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GIỚI THIỆU Hi bạn, Mình Ngọc Bách – tác giả sách IELTS Ngoc Bach bạn cầm tay Từ lúc mắt sách năm 2015 đến nay, nhận nhiều phản hồi tích cực bạn độc giả thông báo thi IELTS đạt điểm mục tiêu nhờ sử dụng sách Đây động lực lớn để tiếp tục nghĩ & cập nhật phương pháp giảng dạy để giúp bạn học tập ngày hiệu Một tin vui thông báo đến bạn, từ tháng 2/2017, lớp học offline học trực tiếp với chuyển từ 180 Lò Đúc sang địa điểm rộng rãi, đại nhiều Địa ở: Số 11B - Ngách 16 - Ngõ 61 Lạc Trung Cùng với địa điểm mới, giáo trình Writing độc quyền cho lớp offline (nội dung soạn độc lập với tài liệu khác, để bạn tiếp thu cách tốt giảng lớp mình, áp dụng phong cách viết cách đơn giản hiệu nhất) cải tiến update thường xuyên, đảm bảo nội dung sát với thi thật Các bạn xem qua số hình ảnh phía lớp học Các bạn follow kênh sau để update thông tin lớp học có nhận thông tin giảng, kinh nghiệm học tiếng Anh , IELTS từ HOÀN TOÀN FREE + Website: www.ngocbach.com + Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/ + Facebook cá nhân : https://www.facebook.com/nguyenngoc.bach.77 + Group IELTS Ngoc Bach: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsngocbach/ + Mail: ieltbach1707@gmail.com + Kênh youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ngocbach2014 CẢNH BÁO Hiện có số bạn bán lậu lại sách qua mail qua nick facebook ảo, website giả mạo (Hiện có website ngocbach.com) Rất nhiều trường hợp bị lừa đảo tiền, xem nội dung sách bạn gửi phần sách : nhiều nội dung bị thiếu, viết copy từ trang khác mạng không rõ nguồn gốc (không phải viết) nhiều lỗi sai chèn vào khó để bạn phát Nếu bạn đọc sách mà mua từ ngocbach.com, nhiều đề sách lạc hậu, không sát với thi thật Nghiêm trọng hơn, số đề bạn bán lậu gửi tiếp cập nhật cho bạn – Ngọc Bách viết Các bạn lưu ý thiếu 1,2 đề, học mẫu mà nội dung lỗi sai (không phải giám khảo xứ viết) -> RẤT NGUY HIỂM Đến lúc phải thi lại (mất 4tr7) không tiết kiệm tiền mà ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến trình độ tiếng Anh bạn TÓM LẠI, bạn nên mua sách chủ từ ngocbach.com để nhận nội dung CHẤT LƯỢNG, CẬP NHẬT, SÁT BỘ ĐỀ THI THẬT NHẤT kèm hỗ trợ TRỌN ĐỜI từ thầy Ngọc Bách & trợ giảng IELTS 8.0 Chỉ ĐĂNG KÝ MUA MỘT LẦN DUY NHẤT địa mail bạn nằm danh sách update, yên tâm nhận nội dung chuẩn, chất lượng, sát đề thi nhất từ IELTS Ngoc Bach Nếu bạn chưa có điều kiện mua, sử dụng nguồn tài liệu free page tuhocielts8.0 Đừng ham rẻ mà để kết thi IELTS, nghiêm trọng trình độ tiếng Anh bạn bị ảnh hưởng Cần lưu ý số bạn ủng hộ sản phẩm bán lậu nguyên nhân không định bán public sách thứ “IELTS Topic Related Vocabulary” mà lưu hành nội Các bạn mua sách lậu, bán lại, nội dung nhiều lỗi sai, thi điểm ảnh hưởng đến uy tín Hãy ủng hộ công sức tác giả để tác giả khác có thêm động lực sáng tạo - Ngọc Bách- MỤC LỤC I Part Celebrity Colors Gifts Home/ Accommodation 11 Visitors 15 Outdoor Activities 17 Photos 20 Teachers 24 Books 25 10 Study 27 11 Work 30 12 Activities near water 33 13 Birthday 36 14 Chocolate 37 15 Hometown 38 16 Family 41 17 Hats and bags 43 18 Bringing things 46 19 Shoes 48 20 Television 50 21 Housework 52 22 Dreams 54 23 History 57 24 Leisure time 60 25 Mirror 64 26 Sports 65 27 Birds 72 28 Food/Cooking 75 IELTS NGOC BACH 29 Indoor games 79 30 Rain 84 31 Going out 87 32 Holidays 90 33 Handwriting 93 34 Toys 96 35.Patience 97 36.Plans and goals 100 37 Weather 101 38 Robots 103 39 Shopping 105 40 Names 108 41 Swimming 110 II Part and Part 113 Describe a person/something that made you laugh 113 Describe your favorite movie 117 Describe a piece of equipment in your home 124 Describe an interesting song 130 Describe a special meal you have had 137 Describe a favorite part of your city or home that you often visit/ Describe a place where you relaxed 143 Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting 149 Describe an interesting photo 156 ANSWER (Trích từ đề “Describe a photo of yourself that you had taken”) 156 Describe a sport that you prefer to and is a little expensive 162 10 Describe a garden you visited and like 168 11 Describe an area of science that you are interested in (medicine, psychology, etc.) 175 11 Describe someone who has a great influence on you/ Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about 181 12 Describe a tall building you like or dislike 189 13 Describe a wild animal 196 14 Describe a time when you were very busy 201 IELTS NGOC BACH 15 Describe a famous person in your country 207 16 Describe a website that you like to visit 213 17 Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you had the chance 218 18 Describe a time you needed to use imagination 225 19 Describe an interesting or unusual thing you in your spare time 230 20 Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something 240 21 Describe a team project for study or entertainment 244 22 Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work 248 23 Describe an item that you received and made you happy 253 24 Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time 259 25 Describe a café you like 266 26 Describe a plan you made in your life (except work or study) 272 27 Describe a shop opened in your hometown 277 28 Describe a talk or a speech 282 29 Describe an interesting neighbor you have/had 287 30 Describe an experience that when you spent time with a child 294 31 Describe an activity that makes you feel excited 299 32 Describe a historic event in your country 305 33 Describe a quiet place 314 34 Describe an experience that you are waiting for something 320 35 Describe an experience of good service in a shop or a restaurant 327 36 Describe a tourist site in your country that you enjoyed visiting 333 37 Describe a family member who has an important influence on you 338 38 Describe a book you want to read again 346 39 Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with 351 40 Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside 358 41 Describe an experience in which the use of a mobile phone was not allowed 364 42 Describe a kind of foreign food you have had 369 43 Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future 376 44 Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited 382 IELTS NGOC BACH especially during the winter, living in a never-changing climate might minimize the risk of me having some allergy or going down with flu 14 How people change the way they live in different seasons? As a matter of fact, weather affects the everyday lives of people by governing choices they make about what clothes to wear, how to travel, and the activities in which they participate In the warm season, people tend to be more enthusiastic about outdoor activities which help them build up muscles and strength Meanwhile, during the cold season, staying indoors is much more common as people are reluctant to leave their house in the cold weather 15 What different activities people in the different seasons? Well, I guess in the summer and fall, when the weather is quite warm, people have a tendency to participate in strenuous activities like basketball, football or water sports like swimming, diving and water skiing On the other hand, during the cold weather of the winter and spring, people are inclined to engage in indoor activities like board games, which might prevent them from getting a cold Vocabulary: Hurricane: [noun] a storm with a violent wind / bão Example: Tonight so many victims of the hurricane and the flood are far from home and friends and familiar things Earthquake: [noun] a sudden and violent shaking of the ground / động đất Example: Every year, hundreds of minor earthquakes occur and some are felt in this the region IELTS NGOC BACH 411 Drought: [noun] a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall / hạn hán Example: The frequent droughts in this region are slowly turning the whole area into a desert Tsunami: [noun] a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide / sóng thần Example: The tsunami was caused by an earthquake and was unrelated to climate change Detect: [noun] discover or identify the presence or existence of / phát Example: Medical advances mean that cancer may soon be detected in its earliest stages Evacuate: [noun] remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place / sơ tán, tản cư Example: Several families were evacuated from their homes to higher ground as the tsunami approached the coast Coastal resident: [noun phrase] people who live along the coast / người dân sống ven bờ biển Example: This article examines coastal residents' awareness and knowledge about impacts of seawater desalination Devastating: [adjective] highly destructive or damaging / hủy hoại, có sức công phá lớn Example: A devastating cyclone struck Bangladesh, killing many people Flooding: [noun] an event in which large amounts of water cover an area that is usually dry / lụt Example: The collapse of the dam caused flooding of a large surrounding area 10 Elevation: [noun] a height above the level of the sea / độ cao IELTS NGOC BACH 412 Example: The road climbs steadily to an elevation of 1,400 feet 11 Suffer from: [expression] To feel pain or distress; sustain injury or harm / trải qua, chịu đựng Example: The writer suffered from ill health for most of his life 12 Landslide: [noun] the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff / sạt lở đất đá Example: Heavy rain caused landslides which resulted in serious damage to those houses which were built on the hillside 13 Cold spell: [noun phrase] a period of several days or weeks when the weather is much colder than usual / đợt lạnh Example: A cold spell simply halts flowering for a little while until warmer weather returns 14 Property: [noun] a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively / tài sản Example: The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests’personal property 15 Torrential rain: [noun phrase] very heavy rain / mưa lớn Example: My mum drove us to the airport in the torrential rain and wind 16 Phenomenon: [noun] a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question / tượng Phenomena: [plural form / số nhiều] Example: Glaciers are unique and interesting natural phenomena 17 Have an effect/impact on: [expression]to cause a result in someone or something / có tác động, ảnh hưởng tới Example: The election of the new President had a negative impact on the economy IELTS NGOC BACH 413 18 Traffic congestion: [noun phrase] a number of vehicles so obstructed that they can scarely move / tắc đường Example: In the rush hour, there is often traffic congestion, especially after torrential rain 19 Pose a threat to: [idiom] to cause trouble or difficulty / gây nguy hiểm cho Example: Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other road users 20 Weather forecast: [noun phrase]a statement of what the weather is likely to be for the next day or few days, usually broadcast on television or radio or printed in a newspaper / dự báo thời tiết Example: Have you heard today’s weather forecast? Yes, I heard it on the radio 21 Dreary: [adjective] dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing / ảm đạm, thê lượng Example: I was living in a dreary apartment in a run-down part of town 22 Have susceptibility to doing something: [expression] tend to, is likely to / nghiêng Example: Vulnerable children have susceptibility to being badly affected by others’ criticism 23 Foggy: [adjective] full of or accompanied by fog / sương mù Example: It was a foggy, chilly day, without sunshine sothe sea was murky and opaque 24 Bitterly cold: [expression] very cold and unpleasant / lạnh Example: It was bitterly cold when we visited Beijing during the winter 25 Heatwave: [noun] a period of very hot weather / đợt nắng nóng Example: When a heatwave occurs many people become increasingly bad-tempered 26 Cramp: [noun] a painful, involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain / chuột rút IELTS NGOC BACH 414 Example: People who play sports sometimes suffer from cramps in their legs when they are playing 27 Heatstroke: [noun] a serious condition caused by being too long in hot weather / say nắng Example: Feeling thirsty is the initial symptom of heatstroke 28 Vulnerable: [adjective] weak and easily hurt, physically or emotionally Example: This part of the coast is vulnerable to flooding after heavy rain 29 Generate: [verb] to produce or create something / sản sinh ra, tạo Example: The program would generate a lot of new jobs 30 Atmosphere: [noun] the mixture of gases that surrounds a planet / bầu khí Example: Part of the sun's energy is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere 31 Accelerate: [verb] speed up, increase / tăng tốc, đẩy nhanh tiến độ Example: Biotechnology will continue to advance and its rate of advance will accelerate 32 Global warming: [noun phrase] the increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, that is caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide / ấm lên toàn cầu Example: The company is deeply concerned by the effects of global warming caused by the greenhouse effect 33 At risk: [idiom] in danger of something unpleasant or harmful happening / gặp nguy hiểm Example: If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk 34 Mild winter: [noun phrase] a winter that isn’t particularly cold / mùa đông không lạnh IELTS NGOC BACH 415 Example: A mild winter is when the lowest temperature does not fall below zero 35 Boiling hot: [expression] very hot / nóng Example: The weather gets boiling hot in the desert during the day and freezing cold at night 36 Be responsible for: [expression]to be the cause of something / chịu trách nhiệm cho việc Example: Their family was responsible for the fire in the building 37 Be to blame for: [expression] Be responsible for a fault or wrong / chịu trách nhiệm cho việc Example: He was to blame for their being late for school, because he did not get up early enough 38 Alleviate: [verb] to make something less painful or difficult to deal with / làm dịu đi, làm giảm Example: You can't cure a common cold, but you can alleviate the symptoms 39 Alarming: [adjective]causing worry or fear / báo động Example: There has been an alarming rise in the rate of inflation 40 Address: [verb] to think about something and decide how to deal with it Example: The new government has promised to address the issue of global warming 41 Consequence: [noun] a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient / hậu quả, kết Example: Not making a will can have serious consequences for your children and other familymembers IELTS NGOC BACH 416 42 Infrastructure: [noun] as transport and powersupplies, the basic systems and services, that such a country or organization uses in order to workeffectively / sở hạ tầng Example: The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure 43 Take measures: [expression] Take action to achieve a particular purpose / có biện pháp Example: They took measures to improve performance by introducing new work practices 44 Invest (in something): [verb] to buy shares, property, or goods because you hope that the value will increase and you can make a profit / đầu tư Example: Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture 45 Tighten up: [phrasal verb] to make a rule, system, or law stronger and more difficult to avoid or ignore / thắt chặt Example: Are there any plans to tighten up on advertising controls? 46 Illegal: [adjective] contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law / trái pháp luật Example: The US President has promised to reduce the number of illegal immigrants 47 Unauthorized: [adjective] without official permission / chưa cấp phép Example: The unauthorized sale of alcohol in this city will be severely punished 48 Deteriorate: [verb] become worse / trầm trọng hơn, tồi tệ Example: Air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities 49 Be prone to: [expression] likely to something / làm gì, định làm Example: My boss is prone to get angry when my work isn't done on schedule 50 Minimize the risk of: [expression] to reduce the chancesof something bad happening / giảm thiểu tối đa khả việc IELTS NGOC BACH 417 Example: If you give up smoking, you will minimize the risk of respiratory problems later in life 51 Allergy: [noun] a medical condition that causes you to react badly when you eat, breathe or touch a particular thing / dị ứng Example: I would like to have a cat, but unfortunately I have an allergy to animal hair 52 Go down with: [phrasal verb] to become ill or sick with something / mắc bệnh Example: I can’t stop sneezing – I must be going down with a cold 53 Govern: [verb] control or influence / tác động tới; kiểm soát; định Example: State laws and regulations govern the profession of nursing 54 Enthusiastic: [adjective] having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval / thích, có đam mê với Example: The promoter was enthusiastic about the concert venue – it was a perfect place for the performance 55 uild up: [phrasal verb] to make someone well and strong again, especially after an illness / cải thiện, gia tăng Example: Taking exercise will build up your strength 56 Be reluctant to: [expression]not willing to something and therefore slow to it / chần chừ, dự Example: I’m a bit reluctant to get involved, it could be dangerous 57 Have a tendency to: [expression] tend to, be likely to something / làm gì, có khuynh hướng làm Example: She is one of those authors who have a tendency to write too much about a subject IELTS NGOC BACH 418 58 Strenuous: [adjective] requiring or using great exertion / đòi hỏi rang sức, căng thẳng Example: All your muscles need more oxygen during strenuous exercise 59 Be inclined to: [expression] tending or wanting to something / có thói quen, sở thích làm điều Example: I’m inclined to be sleepy after a big lunch 51 Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming You should say: Where is it it is What it is like Who likes to go there Why it is a popular place for swimming Today I’ll tell you about a place where a lot of people go to take a swim It’s My Khe beach in Danang, which is a coastal city in central Vietnam Danang is dubbed one of the world’s ‘most attractive cities to live in’ and I guess one of the biggest reasons why is the breath-taking My Khe beach The beach isn’t private or secluded and is open to the public so it attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists who flock there every year Though My Khe is not the only beach in Danang, it’s certainly a place not to be missed as My Khe has always been extolled for its crystal clear water and fine sand dunes Additionally, there is a variety of recreational activities available for people IELTS NGOC BACH 419 coming here There are, for example, swimming or, for those who can’t swim, taking a dip or a stroll along the shore, snorkeling, sunbathing and building sand castles for young children Not only is My Khe widely-known among domestic travellers, it has a reputation among outbound tourists as well, so it’s fair to say that the beach is loved by all kinds of visitors As I was saying, My Khe is famous for its clear water and splendid beach scenery and is ideal for both swimming and beach activities, though, like most places, we are at the mercy of the weather The fabulousbeach is undoubtedly the biggest reason why My Khe draws tourists like a magnet Vocabulary: Coastal city (thành phố biển) [noun]: a city which is situated on the coast Example: Being a coastal city, Danang has a number of beautiful beaches To be dubbed something (được gọi là) [phrase]: to be given the name, to be called Example: Michael Jackson is dubbed the king of pop for his numerous hit pop songs Secluded (hẻo lánh) [adj]: sheltered or screened from general activity, view, etc Example: The cottage nestles at the foot of the mountain, secluded from the busy town To be open to the public (công cộng, đến) [phrase]: to be available for everyone Example: Ba Dinh square is open to the public so anyone can go there IELTS NGOC BACH 420 To flock (đổ xô đến) [verb]: to go to or gather at a particular place in large numbers Example: People flocked to the cinema to see the new James Bond film To extolled for something (được ca ngợi điều gì) [phrase]: to be highly praised for something Example: The restaurant has always been extolled for its professional service and delicious food Crystal clear (trong pha lê) [expression]: absolutely clear; transparent; lucid Example: The water is crystal clear You can see all the fish and turtles if you look down Domestic traveller (khách du lịch nước) [noun phrase]: people who travel within their native country Example: The place is so remote even domestic travellers know little about it Outbound tourist (khách du lịch từ nước ngoài) [noun phrase]: a tourist from a foreign country Example: Being the most popular coastal city in Vietnam, Danang is well known to both native and foreign travellers It attracts a great number of outbound tourists every year 10 The mercy of the weather (phải phụ thuộc vào điều kiện thời tiết) [expression]: to be dependent on weather conditions – good or bad Example: We are going for a picnic on Sunday, but rain is forecast so we will be at the mercy of the weather 11 To draw like a magnet (có sức thu hút vô lớn) [expression]: to strongly attract somebody IELTS NGOC BACH 421 Example: The arrival of the circus in the town drew people like a magnet from all of the surrounding areas Part 3: Why many people like swimming? Well, I think first and foremost, it is a very healthy and motivational sport This sport also stands out since it is one of the few sports that take places in the water Besides, I think swimming can endear itself to many people because water-related activities always deliver a sense of excitement and refreshment Additionally, swimming does not require serious technical skills or extravagant sport equipment from its participants Is swimming good for children, in your opinion? Of course, swimming is really beneficial to health, especially for children Firstly, the physical exertion involved in swimming will improve their health and increase their fitness Activities like swimming require the movement of many parts of the body, thus shaping an attractive figure Besides, swimming is also the best medicine for enhancing kids’ height The most important benefit of swimming is that it helps children cope with water-related activities, especially potential dangers like drowning Where can you swim? Well, I have many places to go swimming My school possesses a standardized swimming pool, which is very popular among students I often go there with my friends Besides, the public swimming pool near my house is also my favorite option Although the swimming pools in luxurious hotels are very appealing, they are beyond IELTS NGOC BACH 422 my means so I cannot swim there In the summer, my father will take me to renowned beaches to swim, which is very relaxing Why some people hate swimming? I think that is largely dependent on their inclination and interest This might also due to the fact that they have a preference for other sports, like tennis, basketball or football Particularly, some people innately have an apprehension towards water, so they cannot take part in swimming Some of my friends, especially the girls, cannot stand swimming under the sun because they fear that it will severely affect their skin Is swimming an important activity? Yes, I think it is On the one hand, it positively promotes our health Thanks to swimming activities, we can stay fit and gain the perfect figure In actual fact, all sports are profitable to our well-being, provided that we set our heart on practicing them Most importantly, swimming equips its learners with essential skills when in the water, which prevents unexpected problems VOCABULARY: motivational [adj]: encouraging, making people want to sth: có tính động lực cao Eg: To most contenders, this competition is highly motivational (to) take place [v]: happen, to occur : xảy Eg: The wedding takes place at 5pm (to) endear oneself/sb to sb else [v]: make sb/sth like you: khiến yêu thích, lòng Eg: The teacher’s kindness endears him to most students IELTS NGOC BACH 423 refreshment [n]: the fact of making sb feel stronger or less tired : làm cho sảng khoái Eg: My father is trying to find a place for rest and refreshment extravagant [adj: costing a lot more money than you can afford : xa xỉ Eg: He always bought me extravagant presents beneficial [adj]: having useful effect : có lợi Eg: A good diet is beneficial to your health exertion [n]: physical or mental effort, the act of making an effort: nỗ lực Eg: She was breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill fitness [n]: the state of being physically strong and healthy: dẻo dai Eg: The magazine’s topic is largely health and fitness (to) enhance [v]: to increase or further improve the quality of sth : cải thiện Eg: This is an opportunity to enhance the company’s reputation 10 (to) cope with[v]: to deal with a problem : giải với Eg: This problem is not too challenging for him to cope with 11 standardized[adj]: to be made standard: tiêu chuẩn hóa Eg: This school is famous for its standardized facilities 12 option[n]: sth that you can choose: lựa chọn Eg: There are various options open to you 13 luxurious [adj]: very comfortable, containing expensive things: xa hoa, tráng lệ Eg: A meal in this luxurious hotel is the lifetime dream of many poor people 14 renowned [adj]: famous : tiếng Eg: He is renowned for his intelligence 15 inclination[n]: a tendency to sth: thiên hướng IELTS NGOC BACH 424 Eg: One should take his own inclination into consideration when applying for any jobs 16 preference [n]: a greater interest in sb/sth than sb/sth else : ưu tiên Eg: Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan 17 innately[adv]: that you have when you are born : cách bẩm sinh Eg: He believes that humans are innately violent 18 apprehension [n]: worry or fear of sth: sợ hãi, lo lắng Eg: There is a growing apprehension that fighting will begin 19 severely [adv]: in a very bad or serious way: cách nghiêm trọng Eg: He was severely injured in the accident 20 (to) promote [v]: to help sth to happen or develop: khuyến khích phát triển Eg: Their campaign goal is to promote awareness of environmental issues 21 profitable [adj]: producing money, profit , benefit: có lợi Eg: He succeeded in signing a profitable contract for his company 22 set one’s heart on doing sth [expression]: to be very set to sth: tâm làm Eg: Nhi has set her heart on passing the test 23 (to) equip sb with sth[v]: to provide sb with sth: cung cấp cho Eg: This book equips its readers with the necessary knowledge of history 24 essential [adj]: necessary : cần thiết Eg: Adaptability is essential for this demanding job IELTS NGOC BACH 425 ... 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Ngày đăng: 30/06/2017, 19:10