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Đây là công sức mình soạn ra từ các ý của thầy Simon trên ieltssimon.com. Mình làm hết trong vòng 1 tuần và chọn ra những ý tưởng phù hợp với người Việt nam dễ viết nhất, xin gửi tặng các bạn MIỄN PHÍ. Cảm ơn các bạn :D

FREE IDEAS FOR TASK IELTS COLLECTED FROM IELTSSIMON.CON Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS I ADVERTISEMENT : POSITIVES - creative industry that employs many people - Advertising is a form of modern art People enjoy adverts II VEGETARIANISM POSITIVES - Animals are used in important scientific research It is necessary to medical tests on new drugs NEGATIVES - Humans have no moral right to experiments on animals The lives of animals should be respected - Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience - There are alternative methods of research (using plants) - Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms, not eat foods that are produced by killing animals - It is completely natural for us to kill them for food, to eat a balanced diet - In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals - ZOOs III OPINION - Advertising aimed at children should be controlled or even banned - Unhealthy foods should not be marketed in a way that attracts children ANIMAL ANIMAL TESTING NEGATIVES - manipulates people, use glamorous, successful people - Children can easily be influenced by advertisements Children put pressure on parents to buy them things A healthy diet is possible without eating meat A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer - help to protect endangered species - - educational, interesting and fun Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals kept in cages or have limited space - lose the freedom to hunt for food no right to use animals for entertainment and profit POSITIVES/ REASON - Move to cities in search of job NEGATIVES/ DRAWBACKS - The cost of living is higher than CITIES URBANIZATION/ Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS CITY LIFE PEDESTRIAN AREAS IV opportunities, because offer greater employment possibilities - Offer a higher standard of living (education, healthcare) - People who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier EX : Dependence on cars is linked to health problems like obesity - Improve the local environment Safer and more attractive for both residents and tourists - in rural areas Life in cities can be extremely stressful Traffic congestion and crime CRIME CRIME PREVENTION PRISON/ PUNISHMENT REHALBILITATION (giáo dục tính cách) CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (death sentences) COMMUNITY SERVICE CRIME IN THE MEDIA POSITIVES/ REASON - Police should have close contact with schools They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school - Government campaign - Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment - criminals pose a threat to society - put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens - Prisoners receive education of vocational training  make them better citizens - Rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend - deters crime Fear of the death penalty stops people from committing offence - The cost of imprisonment is avoided - a way to reform offenders useful in their local communities - The cost of imprisonment is avoided - The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes This lead to fear of crime among the public - The media report crime stories in order to increase their audience NEGATIVES/ DRAWBACKS - Criminals are put together They make friends with other offenders A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult - - - Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed Executing prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revenge not a sufficient punishment Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS V EDUCATION POSITIVES/ REASON - The best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields, offer better courses - Living abroad can broaden students’ horizons - (become more independent responsible for cooking, cleaning and paying bills, learn new foreign language) - Overseas students are exposed to different cultures and customs - Powerful tool to engage students (more interesting lesson) - Take distance learning courses (Students can study whenever and wherever they want) NEGATIVES/ DRAWBACKS - The language barrier - Living alone in an unfamiliar culture can cause homesickness HIGHER EDUCATION/ UNIVERSITY - A degree can open the door to better employment prospects Repetitive manual jobs are now done by machine, high paying jobs require specific knowledge - HOME SCHOOLING - Parents can respond to what their children need and how they learn best One-to-one lessons allow much faster progress Good for families live in isolated areas with poor transport - For religious or cultural reasons  male and female students should go to separate schools Learn in different ways and have different needs - Teachers can work at the right speed for their students  Plan more suitable lessons  According to their academic ability High-level groups may progress faster Lower level groups can benefits - STUDY ABROAD TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION - - SINGLE-SEX EDUCATION - STREAMING (Phan loai hoc sinh) - - - - - - Computers are expensive to maintain and can be unreliable Learners need a structured course An experienced teacher knows what materials to choose Practical training is more important in some industries A healthy economy needs a wide range of workers EX : In the UK, for example, there is currently a shortage of plumbers Most parents not have the time to educate their children at home  One parent would need to give up work Home-schooled children may lack social skill  Learn how to get on with each other A mixed-sex environment is more representative of real life  It is unhealthy in terms of children’s social development Separating boys and girls creates discrimination (increase differences between) Grouping by ability may have a negative impact on students  Children not want to be seen as less intelligent than others  damage students’ self esteem  lose motivation Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS 10 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT (Danh tre em) - - A way of controlling children using fear - - HOPPING JOBS TO ANOTHER JOBS - SELFEMPLOYMENT - 11 from a slower pace - further their career gain experience, learn different skills (need to develop a range of experience and skills) The Internet provides a global marketplace offers greater freedom than working for a company - UNEMPLOYMEN T - EDUCATING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRY BAD BEHAVIOUR IN SCHOOLS UNEMPLOYMENT BALANCE WORK AND LIFE VI Mixed ability classes encourage everyone to achieve their potential Children who are punished physically may become shy or resentful This does not promote trust between adults and children salaries gradually increase promoted within the organization stable career with a good pension and health insurance face financial difficulties fail to make a profit no benefits like pensions, sick pay and holiday pay PROBLEMS - Low literacy rates (ti le biet chu) - No schools in many areas Families not have access to books or computers - Bad behavior is due to a lack of structure and discipline - Disruptive students come from an unstable family background - Other parents are too lenient and spoil their children - not have the sufficient level of education or qualifications - Jobless people may become involved in crime as a means to get money - “workaholics” may neglect their families and friends - result in stress and poor health SOLUTION - Developed countries could help developing nations by providing money - They should encourage parents to send their children to school - Schools need a clear code of conduct, a set of rules about behavior - Schools need to work closely with parents POSITIVES/ REASON - Fossil fuel like oil and gas are running out  produce electricity without wasting natural resources - They could help to reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming NEGATIVES/ DRAWBACKS - Worries about the safety of power stations  Nobody wants to live near one - There is currently no way to decontaminate radioactive material - Governments need to provide vocational courses and retraining Good education take regular holidays Technology allow people to work from home ENVIRONMENT NUCLEAR POWER (build more nuclear power stations) Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS GLOBAL WARMING IMPACT OF HUMAN ON THE ENVIRONMENT PROBLEMS/ REASON - Greenhouse effect Gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat from the sun  causes global temperatures to rise - Human : major factor + produce emissions and exhaust fumes + becoming industrialized - WASTES/ RUBBISH - LITTER - - VII SOLUTION/ EFFECTS - Significant impact on our planet + Rising temperature will cause melting of the polar ice caps + Rise sea levels - On human + more extreme weather conditions + Flooding and droughts : more common Governments could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories - Governments campaign : promote recycling The increasing world population is putting pressure on natural resources destroying wildlife habitats cut down enormous areas of rainforest led to the extinction of many species of animals and plants Result of our consumer culture + If something breaks, we throw it way and buy a new one Most foods are sold in nonbiodegradable plastics packaging People not think about the consequences of dropping rubbish  They assume that somebody is paid to clean the streets Most foods are sold in nonbiodegradable plastics packaging  not easy to break down - (Use from above 2th ) - (Use from above 2th ) FAMILY SIZE : FAMILY SIZE WORKING PARENTS NEGATIVE EFFECTS ON PROBLEMS - Tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families - More difficult to raise a large family - Generation gap - Busy parents have less contact with their children  - Children spend more time with friends or surfing the Internet - Friends, television and the Internet become the main SOLUTION - - Women traditionally stayed at home to cook, clean and look after children - Parents should be more involved with their children’s Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS CHILDRENS DIVORCE - CARE FOR ELDERS - VIII GENDER AND EDUCATION GENDER AND WORK MEN AND WOMAN ROLES upbringing Young people need positive role models - - ENCOURAGE DISENCOURAGE - Males and females should be accepted onto courses according to their abilities, depend on hard work and individual merit EX : In the UK, there are similar numbers of male and female students in higher education  Gender should be irrelevant in education - They should be employed according to their abilities, qualifications and experience, depend on hard work and individual merit - Earn equal salaries, not restricted to certain roles - Mother stay at home and bring - Share the same responsibilities up her children - Families can divide roles and The father should be the responsibilities in the most breadwinner of the family convenient way SCIENCE/ TECHNOLOGY GENETIC ENGINEERING Geneticallymodified foods In the past, divorce was unacceptable  considered to be embarrassing for a family Lone parents may face financial difficulties Caring for elderly people was traditionally the responsibility of families Families tend to be smaller these days, and women often have full-time jobs Cares - GENDER IX influence on children’s behavior Juvenile delinquency is on the increase MEN AND WOMAN ADVANTAGES - Better crop : + more resistant to insects and diseases + modified crops grow more quickly - Better health care : + Inherited illnesses would no longer exist + clone human organs - Better crop : + more resistant to insects and diseases + modified crops grow more quickly - Modified to look perfect + more attractive to customers - Mother stay at home and bring DISADVANTAGES - Ethical concerns about human genetic engineering + Unacceptable in most religions - Lead to war + Soldiers could be cloned from the genes of the strongest people - - Change whole ecosystems + Food chains could be broken if crops are resistant to predators Modified genes could product unwanted biological product EX : cause tumor Share the same responsibilities Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS ROLES X PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRY IMMIGRATION GLOBALIZATION PROBLEMS - Standards of healthcare and education are low - Life expectancy is lower than in developed countries + A lack of infrastructure, employment and good quality housing - In search of a better life + Come from less developed countries - Migrate to a foreign country to improve their + academic qualifications + opportunities for employment SOLUTION - Richer nations can help by investing in long-term projects - Multi-national companies can creating jobs in developing countries ADVANTAGE + From an economic perspective, immigration can be extremely positive + Many immigrants have skills that are needed in the country they move to + People of many different nationalities learn to live together This can help people to become more open-minded and tolerant DISADVANTAGE + Unemployment rates could rise if there are too many immigrants (take jobs that should go to local people ) +Not have equal pay and conditions (companies exploit immigrant workers ) - Multi-national companies business across the world create opportunities for employment (reduce poverty) - Governments pay the salaries of public sector workers (police officers and teachers) The necessary money is raised by taxing people’s - - Families can divide roles and responsibilities in the most convenient way SOCIETY CONCERN : - up her children The father should be the breadwinner of the family PUBLIC SERVICES - - Companies can move to countries where labor is cheap  creates redundancies, or job losses Companies sometimes exploit their employees in developing countries Provided by private companies Create competition  helps to improve quality while bringing prices down Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS CENSORSHIP - VIDEO CAMERAS IN PUBLIC PLACES - SMART CARD (digital identification card system) - PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES - GUNS LEGAL - POLICE WITH GUNS - 10 ARMS TRADE - 11 12 NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARMED FORCE (spend money on military) - - income Use censorship to protect children from violent images There should be age limits for websites and computers games They are supposed to protect us and deter criminals - - Reduce crime + It would be very difficult for criminals to use a stolen card + It would be easier for police to identify people and catch criminals Hold personal information : DNA, fingerprint should be treated the same as everybody else Discriminations against disabled people is illegal in many countries people are allowed to own firearms  use guns in self defense Collection - It is easier to arrest someone and avoid physical violence self defense as many criminals use weapons - This industry creates jobs and wealth (Governments of rich, industrialized countries sell arms to each other) The trade of weapons may improve relationships between governments used as a deterrent prevent wars from starting - provide security and protection deter military attack by another country give the police extra support - - this surveillance violates our privacy The authorities could build databases with our pictures and identities  Treated like criminals losing their privacy + Governments could store all our personal and medical information Employers could check our health records - - - - - Risk of accidents and mistakes with guns Guns create violent societies with high murder rates, violent crimes increases Risk of accidents and mistakes with guns There are several alternatives to guns (e.g tear gas, sprays and electric shock weapons) used in conflicts and wars Governments are promoting war in order to make a profit Nuclear weapons are capable of destroying whole cities A nuclear war between two countries would destroy both countries require a lot of funding from governments This money could be spent on schools, hospitals and other public services Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS 13 OLD BUILDINGS 14 HOW SHOULD WE BUILD MODERN BUILDINGS MONEY EFFECT TO SOCIETY 15 16 CONSUMERISM 17 CLEAN WATER 18 FREE WATER ? 19 CHILD- LABOUR XI ADVANTAGE SOLUTION : - part of a country’s heritage, - Governments should spend money considered to be works or art on looking after historic buildings – - give character to cities and - They need regular repairs and attract tourists maintenance - should be designed to be environmentally friendly (make houses more energy-efficient) - Modern glass buildings take advantage if natural light - Society has become increasingly materialistic cause people aspire to earn more money - We connect wealth and material possessions with happiness and success - Advertising creates new desires and needs, persuades us to buy the latest styles - encourages innovation and - cause damage to the environment creativity in business + use more natural resources + create more waste - creates employment - Materialism causes greed and crime WHY IMPORTANT ? PROBLEMS - The supply of clean water - Areas that suffer droughts often would improve public health in need to import water many developing countries - As populations grow, there is more - needed for agriculture and pressure on water supplies industry FREE NOT FREE - Private companies should not - If we have to pay for water, we will be allowed to profit from this use it more responsibly natural resource - Water supply systems are - Money from taxes can be extremely expensive used to pay for water supply  Investment is needed to systems maintain and improve them PROBLEMS SOL - In some countries, children - Governments should make are exploited : repetitive education a priority jobs (agriculture and factory - The employment of children is work ) for very low pay prohibited - Not free to enjoy their childhood HEALTH DIET EXERCISE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES - An unhealthy diet can cause various health problems Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are on the increase - Many people nowadays rely on fast food or pre-prepared meals These foods often contain too much fat, salt and suga - Regular exercise is essential in - Most people nowadays lead a maintaining a healthy body sedentary lifestyle (burns calories and helps to - We tend to walk less and build healthy bones and desk jobs muscles) Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS SOME SOLUTION FOR GOVERN TO DO HEALTHCARE SYSTEM ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE (phuong phap chua benh truyen thong) STRESS XII - Governments should promote a healthy diet and regular exercise - Food packaging must show the food’s nutritional content STATE HEALTH SYSTEM - Paid by the government using money from taxes - Everyone has access to the same quality of care and treatment - Acupuncture can be used to treat backache - Herbal medicines can be used to treat allergies or viruses - Some traditional cures have been used for hundreds of years PROBLEMS : - People work long hours with strict deadlines - Children may be affected by their tests and exams - Share the same responsibilities Families can divide roles and responsibilities in the most convenient way PRIVATE HEALTHCARE : - shorter waiting lists for operations and appointments - Patients have their own room and more comfortable facilities, personal services - not tested scientifically - cause unknown side effects SOLUTIONS : - taking regular exercise and eating a healthy diet - work less overtime and take regular holidays CULTURE RELATED : ENGLISH AS AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE HAPPINESS MEANS ? SUCCESS MEANS ? WHERE TALENT COME FROM ? (nature or nurture) TOURISM ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES - It is the dominant language of - If one language is dominant, technology, science and other languages may disappear international business - Other cultures may be - The ability to speak English is damaged a necessary skill in the modern world - described as a feeling of pleasure or enjoyment - money as a source of happiness find happiness in bringing up their children SOLUTION - get a sense of achievement Success in any field requires from raising a family long-term planning and effort - defined by wealth or status - means achieving personal or professional goals NATURE NURTURE - our personalities are - education and upbringing are determined mainly by genetics more important (inherit our abilities and - develop according to the talents) influences around us - The tourist trade is vital for - Tourism creates pollution and some economies( creates waste employment in services like - have a negative effect on the accommodation, transport and natural environment Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS TRADITIONAL CUSTOM XIII COMTETITIVE SPORT PROFESSIONAL SPORT SALARIES TOO HIGH ? SPORT AND POLITICS WHERE TALENT COME FROM ? (nature or nurture) REASON LOSING CUSTOMS : - Global advertising encourages everyone to buy the same products - Goods are produced very quickly and in large numbers, cheaper products - (The building of facilities and infrastructure can destroy the habitat of wild animals) BENEFIT - still important during weddings and religious festivals - celebrate festivals, teach traditional skills and protect historic places - SPORT XIV entertainment) opens our minds ADVANTAGES - same as any other business - use their talents to earn a salary - Competition is healthy because it pushes us to give our best TOO MUCH - We could all live happily without professional football Life would be difficult without doctors, engineers and other vital professionals - not provide a vital service - get a sense of achievement from raising a family - defined by wealth or status - means achieving personal or professional goals NATURE - our personalities are determined mainly by genetics (inherit our abilities and talents) - DISADVANTAGES - Some athletes take drugs in order to win at any cost - Competitors are often selfish and rude  not good role models for children - - ADVANTAGES - Television programs can be entertaining and enjoyable - Programmers can also be informative and educational DISADVANTAGES - Children are less healthy because they spend less time palying - link violence on television with FAIR - a large audience of sports fans - Sports stars have dedicated hours of practice to developing their fitness and skills - Only the most talented among them will reach the top SOLUTION Success in any field requires long-term planning and effort NURTURE - education and upbringing are more important - develop according to the influences around us TECHNOLOGY TELEVISION Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS INTERNET E-READER OR NEWSPAPER/ BOOKS PHONES WORK RELATED - It gives us instant access to information on almost any subject - It has revolutionized communication (keep in touch by email or instant messenger services) E-READER - costs nothing to publish or access information - read the news in any language from any country - stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues wherever we are - fashion accessories - XV Internet, fax and mobile phone technologies have revolutionized working life save time and money - crime rates in the real world Many websites contain offensive content (violent or sexual images) Children are less healthy because they spend less time palying NEWSPAPER - eye-friendly - Newspaper articles and books are written by professionals (better quality writing) - Children are less healthy because they spend less time palying - Mobile phones may also interfere with electronic equipment (Their waves could cause damage to our brains) - - TRANSPORT : PUBLIC TRANSPORT (GENERAL) ROAD SAFETY PHONES ADVANTAGES - Well-designed transport systems are comfortable and convenient - reduce pollution in cities, ease traffic congestion PROBLEMS - congestion is caused by commuters travelling to work  causes traffic jams during the rush hour - Cars and road space are not used efficiently PROBLEMS - Mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers ( draw the driver’s attention away from the road) - Drunk driving - stay in touch with family, friends and colleagues wherever we are - fashion accessories DISADVANTAGES - often slow and unreliable - Metro systems and trains are often dirty and crowded SOL - Workers should share their cars and travel together - work from home + Meetings can be held as video conferences SOL - Punishments are becoming stricter - campaigns are used to remind people to drive safely - Children are less healthy because they spend less time palying Mobile phones may also interfere with electronic equipment (Their waves could Sadddddddd IELTS MATERIALS – FOR VIETNAMESE LEARNERS cause damage to our brains) - -

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2017, 14:45


