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Unit4 - Writting

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Week: 08 Unit 4: volunteer work Period: 22 Lesson: WRITING Date: Oct, 12 ∗∗♥∗∗ ∗ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a format letter expressing gratitude. ∗ Teaching aids: textbook, handouts, picture. ∗ Procedure: TIME TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ I. Warm up: Kim’s Game - Hanging the poster with the words Birthday gifts books ties hats Flowers dressing codes graduation skirts wedding anniversary giving parties - Having Ss to look at the poster, trying to remember the words in 2 minutes. - Hiding the poster. - Dividing the class into 2 teams. - Asking Ss to go to the Bd, rewriting the words. - Feeding back  - Introducing to the lesson: “What do these words refer to? Base on these words, answer the following questions.” - On what occasions are parties held? - What kind of clothes do people often wear at a party? - What kind of presents do people often bring to a party?” - Looking at the poster, trying to remember the words. - Going to the Bd, writing the words. One S: one word, then passing the chalk to their teammates. - Noting  parties  For birthday, wedding anniversary, graduation…  Formal / informal dresses  Any kinds you like: books, ties, hats…… 15’ II. Pre- writing : 1. Task 2: Complete the letter of invitation below: - Showing the letter with blanks, eliciting, running through “_ What’s it? What kind of letter is it?” Use the phrases in the box to fill in the letter.” - Controlling the activity. Having Ss to work in groups. - Giving feedback. - Eliciting the questions: 1. What party is An Duc going to organize? 2. Where and when does he intend to organize the party? 3. How many people does he plan to invite and who are they? 4. What activities will take place at the party? 5. What food and drink will be served at the party? - Highlighting the keys for Ss to pay much attention to them. 3. Set the scene: ‘You are going to hold a party. You want to invite your classmates to the party. Write a letter of invitation, basing on the guidelines of An Duc’s one. - Recalling the guidelines: “What’re you going to write about?” - Getting Ss to work out the content of their letter by answering the questions of Task 3 - Listening to the T - Answering  A letter. A letter of invitation - Discussing, working in groups, trying to fill in the gaps.  Keys : 1. at my house 4. to cook 2. to come 5. winners 3. refreshments 6. by Monday - Listening to T answering.  A New Year Eve’s party.  At his house at 7 p.m on 31 st December.  Most of his classmates.  Dancing and games.  Special foods. - Noting down the keys. - Listening to the introduction. - Participating in building the lesson.  Kind of the party.  Place and time.  The amount of guests.  Activities.  Food and drink. 15’ III. While- writing : * Write a letter: - Letting Ss write in groups - Having Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes. - Going around offering help. A Sample Letter - Writing based on the main guidelines provided. - Working in groups - Practising, writing a letter 8’ IV. Post-writing : - Asking Ss to stick their letter on the Bd. - Having the others to look at and correcting together. The others can exchange the writing. - Providing general comments on the writing. - Sticking one letter on the Bd. - Paying attention to the correction. - Exchanging the writing. - Taking notes. - Self - correcting 2’ V. Homework: - Giving task: “+ Rewrite the letter carefully at home. + Prepare Language focus.” - Listening, noting to do at home. * NOTES: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Vinh long Oct, 1, 2007. Dear Lan, As the Vietnamese Women’s Day is coming. I’m giving a farewell party at my place at 6 p.m this coming Sunday. Would you like to come? I intend to invite most of our classmates, so it will be a big gathering and hopefully, we can socialize more easily. I will order some fruit and buy snacks. There will be dancing and karaoke competition. So, there will be a lot of fun. Pleas let me know if you are keen by Saturday. See you. Minh . letter on the Bd. - Paying attention to the correction. - Exchanging the writing. - Taking notes. - Self - correcting 2’ V. Homework: - Giving task: “+. Sample Letter - Writing based on the main guidelines provided. - Working in groups - Practising, writing a letter 8’ IV. Post-writing : - Asking Ss to

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2013, 01:26

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