For some objects, an auxiliary view must be created before a principal view can be drawn, using a technique called reverse construction. Auxiliary views can be used to draw a view in a specified direction. To create a view of an object in a specified direction, find the point view of the line of sight.
Finding an Auxiliary View Finding an Auxiliary View Given: A multiview set of an object with an inclined surface Find: An auxiliary view showing the true size and shape of the inclined surface Step Draw a reference line parallel to the edge view of the inclined surface to be projected Step Draw perpendicular projection lines from the inclined surface Step Draw a second reference line at a “convenient” location between the view being projected from and an adjacent principal view Step Label the vertices of the inclined surface in the adjacent view Transfer the vertex labels to the edge view Step Measure, then transfer the vertex distances from the principal-principal reference line (H-F) in the adjacent view to the principal-auxiliary (F-1) reference line Step Label the vertices in the auxiliary view, then connect the vertices This view gives the true size and shape of the inclined surface Finding an Auxiliary View Das ist alles! .. .Finding an Auxiliary View Given: A multiview set of an object with an inclined surface Find: An auxiliary view showing the true size and shape of the inclined surface... from and an adjacent principal view Step Label the vertices of the inclined surface in the adjacent view Transfer the vertex labels to the edge view Step Measure, then transfer the vertex distances... view to the principal -auxiliary (F-1) reference line Step Label the vertices in the auxiliary view, then connect the vertices This view gives the true size and shape of the inclined surface Finding