EMP3464i Includes Assessment Pages! Reading Well 6–8 Milliken’s Reading Well reading series provides teachers and parents with a wide variety of activities to use at home or in the classroom to enhance your reading program Reading materials and styles of writing include realistic fiction, biography, poetry, fantasy, informational articles, myths, legends, tall tales, and plays or skits The comprehension activities have been selected to provide opportunities for students to practice a variety of reading skills A list of comprehension skills for all grade levels is included on the Reading Comprehension Chart on page A variety of assessment rubrics helps you track progress in achieving those skills Each book in the series is sequential, allowing students to build on skills previous learned The various levels available allows you to select the one most appropriate for an individual student or class Reading Well Grades 6–8 written by Cindy Barden illustrated by Corbin Hillam Author Cindy Barden Illustrator Corbin Hillam Book Design and Production Good Neighbor Press, Inc Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co All rights reserved The purchase of this book entitles the individual teacher/purchaser to reproduce copies by any reproduction process for single classroom use The reproduction of any part of this book for use by an entire school or school system or for any commercial use is strictly prohibited Table of Contents 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 39 40 41 Reading Comprehension Skills Bloom’s Taxonomy Assessment of Skills Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Using Student Assessments Individual Activity Assessment Story Frame Story Map Story Frame/Story Map Assessment Student Reading Comprehension Skills Assessment Student Reading Log and Assessment Not Enough Time? Camouflage Clothing: Based on Millions of Years of Research Picture This What Might Happen Next? Log Cabins The Taj Mahal Spring in Wisconsin My Old Kentucky Home Island of Mystery The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Paul Revere’s Ride A Declaration of War—and of Independence Never Too Old to Enjoy Fireworks Apple Picking Poor Richard’s Almanack A Stinky Family Ginseng, The Elixir of Life St Nicholas Where Did Santa Claus Come From? Jabberwocky An Unusual Pet Character Traits* Analyzing Changes in a Character* Answer Key * These two pages can be used with activities in this book or with any outside story or book students read ii Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Reading Comprehension Skills Activities provide opportunities for students in grades to to practice these reading comprehension skills Skill Page numbers Relate pictures to text 35 Distinguish between reality and fantasy 23, 27 Detect cause and effect 12 Recognize the main idea 11, 12, 18 Compare and contrast 15, 27, 33, 40 Identify significant details 12, 17, 22, 29, 36 Recognize rhymes 34 Sequence events 35 Follow instructions 39 Summarize material 18, 35 Use context clues 13, 17 Predict outcomes 14 Draw conclusions 15, 17, 24, 39 Distinguish between fact and opinion 19, 25 Determine point of view 21 Paraphrase 28, 31 Discover author’s purpose 11, 17, 24, 35 Identify supporting details 23, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, 37 Generalize 31 Make judgements 21, 24, 40 Outline 38 Increase vocabulary skills 12, 17, 18, 21, 29, 36 Analysis 40 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy, developed by Benjamin Bloom, divides cognitive objectives into six categories ranging from simple to complex Milliken’s Reading Well series provides opportunities for children to meet these six objectives Knowledge is the ability to memorize information and recall specific facts Skills include recording, outlining, listing, discriminating between facts and opinions, classifying items, distinguishing between definitions and examples, and summarizing material Comprehension is the ability to grasp the meaning of what has been learned rather than simply memorizing facts Skills include comparing and contrasting like and unlike items, identifying steps in a process, interpreting charts and graphs, translating verbal material to mathematical terms, estimating consequences, patterning, and predicting outcomes Application is the ability to use material previously learned in new situations Skills include inferring, estimating, applying concepts to new situations, ordering, sequencing, understanding changes in word meanings, and constructing graphs and charts Analysis is the ability to understand both the content and structural form of material and the ability to break material into its component parts Skills include writing analogies, decoding, using logic, drawing conclusions, predicting sequences, making inferences, and distinguishing between cause and effect Synthesis is the ability to put parts together to form a new whole Skills include planning, deductive reasoning, creative thinking, testing hypotheses, drawing conclusions, problem solving, and planning a project Evaluation is the ability to use definite criteria to judge the value of material for a given purpose Skills include developing and evaluating criteria, determining appropriateness and relevancy of information, discovering common attributes, and evaluating material for extraneous information Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Assessment of Skills Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Student’s name: _ Skill Level Student Student Student Student has mastered this skill shows high level of proficiency has basic understanding of this skill needs improvement on this skill N/A not applicable at this time Skill Level Knowledge Analysis _ recording _ decoding _ outlining _ using logic _ listing _ writing analogies _ classifying items _ making inferences _ summarizing _ drawing conclusions _ discriminating between facts and opinions _ predicting sequences _ distinguishing between cause and effect _ distinguishing between definitions and examples Synthesis Comprehension _ problem solving _ patterning _ creative thinking _ predicting outcomes _ planning a project _ estimating consequences _ testing hypotheses _ identifying steps in a process _ drawing conclusions _ comparing and contrasting like and unlike items _ deductive reasoning Evaluation Application _ discovering common attributes _ ordering _ developing and evaluating criteria _ inferring _ evaluating material for extraneous information _ sequencing _ constructing graphs and charts _ determining appropriateness and relevancy of information _ applying concepts to new situations _ understanding changes in word meanings Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Using Student Assessments Assessment forms can measure student progress on a variety of reading comprehension skills They also enable you to track a child’s literary development over time Completed forms can be shared with students and their parents, used as motivational tools, and used as guides when completing report cards Individual Activity Assessment Most activities in the Reading Well series provide opportunities for students to sharpen several reading comprehension skills The Individual Activity Assessment form can be used as a follow-up for any activity in this book A copy of it can be attached to the completed activity for students to take home Assessment of Skills Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy This form provides a means of tracking and assessing students’ mastery of specific skills in each of the six subdivisions in Bloom’s Taxonomy Story Frame and Story Map Students can complete the Story Frame and Story Map after reading any type of narrative The Story Frame helps students summarize material they have read The Story Map helps students identify the elements of a story These forms can be used with many of the activities in this book as well as with other books and stories students read Story Frame/Story Map Assessment This form provides a means to assess a student’s reading comprehension level through the use of the story frame, story map, or other types of oral or written book reports completed by students Student Reading Comprehension Skills Assessment This form allows you to assess a student’s overall level on many reading comprehension skills It can be used on a quarterly basis to track progress and provides valuable information for parents about their child’s progress Student Reading Log and Assessment This form is a self-assessment tool for students as well as a progress report It provides an opportunity to learn at what level a student is comfortable reading and to suggest appropriate reading material for the future, providing input for both students and parents Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Individual Activity Assessment Student’s name: _ Date: _ Activity title: Skill Level Student Student Student Student has mastered this skill shows high level of proficiency has basic understanding of this skill needs improvement on this skill Skills needed to complete this activity Check all that apply Skill level _ Relate pictures to text _ _ Distinguish between reality and fantasy _ _ Detect causes and effects _ _ Recognize main idea _ _ Compare and contrast _ _ Identify significant details _ _ Recognize rhymes _ _ Sequence events _ _ Follow instructions _ _ Summarize material _ _ Use context clues _ _ Predict outcomes _ _ Draw conclusions _ _ Synthesize _ _ Determine point of view _ _ Discover author’s purpose _ _ Generalize _ _ Make judgements _ Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Student’s name: Date: Story Frame Title: _ Author: _ This story is mainly about (name of main character) Other important characters are _ _ This story takes place (when and where) _ _ _ _ The problem is _ _ _ The problem is solved when _ _ _ At the end of the story _ _ _ _ Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Name: Date: _ A Stinky Family What badgers, otters, mink, weasels, skunks, and wolverines have in common? They all belong to the weasel family Their scientific family name is Mustelidae Members of the weasel family have long bodies on short legs They are largely nocturnal and prey on mice, rats, birds, and other small animals Their heads are small and triangular with narrowed snouts Another thing they have in common is that most members of the weasel family smell bad The weasel has the same name as its family Weasels range in size from six to sixteen inches long The New York weasel is the largest type and the Least weasel is the smallest In winter, their fur turns white The Latin word for weasel is putorius which means “stinker.” Like its cousin, the skunk, weasels can spray a horrible-smelling liquid Otters grow three-and-a-half to four feet long They have webbed toes and brown fur Otters spend much of their time in the water and live mainly on fish Like other members of the weasel family, they too prefer night to day The largest member of the weasel family is the wolverine which grows to about 30 inches Many people describe the wolverine as “bear-like” because of its heavy body and long, shaggy brown fur Other members of the smelly weasel family include ermines, sables, martens, grisons, and ferrets Mustelidae is the scientific name for A skunks B weasels C the weasel family A wolverine is described as A “bear-like.” B “skunk-like.” C “wolf-like.” Putorius is Latin for A skunk B weasel C stinker Members of the weasel family have A long bodies on short legs C blue eyes B webbed feet The smallest type of weasel is the A skunk B otter C Least weasel Members of the weasel family are mostly A tall B nocturnal C plant eaters 29 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Ginseng, The Elixir of Life Ginseng is a root of mythical powers used in oriental countries, particularly China, as a remedy for many diseases People claim it can relieve stress and fatigue, both mental and physical Called the “elixir of life,” ginseng is also used to alleviate joint stiffness and improve athletic performance Ginseng is used in soups, as a seasoning for various dishes, and as a condiment (like salt and pepper) The flavor is said to be similar to licorice White settlers first discovered wild ginseng near Montreal, Canada in 1716 In colonial times, wild ginseng could be found in southern Canada, across the northern United States, and even as far south as Kentucky and West Virginia Native Americans knew the plant by many names and used the root for medicinal purposes To the Cherokee medicine man, ginseng was known as “little man” because its root resembles the human form The Chippewa, Creeks, Pawnees, Iroquois, and Sioux also used ginseng as medicine The greater the resemblance to the human figure, the more valuable the root If the two “legs” are of equal length, the root is considered male If unequal—female After the Revolutionary War, a ship, “The Empress of China,” left New York for Canton loaded entirely with wild ginseng Between 1820 and 1903, nearly 17 million pounds of wild American ginseng was exported to China The U.S is currently the third largest exporter of ginseng in the world Most of the ginseng grown in the United States is exported to China Ninety-five percent of the ginseng raised in the U.S is grown in Wisconsin Ginseng is a deciduous perennial (like a maple tree) The leaves begin to turn a reddish color in fall which indicates the plant is going dormant for the year In the wild, the leafy stalk dies back each year and a “scar” is left on the neck of the plant The number of scars indicates the age of the plant The more scars, the older the plant, and the more valuable the root Cultivated ginseng does not have the scars characteristic of wild ginseng 30 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Ginseng, The Elixir of Life (cont’d) After the first year, ginseng seedlings are two to three inches tall and have only a few small leaves Plants must be at least three years old before the pale green flowers and bright red berries appear The berries, which contain the seeds, are hand-picked in fall and stored in burlap bags for future planting It takes between four and six years before ginseng roots can be harvested When ginseng is ready to harvest, the roots are removed from the ground, cleaned, and on racks to dry in heated sheds One hundred pounds of fresh roots yields about 25 pounds of dried ginseng The plants are harvested in mid- to late-September after a good hard frost which firms up the roots On a good acre, about 2,000 pounds of ginseng can be harvested The price of cultivated ginseng can vary greatly depending on many factors: the quality of the ginseng, the amount available on the market in any given year, and the demand by consumers Once land is used to grow ginseng it cannot be used for that purpose again Other crops will fine, but ginseng will not grow Although cultivated American ginseng has been a valuable export crop for farmers in the United States, its value is considered to be far less than that of wild Oriental ginseng Give an example of a condiment not listed in the article _ What people with ginseng? _ _ _ What characteristics make the root more valuable? _ _ Give two reasons listed in the article why it would be expensive to raise ginseng _ _ Give an example of a deciduous perennial not listed in the article _ Where is most of the ginseng grown in the United States and where is it sold? _ _ 31 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ St Nicholas Little is known about the man who became St Nicholas He was born in Lycia on the coast of southwest Turkey His parents hoped he would become a priest someday, but they both died while Nicholas was still a young boy His uncle arranged for him to enter a monastery at Xanthos To so, Nicholas was required to give away all his worldly goods Legend says that a neighboring family, once wealthy, had fallen on bad times The three daughters could not marry because there was no money for their dowries Nicholas heard of their plight In the predawn hours, he disguised himself in a hooded cloak, slipped into their home and left a small bag of gold coins for the oldest daughter Some stories say he left it in her shoe, others say she found it in her stocking The next two nights, Nicholas repeated the gift to the other two daughters This legend seems to be the basis for hanging up stockings or putting out shoes in the hopes that they would be filled with gifts in the morning According to historical evidence, Nicholas became a priest then was appointed as bishop while still in his teens One legend about Nicholas tells how he saved the lives of three small boys He later became known as the patron saint of children In another story, he was said to have performed a miracle which saved the people of Myra from starvation He died an old man on December 6, 342 AD His tomb became a shrine for pilgrims Many miraculous cures and deeds were attributed to him after he died He became the patron saint of Russia and Italy In many lands, children put their shoes by the door on December 5, the night before his feast day Children who have been good receive gifts of fruit, candy, nuts and small toys Children who have been naughty receive nothing but a piece of coal Circle T for true or F for false T F St Nicholas was a real person who lived in Turkey T F St Nicholas climbed down the chimney to leave a bag of gold for a neighbor T F Children in many countries put their shoes outside the door in the hopes that St Nicholas will polish them T F The feast of St Nicholas is celebrated on December 32 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Where Did Santa Claus Come From? Although he’s been around in various shapes and sizes since the first part of the fourth century, Santa Claus, as we know him today, was “born” in 1881 His creator, Thomas Nast (1840–1902), an American political cartoonist, brought Santa Claus to life as jovial, rotund, and laden with gifts Nast drew from a variety of sources, legends, and pictures when he created the image of Santa Claus that has become an American tradition Stories of St Nicholas had spread to many countries by the 1880’s and in each country, local customs and traditions were added German stories provided Santa with his red, fur-trimmed suit of clothes From Scandinavia, Santa learned to slip down chimneys Russian and Scandinavian legends provided his home in the North Pole and his flying sled pulled by magic reindeer The English Father Christmas provided the long white beard and the Dutch added the belief that Santa keeps a list of children’s good and bad deeds The name Santa Claus came from the Dutch, Sinter Klaas Another source that influenced Nast was the famous poem by Clement Moore, “A Visit from St Nicholas.” Moore had spent Christmas Eve morning, 1822, helping his hired man, Jan, clear snow from the paths around his home Jan was a short, tubby Dutchman with a white beard, twinkling eyes, and rosy cheeks Later that day, Moore went by horse-drawn sleigh to buy his family’s Christmas turkey As he rode home, the jingle of the sleigh bells and the horses’ hooves pounded out a rhythm that gave him the idea for the poem In his poem, Moore describes St Nicholas as “dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot” with “a bundle of toys he had flung on his back.” Other lines from the poem depict the image we know so well as Santa Claus: His eyes—how they twinkled, his dimples, how merry, His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf The poem, first printed a year later, became nationally popular and was reprinted many times in the following years When Harper’s Weekly reprinted the poem in 1881, accompanied by Thomas Nast’s drawing, Santa Claus was born On another sheet of paper, compare and contrast St Nicholas and Santa Claus 33 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Jabberwocky ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe “Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!” He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought— So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came! One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back “And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” He chortled in his joy ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe Lewis Carroll Number the verses of the poem Look at the rhyme pattern used for each verse Which verses have the same rhyme pattern as the first verse? _ Which verse is the first one in the poem to have a different rhyme pattern? _ Which other verses have that pattern? 34 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Jabberwocky (cont’d) Lewis Carroll wrote this poem A to warn people about the dangers of the Jabberwock B for fun C to persuade others to fight the Jabberwock Name three imaginary creatures mentioned in the poem _ Who has “eyes of flame?” Number the events in order The Jabberwock comes wiffling through the tulgey wood The boy is warned about the Jabberwock The vorpal blade went snicker-snack He took his vorpal blade in hand What does “galumphing” seem to mean? _ Based on the context, the words “gyre” and “gimble” appear to be nouns, verbs, or adjectives? _ 10 Complete A or B A Select any imaginary creature mentioned in the poem and draw a picture of it Label your drawing B Write a summary of the story told in the poem 35 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ An Unusual Pet Have you ever wanted an unusual pet? An ostrich, a bison, or a kangaroo would be unusual, but not too practical for most people How about a pet cricket? Ancient Chinese emperors kept pet crickets In fact, people all over the world have had pet crickets for centuries If you have a pet cricket, you could become interested in entomology Studying insects might be a fascinating career A home for a cricket could be a large jar with a lid that has holes punched from the inside out Hole punched from the outside in may harm the cricket if it jumps against the jagged edges A piece of screen would also make a fine top because it would allow you to observe the cricket better A little dirt or sand and some leaves scattered on the bottom are good furnishings for a cricket home To make a deluxe, luxury dwelling, add a small twig or two After you prepare the cricket’s home, you will need to get its food supply ready Crickets need a balanced diet, just as you The four food groups will serve as a guide for what to feed your cricket Crickets enjoy bread, vegetables, fruit, and meat! You can give your cricket tiny slivers of bread crumbs and tiny pieces of meat, fruit, lettuce, and even dog biscuits A piece of potato is a special treat However, remember that crickets are quite small and will eat only minute portions of anything For liquids, a cricket will be happy with the juice found in the fruits, but also provide water This can be done by misting the leaves in the cricket’s home or by adding a moist piece of cotton to the jar It is important to remove spoiled food from the cricket’s home Keep the home out of sunlight Do not allow the cricket to escape in the house, because a hungry cricket may eat clothing or carpets What type of container does the author suggest as a cricket home? _ How should the container be prepared? _ What should be added to the container? _ What types of food crickets need? _ How can you provide water for a cricket? _ What is an entomologist? 36 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ An Unusual Pet (cont’d) When you are ready to find a cricket, take a flashlight and a jar A warm evening is the best time for a cricket hunt Crickets can be found in grasses, under rocks in fields, or along abandoned boards and decaying logs Remember that crickets have long back legs and jump quickly Listen for the sound of a cricket calling and stand still when you are near it The cricket will stop singing After a while, if you are quiet, it will begin singing again Shine the flashlight on it If you are quick, you can put your jar over the cricket before it jumps Slide a piece of cardboard under the opening and turn the jar over If you decide to have more than one cricket, keep a male and a female Two males will fight and may injure or kill each other If you have a male and female, you may find deposits of eggs in the soil In the warm temperature of your home, baby crickets, called nymphs, should hatch in 15 days They become adults in eight weeks As crickets get larger, their skin splits four or five times in a process called molting To determine the sex of a cricket, look closely at the wings A female’s wings are smooth, but the male’s have raised, curved lines used in chirping A male has a tail with two spikes: the female has three spikes with the middle spike being the longest This long tube is the ovipositor used to lay eggs in the ground If you want to listen to your pet cricket sing, you will need a male, since only males sing Although it is difficult to tell them apart, crickets actually have two types of song One song warns other males to stay away The other is a mating call to attract females To sing, the male rubs one wing against the other The wings have a file and a scraper The file is a thick vein with tiny cross ridges The scraper is a hard, sharp part along the edge of the wing When the scraper of one wing is rubbed along the file of the other wing, crickets produce their familiar song Where crickets live? _ _ How you catch a cricket? _ _ How you tell the difference between males and females? _ _ 10 Why male crickets sing? _ 37 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ An Unusual Pet (cont’d) Having a pet cricket rather than a larger pet has many advantages You can learn about insects as you study your pet and watch baby crickets grow Their homes don’t take up much room and they don’t eat much A cricket will sing to you at night If anyone says they think it’s strange to have a pet cricket, remind them that crickets were favored pets of Chinese emperors Use the information in the article on pet crickets and your answers on the two previous pages to complete the outline The main ideas for the outline are listed Fill in smaller ideas (A., B., C., etc.) and examples or supporting details (1., 2., 3., etc.) I How to prepare a cricket home II What crickets need III Where to find crickets IV How to catch crickets V How male and female crickets differ VI Why crickets sing VII Why crickets are good pets 38 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Character Traits Character traits are qualities a person or character possesses, like bravery, truthfulness, fear, kindness, or loneliness (Character traits not include physical attributes, like age, height, weight, hair or skin color.) List three character traits for one of the main characters in a book or story you’ve read Give examples that show when or how the character displayed this trait Character trait: Example: Character trait: Example: Character trait: Example: 39 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Name: Date: _ Analyzing Changes in a Character In the left column, list two character traits for the main character in a story or book you’ve read Write examples from the story that explain what the character was like at the beginning of the story In the right column, list two character traits for the main character at the end of the story Write examples that explain what the character was like at the end of the story e At th End e At th ing inn Beg Character trait: Character trait: Example: _ Example: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Character trait: Character trait: Example: _ Example: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How or why did these changes take place? _ _ _ 40 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co reproducible MP3464 Answer Key Spring in Wisconsin, page 18 arrives, creeps, jumps, won, triumph Spring in Wisconsin is unpredictable Answers will vary Not Enough Time?, page 11 to persuade People should make good use of their time Watch less TV, get up earlier, drop an activity you don’t enjoy Answers will vary My Old Kentucky Home, page 19 F F F O F O F F F 10 O 11 O 12 F 13 F 14 O 15 O 16 O Note: statements number 14 and 15 contain facts, but express opinions Camouflage Clothing, page 12 C tiger Revolutionary War imitation C Cause: they wore red coats; Effect: British soldiers made good targets Island of Mystery, pages 20–21 first person Jacob Roggeveen first landed there on Easter Sunday a large, stone statue some were sold into slavery, others died from diseases brought to the island by visitors Chile Answers will vary Picture This, page 13 a lot of fun was nervous not very good with her hands someone important wait upset Log Cabins, page 15 Items Fireplace for cooking Only in log cabins Only in homes today In both X Pots and pans X Cups and dishes X Microwave oven X CD player X Candles Lanterns X X Glass windows X Tree bark roof X Dirt floor X Beds X Tables and chairs X Walk-in closets X The Taj Mahal, pages 16–17 a tomb The Taj Mahal was built in Agra, India after the death of Mumtaz Mahal in 1631 It took 22 years to complete The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jehan in honor of his wife who had died inform take apart Answers will vary Moslem paradise The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, page 22 He was to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that they were about to arrest them and warn the militia in Concord that that British troops were planning to seize munitions stored there He was arrested He fell off his horse while escaping arrest Dr Samuel Prescott Paul Revere’s Ride, page 23 18 12 Paul Revere never made it to Concord No mention is made of William Dawes or Samuel Prescott who actually alerted the militia in Concord No mention is made of the fact that Paul was arrested Etc A Declaration of War—and of Independence, page 24 and Answers will vary August 2, 1776 five lawyer to inform 41 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Answer Key Never Too Old to Enjoy Fireworks, page 25 O F O F O F O F F 10 O Apple Picking, pages 26–27 five Great-great grandmother Clara Great-grandmother Helen Jessie People have enjoyed apple picking and apple products for many generations Apples and fall Answers will vary realistic fiction Answers will vary A Stinky Family, page 29 C A A C C B Ginseng, The Elixir of Life, pages 30–31 Answers will vary They use ginseng as a medicine, to season food, and to make soup Wild ginseng is more valuable than cultivated ginseng If the root closely resembles the shape of a human figure, it is more valuable Once land is used to grow ginseng, another crop of ginseng cannot be planted there It takes to years to produce a crop Roots need to be dried in heated sheds Etc Elms, oaks, and fruit trees are also deciduous perennials Wisconsin/China St Nicholas, page 32 T F T F Jabberwocky, pages 34–35 two, four and seven three five and six B Jabberwock, toves, borogroves, raths, Jubjub bird, bandersnatch Jabberwock 3, 1, 4, Answers will vary verbs 10 Answers/drawings will vary An Unusual Pet, page 36–38 a jar Punch holes in the lid from the inside out or use screen for a lid Add a little dirt or sand, some leaves, and perhaps a twig bread, fruit, vegetables, and meat by misting leaves in the jar or adding a moist piece of cotton a person who studies insects in grass, under rocks, along abandoned boards and decaying logs When you hear a cricket singing, move close and stand quietly until it begins singing again Shine the flashlight on it and quickly put the jar over it A female’s wings are smoother and females have three spikes on their tails 10 Male crickets sing to attract females and warn other males away 42 Copyright © 2002 Milliken Publishing Co MP3464 Reading Well! MP3462 Includes Assessment Pages! Reading Comprehension Activities These books explore realistic fiction, biography, poetry, informational articles, and more! The comprehension activities and questioning techniques have been carefully selected to correspond with reading comprehension taught in basal curriculum Attention has been given to the types and forms of questions used on national achievement tests Assessment features are included MP3459 MP3460 MP3461 MP3462 MP3463 MP3464 Reading Well Reading Well Reading Well Reading Well Reading Well Reading Well Grades 1-2 Grades 2-3 Grades 3-4 Grades 4-5 Grades 5-6 Grades 6-8 Illustrations by Corbin Hillam ISBN 978-1-4291-0981-9 Milliken Publishing Company, a Lorenz company P.O Box 802 Dayton, OH 45401-0802 www.LorenzEducationalPress.com Illustrations by Corbin Hillam .. .Reading Well 6–8 Milliken’s Reading Well reading series provides teachers and parents with a wide variety of activities to use at home or in the classroom to enhance your reading program Reading. .. Assessment of Student Reading Log _ Student is reading above level expected Keep up the great work! _ Student is reading at level expected Good job! _ Student is reading below level expected... cards Individual Activity Assessment Most activities in the Reading Well series provide opportunities for students to sharpen several reading comprehension skills The Individual Activity Assessment