Sets the overall direction and goals for your marketing The foundation of a marketing plan Role: Define your vision, mission and business goals Outlines the steps you need to take to achieve these goals.
1.The resolution of Surface Pro 4? A 12 MP B MP C 16 MP Microsoft Surface Pro how many basic features? A watch – work – write B design – work – wirte C watch – wirte 3.Microsoft Surface Pro uses the operating system? A.Win 10 Home B.Win 10 Pro C.Win 10 Education VOCABULARY Marketing stategy Foundation /faun'dei∫n/ Sự thành lập Goals /goƱl/ mục tiêu Define /di'fain/ xác định Mission /'mi∫(ә)n/ Sứ mệnh VOCABULARY Vision /'viʒn/ Thị trường Achieve /ә't∫i:v/ Đạt Describes /dɪˈskraɪb/ Mô tả Identifies /ai'dentifai/ Nhận diện Effectiveness /i´fektivnis/ Tính hiệu I A MARKETING STATEGY Sets the overall direction and goals for your marketing The foundation of a marketing plan II DEVELOP A MARKETING STRATEGY Role: Define your vision, mission and business goals Outlines the steps you need to take to achieve these goals VIII DEVELOP STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT YOUR MARKETING GOALS List your target markets Devise a set of strategies to attract and retain them IX TEST YOUR IDEAS Do some online research Test some ideas and approaches on your customers and your staff, and review what works IX TEST YOUR IDEAS Study your customers needs, reach the customers within your target market Improve your sales results Find out effective tactics VOCABULARY Features Chức Benefits /'benɪfɪt/ Lợi ích Regular /'rәgjulә/ Thường xuyên Merchandising /´mә:tʃәn¸daiziη/ Techniques /tek'ni:k/ kỹ thuật X 4P Product: what you are selling, including all of the features/advantages/benefits (styling, quality, repairs, and accessories.) X 4P Price How it will affect your customers Estimatedall costs Discounts and seasonal pricing => attract customer such as: +Posting regular updates about your product on Twitter and Facebook +Advertising in local magazines targeted to young people X 4P Place Where your products and services are seen, made, sold or distributed Access for customers to your products is key =>customers can find you X 4P Place Design of your retail space and use effective visual merchandising techniques Finding the right business location _a key marketing VOCABULARY Promotion /prә'mou∫n/ Thúc đẩy Telemarketing /´teli¸ma:kitiη/ Chào hàng qua điện thoại Prospective /prә´spektiv/ Món lãi sau Publicity /pʌb'lɪsәtɪ / Hoạt động quảng cáo X 4P Promotion make your customers aware of your products and services, including advertising, sales tactics, promotions and direct marketing X 4P Promotion Promotional activities can include: advertising - newspapers, radio, television, magazines, outdoor signage and online X 4P Promotion Promotional activities can include: personal selling or telemarketing - relies on good interpersonal and communication skills, excellent product and service knowledge and the ability to sell product benefits to prospective customers X 4P Promotion Promotional activities can include: Publicity - created by sending media releases to print and broadcasting media, giving interviews to the media and from word-of-mouth X 4P Promotion Promotional activities can include: short-term sales promotions - market your product or service using coupons, competitions and contests X 4P Promotion Promotional activities can include: direct marketing - involves sending letters, emails, pamphlets and brochures to individual target clients, often followed by personal selling or telemarketing ... STRATEGY A simple criteria for goal-setting is the SMART method: Specific - stateclearly what you want to achieve Measurable - set tangible measures so you can measure your results Achievable... that are within your capacity and budget II DEVELOP A MARKETING STRATEGY A simple criteria for goal-setting is the SMART method: Relevant - set objectives that will help you improve particular... direction and goals for your marketing The foundation of a marketing plan II DEVELOP A MARKETING STRATEGY Role: Define your vision, mission and business goals Outlines the steps you need to take