Lecture Networking essentials plus (3 e) Chapter 6 Defining network protocols. The main contents of the chapter consist of the following Introduction to protocols, TCP IP, netware protocols, other common protocols.
Defining Network Protocols Introduction to Protocols TCP/IP NetWare Protocols Other Common Protocols Introduction to Protocols Function of Protocols Protocols in a Layered Architecture Implementing and Removing Protocols How Protocols Work Sender Protocols: Break data into packets Add addressing information Prepare data for transmission through the NIC and out onto the network cable Receiver Protocols: Take data packets off the cable Bring data packets into the computer through the NIC Strip data packets of transmitting information added by sender Copy data packets to a buffer Pass reassembled data to the application in a usable form The OSI Model Layers of Protocols Standard Stacks Most important models include: ISO/OSI protocol suite IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Digital DECnet Novell NetWare AppleTalk Internet protocol suite TCP/IP Communication Tasks OSI Model Manufacturer Compatibility MAC Driver or NIC Driver TCP/IP Introduction to TCP/IP TCP/IP Standards TCP/IP and OSI Protocols Written Specifically for TCP/IP SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Email FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Exchanging Files SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Network Management 10 TCP/IP and OSI Four Layers of TCP/IP: Network Interface Layer Internet Layer Transport Layer Application Layer 11 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) Three-Way Handshake: Requestor sends a packet specifying the port number and its initial sequence number (ISN) to server Server acknowledges with its ISN, which consists of the requestor’s ISN, plus The requester replies with the server’s ISN, plus 12 NetWare Protocols Introduction to NetWare Protocols Medium-Access Protocols Internetwork Packet Exchange and Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) 13 Comparing NetWare and OSI Reference Models 14 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) RIP packets allow: Workstations to locate fastest route to a network number Routers to request routing information to update their own tables Routers to respond to route requests Routers to ensure that all other routers are aware of internetwork configurations Routers to detect a change in the internetwork configuration 15 Other Common Protocols NetBIOS NetBEUI X.25 Packet Switching XNS APPC AppleTalk OSI Protocol Suite DECnet 16 Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) Four primary functions: Name Resolution Datagram Service Session Service NIC/Session Status 17 AppleTalk Network 18 ... the requestor’s ISN, plus The requester replies with the server’s ISN, plus 12 NetWare Protocols Introduction to NetWare Protocols Medium-Access Protocols Internetwork Packet Exchange...Introduction to Protocols Function of Protocols Protocols in a Layered Architecture Implementing and Removing Protocols How Protocols Work Sender Protocols: Break data... a change in the internetwork configuration 15 Other Common Protocols NetBIOS NetBEUI X.25 Packet Switching XNS APPC AppleTalk OSI Protocol Suite DECnet 16 Network Basic Input/Output