical and valuable experience X Student 3: I: How long have you been learning English? P: About years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Yes Because it is very interesting and it helps me understand songs, films in English I: Why are you learning English? P: Because I think I can find a good job position with better salary Moreover, I don’t have to pay for studying English again (Because at my university, if I fail the exam, I will learn the second time or even the third time with a huge amount of money) I dream of being an engineer so I learn English to catch up with new technology innovations and developments I: How you feel when the teacher gives feedback on your performance? Are you afraid? P: No, I’m not afraid I feel my teacher’s feedback is very helpful for me and I use it to eliminate my mistakes later on I: What happen if the teacher says something that you don’t understand? P: I ask her to say it again or I make guesses I: How you learn English? P: I often learn English by listening to music and watching films in English I: Do you plan time to study English on your own? P: Not very often I: Would you study before the test? P: Well, I often simple review Sometimes, I borrow my friends’ notes and copy them I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning XI English? P: - Learning by heart new words/ phrases or grammar structures - Listening to the lecture in class and take notes of important things (new words, meaning, pronunciation, etc.) - Listening to English songs and watching English films with Vietnamese subtitles or Vietnamese films shown with English subtitles 10 I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: - Learning English with foreigners Student 4: I: How long have you been learning English? P: I have been learning English for years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Yes, I really like learning English because learning English well brings me a lot of chances to communicate and make friends Moreover, I need it for my future job I: Why are you learning English? P: Because of some following reasons: - First, it is a compulsory subject at school and university now - Second, it is my favourite subject - Third, studying this language allows me to interact with people who speak it (foreigners, native speakers) - The last one is that I have opportunities to get a good job I: How you learn English? P: - I study new words in English news, books or cartoon movies - I usually exercise to reinforce grammar and vocabulary knowledge XII - I often practice English with my classmates and roommates I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Communicating with native speakers - Practicing listening and speaking at home - Learning how to pronounce sounds/ words in English exactly I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: - Learning other subjects with books written by English Student 5: I: How long have you been learning English? P: Nearly 11 years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Yes, I enjoy learning English Because: - It is quite interesting - I cannot communicate with foreigners easily without English - Most of software and information technology knowledge are written in English so learning English helps me approach to modern technology or advanced program better I: Why are you learning English? P: Because of some following reasons: - It is a compulsory subject at school - Learning English is one of my hobbies I: How you learn English? P: - I study English in class through my teacher’s guidance XIII - I study English at home through the mass media, the Internet (Youtube), social networks (Facebook) I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Watching bilingual movies - Imitating what people said in films/ videos - Listening to English songs - Practicing speaking English based on suggested cards or topics from my teacher I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: - Communicating with native speakers Student 6: I: How long have you been learning English? P: For years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Sometimes, I like it Sometimes, I don’t like I: Why are you learning English? P: Because I think learning English is helpful for my future If I have a good chance and much money, I want to learn Chinese I: How you learn English? P: It depends on my feeling and emotion When I feel good, I study better but when I’m lazy, sad or I have troubles, I don’t want to learn I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Listening to music and watch films with both English and Vietnamese subtitles XIV - Watching comic videos performed by “Anh da den” with subtitles These videos are about real situations in modern life so I can learn many new words and his culture However, I think it’s not suitable for everyone as there is too much foul language on these videos I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: - Practice English with English native speakers Student 7: I: How long have you been learning English? P: I have been learning English for 10 years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: No When I started learning English, I quite like it but I haven’t liked it since I went to high school Because, I didn’t understand what the teacher taught and she failed in catching my attention I: Can you explain more? (examples, your own story?) P: My teacher at high school usually became angry when I forget my notebook or couldn’t answer her questions I: Why are you learning English? P: I just learn English for passing the exam I: Just for exam? Do you think that you can use English in the future or the real life? P: Yes, partly I can apply some simple structures for conversations in the real life I: How you learn English? P: I only learn English in class I just learn at home if I have homework I usually ask my teacher to send to me extra practice exercises and ask her to check my tasks I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning XV English? P: Do homework and learn new words frequently I: How you learn new words? P: I mainly learn by heart I: In what ways? P: I say or write new English words several times Sometimes, I practice the sounds of these words I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: I think I should practice listening English more Student 8: I: How long have you been learning English? P: years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: No It’s very difficult so I feel discouraged I’m lazy and bad at English as well I: Why are you learning English? P: Because it is a required subject in training program at school and I need a certificate to apply for a job I: How you learn English? P: I learn English based on the textbook that my teacher provided and taught at class I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: I don’t know I: What happen if the teacher says something that you don’t understand? XVI P: I ask my classmate who sits next to me or I skip it I: What you often before the English test? P: I have some studious friends They often prepare very well for the exam like exam revision plan or writing samples so I copy these things from them and learn by heart some I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: - Studying online - Improving listening skills by watching films, videos in English Student 9: I: How long have you been learning English? P: About 10 years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: Not just love but I'm very interested in English because English is the popular language all over the world, very beautiful language too I: What is your motivation to learn English? P: Because of some following reasons: - It is my favourite subject - I need it for my future career - It will be a competitive advantage after graduation and I will be highly appreciated if I can communicate in English fluently - Learning English is important for travelling abroad - English helps me connect to the other side of knowledge and go abroad - Studying English enables me to communicate with foreigners such as giving directions to tourists or discussing some topics with them (He told that he used to XVII visit Hoan Kiem lake and meet some foreigners They asked him to show the way to Old Quarter and he didn’t know how to help them.) I: How you learn English? P: - The way I learn E is different than my friend I learn English by watching movies, listening to music every day Most of time I learn English by playing video games with English subtitles - Participating English center and clubs and practicing speaking English with other members I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Learning with English native speakers I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: - Listening and writing scripts - Imitating I: Why you think that they might be useful? P: Because I can practice listening skills, learn new words Also, I can enhance my pronunciation and talk like native speakers Student 10: I: How long have you been learning English? P: I have been learning English for 10 years I: Do you like learning English? Why or why not? P: I really like learning English Because learning English is very helpful for my future career Besides, I use English as a tool to make friends with foreigners in the Internet XVIII I: What is your motivation to learn English? P: English is an international and popular language so learning English helps me to be more confident when I communicate with other people who speak English I love England and English is one of the best and useful languages I have ever known First, I learned English because I like it much Later, I think it's good for me to study and work I: How you learn English? P: I learn English by myself through Youtube and some foreign friends, and I also learn English at university too I also take extra classes at an English center I: What specific techniques and methods you think are very useful in learning English? P: - Mastering vocabulary and grammar structures by writing sentences, paragraphs and ask my teacher or English speakers to correct me as well as give feedback on my mistakes - Practicing speaking English in front of the mirror and paying attention to my mistakes, then improving them - Recording videos by myself, then posting them on Facebook and asking for comments from my friends/ teachers - The method in learning E that I like most is studying with some foreign friends to improve listening and speaking skills, watch more English instruction videos on Youtube I: What are the other ways that you know that could be used to learn English but you not use them? P: The other ways I know that could be used to learn English but I not use it is seeing movie or listening to music It's good for you to learn vocabulary but you could be hard to listen because they speak too fast XIX ... are language learning motivations of first- year students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology, Hanoi University of Industry?  What are language learning strategies of first- year students. .. language learning motivations of first- year students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology, Hanoi University of Industry? RQ 2: What are language learning strategies of first- year students. .. into the relationship between motivations and language learning strategies in the context of learning English as a second language of first- year students at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology,

Ngày đăng: 19/07/2017, 19:26



