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The Handy Biology Answer Book

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  • Cover






    • Biology and Life

    • Classification of Life

    • Basic Chemistry for Biology

    • Molecules and Biology

    • Molecules and Energy

    • Fermentation

    • Enzymes—and Proteins—at Work


    • Historical Views of Cells

    • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

    • Structures inside Cells

    • Cell Walls and Membranes

    • Plant Cell Basics

    • Cell Division

    • Cell Responses


    • Historical Interest in Bacteria

    • Bacteria Basics

    • Virus Basics

    • Protists


    • Historical Interest in Fungi

    • Classifying Fungi

    • Fungi Basics

    • Fungi in the Environment

    • Mushrooms and Edible Fungi

    • Lichens

    • Yeasts


    • Early Plants

    • Historical Interest in Plants

    • Botany Basics

    • Bryophytes

    • Tracheophytes—Ferns

    • Tracheophytes—Gymnosperms

    • Tracheophytes—Flowering Plants (Angiosperms)


    • Plant Structures

    • Seeds

    • Roots

    • Shoots, Stems, and Leaves

    • Flowers

    • Plants and Soils

    • Plant Responses to Stimuli

    • Plant Uses


    • Historic Interest in Animal Diversity

    • Animals in General

    • Aquatic Animals

    • In Between Sea and Land

    • Aquatic and Land Arthropods

    • Land Animals

    • Mammals


    • Animal Anatomy Basics

    • Tissue and Cells

    • Organs and Organ Systems

    • Digestion

    • Respiration

    • Circulatory System

    • Excretory System

    • Skeletal System


    • Physiology Basics

    • Endocrine System

    • Nervous System

    • Immune System

    • Animal Senses

    • Reproduction


    • Behavior Basics

    • Animal Instinct, Learning, and Emotions

    • Behavioral Ecology

    • Behavior of Animals in Motion


    • History of Nucleic Acids

    • DNA and RNA

    • Chromosomes

    • Genes

    • Genetics and the Human Genome

    • Genetic Mutations


    • Early Studies in Heredity

    • Natural Selection

    • Highlights of Evolution

    • Extinction

    • Species and Population


    • The Earth’s Environment

    • Biomes

    • Endangered Plants and Animals

    • Conservation

    • Environmental Challenges


    • Historical Interest in Biotechnology

    • A Look at a Genetics Lab

    • Cloning

    • DNA in the Lab

    • Inside Other Biotech Labs

    • Seeing Small

    • Biotech Labs and Food


    • Being Human

    • You and Your Cells

    • You and Your Body

    • You and Your Genes

    • You, Bacteria, and Viruses

    • You and Food

    • You and the “Other” Animals


    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • Z



    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X

    • Y

    • Z

Nội dung

Gene Therapy. DNA Profiling. Cloning. Stem Cells. Super Bugs. Botany. Zoology. Sex.The study of life and living organisms is ancient, broad, and ongoing. The thoroughly revised and completely updated second edition of The Handy Biology Answer Book examines, explains, and traces mankind’s understanding of this important topic. From the newsworthy to the practical and from the medical to the historical, this entertaining and informative book brings the complexity of life into focus through the wellresearched answers to nearly 1,300 common biology questions, including …• What is social Darwinism?• Is IQ genetically controlled?• Do animals commit murder?• How did DNA help “discover” King Richard III?• Is obesity inherited?The Handy Biology Answer Book covers all aspects of human, animal, plant, and microbial biology. It also introduces the scientists behind the breathtaking advances, tracing scientific history and milestones. It explains the inner workings of cells, as well as bacteria, viruses, fungi, plant and animal characteristics and diversity, endangered plants and animals, evolution, adaption and the environment, DNA and chromosomes, genetics and genetic engineering, laboratory techniques, and much more. This handy reference is the goto guide for students and the more learned alike. It’s for anyone interested in life

About the Authors Patricia Barnes-Svarney is a science and science fiction writer Over the past few decades, she has written or coauthored close to three dozen books, including When the Earth Moves: Rogue Earthquakes, Tremors, and Aftershocks and the award-winning New York Public Library Science Desk Reference Thomas E Svarney is a scientist who has written extensively about the natural world His books, with Patricia Barnes-Svarney, include Visible Ink Press’ The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book, The Handy Math Answer Book, and The Handy Ocean Answer Book, as well as Skies of Fury: Weather Weirdness around the World and The Oryx Guide to Natural History You can read more about their work and writing at www.pattybarnes.net i This page intentionally left blank THE HANDY BIOLOGY ANSWER BOOK This page intentionally left blank THE HANDY BIOLOGY ANSWER BOOK SECOND EDITION Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney Detroit THE HANDY BIOLOGY ANSWER BOOK Copyright © 2015 by Visible Ink Press® This publication is a creative work fully protected by all applicable copyright laws, as well as by misappropriation, trade secret, unfair competition, and other applicable laws No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or website All rights to this publication will be vigorously defended Visible Ink Press® 43311 Joy Rd., #414 Canton, MI 48187-2075 Visible Ink Press is a registered trademark of Visible Ink Press LLC Most Visible Ink Press books are available at special quantity discounts when purchased in bulk by corporations, organizations, or groups Customized printings, special imprints, messages, and excerpts can be produced to meet your needs For more information, contact Special Markets Director, Visible Ink Press, www.visibleink.com, or 734-667-3211 Managing Editor: Kevin S Hile Art Director: Mary Claire Krzewinski Typesetting: Marco Di Vita Proofreaders: Shoshana Hurwitz and Aarti Stephens Indexer: Larry Baker Cover images: Shutterstock ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-57859-490-0 (paperback) 978-1-57859-524-2 (pdf ebook) 978-1-57859-526-6 (Kindle ebook) 978-1-57859-525-9 (ePub ebook) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-P ublication Data Barnes-Svarney, Patricia L The handy biology answer book / by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney — 2nd edition pages cm Previous edition: The handy biology answer book (Detroit : Visible Ink Press, 2004) Includes bibliographical references ISBN 978-1-57859-490-0 (pbk : alk paper) Biology—Miscellanea I Svarney, Thomas E II Title QH349.H36 2015 570—dc23 2014009127 10 Contents A C K N OW L E D G M E N T S ix P H OTO C RE D ITS xi I NTRO D U CTI O N xiii BASICS OF BIOLOGYBiology and Life (1) … Classification of Life (11) … Basic Chemistry for Biology (14) … Molecules and Biology (22) … Molecules and Energy (24) … Fermentation (26) … Enzymes—and Proteins—at Work (30) CELLULAR BASICS … 35 Historical Views of Cells (35) … Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells (37) … Structures inside Cells (43) … Cell Walls and Membranes (50) … Plant Cell Basics (53) … Cell Division (57) … Cell Responses (60) BACTERIA, VIRUSES, AND PROTISTS … 65 Historical Interest in Bacteria (65) … Bacteria Basics (70) … Virus Basics (79) … Protists (88) … Fungi in the Environment (105) … Mushrooms and Edible Fungi (112) … Lichens (116) … Yeasts (119) PLANT DIVERSITY … 123 Early Plants (123) … Historical Interest in Plants (126) … Botany Basics (131) … Bryophytes (134) … Tracheophytes—Ferns (136) … Tracheophytes—Gymnosperms (139) … Tracheophytes—Flowering Plants (Angiosperms) (143) PLANT STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, AND USE … 149 Plant Structures (149) … Seeds (152) … Roots (154), Shoots, Stems, and Leaves (157) … Flowers (161) … Plants and Soils (163) … Plant Responses to Stimuli (164) … Plant Uses (167) FUNGI … 97 AQUATIC AND LAND ANIMAL DIVERSITY … 175 Historical Interest in Fungi (97) … Classifying Fungi (97) … Fungi Basics (100) Historic Interest in Animal Diversity (175) … Animals in General (176) … Aquatic Animals vii (181) … In Between Sea and Land (189) … Aquatic and Land Arthropods (193) … Land Animals (200) … Mammals (203) ANATOMY: ANIMALS INSIDE … 209 Animal Anatomy Basics (209) … Tissue and Cells (210) … Organs and Organ Systems (213) … Digestion (216) … Respiration (220) … Circulatory System (223) … Excretory system (230) … Skeletal System (233) PHYSIOLOGY: ANIMAL FUNCTION AND REPRODUCTION … 237 Physiology Basics (237) … Endocrine System (238) … Nervous System (241) … Immune System (247) … Animal Senses (248) … Reproduction (251) ANIMAL BEHAVIOR … 263 Behavior Basics (263) … Animal Instinct, Learning, and Emotions (267) … Behavioral Ecology (275) … Behavior of Animals in Motion (288) DNA, RNA, CHROMOSOMES, AND GENES … 293 History of Nucleic Acids (293) … DNA and RNA (298) … Chromosomes (305) … Genes G LO S SA RY 425 F U RT H E R R EA D I N G I N D E X 437 viii 431 (309) … Genetics and the Human Genome (312) … Genetic Mutations (318) HEREDITY, NATURAL SELECTION, AND EVOLUTION … 321 Early Studies in Heredity (321) … Natural Selection (324) … Highlights of Evolution (330) … Extinction (335) … Species and Population (338) ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY … 343 The Earth’s Environment (343) … Biomes (351) … Endangered Plants and Animals (358) … Conservation (362) … Environmental Challenges (364) BIOLOGY IN THE LABORATORY … 373 Historical Interest in Biotechnology (373) … A Look at a Genetics Lab (375) … Cloning (377) … DNA in the Lab (379) … Inside Other Biotech Labs (384) … Seeing Small (388) … Biotech Labs and Food (394) BIOLOGY AND YOU … 399 Being Human (399) … You and Your Cells (400) … You and Your Body (402) … You and Your Genes (409) … You, Bacteria, and Viruses (412) … You and Food (416) … You and the “Other” Animals (422) Acknowledgements We are indebted to the authors of the first edition of The Handy Biology Answer Book— James Bobick, Naomi Balaban, Sandra Bobick, and Laurel Roberts Their knowledge and research made our job of revising the book that much easier And there are also the people behind the scenes, as always We’d like to thank Roger Jänecke for all his help, and especially for asking us to revise the first edition; also thanks to Mary Claire Krzewinski for page and cover design, Marco Di Vita of the Graphix Group for typesetting, Shoshana Hurwitz for indexing, and Aarti Stephens and Shoshana (again) for proofreading An extra special thank you to Kevin Hile, our understanding editor for many “Handy Answer” books—who, as an editor and writer exceptionnel, is truly surpassed by few We’d also like to thank our wonderful agent, Agnes Birnbaum, for her help, patience, and above all, her friendship over the years We’d also like to acknowledge all those biologists—from botanists and bacteriologists to environmentalists and geneticists, past, present, and future—who have, are, and will try to solve the mysteries of life on our planet and beyond It’s almost impossible to comprehend the number and types of organisms that exist; and though we may never know all the answers, here’s to everyone who tries to comprehend just how the many organisms—including humans—fit in the grand scheme of life ix P pacing, animal, 287 Palade, George, 49 paleontology, Paleozoic era, pancreas, 60, 62, 214–15, 238–39, 381, 400, 409 pandemic vs epidemic, 84 pandemics, influenza, 84–85, 85 (ill.) panspermia, 5–6 paper, making, 139, 168–69 paracogenomics, 384 paramecium, 92 (ill.) parasitic plants, 166 parasitism, 279 parasitology, parazoans, 12 park, U.S national, 363 Parkinson’s disease, 59, 245 parthenogenesis, 406 parts of a flower, 161 (ill.), 161–62 passenger pigeons, 359 Pasteur, Louis, 27, 65–67, 66 (ill.), 76, 414 pasteurization, 29, 66, 76–77 patenting plants, 130 pathogens antibiotic resistance, 414 arthropods’ effect on humans, 195 B cells, 43 Bacteria domain, 72 deuteromycetes, 99 DNA fingerprinting, 383 evolution of humans, 400 fevers, 409 fungi as plant, 109–11 fungi attacking wood, 111 good bacteria, 412 Koch’s postulates, 66 mycorrhiza, 103 pasteurization, 76 Phytophthora infestans, 95 rusts and smuts, 109 subdisciplines in botany, 132 treating viral infections, 87 Pauling, Linus, 392 Pavlov, Ivan, 267–68 PCBs, 366, 391 peacocks, 261, 329 pearls, creation of, 184–85 peat moss, 136 pecking order, 278 penguins, 233, 253, 259, 266, 290, 342 penicillin, 68, 79, 384, 414 pepsin, 31, 36 Pepys, Samuel, 272 perfume, lichen, 118 perfume made from plants, 173 Periodic Table of the Elements, 14, 15 (ill.) peripheral nervous system, 242–44 Permian period, 336 peroxisomes, 49 Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik, 97 Petri, Julius Richard, 69 Petri dish, 69 petrified wood, 125 Pfungst, Oskar, 423 pH best soil for growing plants, 163–64 cell cultures, 385 classification of bacteria, 66 definition, 19 effect on bacterial growth, 75 enzymes, 31 eutrophication, 354 importance of to life, 19 intestinal flora, 73 kidney dialysis, 232 lichen colors, 118 locations of fungi, 101 marine bacteria, 72 protists found in polluted water, 94 scale, 19–20 stomach acid, 405–6 using cabbage to determine, 19 phagocytosis, 62, 64, 67, 94 phenotypes, 310–11, 313, 315, 324, 335 pheromones, 257, 274 phospholipids, 40, 51–52, 409, 419 phosphorus, 16, 103, 119, 163–64, 295, 355 photons, 53, 198 photoreceptors, 247, 249 photosynthesis ATP, 25 Bacteria domain, 72 Calvin cycle, 26 carbon cycle, 347 cells living in darkness, 61 characteristics of protists, 91–92 characteristics of tracheophytes, 149 chlorophyll, 55 chloroplasts, 55 classification of organisms, 11–12 copepods, 195 coral bleaching, 361 defining plants, 149 definition, 53 discoveries in, 53–54 earliest evidence of life, ecological role of lichens, 119 eukaryotic organelles containing DNA, 44 evolution of life on Earth, fluorescent animals, 198 fungi’s consumption of nutrients, 102 importance of light for, 53 leaves changing colors, 142 lichens, 116, 118 location of DNA in cells, 302 modified leaves, 160 mycorrhiza, 103 organisms in the kingdom Plantae, 123–24 origin of land plants, 124 parasitic plants, 166 plant leaves, 159 plant pigments, 151 plastids, 56 production of oxygen and use of carbon dioxide, 55 Protista, 89 protists found in polluted water, 94 protists’ gathering of nutrients, 92 relationship between lichens and fungi, 117 relationship between lichens and pollution, 119 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 149–150 stromatolites, phyla See also Classification animals, 177 gymnosperms, 139 plants, 133 phylogeny, 180–81, 330, 339 Physiological Society, 238 physiology animal reproduction, 251–261 animal senses, 248–251 basics of, 237–38 endocrine system, 238–241 immune system, 247–48 nervous system, 241–47 subdisciplines in botany, 132 Phytophthora infestans, 95, 97 pigeons, 222, 253–54, 261, 268, 275–77, 359, 403 pigment, plant See color INDEX silicon, specialized cells in mammals, 41 sponges, 181 stomata, 159 stromatolites, tube worms, 193 types of blood cells, 41 types of bonds, 17 water’s importance to life, ozone, 124, 347–49, 362, 365-66 467 468 Pinchot, Gifford, 362 pine trees, 104, 133, 139–140, 142–43, 153–54, 167 pinecones, 140–41 Plantae, 11–12, 37, 50, 123–24 plants age of fungi, 100 animal anatomy, 209 animals that eat, 216 antibiotic resistance, 416 artificial selection, 329 ATP, 25 basics of botany, 131–34 beneficial insects, 198 biogeography, 351 bioinvaders, 372 biology, bioprospecting, 384 bryophytes, 134–36, 351 Calvin cycle, 26 carbohydrates stored by fungi, 102 carbon cycle, 347 categorizing animal populations, 360 cell communication, 60 cell discoveries, 36 cell division in animals vs., 58 cell membranes, 52 cell theory, 35 cell walls, 50–51 cells living in darkness, 61 cells of, 38 (ill.), 53–57 changing of species, 327 characteristics of animals, 176 cholesterol, 416 classification of fungi, 97 classification of organisms, 11–12 classification of protists, 92 cloning, 377 coevolution, 334 color of, 55–56, 124, 151–52, 171–72 commercialization of DNA, 302 communities, 354 comparison of cell types, 38–39 components of eukaryotic cells, 43 daddy longlegs, 199 damage of DNA, 319 DDT, 365 definition, 149 difference between mold and mildew, 109 difference between moss and lichen, 118 digestive system of cows, 219 digestive system of rodents, rabbits, and hares, 220 dihybrid cross, 324 dinosaurs, 337 distribution of lichens, 117 diversity of, 123–147 DNA fingerprinting, 383 ecological succession, 357 ecoterrorism, 366 effect of pollution on, 105 El Nino and La Nina, 346 endangered, 358–362 endoplasmic reticulum, 45 energy storage of cells, 24 ergot, 106 estuaries, 353 eukaryotic organelles containing DNA, 44 eutrophication, 353–54 extinction, 335–36 fiber, 421 flowers see flowers, plant forest fires, 363 frankenfood, 396 fungi affecting, 104 fungi as pathogens for, 109–10 fungi cell walls, 101 fungi’s consumption of nutrients, 103 fungi’s importance in recycling, 105 gene gun, 375–76 genetic engineering, 379–380 genetically modified organisms, 394 global climate change, 350 Golgi apparatus, 48 importance of lipids, 39 ladder of nature, 330 largest and smallest organelles, 44 law of independent assortment, 323 leaves see leaves, plant life, location of DNA in cells, 301 Mendel’s work with genetics, 321–22 microclimate, 345 microevolution and macroevolution, 342 mitosis, 58 mosquitoes, 196 mycorrhiza, 104 natural history, 331 Neurospora, 109 nitrogen cycle, 347 number of chromosomes in, 306 number of organisms ever on Earth, number of species on Earth, 13 origin of viruses, 83 parthenogenesis, 406 peroxisomes, 49 polyploidy, 308 principle of dominance, 323 prokaryotic vs eukaryotic ribosomes, 49 proteins, 32 protists, 88–89 rain forests, 363 relationship between fungi and, 103–4 relationship between lichens and fungi, 116 relationship between teeth and diet, 216–17 responses to stimuli, 164–67 roots see roots, plant rusts and smuts, 109 seeds see seeds, plant shoots see shoots, plant shoots, stems, and leaves, 157–160 silicon, size of cells, 41 soil see soil species populations, 340 species used in genetic studies, 315 stems see stems, plant structure, 149–163 symbiosis, 164 terminator gene technology, 376 tracheophytes, 136–147 types of biology, uses of, 167–174 viruses, 79 wetlands, 352 yeast not pathogenic to, 120 plasma animals without blood, 227 B cells, 42 bacterial reproduction, 76 cell division in plants vs animals, 58 cell junctions, 52 cell membranes, 53 comparison between viruses and bacteria, 83 comparison of cell types, 38 components of bacterial cells, 70 components of eukaryotic cells, 43 connective tissues, 212 cytoplasm and cytosol, 44 cytoskeletons, 45 life spans of cells, 39 main components of blood, 224 membranes, 51–52 mycoplasmas, 79 primary vs secondary cell walls, 51 plasmids, 70, 379, 381 polymerase chain reactions, 381 polymers about DNA, 298 cell walls, 51 cells’ sources of energy, 39 definition, 23 macromolecules, 23 mechanisms for self-replication, nucleic acids, 293 Oparin-Haldane hypothesis, Periodic Table of the Elements, 14 polymorphism, balanced, 341 polyploidy, 340–41 population African elephant, 359–360 biodiversity, 358 communities, 354 Darwin-Wallace theory, 326 DNA fingerprinting, 383 estimating wildlife, 358 evolution, 330, 334, 400 global climate change, 350 keystone species, 356 life history table, 358 mass extinction, 336 natural selection, 329 niches, 355 observing evolution, 335 passenger pigeons, 359 predicting the likelihood of extinction, 338 races, 399 red tides, 354 species and, 338–342 survivorship curve, 357–58 synthesizing vitamin D, 402 xenotransplantation, 387 zero population growth, 366 population viability analyses, 358 Porifera, 12–13 porpoises vs dolphins, 188, 188 (ill.) Portuguese man-of-war, 184 potassium, 16, 40, 163–64, 239, 246 Potter, Beatrix, 98 Prader-Willi syndrome, 315 Prantl, Karl, 130 Precambrian era, Presidential Medal of Freedom, 362 President’s Council on Environmental Quality, 362 pressure, blood, 230–31, 238–39, 246, 402 pretending, animal, 280 prey, animals eating, 283 prickles, 158 Priestley, Joseph, 54 primary vs secondary cell walls, 51 primary vs secondary plant growth, 152 prions, 88 probability and genetics, 312 probes, gene, 375 producers, 356–57 profiling, DNA See fingerprinting, DNA Prokaryotae, 11–12 prokaryotes basics of, 37–43 cell walls, 51 cells without a nucleus, 46 chemotaxis, 61 chromosomes, 305 classification of organisms, 12 comparison of cell types, 38–39 control of genes, 309 copying DNA, 301 difference between DNA and RNA, 294 endosymbiosis, 44 evolution of life on Earth, ribosomes, 49 vs eukaryotes’ cells, 37, 38 (ill.) proplastids, 55–56 proteins alcohol’s effect on humans, 409 anabolic steroids, 240 animals without blood, 227 antibiotics, 414 B cells, 42 bacteriophages, 87–88 bioorganic molecules, 22 biopreservation, 396–97 biotechnology, 374 blood clotting, 226 brain storing memories, 246 carbohydrates, 420 carbon, 16 cell communication, 60 cell cycle, 57 cell junctions, 406 cell membranes, 52 cell reproduction, 57 cell walls, 51 cells’ response to insulin, 60 cells’ response to steroid hormones, 60 cells’ sources of energy, 39 characteristics of mammals, 203 chromosome assembly, 306 comparison of cell types, 38–39 components of eukaryotic cells, 43 components of the nucleus, 47 composition of mammalian cells, 40 computer and DNA connection, 299 INDEX plastic, recycling numbers on, 371 plastids, 43, 55–56 platelets, 41, 212, 225–26, 409 platypus, duck-billed, 188, 259, 260 (ill.) play, animal, 271–72, 281 pleiotropy, 319–320 Pleistocene, 399 Pliny the Elder See Secundus, Gaius Plinius (Pliny the Elder) pneumonia, 79, 84 poisonous bacteria, 77–78, 82 poisonous fungi, 104, 106 poisonous mushrooms, 112, 114 poisonous plants, 141, 146–47, 172 polar molecules, 22 pollination beneficial insects, 198 cross-, 162 flavonoids, 151 flowers, 161 fossil flowers, 143 global climate change, 350 Mendel’s work with genetics, 322 nectaries, 163 pinecones, 141 plants attracting agents of, 162–63 seedless watermelons, 168 subdisciplines in botany, 131 success factors of seed plants, 144 types of, 162 Pollutant Standard Index, 364 pollution acid rain, 368 bryophytes as bio-indicators, 135 coral bleaching, 361 effect on plants, 105 Environmental Protection Agency, 364 estuaries, 353 grocery bags, 371 importance of mosses, 136 indoor air, 368–69 industrial melanism, 335 Kyoto Protocol, 372 manatees, 189 NIMBY syndrome, 369 ozone, 348 protists found in, 94 relationship between lichens and, 119 Superfund Act, 364 tree rings, 129 polyandry, 282 polygenic inheritance, 310 (ill.), 310–11 polygyny, 282 469 470 connection between genes and RNA, 309 connective tissues, 211 containing both DNA and RNA, 84 control of genes, 309 cytoskeletons, 45 difference between humans and primates, 340 digestive system of humans, 217 diseases of the nervous system, 245 DNA replication, 300 DNA research, 296 DNA/RNA translation, 304 egg fertilization, 406 electron microscopes, 389 endomembrane system, 48 endoplasmic reticulum, 45 energy sources for cells, 24 energy sources for muscles, 405 exocytosis, 62 extended diving, 223 finding genes in a genome, 375 frankenfood, 396 gene makeup, 295 gene therapy, 377 genes, 309, 311 genetic engineering, 381 genetic mutations, 318 hemophilia, 226 hyphae, 101 identifying smells, 248 immune system, 85 importance of lipids, 39 importance of pH to life, 19 jumping power of fleas, 289 keratin, 41 knockout mice, 386 largest and smallest organelles, 44 link between genetics and metabolic disorders, 313 lysosomes, 48 macromolecules, 23 main components of blood, 225 mechanisms for self-replication, membranes, 51 mitochondria, 50 most important elements in living systems, 16 muscle function, 404 muscle growth, 404 mycoplasmas, 79 Neurospora, 109 nitrogen cycle, 347 number of chromosomes in, 306 number of human RNA genes, 305 Oparin-Haldane hypothesis, organelles in a fungus, 101 organization of DNA within the nucleus, 47 origin of DNA and RNA, 293 paracogenomics, 384 plasma membranes, 52 plastids, 56 polar molecules, 22 prions, 88 prokaryotic vs eukaryotic ribosomes, 49 relationship between fungi and ants, 107 relationship between genes and, 313 ribosomes, 49 size of human genomes, 315 smoking’s effect on DNA of lung cells, 302 sponges, 182 stability of RNA, 304 Starlink corn, 396 steroid vs nonsteroid hormones, 240 structure of a virus, 82 synthesis, 304–5 systematics, 11 T cells, 42 tube worms, 193 types of bonds, 17 types of RNA, 302 unzipping DNA, 300 viruses, 79–80 vitamins and minerals, 417 at work, 30–33 X-ray diffraction, 392 zombie worms, 216 Protista, 11–13, 37, 50, 64, 89, 94 protists basics of, 88–95 bioremediation, 386 carbon cycle, 347 cell walls, 50 definition, 88 fungi cell walls, 101 potato blight caused by, 97 pseudopodia, 63 red tides, 354 use of cilia and flagella, 63 vacuoles, 45 protons, 14, 16–18, 23 protozoa, 12–13, 62, 73, 89–90, 92, 267, 391 Prusiner, Stanley, 88, 88 (ill.) pseudogenes, 310 pseudopodia, 63, 91, 93 puffballs, 102–3, 112 pufferfish, 280–81 punctuated equilibrium, 332 Punnett, Reginald, 322 Punnett square, 322 Q quadruple helix, 299 R rabbits adaptation, 358 blood groups, 226 body temperature of, 403 cloning, 379 digestion, 220 life span of, 207 names for juvenile, 254 names for male and female, 261 seeing colors, 250 speed of, 289 race, human, 399 Radiata, 175 radiation adaptive, 340 cancer treatments, 407 after Chernobyl, 368 coral bleaching, 361 damage of chromosomes, 318 extremophiles, 10 greenhouse effect, 349 mass extinction, 336 NMR and MRI, 393 ozone, 348–49 species diversity, 334 spectroscopy, 392 synthesizing vitamin D, 401–2 X-rays, 392 radioactivity, 18, 119, 135, 296, 334, 367–68, 370 radioisotopes, 18, 375 rain, acid, 20, 104, 348, 354, 368 rain forests, 131, 204, 349, 352 (ill.), 363, 384 Randall, John, 297 rate of cell division, 58 rates, heart, 230 rates, respiration, 222 Ray, John, 128 reactions, catabolic vs anabolic, 25 readiness, showing sexual, 256 receptor cells, 247–48 See also Photoreceptors recessive vs dominant traits, 323, 409 recognition, animal, 284–85 recombinant DNA, 373, 379–380, 394 recycling, fungi’s importance in, 105–6 recycling numbers on plastic, 371 recycling symbol, 370 (ill.) red tides, 189, 354 Redi, Francesco, 65 redundancy, gene, 310 life, main components of blood, 224 major groups of plants, 134 malignant cells, 401 Malthus’s views on, 326 mammals that resemble reptiles, 260 mechanisms for self-replication, microevolution and macroevolution, 342 natural selection, 329 nest parasitism, 279 number of offspring, 282 On the Origin of Species, 328 organ systems, 215 organelles in a fungus, 101 origin of DNA and RNA, 293 parthenogenesis, 406 plant classification according to, 129 Protista, 89 protists, 93 reproductive isolation, 340–41 seedless grapes, 167 slime molds, 94 specialized cells in mammals, 41 speciation, 339 stem cells, 400 success factors of seed plants, 144 tracheophytes, 136 treating viral infections, 86 trichomes, 158 vertebrate endocrine glands, 239–240 viral, 83 viruses as living organisms, 80 yeast, 120 zebra mussels, 360 reproductive isolation, 340 reproductive system, 215, 255 reptiles basics of, 201–3 biomes, 351 categorizing animal populations, 360 desert cats, 204 dinosaurs, 337 drinking seawater, 233 external vs internal fertilization, 255 genetic engineering, 377 hibernation, 286 mammals that resemble, 260 organization of brain, 244 regeneration, 254 relationship between behavior and energy, 266 seeing colors, 249 using lungs for breathing, 221 vertebrate endocrine glands, 239 resin, 139, 154, 169, 363, 370 resolution, 388, 390 respiration animal anatomy, 220–23 Bacteria domain, 72 carbon cycle, 347 carbon monoxide, 408 classification of bacteria, 66 coronaviruses, 81 DNA vs RNA viruses in animals, 86 enzymes, 30 epithelial tissues, 211 exhalation of carbon dioxide, 26 fight-or-flight hormones, 238 hibernation, 285–86 influenza, 84 Krebs cycle, 25 nonspecific defenses, 248 oxygen, 26 respiratory system, 211, 215 responses, cell, 60–64 reverse evolution, 342 Rh blood type, 227 rhinoviruses, 81–82, 86 rhizoids, 135 rhizomes, 138, 156–58, 172–74 ribosomes cell discoveries, 36 comparison between viruses and bacteria, 83 comparison of cell types, 38 components of eukaryotic cells, 43 components of the nucleus, 47 definition, 49 DNA/RNA translation, 304 endoplasmic reticulum, 45 genetic codes, 303 largest and smallest organelles, 44 organelles in a fungus, 101 prokaryotic vs eukaryotic, 37, 49 protein synthesis, 304–5 types of RNA, 302 ribozymes, 304 Richard III, King, 301 rickettsiae, 78 rings, tree, 129 RNA See also MRNA; RRNA; TRNA antibiotics, 414 basics of, 298–305 chromosomes, 305 classification of protists, 92 components of eukaryotic cells, 43 components of the nucleus, 46–47 INDEX Redwood National Park, 141 redwood trees, 133, 139, 141–42 reflex arc, 244 (ill.), 244–45 regeneration, 176, 211, 252, 254, 387, 400–401 rejecting baby birds, 203 Remak, Robert, 36 replication, DNA bacteria, 76 copying DNA, 301 damage of DNA, 319 DNA correcting itself, 301 DNA research, 296 DNA supercoiling, 299 mitosis, 57 origin of DNA and RNA, 293 polymerase chain reactions, 381 protists, 93 quadruple helix, 299 requirements for, 300 unzipping DNA, 300 viruses, 79–81, 86–87 reproduction adaptation, 358 altruism, 274 amphibians’ need for water, 190 animal, 251–261 animal murder, 278 antibiotics vs antibacterials, 415 bacterial, 76 bacterial vs fungal spores, 104–5 biological clock, 284 biology, cancer, 407 cell, 57 characteristics of angiosperms, 144 characteristics of animals, 176 chimeras, 380 cloning, 377 comparison between viruses and bacteria, 83 DDT, 365 deuteromycetes, 99 difference between moss and lichen, 118 evolution of sexual, 334–35 fast-growing fungi, 114 ferns, 137 flowers, 161 fruiting bodies, 102 function of sperm, 406 function of the endocrine system, 238 fungi, 105 haploid, 307 honeybees, 282 imprinting, 264 Lamarckian evolution, 331 471 472 composition of mammalian cells, 40 connection to genes, 309 coronaviruses, 81 difference between DNA and, 293–94, 294 (ill.) discovery of, 296 DNA research, 296 influenza, 84 noroviruses, 82 nucleic acids, 293 origin of, 293 panspermia, poisonous mushrooms, 114 ribosomes, 49 rickettsiae and chlamydiae containing, 78 structure of a virus, 82 systematics, 11 viruses, 79–80, 84 vs DNA viruses in animals, 85–86 RNA Tie Club, 296–97 rodents, 86, 179–180, 204, 220, 281 Roentgen, William Conrad, 392 Rollins, R C., 127 Romanes, George, 269 roots, plant allelopathy, 167 ATP, 25 banyan trees, 155 basics of, 154–57 bryophytes, 134 cells living in darkness, 61 characteristics of tracheophytes, 149 chloroplasts, 55 cloning, 377 ecological succession, 357 effect of pollution on, 105 Elfin Gold, 136 estuaries, 353 ferns, 137–38 fungi as plant pathogens, 109–10 fungi attacking wood, 110–11 hydroponics, 164 leaves changing colors, 142 lichens, 116 major groups of plants, 134 meristems, 152 monocots and dicots, 145 mycorrhiza, 103–4 nitrogen cycle, 347 origin of land plants, 124 plant evolution, 123 plant phyla, 133 plant stems, 158 plants both poisonous and healing, 172 plants used to make perfume, 173 primary vs secondary plant growth, 152 seeds, 152–53 skunk cabbage, 172 soil’s effect on plant growth, 163 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 150 symbiosis, 164 system see system, root transpiration, 160 tropism, 165 truffles, 115 types of plant tissue, 150 used to make spices, 173 Ross, Betsy, 166 roundworms, 177, 191–92, 206, 315 rRNA, 302, 305, 310 Ruska, Ernst August Friedrich, 389 Russow, Edmund August Friedrich, 305 rusts, 13, 95, 106, 109, 111 S Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 29, 110, 121, 306 Saccharomyces Genome Database, 121 Salem witch trials, 106 salinity, 72, 74, 232, 352, 361 Salten, Felix, 265 Sanger, Fred, 373–74 Sargent, Charles Sprague, 362 SARS, 80–81 saturated vs unsaturated fats, 419 scanning tunneling microscopy, 389–390 Schaller, George, 265 Schaudinn, Fritz R., 68 Scheuchzer, Johann, 189 Schleiden, Matthias, 36 Schlesinger, Martin, 87 schools, fish swimming in, 186–87 Schwann, Theodor, 36 scientific creationism, 333 scientific notation, 21 Scopes, John T., 331 Scopes trial, 331–32 sea monkeys, 196 sea stars See starfish seasons, 343, 344 (ill.), 345 seawater, animals drinking, 232–33 secondary vs primary cell walls, 51 secondary vs primary plant growth, 152 Secundus, Gaius Plinius (Pliny the Elder), 128, 263 seed plants, 132, 136, 139–141, 144 seeds, plant allelopathy, 167 basics of, 152–54 beneficial insects, 198 bilirubin, 152 changing of species, 327 characteristics of tracheophytes, 149 cloning, 377 control groups, 385 culinary herbs, 171 cycads, 139–140 definition, 152–53 diagram, 153 (ill.) dihybrid cross, 324 economic impact of plants, 168 ferns, 137 flavonoids, 151 flowers, 161–62 fossil flowers, 143 fungi as plant pathogens, 109 genetically modified organisms, 394–95 germination see germination, seed ginkgo trees, 125 gymnosperms, 139 history of herb use, 171 law of independent assortment, 323 major groups of plants, 134 making flour, 172 Mexican jumping beans, 290 monocots and dicots, 144–45 navel oranges, 167 pinecones, 141 plant breeding, 130 plant classification, 128 plant hormones, 127–28 plant phyla, 133 plants used to make perfume, 173 pollination, 162 relationship between coal and plants, 126 root damage, 155 seedless grapes, 167–68 seedless watermelons, 168 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 150 success factors of seed plants, 144 terminator gene technology, 376 tracheophytes, 136 trees in the form of fossils, 141 types of plant tissue, 150 used to make spices, 173–74 senses, animal, 248–251 sensory information, transmission of, 247 sign language, use by animals, 272 Silent Spring (Carson), 366 silica, 7, 89, 91, 95, 138, 182 silicon, Silurian period, 124 simple stains, 390–91 simplicity of animal behavior, 284 Singer, Seymour J., 52 singing of songbirds, 271 size of animal cells, 38 size of cells, 41 size of fungi, 102–3 size of viruses, 83 skeletal system, 212, 215, 233–35 skin allergies, 248, 251 anthrax, 79 arthritis, 234 Bacteria domain, 72 bats as only flying mammals, 204 Botox, 79 breathing through the, 220 caecilians, 191 characteristics of fish, 186 chemotaxis, 61 chicken pox, 42 cloning, 379 color, 250 connective tissues, 211 DNA fingerprinting, 382 echinoderms, 185 egg incubation, 258–59 epigenetics, 315 epithelial tissues, 211, 211 (ill.) epithelium, replacement of, 211 fight-or-flight hormones, 238 frogs vs toads, 190 fungus-carrying frogs, 191 good bacteria, 412 herbal medicine, 170 indoor air pollution, 369 keeping blood inside body, 228 keratin, 41 Lyme disease, 414 main components of blood, 225 marsupials, 259 mosquitoes, 196 mutations shaping modern humans, 319 neurons in nerve tissue, 242 nonspecific defenses, 248 organs, 213–14 ozone, 349 peripheral nervous system, 243 proteins, 32–33 rate of cell division, 58 receptor cells, 247 regeneration, 254 reptiles as first terrestrials, 202 reptiles vs amphibians, 201 respiration, 220 reverse evolution, 342 sex-linked traits, 315 skeletal system, 234 stem cells, 400 synthesizing vitamin D, 401–2 tissue engineering, 386 truffles, 115–16 venomous animals, 188 vertebrate endocrine glands, 239 vitamins and minerals, 418 Skinner, B F., 268 Skoog, Folke, 128 skunk cabbage, 172 slime molds, 12, 64, 90, 92, 94, 100 small, seeing, 388–394 smell, 248–49 Smith, Michael, 381 Smith, Robert Angus, 368 smoking’s effect on lung cell DNA, 302 smuts, 13, 106, 109 snakes body temperature of, 403 classification based on what they eat, 216 difference between reptiles and amphibians, 202 enemy of bats, 205 fastest, 290 hibernation, 286 respiration, 222 spiders eating, 197 social Darwinism, 328–29 social deprivation of animals, 283–84 Society of American Bacteriologists, 70 Society of the Plastics Industry, 371 sociobiology, 265 Socrates, 141 sodium, 16–17, 40, 239, 246 softwoods vs hardwoods, 142 soil aerial roots, 155 allelopathy, 167 amoebas, 94 ATP, 25 Bacteria domain, 72 basics of, 163–64 characteristics of tracheophytes, 149 cloning, 377 desert cats, 204 differences between plant structures, 157 digestive system of earthworms, 219 distribution of lichens, 117 earthworms, 192 ecological role of lichens, 118 INDEX Sequoia National Park, 141, 143, 363 Setchell, W A., 164 sex chromosomes, 306–7, 317 sex-linked traits, 315, 322 sexual readiness, showing, 256, 278 sexual reproduction bacterial reproduction, 76 bacterial vs fungal spores, 104–5 characteristics of animals, 176 deuteromycetes, 99 evolution of, 334–35 flowers, 161 hydras, 184 life, meiosis, 58 protists, 93 vs asexual reproduction, 251 sexual selection, 325, 329 shapes of bacteria, 70, 71 (ill.) shapes of enzymes, 31 shapes of viruses, 82 sharks as carnivores, 216 convergent and divergent evolution, 342 definition, 187 external vs internal fertilization, 255 fear of, 187–88 fish drinking seawater, 232 largest and smallest, 179 parthenogenesis, 406 respiration, 222 sense of smell of, 249 teeth, 188 types of biology, Shiga, Kiyoshi, 68 shoots, plant characteristics of tracheophytes, 149 cloning, 377 development of, 157 differences between plant structures, 157 estuaries, 353 Lycopodium, 138 pine trees’ needles, 140 plant leaves, 159 plant phyla, 133 root damage, 155 root system, 154 seeds, 152 skunk cabbage, 172 transpiration, 160 tropism, 165 types of plant tissue, 150 short-day vs long-day plants, 166 SI measurement system, 20 Sierra Club, 362 473 474 ecological succession, 357 ecosystems’ need for decomposers, 357 effect of pollution on fungi, 105 estuaries, 353 eutrophication, 353 fairy rings, 115 fungi as plant pathogens, 109 fungi’s importance in recycling, 106 gas chromatography, 391 generation time for bacteria, 75 and growing mushrooms commercially, 113–14 horsetails, 138 importance of mosses, 136 keystone species, 356 liverworts, 135 modified leaves, 160 monocots vs dicots, 155 mycorrhiza, 104 orange trees, 167 peat moss, 136 photosynthesis, 54 plant leaves, 159 plant roots, 154 plant shoots, 157 plant stems, 158 root caps, 154 root damage, 155 root system, 154–55 roundworms, 192 viruses, 79 wetlands, 352 yeast, 120 solutions, acidic vs basic, 19–20 solvents, 7–8, 18, 118, 139, 234, 366, 369 songbirds, singing of, 271 sound agonistic behavior, 274 as animal enrichment, 287 animal laughter, 281 animal recognition, 284 animal speech, 273 animals’ differences in hearing, 250 bats as hunters, 282 characteristics of mammals, 203 classical conditioning, 267 cork absorbing, 170 courting behavior of animals, 256 elephant calls, 278 locating source of, 250–51 muscle tissues, 212 nanotechnology, 393 receptor cells, 247 transmission of sensory information, 247 whale communication, 278 Southern Hemisphere, 343–45 soy sauce, 27, 120, 421 space, looking for life in, 10–11 space, organic molecules in, 5–7 specialized cells in mammals, 41 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 149–150 speciation, 332, 339–340 species, number in protist phyla, 90 species, number of on Earth, 13 species and population, 338–342 species diversity, 334, 338 spectroscopy, 391–92 speech, animal, 272–73, 423 Spencer, Herbert, 328–29 sperm ATP, 25 characteristics of angiosperms, 144 characteristics of animals, 176 cnidarians, 182 egg fertilization, 406 external vs internal fertilization, 255 fertilization, 406 (ill.) function of, 406 gender determination, 308 genetic engineering, 379 hermaphroditism, 255 homologous chromosomes, 306 homunculus theory, 321 hypothalamus, 241 Lamarckian evolution, 330 lobsters, 257 major groups of plants, 134 meiosis, 58–59 movement of protists, 93 pheromones, 257 reproductive isolation, 340 sexual vs asexual reproduction, 251 specialized cells in mammals, 41 species populations, 340 success factors of seed plants, 144 use of cilia and flagella, 63, 63 (ill.) vertebrate endocrine glands, 239 Sperry, Roger, 245 spices, plants as, 173–74 spider webs, 32, 196 spiders arthropods’ effect on humans, 195 bat-eating, 197 bats as most successful mammals, 205 classification of arthropods, 194 daddy longlegs, 199 life span of, 207 number of eggs, 256–57 open vs closed circulatory system, 224 photo, 196 (ill.) plants attracting agents of pollination, 162 respiration of insects, 221 reverse evolution, 342 spines, plant, 158, 161 spleen, 62, 210, 214–15, 247 sponges, 12–14, 177, 181–82, 230, 234, 252 spontaneous generation, theory of, 65 spores allergies, 248 alternation of generations, 132 anthrax, 79 asexual fungi, 105 Bacteria domain, 72 bacterial vs fungal, 104–5 biocontrol of fungi, 111 bryophytes, 134 cells changing jobs, 64 characteristics of protists, 91 classification of fungi, 98 deuteromycetes, 99 Elfin Gold, 136 fast-growing fungi, 115 ferns, 137–38 fruiting bodies, 102 fungal reproduction, 105 fungi attacking wood, 111 fungus that shoots, 107 historical interest in fungi, 98 homosporous vs heterosporous plants, 133 life cycles of fungi, 99 locations of fungi, 101 Lycopodium, 138 origin of land plants, 124 panspermia, Phytophthora infestans, 95 pinecones, 140–41 prints of, 113 Protista, 89 puffballs, 102 purpose of mushroom gills, 113 relationship between fungi and ants, 107 shapes of fungi, 112 size of fungal reproductive, 100 slime molds, 94 subdisciplines in botany, 131 tracheophytes, 136 spruce trees, 133, 139–140, 143 SRSV, 82 stability of DNA, 302 stability of RNA, 304 stains, simple, 390–91 Stanley, Wendell, 80 number of species of lichens, 117–18 number of species of plants, 132 number of species on Earth, 13 number of threatened or endangered species in the U.S., 361 organs in the human body, 213 stem cells, 129, 374, 387, 400, 401 (ill.) stems, plant aerial roots, 155 allelopathy, 167 bryophytes, 134 buds, 158 characteristics of tracheophytes, 149 cloning, 377 cuticles, 159 differences between plant structures, 156–57 fast-growing fungi, 114 ferns, 137 fiddlehead ferns, 138 fossil flowers, 143 fungi as plant pathogens, 109 lichens, 116 Lycopodium, 138 major groups of plants, 134 Mendel’s work with genetics, 321 meristems, 152 modified leaves, 160 monocots and dicots, 145 origin of land plants, 124 parts and functions of, 158 Phytophthora infestans, 95 plant evolution, 123 plant hormones, 165 plant leaves, 159 plant pigments, 151 plants both poisonous and healing, 172 plants used to make perfume, 173 poisonous plants, 146 primary vs secondary plant growth, 152 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 150 stomata, 159 thorns vs spines vs prickles, 158 trichomes, 158 used to make spices, 173 stereoscopic microscopes See dissecting microscopes steroids, 45, 60, 240, 363, 416, 419 stimuli, plant responses to, 164–67 stomach caffeine’s effect on humans, 408 digestive system of cows, 219 digestive system of humans, 217–18 digestive system of rodents, rabbits, and hares, 220 effect of aspirin on enzymes, 31 epithelial tissues, 211 epithelium, replacement of, 211 filter feeders, 217 fungi, 106 muscle tissues, 212 nine-banded armadillos, 205 organ systems, 215 organs, 214 types of digestive systems, 217 use of cilia and flagella, 63 viruses, 81 stomach acid, 20, 406 stomata, 137, 150, 159, 166 strains alcohol production, 29 antibiotic resistance, 414–15 bacterial vs fungal spores, 105 baker’s vs brewer’s yeast, 121 bioprospecting, 384 chimeras, 380 disease-causing bacteria, 77 DNA research, 296 DNA transforming bacteria, 295 economic impact of fungi, 106 hybrids, 324 plant breeding, 130 psychological disorders of animals, 422 subspecies and, 338 yeast in food, 120 stroma, 49, 55 stromatolites, 6, 8–9 structure, animal, 1–2, 175–76 See also Anatomy, animal structure, plant, 149–163 structure of a virus, 82 structures inside cells, 43–50 subspecies, 338, 377, 399 succession, ecological, 357 succulents, 147, 162, 351 sugars about DNA, 298 baker’s vs brewer’s yeast, 121 Calvin cycle, 26 carbohydrates, 417 carbon, 16 cell walls, 51 computer and DNA connection, 299 connective tissues, 212 difference between DNA and RNA, 293–94 discovery of RNA, 296 DNA research, 296 effect of pH on bacterial growth, 75 INDEX starch bioorganic molecules, 22 carbohydrates, 417 carbohydrates stored by fungi, 102 defining plants, 149 digestive system of humans, 217 energy storage of cells, 24 enzymes, 31 making flour, 172 making paper from wood, 169 maple syrup harvesting, 167 origin of land plants, 124 plant stems, 158 plastids, 56 relationship between bryophytes and algae, 135 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 150 tooth decay, 403 starfish body symmetry of, 176 classification of animals, 177 keystone species, 356 major groups of echinoderms, 185 number of arms of, 185 photo, 252 (ill.) regeneration, 252, 254 simple behavior of, 284 skeletal system, 234 Starling, Ernest, 238 Starlink corn, 396 statins, 402 statistics of the human lungs, 221–22 number of animals ever on Earth, 175 number of animals in the ocean, 181 number of edible mushrooms, 112 number of enzymes in the human body, 31 number of fish species on Earth, 186 number of fungi species as plant pathogens, 109 number of groups in Bacteria, 72 number of human RNA genes, 305 number of leaves on a tree, 160 number of mitochondria in a cell, 50 number of organisms ever on Earth, number of species in protist phyla, 90 number of species of fungi, 100 475 476 endosymbiosis, 44 as energy source, 420–21 enzymes, 30 functional groups, 23 fungi’s role in World War I, 110 generation time for bacteria, 75 genetic engineering, 380 holding DNA together, 298 lactose intolerance, 409 leaves changing colors, 142 maple syrup harvesting, 167 Miller-Urey Synthesis experiment, mosquitoes, 196 nectaries, 163 panspermia, photosynthesis, 53 plant leaves, 159 production of oxygen and use of carbon dioxide, 55 proteins, 32 reproduction of yeast, 120 size of human genomes, 315 soy sauce, 120 tooth decay, 403 types of plant tissue, 150 sulfur acid rain, 368 bacteria, 74–75 bryophytes as bio-indicators, 135 hydroponics, 164 Kyoto Protocol, 371 making paper from wood, 169 most important elements in living systems, 16 relationship between lichens and pollution, 119 sumac, poison, 146–47 Sumiki, Yasuke, 128 Sun animal navigation, 277 Earth’s distance from, 344–45 greenhouse effect, 349 lichen colors, 118 looking for life in space, 11 mass extinction, 336–37 microclimate, 345 origin of land plants, 124 ozone, 348 relationship between lichens and fungi, 117 seasons, 343 synthesizing vitamin D, 402 trophic levels, 356 tropism, 165 supercoiling, DNA, 299–300 Superfund Act, 364 survival of the fittest, 328 survivorship curve, 357–58 swallows returning to Capistrano, 275 symbosis between bacteria and tube worms, 193 between bacteria and zombie worms, 216 coral bleaching, 361 definition, 164 endosymbiosis, 44 between fungi and ants, 107 fungi’s consumption of nutrients, 103 genomes, 76 lichens, 116 between lichens and fungi, 116–17 between plants and fungi, 103–4 Portuguese man-of-war, 184 protists, 89 between termites and bacteria, 77 symmetry, animal body, 14, 176, 191, 241–42, 251, 254, 284 syrup, maple, 167 system, root, 110, 149, 154–56, 357 systematics, 11, 132 T T cells (lymphocytes), 41–43 talking animals, 423 Taniguchi, Norio, 393 tapeworms, 191–92, 230, 255 taste, relationship between smell and, 249 Tatum, Edward, 313 taxonomy, 2, 97, 116, 129, 175, 185 teeth, relationship between diet and, 216–17 teeth, sharks,’ 188 telomeres, 306 telophase, 57 (ill.), 58 temperature alcohol production, 29 angiosperms as food, 145 Archaebacteria, 74 bacteriology, 66 behavior of protozoans, 267 biological clock, 284 biomes, 351 body, 402–3 cell cultures, 385 cell membranes, 52 cholesterol, 416 classification of bacteria, 66 climate, 345 control groups, 385 coral bleaching, 361 dimorphic fungi, 103 Earth’s distance from Sun, 344–45 ectotherms vs endotherms, 180 effect of land plants on climate, 126 El Nino and La Nina, 346 energy sources for cells, 24 environment’s effect on genes, 311 enzymes, 31 extremophiles, 10 fevers, 409 fungi attacking wood, 110 generation time for bacteria, 75 genetic engineering, 380 global climate change, 349 greenhouse effect, 349 growing mushrooms commercially, 113 hibernation, 285–87 homeostasis, 238 how the heart works, 230 hyphae, 101 hypothalamus, 241 leaves changing colors, 142 life, limnology, 354 locations of fungi, 101 lypholization, 394 manatees, 189 maple syrup harvesting, 167 marine bacteria, 72 microclimate, 345 mycorrhiza, 104 number of DNA strands, 300 ozone, 348 pasteurization, 76–77 Phytophthora infestans, 95 receptor cells, 247 relationship between alligator gender and, 258 relationship between bacteria and, 74 relationship between behavior and energy, 266 relationship between coal and plants, 126 root damage, 155 root system, 155 scales, 21–22 seed dormancy, 153 seed germination, 153–54 SI measurement system, 20 speed of fish, 290 torpor, 288 tropism, 165 uses of fats, 419 terminator gene technology, 376 termites, connection between bacteria and, 77 MRI vs X-rays, 393 nervous system, 241 neurons, nerve dendrites, and axons, 242 neurons in nerve, 242 open vs closed circulatory system, 224 organs, 213 phagocytosis, 62 plants both poisonous and healing, 172 respiration, 220 seeds, 152 skeletal system, 234 slide preparations for microscopes, 390 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 149–150 stem cells, 400 stomach acid, 406 subdisciplines in botany, 131 T cells, 42 transpiration, 160 tube worms, 193 turgor movements, 165 types of biology, types of plant, 150 uses of fats, 419 vertebrate endocrine glands, 239 xenotransplantation, 386 toads, 189–191, 202, 206, 254, 258 tomato, Flavr Savr, 374, 396 tomatoes, determinate vs indeterminate, 152 tomatoes as aphrodisiacs, 173 tools, animals’ use of, 285 tooth decay, 403 (ill.), 403–4 torpor, 288 Tournefort, J P de, 129 Toxic Release Inventory, 365 tracheophytes, 134, 136–147, 149 traits, sex-linked, 315 trans fats, 419 transcription, DNA/RNA, 84, 114, 299–300, 303–4, 309 translation, DNA/RNA, 302–5, 315 transmission electron microscopes, 389 transpiration, 160 transplants, fungi’s role in organ, 108–9 transportation among cells, 61 tree rings, 129 trees, fungi which rot, 110–11 trees, ginkgo, 125, 133, 139, 143, 170 Trembley, Abraham, 176 Triassic period, 201, 336 trichomes, 157–59 triglycerides, 39, 286, 419 Triton, 11 tRNA, 302–5 trophic levels, 356–57 tropism, 165 Trouvelot, Leopold, 198 true breeding, 322–24 truffles, 112, 115 (ill.), 115–16 Tsvet, Mikhail Semyonovich, 391 tube worms, 191–93 tuberous roots, 156–57 tubers, 56, 95, 130, 156–57 turgor movements, 165 Turner syndrome, 306 turpentine, making from gymnosperms, 139 turtle, shells on a, 235, 235 (ill.) Twort, Frederick W., 87 Tyndall, John, 349 types, blood, 227 typing, DNA See fingerprinting, DNA INDEX territory, animals’ defense of, 255, 274 territory vs home range, 279–280 Tertiary period, 336–37, 356 Theophrastus, 127 theory, cell, 35–36 therapy, gene, 302, 374, 376 thermodynamics, 30–31, 420 Thomson, William See Kelvin, Lord Thoreau, Henry David, 362 thorns, 158 thought, animals’ capability for, 269–270 threatened vs endangered species, 359 thylakoids, 43, 55 thyroid, 214–15, 239–240 Tinbergen, Niko, 264 tissue adipose, 212, 239, 286, 405, 419 alcohol’s effect on humans, 408 anabolic steroids, 240 animal anatomy, 209–13 animal structure, 176, 209 animals without blood, 227 blood types, 227 cancer, 407–8 cell junctions, 52 cells, 35 cells’ response to injury, 61 chemotaxis, 61 chicken pox, 42 chloroplasts, 55 classification of organisms, 14 cloning, 377 connective, 211–12, 411 creation of pearls, 184 death of cells, 64 dementia, 246 differences between plant structures, 157 DNA fingerprinting, 382 energy sources for muscles, 405 engineering, 386 extended diving, 223 fast-growing fungi, 115 ferns, 137 fiber, 421 health studies, 387 hibernation, 286 horsetails, 138 how plants become fossils, 125 keeping blood inside body, 228 Koch’s postulates, 66 main components of blood, 224 main components of the circulatory syste,, 224 major groups of plants, 134 malignant cells, 401 medicinal leeches, 193 meristems, 152 U ultrasound, 250, 278, 394 umwelt, 265 unsaturated vs saturated fats, 419 unzipping DNA, 300 urchins, sea, 177, 185, 234, 257, 284 Urey, Harold Clayton, 3–4 urinary system See excretory system urine animals’ defense of territory, 274 composition of, 233 detoxification of cells, 401 DNA fingerprinting, 382 excretory system, 231 fish drinking seawater, 232 hibernation, 285 kidney stones, 231 link between genetics and metabolic disorders, 313 organs, 214 prevention of leakage, 406 Ussher, James, 332 V vaccines, 40, 84–85, 247, 295, 380, 387, 413 vacuoles, 39, 43, 45, 56, 94, 149 valence shells, 17 van Beneden, Edouard, 305 van Calcar, Stephen, 210 Van Ermengem, Emile, 68 van Helmont, Jan Baptista, 54 van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie Phillips, 54, 65 477 478 van Niel, C B., 54 van Overbeek, Johannes, 128 vascular plants See tracheophytes veins, 159, 210, 224, 228–230, 422 venomous animals, 188 venules, 224 Venus flytrap, 146, 146 (ill.), 160, 165 vertebrae, mammal, 177–78, 212, 235 Vertebrata, 175, 178 vertebrates amphibians, 189 biology, birds as most successful terrestrial, 202 breathing through the skin, 220 chordates, 177 different colors of blood, 228 endocrine glands, 239–240 evolution of humans from fish, 186 excretory system, 231 first group of, 180 genes, 309 intelligence of, 270–71 largest and smallest, 178–180 largest group of, 180 major features of, 178 muscle tissues, 212–13 nervous system, 241–42 neurosecretory cells, 241 open vs closed circulatory system, 224 organ systems, 215 organization of brains, 244 organs, 214 parthenogenesis, 406 peripheral nervous system, 243 punctuated equilibrium, 332 reptiles as first terrestrials, 202 skeletal system, 234 smell and taste related, 249 with teeth, 188 vs invertebrates, 177 Vesalius, Andreas, 210 vesicles, 48, 58, 62, 64 vessels, blood animals without blood, 227 beta blockers, 402 blood pressure, 230 breathing through the skin, 220 cells’ consumption of nutrients, 62 feeding of cancer, 407 main components of blood, 224 main components of the circulatory syste,, 224 medicinal leeches, 193 muscle tissues, 212 NMR and MRI, 393 open vs closed circulatory system, 224 organ systems, 215 pleiotropy, 320 specialized cells in mammals, 41 tooth decay, 403 vertebrate endocrine glands, 239 vestibular system, 215 vestigial organs, 216 Virchow, Rudolph, 36 virology, viruses B cells, 42 bacterial reproduction, 76 basics of, 79–88 biotechnology, 373 as bugs, 197 cancer, 407 chicken pox, 42 cloning, 377 death of cells, 63–64 definition, 79 DNA research, 296 electron microscopes, 389 evolution of humans, 400 fevers, 409 gene therapy, 376–77 genetic engineering, 379 germs, 71 global climate change, 350 human, 412–16 illustration, 80 (ill.) immune system, 247 indoor air pollution, 368 number of DNA strands, 300 relationship between cancer and infectious disease, 407 rickettsiae and chlamydiae bacteria or, 78 T cells, 41–42 types of biology, xenotransplantation, 387 visible bacteria, 73 vitamins baker’s vs brewer’s yeast, 121 bioreactors, 384 definition, 417–18 digestion, 217–18 food containing, 418 (ill.) genetic engineering, 380 good bacteria, 412 intestinal flora, 73 plant pigments, 151 relationship between plants and fungi, 103 soy sauce, 120 synthesis of vitamin D, 401–2 X-ray diffraction, 392 von Frisch, Karl, 264 von Gesner, Konrad, 175 von Kolliker, Rudolf Albert, 49 von Linne, Carl See Linnaeus, Carolus von Sachs, Julius, 164 von Tschermak, Erich, 312 von Uexkull, Jacob, 265 von Waldeyer-Hartz, Wilhelm, 37 Vuillemin, Jean Paul, 414 W Wagner, Rudolph, 47 Walden (Thoreau), 362 Walden Pond, 362 Walker circulation, 345–46, 346 (ill.) Wallace, Alfred Russel, 325–29, 326 (ill.), 332, 342 walls, cell antibiotics, 414 antifungal drugs, 108 bacterial reproduction, 76 basics of, 50–53 cell communication, 60 cell division in plants vs animals, 58 cell structures unique to plants, 56 characteristics of animals, 176 characteristics of protists, 91 classification of fungi, 98 comparison of cell types, 38 components of bacterial cells, 70 defining plants, 149 diatoms, 95 fiber, 421 fungi, 101–2 Gram stains, 69 mitosis, 58 mycoplasmas, 79 origin of land plants, 124 Protista, 89 reproduction of yeast, 120 rickettsiae and chlamydiae containing, 78 specialized cells in tracheophytes, 149–150 transpiration, 160 treating viral infections, 86 types of plant tissue, 150 viral reproduction, 83 water molds, 95 Wareing, Philip F., 128 water, density of, water, polluted, 94 water in the human body, 405 water molds, 90, 95, 100 watermelons, seedless, 168 water’s importance to life, (ill.), 7–8, 189–190 forensic botany, 170 fungi attacking, 110–11 garbage, 371 genetic engineering, 380 gymnosperms’ importance to industry, 139 hardwoods vs softwoods, 142 lichens, 118 making baseball bats from, 169 making paper from, 168–69 maple syrup, 167 oldest trees, 143 petrified, 125, 125 (ill.) puffballs, 102 used for perfume, 173 World War I, fungi’s role in, 110–11 World War I, moss’s role in, 136 worms arthropods, 195 biocontrol, 111 blood, 228 body symmetry of, 176 caecilians, 191 circulatory system, 227 common phyla of, 177 digestion, 219 eating process of zombie, 216 excretory system, 230 genetic studies, 315 gypsy moths, 199 hermaphroditism, 255 life span of, 206 more about, 191–93 parasitism, 279 parthenogenesis, 406 photo, 192 (ill.) regeneration, 254 respiration, 220 skeletal system, 233 wormwood, 171 Wrangell-St Elias National Park, 363 X xenotransplantation, 386–87 X-rays, 297, 297 (ill.), 392–93, 404 INDEX Watson, James, 296–97, 392 Weaver, Sigourney, 266 Weismann, August, 331 Welch, William Henry, 68 Went, Frits Warmolt, 127 West Nile Virus, 195, 413 wetlands, 352–53, 353 (ill.) whales bones, 216 breath-holding capabilities of, 223 communication of, 278 echolocation, 394 intelligence of, 271 life span of, 205–6 migration of, 276 names for juvenile, 254 names for male and female, 261 photo, 279 (ill.) population, 339 sharks, 187 size of, 178–79 speed of, 188 Whitaker, Robert Harding, 11 Wickramasinghe, Chandra, Wilberforce, Samuel, 327 Wilkins, Maurice, 297, 297 (ill.), 392 Williams, George C., 275 Wilmut, Ian, 374, 378 Wilson, Edmund Beecher, 317 Wilson, Edward O., 270, 274 wine, fermentation of, 13, 27–28, 120, 380 wingspans, birds,’ 203 Woese, Carl, 11 wolves, 254, 278, 356, 356 (ill.) Women’s Health Initiative, 387 wood cell walls, 51, 150 echinoderms, 185 ecoterrorism, 366 Elfin Gold, 136 Y Y chromosome Adam, 308–9 Yabuta, Teijiro, 128 yeast alcohol production, 28–29 basics of, 119–121 cells’ requirement for oxygen, 39 classification of organisms, 11–13 dimorphic fungi, 103 discovery of RNA, 296 enzymes, 30 fungi’s role in World War I, 110 genetic engineering, 380 hyphae, 101 life cycles of fungi, 99 Neurospora, 109 number of chromosomes in, 306 Yellowstone National Park, 10 (ill.), 74, 363 Yersin, Alexandre, 68 Yosemite National Park, 362–63 Z Zahorsky, John, 82 zebra mussels, 360, 372 Zeidler, Othmar, 365 zero population growth, 366 zombie worms, 216 Zoological Society of San Diego, 377 zoology, 2, 175–76 Zworykin, Vladimir, 389 479 This page intentionally left blank Also from Visible Ink Press The Handy African American History Answer Book by Jessie Carnie Smith ISBN: 978-1-57859-452-8 The Handy Geography Answer Book, 2nd edition by Paul A Tucci ISBN: 978-1-57859-215-9 The Handy Physics Answer Book, 2nd edition By Paul W Zitzewitz, Ph.D ISBN: 978-1-57859-305-7 The Handy American History Answer Book by David Hudson ISBN: 978-1-57859-471-9 The Handy Geology Answer Book by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney ISBN: 978-1-57859-156-5 The Handy Politics Answer Book by Gina Misiroglu ISBN: 978-1-57859-139-8 The Handy Anatomy Answer Book by James Bobick and Naomi Balaban ISBN: 978-1-57859-190-9 The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents), 2nd edition by Gina Misiroglu ISBN: 978-1-57859-219-7 The Handy Art History Answer Book by Madelynn Dickerson ISBN: 978-1-57859-417-7 The Handy Astronomy Answer Book, 3rd edition by Charles Liu ISBN: 978-1-57859-190-9 The Handy Bible Answer Book by Jennifer R Prince ISBN: 978-1-57859-478-8 The Handy Chemistry Answer Book by Ian C Stewart and Justin P Lamont ISBN: 978-1-57859-374-3 The Handy Civil War Answer Book by Samuel Willard Crompton ISBN: 978-1-57859-476-4 The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book, 2nd edition by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney ISBN: 978-1-57859-218-0 The Handy History Answer Book, 3rd edition by David L Hudson, Jr ISBN: 978-1-57859-372-9 The Handy Investing Answer Book by Paul A Tucci ISBN: 978-1-57859-486-3 The Handy Law Answer Book by David L Hudson Jr ISBN: 978-1-57859-217-3 The Handy Math Answer Book, 2nd edition by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney ISBN: 978-1-57859-373-6 The Handy Mythology Answer Book by David A Leeming, Ph.D ISBN: 978-1-57859-475-7 The Handy Presidents Answer Book, 2nd edition by David L Hudson ISB N: 978-1-57859-317-0 The Handy Psychology Answer Book by Lisa J Cohen ISBN: 978-1-57859-223-4 The Handy Religion Answer Book, 2nd edition by John Renard ISBN: 978-1-57859-379-8 The Handy Science Answer Book®, 4th edition by The Science and Technology Department Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, James E Bobick, and Naomi E Balaban ISBN: 978-1-57859-140-4 The Handy Ocean Answer Book by Patricia Barnes-Svarney and Thomas E Svarney ISBN: 978-1-57859-063-6 The Handy Sports Answer Book by Kevin Hillstrom, Laurie Hillstrom, and Roger Matuz ISBN: 978-1-57859-075-9 The Handy Personal Finance Answer Book by Paul A Tucci ISBN: 978-1-57859-322-4 The Handy Supreme Court Answer Book by David L Hudson, Jr ISBN: 978-1-57859-196-1 The Handy Philosophy Answer Book by Naomi Zack ISBN: 978-1-57859-226-5 The Handy Weather Answer Book, 2nd edition by Kevin S Hile ISBN: 978-1-57859-221-0 Please visit the “Handy” series website at www.handyanswers.com ... Visible Ink Press’ The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book, The Handy Math Answer Book, and The Handy Ocean Answer Book, as well as Skies of Fury: Weather Weirdness around the World and The Oryx Guide to... more about their work and writing at www.pattybarnes.net i This page intentionally left blank THE HANDY BIOLOGY ANSWER BOOK This page intentionally left blank THE HANDY BIOLOGY ANSWER BOOK SECOND... (412) … You and Food (416) … You and the “Other” Animals (422) Acknowledgements We are indebted to the authors of the first edition of The Handy Biology Answer Book James Bobick, Naomi Balaban,

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2017, 23:03