A: What are your thoughts on globalization? B: If you asked me, I think globalization is necessary for the economy of each country In fact, it helps nations to decline an employment rate and raise economic growth Moreover, it offers a global market, which is a huge opportunities for domestic companies to make a trial A: I hate to disagree with you but it’s not always true More chances also associate with more pressure and risk Indeed, to be able to enter the international market, their products must be met the quality assurance, which may be overwhelming for them Besides, globalization raises a huge problem realated to outdated technology What I mean by this is that when a new inventor is researched, the old ones will be transferred tothe developing countries, which creates a “technological garbage” B: I don’t see it that way Globalized economy advances technology For example, when a multinational company establishes a factory in a developing country, the new equipment, the new management skilss and job vacancies are all in the best interest ofthe local society In addition, globalization has tranformed the world into global village As a result, people all over the world can communcate together easier than the past by the Internet and satellite TV A: Well, you have a right to your opinion, but I believe that it may danger the local culture Today, it is often the case that the young tend to imitate behaviors, clothes, or language, which leads to misbehaviors among adolescents B: Ok I appreciate your opinion So, in conclusion, I think globalization is an inevitable trend which offers many opportunities for those which have proper strategies A: Yeah I couldn’t agree with you more