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There had not been any published Vietnamese edition of the book containing the translated chapter until I started working on my graduation paper. My graduation paper also doesn’t copy any parts of content in other graduation papers in any universities. It uses information from other chapters in the same book. Any source of references is cited and acknowledged in the REFERENCES. This graduation paper has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution.

i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  I couldn’t complete my graduation paper without the invaluable help, advice, and encouragement of my beloved teachers, friends and family First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr Tran Huu Hung my respectable teacher who teaches and supports me a lot during my graduation paper He spent his highly valuable time giving me the guidance, encouragement and suggestions so that I can complete the graduation paper successfully Without his help, I am not sure I can complete it on time I would like to express my deep gratitude to teacher Tran Huu Hung for everything he has done for me Secondly, I would like to give special thanks to my teachers of Foreign Languages Department of Duy Tan University for teaching me helpful specialized knowledge and necessary skills so that we can develop our abilities Thank you so much! Thirdly, I want to take this opportunity to say thank to my dear friends who not only shared their useful experiences but also helped me solve difficulties during my study and my research work as well Finally, I wish to thank my family for their support, encouragement and motivation they gave me on completion of this graduation paper I hope to receive the sympathy from teachers because of the shortcomings in this graduation I wish all of you good health and success! Yours sincerely! Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 ii STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP  There had not been any published Vietnamese edition of the book containing the translated chapter until I started working on my graduation paper My graduation paper also doesn’t copy any parts of content in other graduation papers in any universities It uses information from other chapters in the same book Any source of references is cited and acknowledged in the REFERENCES This graduation paper has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution Danang, February 5th, 2017 NGUYEN THI THU HA Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 iii ABSTRACT  This graduation paper is about environmental field I translate chapter 10 (from English into Vietnamese) named: “AIR QUALITY” of the book: “ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH” Besides, I also analyze some necessary issues such as vocabulary and structure in this chapter In addition, through this graduation paper, I myself find out some difficulties that I and other students fell confused in environmental translation and put forward some effective solutions Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 iv ABBREVIATIONS  WHO: World Health Organization e.g: Exampli gratia NOX: Nitrogen oxide SO2: Sulfur dioxide VOCS: Volatile organic compounds CO: Carbon monoxide PM: Particulate matter AQI: Air Quality Index NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality Standard EPA: Environmental Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Protection Agency Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ii ABSTRACT iii ABBREVIATIONS iv PART A INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale: Aims and Objectives: 2.1 Aims: 2.2 Objectives: Scope of the Study: Text Features: Text Length: Text Organization: Text Source: PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND DEFINITIONS: TYPES OF CATEGORIES: 2.1 Full vs Partial Translation: 2.1 Total Translation: 2.2 Phonological Translation: 2.3 Transliteration: 2.4 Free, Literal, and Word- for- word Translation: METHODS, PRINCIPLES AND RULES OF TRANSLATION 3.1 Methods of Translation: 3.1.1 Word-for-word Translation: 3.1.2 Literal Translation: 3.1.3 Faithful Translation: 3.1.4 Semantic Translation: 3.1.5 Free Translation: 3.1.6 Idiomatic Translation: 3.1.7 Communicative Translation 3.2 Principles of Translation: 10 3.2.1 Meaning: 10 Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 3.2.2 Form: 10 3.2.3 Register: 10 3.2.4 Style and Clarity 10 3.3 Rules of translation: 11 3.3.1 The Rule of Proximity 11 3.3.2 The Rule of Parallelism 11 3.3.3 The Rule and Correlative Conjunctions 12 CHAPTER II 13 SUGGESTED TRANSLATION 13 CHAPTER III 56 CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS 56 3.1 VOCABULARY 56 3.2 STRUCTURE: 64 CHAPTER IV 82 DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 82 4.1 DIFFICULTIES: 82 4.1 SOLUTIONS: 82 PART C 84 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 84 Summary of the Findings: 84 Suggestions: 84 2.1 Implications for learning 84 2.2 Implications for teaching: 85 REFERENCES 86 Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 PART A INTRODUCTION Rationale: As you know, nowadays, environmental pollution has being become a global urgent problem, especially air pollution Air pollution can result from both human and natural action Air pollution affects extremely our health; therefore, it is always one of the most concerned issues Understanding the importance of air to our life, we can protect our health and prevent a lot of diseases There are a lot of sources which relate these topics today, such as books, magazines, news and etc Among of them, the books: “ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH” is really a wonderful book and impresses me deeply because of some extremely useful information “ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH” consists of 14 chapters, each of which refers to different problem Among them, chapter 10 “AIR POLLUTION” is a very important chapter because it refers to sources and causes of air pollution, effects of air pollution, and air quality standards Although its contents are quite popular, a lot of people take little notice of them Hence, I decided to choose chapter 10 for my graduation paper I hope that through the suggested version, I can provide some knowledge of environmental health, give more information for someone who wants to know more about importance of protecting the environment Aims and Objectives: 2.1 Aims: This graduation paper focuses on sources and causes of air pollution that affect the air quality It also reflects my own ability during four past years Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 Through it, I can develop my ability and skill in translating document as well as in analyzing difficult words, phrases, or structures that are extremely difficult for translators 2.2 Objectives: There are a number of objectives I gained after translating graduation paper: Developing my skills of translating and using suitable words and structures of any sentence Analyzing difficult and complex vocabularies, phrases, or structures in text Removing the language barrier for Vietnamese readers who are interested in this subject Summarizing knowledge I learned in the past Scope of the Study: This graduation paper belongs to chapter 10 “AIR QUALITY” of the book “ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH” (ROBERT H FRIIS, PHD) The chapter is translated into Vietnamese, and then, some important points will be analyzed particularly In addition, this paper also lists difficulties that make me feel embarrassed in translation process Finally, certain important solutions will be proposed Text Features: The book has parts and 14 chapters Due to limited time, I decide to translate and analyze the first 15 pages of chapter 10 in part “Applications of Environmental Health” ((of the book “Essentials of Environmental Health” (second edition-2005)) In this chapter, the author listed many sources, causes as well as effects of pollution Through understanding of air in our life, I can heighten our awareness of protecting the environment Text Length: Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 This book includes 14 chapters with 419 pages, but due to time limitation, I only translated a several parts of chapter 10 “AIR QUALITY” with approximately 5700 words in length Text Organization: “ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH” has 14 chapters, and I choose chapter 10 to translate Its name: “AIR QUALITY” and is presented through the following main parts: ❖ Part A - INTRODUCTION: includes rationale, aims and objectives, scope of the study, text features, text length and text organization ❖ Part B - DEVELOPMENT encompasses: • Chapter I is theoretical background about translation • Chapter II is original version (the first 15 pages) of chapter 10: “AIR QUALITY”, which is followed by my suggested translation • Chapter III contains the analysis of some typical difficult words, idioms, phrases and structures • Chapter IV consists of difficulties which I encounter and solutions which help me overcome these difficulties ❖ Part C - CONCLUSION: This part will be the summary of findings, experiences I gained through this graduation paper and some proposals which I wanted to send to my university and department Text Source: The text “AIR QUALITY” is in the book “ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH” (second edition) The author is Robert H.Friis, Phd This book was published in 2005 by Jones and Bartlett Learning Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 74 My suggested version is: “Những cá nhân theo dõi qua thời gian để đánh giá liệu có ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khoẻ liên quan đến việc phơi nhiễm chất hay không.” Sentence 2: (P.28) “What we see as air pollution is actually a mix of contaminants, particularly in the case of smog.” ➢ The main clause: “What we see as air pollution is actually a mix of contaminants, particularly in the case of smog” ➢ The dependent clause: “What we see as air pollution” In this sentence, the subject is “What we see as air pollution” and main verb is “is” “A mix of contaminants” is a subjective complement It is followed by the structure: Subordinator + Subject + Verb + O + Main clause My suggested version is: “Ô nhiễm không khí mà thấy thực hỗn hợp chất gây ô nhiễm, đặc biệt tình trạng sương khói xảy ra.” Sentence 3: (P.52) “Some researchers remain skeptical about whether, in fact, a risk to human health exists from exposures to diesel exhaust.” ➢ The main clause: “Some researchers remain skeptical about” • Subject: “Some researchers” • Main verb: “remain” ➢ The dependent clause: “whether, in fact, a risk to human health exists from exposures to diesel exhaust” This is a noun clause as an object of the preposition about Its structure is: Main clause + Subordinator + Adverb + Subject +Verb + Object Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 75 My suggested version is: “Một số nhà nghiên cứu hoài nghi việc liệu thực tế phơi nhiễm khí diesel có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe người hay không.” Sentence 4: (P.54) “It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you.” In this complex sentence, there are a main clause and two dependent clauses ➢ The main clause: “It tells you” ➢ The first dependent clause: “how clean or polluted your air is” ➢ The second dependent clause: “what associated health effects might be a concern for you” In this sentence, the clauses “how clean or polluted your air is” and “what associated health effects might be a concern for you” play a role as objects My suggested version is: “Nó cho bạn biết liệu không khí quanh bạn có không hay bị ô nhiễm, bạn cần quan tâm điều ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe bạn.” Sentences with Adverbial Clause An adverbial clause is a dependent clause introduced by an adverbial subordinator It is used to modify the verb of the independent clause and tells when (time), where (place), why (reason), for what purpose, how, long, or how far Sentence 1: (P.33) “Although clean air is mostly nitrogen, some forms of nitrogen are considered to be major environmental pollutants.” ➢ The main clause: “some forms of nitrogen are considered to be major S V environmental pollutants” O Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 76 ➢ The dependent clause: “Although clean air is mostly nitrogen” Subordinator S V C This sentence consists of a subordinate clause and a main clause My suggested version is: “Mặc dù không khí chứa hầu hết khí nitơ, số dạng khí nitơ cho chất gây ô nhiễm môi trường chính.” Sentence 2: (P.24) “The contribution of motor vehicles to air pollution is likely to continue as the number of drivers on the road increases, although technical improvements have reduced emissions from passenger vehicles.” In this sentence, there are a main clause and two dependent clauses ➢ The main clause: “The contribution of motor vehicles to air pollution is S likely to continue” V ➢ The first dependent clause: “as the number of drivers on the road Subordinator S increases” V ➢ The second dependent clause: “although technical improvements have Subordinator S reduced emissions from passenger vehicles” V O The main clause and two dependent clauses are connected by subordinators “although”, “as”and “a commas” My suggested version is: “Mặc dù giải pháp chuyên môn làm giảm khí phát thải từ xe ô tô con, loại xe có động gần tiếp tục gây ô nhiễm không khí số lượng gười tham gia giao thông tăng.” Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 77 3.2.3 Compound-Complex Sentences: A compound-complex sentence is made from two (or more) independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses Sentence 1: (P.2) “Nevertheless, many European cities not meet World Health Organization (WHO) air quality standards for at least one pollutant, and in the United States, about a quarter of the population lives in areas that not meet US air quality standards, which are similar to WHO standards.” There are two independent clauses and two dependent clauses in this sentence ➢ The first independent clause: “many European cities not meet World S V Health Organization (WHO) air quality standards for at least one O pollutant” ➢ The second independent clause: “in the United States, about a quarter A S of the population lives in areas” V ➢ A The first dependent clause: “that not meet US air quality standards” The pronoun “that” replaces “areas” and its function is a subject ➢ The second dependent clause: “which are similar to WHO standards” This is a non- defining relative clause “Which” replaces “US air quality standards” and its function is a subject These two independent clauses are connected by a coordinating conjunction “and” and a conjunctive adverb “nevertheless” My suggested version is: “Tuy nhiên, nhiều thành phố châu Âu không đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn chất lượng không khí Tổ chức Y Tế Thế giới (WHO) chất gây ô nhiễm, Hoa Kỳ, khoảng ¼ dân số sống khu Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 78 vực không đạt tiêu chuẩn chất lượng không khí Hoa Kỳ tương tự tiêu chuẩn WHO.” Sentence 2: (P.16) “Each liter of air may contain thousands of invisible suspended particles and also hundreds of invisible vapors; because these constituents are invisible, we are unaware of their presence.” This is a compound complex sentence consisting of two independent and a dependent clause that are connected by a subordinator “because” and a “semicolon” ➢ The first independent clause: “Each liter of air may contain S V thousands of invisible suspended particles and also hundreds of O invisible vapors” ➢ The second independent clause: “we are unaware of their S V C O presence” ➢ The dependent clause: “because these constituents are invisible” Subordinator S V C My suggested version is: “Mỗi lít không khí chứa hàng ngàn hạt lơ lửng vô hình hàng trăm nước vô hình khác; thành phần cấu thành vô hình thấy diện chúng.” Sentence 3: (P.29) Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 79 “Lead has been phased out or is being phased out in most areas of the world; nevertheless, lead remains an important environmental contaminant that arises from many sources in addition to air pollution.” In this sentence, we can see that: ➢ The first independent clause is : “Lead has been phased out or is S V being phased out in most areas of the world” A ➢ The second independent clause containing coordinator “nevertheless”: “lead remains an important environmental contaminant” S V O ➢ Dependent clause: “that arises from many sources in addition to air pollution.” This is a relative clause The pronoun “that” replaces the noun phrase “an important environmental contaminant” In my opinion, the coordinator “nevertheless” should be translated “thì” instead of “tuy nhiên” as its normal meaning Therefore, my suggested translation is: “Chì loại bỏ loại bỏ hầu hết nơi giới chất làm cho ô nhiễm môi trường ngày nghiêm trọng nhất.” 3.2.4 Sentences in Passive Voice: Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action It is not important or not known; however, who or what is performing the action Form of Passive Voice: SUBJECT + FINITE FORM OF TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE Sentence 1: (P.5) Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 80 “In our homes, at work, and in other enclosed spaces, we may be exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke, allergens, potentially toxic molds, and hazardous chemicals.” The structure of this passive voice sentence are: MODEL VERB+ BE + PAST PARTICIPLE (may be exposed) If we translate the sentence into Vietnamese by literal method, we will have “chúng ta bị tiếp xúc với…” This sentence sounds unnaturally and unfamiliar to Vietnamese so I decide to change this sentence into active voice to translate easier My suggested version is: “Chúng ta phải tiếp xúc với khói thuốc lá, dị ứng, nấm mốc độc hại, hóa chất nguy hiểm nhà chúng ta, nơi làm việc, nơi khác nữa.” Sentence 2: (P.41) “Some researchers have claimed that PM2 is associated with approximately 60,000 smog related deaths annually in the United States20; not all agree that the figure is this large” “Associated” is a past participle used as an adjective If we translate the sentence into Vietnamese by literal method, we will have sentence sounds unnaturally and unfamiliar to Vietnamese so I decide to change this sentence into active voice to translate easier My suggested version: “Một số nhà nghiên cứu cho năm Hoa Kỳ, hạt PM25 sương mù làm cho 60.000 người phải chết; đồng ý số lớn.” Sentence 3: (P.17) “The latter are subdivided roughly into stationary sources (e.g., power plants, oil refineries) and mobile sources (e.g., on-road vehicles, off-road vehicles, and non-road vehicles).” The structure of this passive voice sentence is: ARE + PAST PARTICIPLE Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 81 I decided to translate this sentence with its original structure – passive voice I feel its meaning is still natural and smooth in our Vietnamese after I don’t change this structure or delete it My suggested version: “Loại thứ hai chia nhỏ thành nguồn tĩnh (ví dụ: nhà máy điện, nhà máy lọc dầu) nguồn di động (ví dụ: phương tiện giao thông đường bộ, phương tiện giao thông đoạn đường phức tạp phương tiện giao thông không thuộc đường bộ).” Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 82 CHAPTER IV DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 4.1 DIFFICULTIES: I think that this graduation paper is a good opportunity for me to develop my knowledge as well as skills in translation My supervisor helped me so much so that I can complete it on time However, there are also a lot of difficulties (vocabularies, terms, structures, etc) that I must face up to in doing my graduation paper Firstly, although I learned some Environmental Health knowledge, I did not have enough ability to understand and translate several vocabularies and phrases in the text There are a lot of vocabularies that have no approximate meaning in the dictionaries, so it took me much time to look up, read on the Internet and find documents so that I could find a suitable and correct meaning Especially, specialized words are the most difficult to translate As a result, some suggested versions are not smooth Secondly, many sentence structures are very complicated Overlooking the theory, I find them difficult to analyze and understand complex sentence, compound complex sentence, and so on although I am a major student Also, in some cases, my supervisor has to explain so that I can understand what its meaning is Finally, sometimes I felt very tired and had some problems of health, especially problem of eyes 4.1 SOLUTIONS: Many people think that the translation is an easy thing and all you have to is transfering words from the source text into the equivalent words of a target text However, I think that it is a very complicated process in which I have to consider many factors During the process of doing my graduation paper, I gained experiences of solving difficulties and challenges perfectly Now, I Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 83 would like share some useful solutions that help me complete this graduation paper Firstly, before analyzing, I had to read it carefully many times and find out main idea to prepare for translation Then I had to highlight the new words and phrases Secondly, I divided my work into three parts everyday, each of which I tried to complete as soon as possible My supervisor always helped me check my translation version Beside, I have tried to learn some of specialized vocabularies of environmental heath During the translating process, I also used different kinds of dictionary, such as: TFlat dictionary, Lac Viet dictionary, Free dictionary, and Oxford Dictionary, etc And meaning of word is dependent on the different context In addition, although there were many difficulties that I had to face up, I myself tried more and more to complete my graduation paper Furthermore, I always arranged my time to relax to have a good health and to complete my graduation paper I am sure that the health is one of the most important factors that helped me complete my graduation paper successfully Moreover, when I met anything that I did not understand, I could ask my supervisor- Mr.Tran Huu Hung, who guided me enthusiastically Also, I could exchange my idea with my friends Finally, I found that we need know necessary information and knowledge of environmental health, so I have read newspapers and books, watched television, and search information on the internet I think that this will be very useful in translating process PART C Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 84 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS PART C CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Summary of the Findings: Translation is a very complex process, so it requires many factors from professional knowledge to styles and flexibility in using language Besides, I think that practice is an essential process that help student develop their abilities During my graduation paper, my translation is improved clearly, and now I know how to deal with the problems in the original text to have a good version Howerver, I also faced up with many difficulties in translating and analyzing process I realized that I myseft lacked vocabularies There are many vocabularies I never seen before and I had to use many different dictionaries or research in many sources (such as: books, newspapers, internet, etc) to find out the most suitable meaning with the context We should focus on the context to translate instead of translating word for word Furthermore, I had many mistakes about grammar, syntax, as well as the way to translate But thank for my supervisor’s help, I completed it on time Through my graduation paper, I think that I need practice translating more and more in different fields to have more experiences as well as skills to become a good translator Suggestions: 2.1 Implications for learning Firstly, we should read books and magagines to know more knowledge of society, education, culture, environment, and so on If we read and use them in translating, I think that it is very useful Secondly, I find that the grammar and structure are very important; therefore, we need learn them surely We should analyze the structure clearly so that we can understand its meaning easily We should translate the sentence by word for Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 85 word If we translate it so, its meaning will not be good and fluent Besides, we need improve semantic structure; they will help us translate the sentence perfectly Finally, when using dictionaries, we have to focus on the different context to find out the most suitable meaning for the sentence This is also important because it is likely a parter with the translation in the future 2.2 Implications for teaching: The first, I think that the Department of Foreign Language should help students have more opportunities in practicing English skills The second, I think that translation is an extremely important subject Therefore, the department should increase time of translation courses for students so that they can practice skills, improve the knowledge and advance their translating ability Besides, teachers should require students to have the analyzing habit on reading any English sentence The last, I think that some major subjects such as Translation theory, Translation and 2, Syntax, Advances Grammar should be more concerned because they are very indispensable to students during the process of doing the graduation paper Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 86 REFERENCES VIETNAMESE: Sách giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, cô Mai Lan Hương ENGLISH Duong Bach Nhat, Effective Writing Nguyen Manh Quang, Translation Theory DICTIONARIES: Free dictionary Oxford dictionary Cambridge dictionary Longman dictionary Lacviet dictionary Environmental dictionary INTERNET: https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%94_nhi%E1%BB%85m_kh%C3 %B4ng_kh%C3%AD http://www.ruthamcautoanquoc.com/nguyen-nhan-gay-o-nhiem-moi- truong-khong-khi.html http://aqicn.org/map/world/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_health https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution https://moitruongviet.edu.vn/o-nhiem-khong-khi-va-tac-dong-cua-no- den-moi-truong/ http://tienganh1.viettelstudy.vn/viettel/public/thu-vien/tu-vung-ve- moi-truong-2126.html http://www.thehouseholdacademy.com/dust-pollution-and-particle- pollution-affect-health/ Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 87 http://tailieu.vn/doc/cac-chat-khi-gay-o-nhiem-moi-truong- 448602.html Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 88 SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS  Supervisor: Tran Huu Hung Nguyen Thi Thu Ha-1920316306 ... Among of them, the books: ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH is really a wonderful book and impresses me deeply because of some extremely useful information ESSENTIALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ... to translate and analyze the first 15 pages of chapter 10 in part “Applications of Environmental Health ( (of the book Essentials of Environmental Health (second edition-2005)) In this chapter,... equivalent of a message of the source language, first in term of meaning and second in term of style.” TYPES OF CATEGORIES: Types of categories of translation may be defined in terms of extent,

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2017, 19:38


