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Date of planning: 7.16.8. 2008 Date of teaching: 2.18.8. 2008 UNIT: 1 Lesson: 1 GETTING STARTED LISTEN AND READ I. Objective: • By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to know some places Lan went with a foreign friend in Hanoi- Vietnam and some activities they took part in together. • The pupils are proud of their country. II. Language content: 1. Vocabulary: mosque, correspond, impressed, pray, keep in touch. 2. Grammar: The simple past tense/ wish + simple past/ used to. III. Techniques : Pairwork, groupwork, guessing. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, sub-board. V. Time: 45' VI. Procedures : Teacher's and pupils' activities Content 1. Warm-up: Chatting. T: Ask ss to look at six pictures, guess where it is and talk about what activities they want to do if a foreign friend is coming to stay with them for a week. T: Give an example. S: Work in pairs T: Call some pairs to check. 2. Presentation. T: Introduce the situation of the text: " Lan's Malaysian pen pal , Maryam came to see her last week. This is the first time She has been to Hanoi -Vietnam. Can you guess where Lan took her to? " S: Work in groups of four to guess. T: Give feedback. Write what ss guess on the board. T: Combine to present vocab, using translation, explaination,mine. T: Correct pronunciation. * Check vocab, using rub out and remember.  Getting started. • Example: A: I think this is one of the places I want to take our friends to. We can do shopping or I 'll just introduce them a Vietnamese market. B: Good idea! I believe they will be interested in it. I. Prediction. "Where did Lan take her to? " II. Vocabulary: - mausoleum: ( n) When I come to Hanoi, I always visit Uncle Ho's mausoleum. - mosque (n): nhà thờ hồi giáo. - to be impressed by: admiring s.o or s.th very much. - correspond (v): If two people correspond, they regularly write to each other. - pray (v) : ( mine) II. Answer the question in I.  Answer keys: 1 Teacher: Pham Thi Huong WEEK: 1 PERIOD: 2 T: Ask ss to listen to the tape once or two times and answer the question in I. ( Keep their books closed) S: Comepare their answer with their guess. T: Ask ss to open their books read the text and answer the question in I again. T: Correct. T: Make clear other words from the text: ( Keep in touch, depend on.) 3. Practice. T: Ask ss to read the text in silent and do the exercise p.7 P: Do individually then discuss the answers with their partners. T: Call some ss to check . T: Note ss the grammar points. ? What did Lan use to do when she was a primary school? ? What about now? Does she often walk past the mosque now? T: Ask ss to pick up the sentences in the text with wish sentence. T: Call two ss to read the text aloud. 4. Consolidation. T: Ask ss to rearrang the sentences according to the text. S: Work in pairs T: Give feedback. T: Ask Ss to to tell about their pen pal's visit to Kon Tum town. T: Give Ss some famous places in Kon Tum if Ss don’t know the words. 5. Homework: • Learn by heart vocabulary. • Practice reading the text. • Prepare " Speak + Listen": Learn how to make and respond to introduction. She took her to Hoan kiem lake, Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum, the Temple of Literature, the History Museum as well as many beautiful parks and lakes in Hanoi III. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.(page 7)  Answer keys: 1. C Two weeks 2. B Hanoi people were friendly. 3. D All the above 4. B Invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur. * Strutures: - Lan used to walk past the mosque on her way to primary school. Used to: means often did s.th in the past and no longer now. - I wish you could stay longer. IV. Put the sentences in the correct order. 1. Lan took her to Hoan Kiem Lake 2. They visited the mosque on Hang Luoc street. 3. Maryam and Lan have been pen pals for over two years. 4. They visited Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum the History Museum and so on . 5. Maryam came to Hanoi last week. Answer keys: 3- 5 - 1 - 4 -2. V. Tell about your pen pal's visit to Kon tum town. 1 Teacher: Pham Thi Huong The Tan Huong church- on Nguyen Hue street Dabkla Bridge.- on Phan Dinh Phung street The wooden church - on Nguyen Hue street. The communal house. 1 Teacher: Pham Thi Huong 6.Remarks: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… . 1 Teacher: Pham Thi Huong

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2013, 01:27

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