Clinical protocol (phác đồ xử trí lâm sàng) — The clinical protocol for the evaluation for an ectopic pregnancy includes assessment with serum hCG and TVUS: ●HCG below the discriminatory zone – A serum hCG concentration 1500 IU/L without visualization of intrauterine or extrauterine pathology may represent a multiple gestation, since there is no proven discriminatory level for multiple gestations For these reasons, our next step in this clinical scenario is to repeat the TVUS examination and hCG concentration two days later If an IUP is still not observed on TVUS, then the pregnancy is abnormal Progesterone — Serum progesterone concentrations are higher in viable IUPs than in ectopic pregnancies and IUPs that are destined to abort A meta-analysis (phân tích gộp) of 26 cohort studies (nghiên cứu đoàn hệ) including 9436 women in the first trimester of pregnancy evaluated use of a single measurement of serum progesterone for the diagnosis of a nonviable pregnancy For women with bleeding or pain and an inconclusive pelvic ultrasound, a progesterone