How To InstallWebsenseAgent It is Boyd’s policy that any facility with over 50 pc users will have a Websense appliance installed A Boyd user issued a Boyd pc that does not regularly sit at a Boyd facility covered with a Websense appliance must have the WebsenseAgent installed and active Websense appliances and agents must be connected to Boyd’s Centralized Websense administration server Following up the policy above, this is the manual for how to installWebsenseAgent Step 1, go to \\\data\share\Corporate\Software\Websense\endpoint Step 2, double click on corresponding file (32 or 64 bit), it may pop up a warning, click on Run Step 3, waiting for the processing, may take around minutes till it disappear itself Step 4, once the command windows disappear, check if there is an icon (like highlighted in yellow below), TRITON AP-ENDPOINT Web: Enabled Step 5, visit (this is a website blocked), and if you see below message, Agent (endpoint) is turned out working Step 6, reboot the computer, complete If you have any questions or problem, please contact Andrew Yin ... Web: Enabled Step 5, visit (this is a website blocked), and if you see below message, Agent (endpoint) is turned out working Step 6, reboot the computer, complete If you have any questions