Tài liệu giảng dạy môn Chi tiết máy tại trường Đại học Bách Khoa TP.HCM. The purpose of the present book is to offer the reader an attempt at asystematic exposition of rules for rational designing. With all the diversity of the modern. machinebuilding the tasks racing the designer are similar in many respects. It is the reduction of the weight and specific metalwork weight of the machine, the improved suitability for industrial production, greater durability and reliability that are of importance for the design of any machine, the ·difference lying only in the relative significance of these fadors. AU this enables one to formulate the principles of rational designing as a code of general rules for machine building. The prime intention of the book is to make the designer learn to work creatively. To design imaginatively means: to abstain from blindly copying the existing prototypes and to design meaningfully, selecting from the entire store of the design solutions offered by the presentday mechanical engineering the ones that are most suitable under given conditions; to be able to combine various solutions and find new, better ones, i. e., display initiative and put vim in the work; to continually improve the machines characteristics and to