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Branding strategy for hura player cake for the period of year 2011 2015 master project in business and marketing management

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0 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ TP HCM HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITEÙ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES SOLVAY BRUSSELS SCHOOL MBMM4 Nguyen Hong Quan BRANDING STRATEGY FOR HURA CAKE FOR THE PERIOD OF YEAR 2011 - 2015 MASTER PROJECT MASTER IN BUSINESS & MARKETING MANAGEMENT Tutor: Dr Nguyen Thang Mentor: MBA Le Dang Lang Ho Chi Minh City (2010) i DECLARATION I declare that this thesis does not incorporate without acknowledgment any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university; and that to the best of knowledge it does not contain any materials previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text …………………… Signature of Student Nguyen Hong Quan MBMM4 ii TUTOR’S COMMENTS Author tried to apply the knowledge and practical analysis to the thesis and provided many interesting solutions for the brand strategy of Hura The thesis objectives were clearly and rationally defined, the structure is also logical In summary, the thesis meets the requirements for the final project of Master of Business and Marketing Management Program I hereby propose this thesis to be presented in front of examiner board Signed: Dr Nguyen Thang iii COMPANY COMMENTS Mr Nguyen Hong Quan presented a good solution strategy and in-depth analysis of the Hura cakethe best trademark of Bibica Corporation He displayed a thorough knowledge of marketing strategy and marketing concepts in this thesis He was able to present the marketing strategy in a way that will be useful to management in making strategic decision knowing full well the relationship of the brand strategy We are impressed with the details of his presentation; some ideas will be applied to our business plan We appreciate his practical suggestions and we wished him successful in his course Bibica Corporation Mentor: Le Dang Lang iv TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION i  TUTOR’S COMMENTS ii  COMPANY COMMENTS iii  TABLE OF CONTENT iv  LIST OF FIGURES & TABLES vi  INTRODUCE Project objective Project scope and limitations 1  Methodology 1  CHAPTER 1: BRAND STRATEGY FRAMEWORK 2  1.1 BRAND OVERVIEW 2  1.1.1 Brand definitions: 2  1.1.2 Brand vision – brand mission and core values 2  1.1.3 Brand identity system 3  1.1.4 Brand positioning 4  1.1.5 Brand structure 5  1.1.6 Brand equity management 6  1.2 BRANDING PROCESS 6  1.3 BRANDING TOOLS 7  1.3.1 Sales promotion 8  1.3.2 Direct marketing 8  1.3.3 Packaging and design 8  1.3.4 Point-of-sales 8  1.3.5 Event marketing 8  1.3.6 Publicity and PR 8  1.3.7 Media advertising 8  1.3.8 Direct response 8  1.4 FOUR STEPS TO BUILDING SUCCESSFUL BRANDS 9  CHAPTER 2: HURA CAKE SITUATION ANALYSIS 10  v 2.1 INTRODUCE HURA CAKE 10  2.1.1 Introduce Bibica Corporation 10  2.1.2 Hura cake production line 13  2.1.3 Business situation of Hura cake 15  2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 17  2.2.1 Macro environment 17  2.2.2 Target consumer 22  2.2.3 Competitors 23  2.2.4 Distribution channel system 27  CHAPTER 3: FIVE YEARS BRANDING STRATEGY OF HURA CAKE 2011 - 2015 28  3.1 OBJECTIVES 28  3.1.1 Business objectives 28  3.1.2 Marketing and brand objectives 28  3.2 BRANDING STRATEGY 2011 - 2015 28  3.2.1 Brand vision 28  3.2.2 Brand positioning 29  3.2.3 Brand identity 31  3.2.4 Brand analysis (SWOT) 32  3.2.5 Branding strategy map 33  3.3.1 Product strategy 34  3.3.2 Price strategy 34  3.3.3 Distribution strategy 35  3.3.4 Communication 38  3.3.5 Marketing plan and budget 2011 40 CONCLUSION 42 APPENDIX 43 REFERENCES 49  vi LIST OF FIGURES & TABLES List of Figures Figure 1.1: Brand Identity system Figure 1.2: Brand structure Figure 1.3: Brand relationship Figure 1.4: Branding process Figure 1.5: Brand Communication (Integrated Marketing Communication) Figure 1.6: Michael Foster five forces model Figure 1.7: Four steps to building successful brands Figure 2.1: Hura cake turnover during last years Source Bibica Figure 2.2: Hura cake contribution in total revenue Source Bibica Figure 2.3: Hura cake proportion of total revenue Source Bibica Figure 2.4: Value consumption increases across groups, with positive pictures from Beverage and Food products Source Nielson Vietnam Figure 2.5: Value share at city of FMCG Source Nielson Vietnam Figure 2.6: Value share of cake industry in VN Source Nielson VN Figure 2.7: Bibica cake performance at 30 cities Source Bibica Figure 2.8: Price segment contribution at 36 cities Source Nielson VN Figure 2.9: cake analysis by places of usage Source Nielson VN Figure 2.10: Pie manufacture in Vietnam comparative Source Nielson VN Figure 2.11: Pie product groups Source Nielson VN Figure 2.12: Value share comparative at cities Source Nielson VN Figure 2.13.: Hura and Solite vs by value share at cities Source Nielson VN Figure 2.14.: Map of Bibica distribution channel Source Bibica Figure 3.1: Price comparative of cake at city of FMCG Source Nielson Vietnam Figure 3.1: Map of Hura branding develops strategy Figure 3.2: Map of Bibica distribution channel Source Bibica Figure 3.3: Price strategy Figure 3.4: Price comparative of cake at city of FMCG Source Nielson Vietnam Figure 3.5: channel setup mission Figure 3.6: “Love Bus” reseasch report List of Tables Table 2.1: Hura cake turnover during last years Table 3.1: SWOT analysis Source Bibica Table 3.2: Value share of Hura - SWOT analysis Source Bibica Table 3.3: Hura cake line – price brackdown Source Bibica Table 3.4: Master activities and budget plan 2011 INTRODUCE Project objective This project delivers the three following objectives: - To give an overview about Vietnam cake market - Develop a brand strategy to achieve the business goals for the next years operation - To suggest some marketing activities to improve brand equity Project scope and limitations - This thesis focuses on branding and marketing of Hura cake and applied for Vietnam pie market - focuses on proposing marketing communication strategy fitting with target consumer insights Methodology - SWOT analysis - Research methodology  Secondary data: we collect information from existing reports of TNS, Nielsens, Bibica reports, Economic Time …  Primary data: conducting survey consumers, and collect all information related  About quantitative research: we use face-to-face interviews We the research with consumers around 18 - 35 years old living in Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho and Da Nang Number of samples is around 830 CHAPTER 1: BRAND STRATEGY FRAMEWORK This chapter will introduce some concepts and theory about brand building Inside this concept and theory, there will be some models to drive the process of branding, it also gives the methodology to this thesis research, and those models helped many brands success 1.1 BRAND OVERVIEW 1.1.1 Brand definitions: The word "brand", when used as a noun, can refer to a company name, a product name, or a unique identifier such as a logo or trademark Today's modern concept of branding grows out of the consumers packaged goods industry and the process of branding has come to include much, much more than just creating a way to identify a product or company Therefore, we can say that branding today is used to create emotional attachment for products and companies Branding efforts create a feeling of involvement, a sense of higher quality, and an aura of intangible qualities that surround the brand name, mark, or symbol So what exactly is the definition of "brand"? Let us cover some definitions first before we get too far into the branding process American Marketing Association "A brand is a name, words, symbols, logos, graphics designers, or set of factors to identify and distinguish goods or services of a person or group selling goods and services of competitors " Patricia F Nicolino "Branding is an entity determined to create its own commitments in terms of value." Al Ries "Branding is an idea or a unique concept in mind your customers when they heard of your company." Stuart Agres "A brand is a set of specific commitments, linking a product to the customer." 1.1.2 Brand vision – brand mission and core values • Brand vision Brand vision is a part of corporate vision It is a short, succinct, and inspiring statement of what the organization intends to become and to achieve at some points in the future, often stated in competitive terms Vision refers to the category of intentions that are broaden, all intrusive and forward thinking It is the image that a business must have its goals before it sets out to reach them It describes aspirations for the future, without specifying the means that will be used to achieve those desired ends The brand success depends on the vision articulated by the chief executive or the top brand management For a vision to have any impact of the employees of an organization, it has to be conveyed in a dramatic and enduring way The most effective visions are those that inspire, usually asking employees for the best, the most or the greatest To make sure firm keep stretch in its vision, communicate constantly and keep linking the events of today to its vision, underscore the relationship between the two • Brand mission A brand mission statement is a brand's vision translated into written form It concretes the leader's view of the direction and purposes of the organization For many corporate brand leaders, it is a vital element in any attempt to motivate employees and give them a sense of priorities A brand mission statement should be a short and concise statement of goals and priorities In turn, goals are specific objectives that related to specific time and stated in terms of facts The primary goal of any brand is to increase stakeholder value The most important stakeholders are shareholders who own the business of brand, employees who work for the business and clients or customers who purchase brands and/or service from the brand • Core values Core values of the brand represent the business philosophy that it is pursuing brand, construction and implementation This is a promise or commitment of the brand (company) for customers, shareholders, employees and communities 1.1.3 Brand identity system Brand identity is a set of associations that the brand aspires to create or maintain It is the planned expression of the brand values, the input perspective The way brand identity is perceived by consumers and other stakeholders constitutes the brand image – the output perspective Brand image, then, is the sum of intended brand identity and any other signs the brand gives to consumers, including its relative positioning against competitors The development of brand identity relies on a thorough understanding of the firm’s customers (and other stakeholders), competitors and its own business strategy The stakeholder analysis must not only uncover target market characteristics, but also their motivations and unmet needs Studying competitor’s positioning strategies is a key to 35 Hura -Deli Products Hura-Minie Hura-BFY (12x28gr) (6x28gr) (3x28gr) (24x20gr) (12x20gr) (12x28gr) (6x28gr) 32,000 17,000 9,000 36,000 18,000 36,000 18,500 28,160 10,419 37% 4,224 15% 14,960 5,535 37% 2,244 15% 7,920 2,930 37% 1,188 15% 32,400 8,748 27% 2,592 8% 16,200 4,374 27% 1,296 8% 31,680 12,672 40% 7,920 25% 16,280 6,512 40% 4,070 25% Consumer Price Retail Price (VND) Gross profit % GP   Net profit % NP   Table 3.3: Hura cake – price breakdown Source Bibica TT Cities - MAT TY 100 Custas Custard Custard Accumulated Val % Share 90 Hura Deli 80 Chocopie 70 60 Lotte Pie 50 40 30 20 10 Phaner Pie Sophie Hiro Solite Choco P&N Hura   Figure 3.4: Price comparative of cake at city of FMCG Source Nielson Vietnam 3.3.3 Distribution strategy To succesful in “Power in the market”, Hura have to expant the distribution system 36 Figure 3.5: Distribution channel of Hura 37 Route to the market Hura Deli/BFY : 60% Groceries & Specialties 25% Key Accounts 15% Neighborhood Stores & Convenient Stores Hura Minie : 45% Groceries & Specialties 35% Neighborhood Stores & Convenient Stores 20% Key Accounts Bibica's mission in this field Figure 3.5: channel setup mission 38 3.3.4 Communication a/ Communication objective: – To introduce Hura Swissroll and Hura Custard, new brands identity and they premium but nostalgia image – Build up brand characteristics through fostering the spirit of “a taste of memory and love” Key Communication: “A TASTE OF MEMORY AND LOVE” HURA Swissroll and Hura Custard is a symbol of Lovely and sweet ● Support: – New Hura is a totally new type of cake A breakthrough innovation in packaging and the product inside – New flavors, new taste brings you a completely unprecedented experience Who we are talking to? • Kid • Teen age • Mom with kids aged from 25 to 35 class A/B/C – Combined of traditional & modern – Family caring but career concern – Very dynamic, extrovert but sensitive and very feminine – Busy with modern life but devoted with family – Want the best for their kids b/ Focus Media program: Out side of some effective media such as: TVC, advertising, print adv… we focus to tools following:  Continuos Sponsorship for “Love Bus” reality TV program but need to forcus more about content, players and product placement (PPL) I was make a research to find out the the attention of young people about the “Love Bus” program 39 khac kha nang dan dat cua MC mien bac thay thich thi xem tinh nhan ban qua cac ctrinh tu thien mien trung hoc hoi them knghiem ve cach song v qhe voi nguoi khacgioi ket cuc cac "moi quan he" cua cac nhan vat mien tay co them nhieu thong tin bo ich tu cac dia phuong tinh tiet co nhung ket cuc bat ngo tpHCM noi dung kich ban hay voi nhung tinh tiet xuc dong noi dung kich ban phan anh cac van de thuc te 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 ngoai hinh va tai le cua dien vien Figure 3.6: “Love Bus” reseasch report With 574 / 830 case (accounting for 69.16%) who watching the “Love Bus” once per month, they have two great concerns: - Over 30% of people interested in the humanity of the charity program on “Love Bus” Over 45% want to learning life experience (Reference on Appendix part)  New strategy program “Hura Support to School” with vision “Build 100 classrooms and give 1,000 scholarships to students" for period 2011 2015( with budget 10 billions VND) Oganize the “Charity program at school” to charitable donation for poor students combines with the “Love Bus alumni” exchange programe Media supported by “Nhi dong” – “Muc Tim” – “Khan quang do” magazine by making the writing contest: “My dream school” and some off- line events  For media advertising we suggest focus to: advertising at oil stations (instead of the usual positions billboard), advertising on building LCD and cinema   Shop banner advertising (trade marketing) 40 Shop banner Billboards at oil station Advertising on building LCD Love Bus and charity program 3.3.5 Marketing plan and budget 2011 Goals: - To upgrade Hura Deli into the premium segment competing with imported & foreign products - Lauching Hura Swissroll succesfull - To increase the sales volume of Hura line - To maintain the loyalty from consumers 41 Master Activities and Budget Plan 2011 Brand Communication TVC Month Hura Swissroll Hura Deli Hura Deli Hura Swissroll Hura Deli “Love Bus" Sponsorship Lauching Hura Swissroll Print Ad Outdoors 10 Hura Deli 11 Hura Swissroll Budget x millions VND All 3,000 Hura support to School 8,000 500 Hura Swissr oll Hura Deli Gas station billboard 500 1,000 Gas station billboard Lauching Hura Swissroll PR Activities 12 Hura all Hura Swissroll Building LCD 1,500 Consumers Activation Consumer promotion Consumer Events Activities For Tet (GT&MT) & Sampling Exhibition Trade Fair Win Diamond GT&MT & 100 For Summer holidays Fair 1,000 1,500 MT GT Fair Fair Table 3.4: Master activities and budget plan 2011for Hura 300 42 CONCLUSION Power in the market and power in the mind are two successful factors 43 APPENDIX RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE HURA WITH “LOVE BUS” -BẢNG KHẢO SÁT THÔNG TIN HURA HÀNH TRÌNH KẾT NỐI TRÁI TIM (Đối tượng trả lời: nam, nữ độ tuổi từ 18 đến 35) Xin chào! Xin vui lòng để chút thời gian trả lời số câu hỏi sau Phần trả lời Anh/ Chị giúp hoàn thiện chương trình truyền hình Chúng cam đoan không tiết lộ thông tin Anh/Chị PHẦN GẠN LỌC Q1 Xin vui lòng cho biết Anh/ Chị có làm việc lĩnh vực sau không? Stt Ngành nghề Nhân viên công ty quảng cáo/ hay Nghiên cứu thị trường Nhân viên Marketing hay làm báo/tạp chí/truyền hình/phát Khác Kết Ngưng vấn Ngưng vấn Phỏng vấn tiếp Q.2 Q2 Anh/Chị có biết đến chương trình “Hành trình kết nối trái tim” (hay lovebus) không? Stt Tình trạng Không Có Kết Ngưng vấn Phỏng vấn tiếp Q.3 PHẦN NỘI DUNG Q3 Xin cho biết Anh/ Chị biết đến chương trình “Hành trình kết nối trái tim” qua đâu? Stt Phương tiện truyền thông Báo, Tạp chí Kết 44 Đài truyền hình Đài phát (Radio) Băng rôn quảng cáo đường Trên internet Biết người thân/bạn giới thiệu Một số website quen Phương tiện khác (xin cụ thể) Q4 Xin hỏi Anh/ Chị có thường xem (nhiều 01 lần/ tháng) chương trình không? Stt Tình trạng Không Có Kết Phỏng vấn Q.5 ngưng Phỏng vấn Q.6 Q5 Xin cho biết Anh/ Chị không thường xem chương trình truyền hình này? Stt Tình trạng 10 11 12 Những lý Lý quan không thường trọng xem (MA) không thường xem (SA) Nhân vật đóng “dở” (vô duyên quá) Kịch không hay Xem không hiểu Tình tiết không ly kỳ Không phù hợp thực tế Tự nhiên thấy không thích Không có thời gian xem Giờ phát không thuận lợi để xem Không rõ kênh truyền hình phát Thấy không hợp “gu” MC nói vô duyên/ không hiểu tâm lý Lý khác (xin cụ thể) Q6 Khi xem chương trình này, Anh/ Chị quan tâm đến yếu tố sau đây? Stt Tình trạng Khả “diễn xuất” nhân vật Ngoại hình tài lẻ “diễn viên” Nội dung kịch phản ánh vấn đề thực tế Nội dung kịch hay với tình tiết xúc động Tình tiết có kết cục bất ngờ Có thêm nhiều thông tin bổ ích địa phương Những yếu Yếu tố quan tố quan tâm tâm (MA) (SA) 45 10 11 12 Học hỏi thêm kinh nghiệm cách sống quan hệ với người khác giới Tính nhân qua chương trình từ thiện Thấy thích xem Khả dẫn dắt MC Lý khác (xin cụ thể) Q7 Khi xem, Anh/ Chị nghĩ loại chương trình thể loại sau: Stt Loại chương trình Kết Bộ phim tình cảm nhiều tập Chương trình nói danh lam – thắng cảnh Việt Nam Một “game” (cuộc thi) cho bạn trẻ Chương trình truyền hình thực tế giới thiệu địa điểm đặc biệt Việt Nam Một chương trình truyền hình thực tế chuyện tình yêu giới trẻ Khác (xin cụ thể) Q8 Anh/ Chị nghĩ mục đích chương trình gì? Stt Mục đích Kết Thuần túy để giải trí Giáo dục giới tính (truyền hình thực tế tình yêu) Định hướng lối sống nhân văn cho giới trẻ (qua chương trình từ thiện) Quảng cáo cho số sản phẩm Giới thiệu đất nước người Việt Nam Khác (xin cụ thể) Q9 Anh/ Chị có biết đến nhãn hiệu tài trợ chương trình (Lovebus) không? Stt Tình trạng Không Biết (xin cho biết nhãn hiệu cụ thể Kết Bánh Hura Keo Doublemint Cả hai Q10 Theo Anh/ Chị, với “chương trình truyền hình thực tế” cần đảm bảo yếu tố nào? ……………………………………………………………………………………… XIN CẢM ƠN! 46 “LOVE BUS” 47 48 49 REFERENCES A BOOKS: 10 11 David Aaker (1996), Building Strong Brands, Free Press, New York J Howard (1989), Consumer Behavior in Marketing Strategy, Prentice Hall J.N Kapferrer (1994), Strategic Brand Management, Free Press, New York Kevin Lane Keller (1998), Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall Larry Percy (2008), Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications, Elsevier P Kotler (1994), Marketing Management, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall Patricia F Nicolino (2009), Brand Management, NXB Lao động – Xã hội Paul Temporal (2008), Quản trị thương hiệu cao cấp, NXB Trẻ Lê Đăng Lăng (2010), Quản Trị Thương hiệu, NXB Đại học quốc gia Nguyễn Đình Thọ (1996), Nghiên cứu Marketing, NXB Đại học Kinh tế Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ 50/2005/QH11, Nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam B DOCUMENT OF MBMM-4 COURSE: Christian Blumelhuber (2010), Building & Managing Brand Claire Gruslin (2010), Market Research, BIS & Competitive Intelligence Jean Pierre Baeyens (2009), Strategic Marketing Management C RESEARCH: Annual report 2009 of Bibica Co Retail Audit Market Highlight Pie Category report 2010 of Nielsen Vietnam TNS Market Research, TNS Other documents and website ... mooncake, jam, candies, and Hura cake 2.1.2 Hura cake production line Hura is a line of fresh industrial cakes including many kinds of cake: - Hura layer cake Hura cupcake Hura swissroll Hura. .. YEARS BRANDING STRATEGY OF HURA CAKE 2011 - 2015 28  3.1 OBJECTIVES 28  3.1.1 Business objectives 28  3.1.2 Marketing and brand objectives 28  3.2 BRANDING STRATEGY. .. achieve the business goals for the next years operation - To suggest some marketing activities to improve brand equity Project scope and limitations - This thesis focuses on branding and marketing of

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2017, 07:59

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
6. P. Kotler (1994), Marketing Management, 8 th Edition, Prentice Hall Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: th
Tác giả: P. Kotler
Năm: 1994
1. David Aaker (1996), Building Strong Brands, Free Press, New York Khác
2. J. Howard (1989), Consumer Behavior in Marketing Strategy, Prentice Hall Khác
3. J.N Kapferrer (1994), Strategic Brand Management, Free Press, New York Khác
4. Kevin Lane Keller (1998), Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall Khác
5. Larry Percy (2008), Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications, Elsevier Khác
7. Patricia F. Nicolino (2009), Brand Management, NXB Lao động – Xã hội 8. Paul Temporal (2008), Quản trị thương hiệu cao cấp, NXB Trẻ Khác
1. Christian Blumelhuber (2010), Building & Managing Brand Khác
2. Claire Gruslin (2010), Market Research, BIS & Competitive Intelligence 3. Jean Pierre Baeyens (2009), Strategic Marketing ManagementC. RESEARCH Khác