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Flyers 02 Book (2017)

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Nội dung

Trang 4

Listening Part 1


- 5 questions -

Listen and draw lines There is one example

Helen Katy Sarah Jane

Trang 5

Part 2 — 5 questions — Listen and write There is one example

Trang 6

Test |

Part 3

— 5 questions -

The people who live in the flats all get up at different times At

what time does each person get up?

Trang 8

Test I

Part 4

— 5 questions —

Trang 11

Reading and Writing Part 1 ar

— 10 questions -

Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the

lines There is one example

a toothbrush a@ university an apartment a playground

You use this to clean your teeth a toothbrush, |

1 You use this when you want to get dry,

a shook dƒter washing or swimming books

2 This is the place young children go to,

to study and learn, —haceee ane e eee eeees

3 This is a kind of home, and is usually

onone floor, =§ sta tsctconvecess

toilet \

ch 4 These usually have a picture on the front, mu

and you write them to your friends and

family when you go awau ƒrom home

5 You can buy these every day, and they tell you about things which are happening

soap inthe world, iẳaẳảaảđốấá newspapers

6 You can use this for cleaning your body

when you are having a shower

7 This place is outside, and it may have a lot

of swings and other games for children

postcards a tent

8 You can buy medicines and other things

| GÌ-ỦISDUAGG ^ — - ^2144 sasssssssesssssss

9 You write in these, to help you remember

important dates and tìimes 10 These are usually for children, and pictures

help uou understand the stories in them

Trang 12

Test | Part 2 — 7 questions - Look and read Write yes or no Examples

There is a chicken cooking onthe fire, 2 yes ~

This house is under a tree no

Trang 13

Reading and Writing Questions

1 One of the monkeys is watching a programme about

acityontelevision ©: © Hee

2 The blanket on the sofa has got stripes which look

like atiger’s stripes, Hee

3 The womans phone is on the table next to her papers

4 The mans hair is longer and dorker than the

Womafs Rọt D00 ng tưng ng

5 The monkeu inside the house is holding a video

in its hand

6 The monkey outside the house is playing on a swing

Trang 14

Test |

Part 3

-— 5 questions —

Michael is talking to his friend, Harry, about the summer holidays and school What does Harry say to Michael?

Read the conversation and choose the best answer Write a letter (A-H) for each answer

Trang 15

Reading and Writing

Not everything, but I still have time to do that

I met them in the new classroom

Yes, I had a great time, thanks

Yes, he says she’s nice I asked him

You can't do that!

In two weeks, Michael (Example)

Miss Richards for most subjects, I think

We stayed in a hotel near the beach

Trang 16

Test I

Part 4

— 6 questions —

Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct

word next to numbers 1-5 There is one example

all day and was very

windy Our road was closed too so my parents couldn't

us to our town to go shopping

But we still had a lot of fun Dad brought in some wood and made a big,

warm (2) in the living room Then we all sat

round it and had bowls of soup with bread and cheese to eat Then we

played games After that, my dad played the piano, and we all

our favourite songs That evening, our

Trang 17

Reading and Writing

bedrooms were too cold to sleep in because there was

on the outside and on the inside of the

windows! So we brought blankets and made beds on the

() ẽố.ẽ of the living room and slept there! It was great!


snowed bored floor plates fire

sang push ice flashlight drive

(6) Now choose the best name for this story

Trang 18

Test |

Part 5

— 7 questions —

Look at the picture and read the storu Write some words to complete the sentences about the storu You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words

Uncle Tom has a difficult day!

My name's Katy My Uncle Tom is an actor He's not famous but last year he made a film with some very famous actors It was very exciting It was the best job he has ever had In the film he was a bad man! He had to steal lots of money from a bank

One day, Uncle Tom was in a park with some other actors and the camera men He had to run across the grass there with his big bag of money The film cameras were behind him A policeman was in the street He didn’t see the cameras but he saw my uncle and shouted ‘Stop!’ He

ran after my uncle and took him to the police station in his police car The policeman asked Uncle Tom lots of difficult questions about the bag

of money He didn’t believe my uncle’s answers But then one of the famous actors from the film, called Fred Star, arrived to help When

Trang 19

Reading and Writing

The policeman said sorry, and Uncle Tom went back to work with his

bag of money! Outside the police station, a journalist took a photo of

Uncle Tom with Fred Star and it was in the city newspaper the next day! It was very funny!



1 Tom stole some,., in the film

M In the film, Tom had to run on the grass in

3 There wasa , in the street who saw him

4 — The policeman drove Uncle Tom to

5 Tom had to answer about the money

6 , who was another actor, came to the police

station to help

7 The next day, a picture of the two actors was in

Trang 20

Test | Part 6 — 10 questions — Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the lines

Example | My friend Jane hạg got a strange pet It is a bat

1| The first time Ï saw it Ï like it, but now |

Ø | tình t8 DI: Ï cocccceeoccssse think it's ugly, but it’s

3 clever and good flying It also

4 S9434853/40099.49546009k6 hundreds of insects every day, and that’s great

5 | Jane found it when she walking in the forest near


6 her house Ït wds veru uoung and noisu, |

7 it was hungru Jane couldn't the mother bat |

8 anywhere, so she corried the bat home in rucksack,

9 and gave it some food and milk The bat can’t see

10 it can only hear things Jane is like mother now!

Trang 22

Test | Part 7 - 5 questions — Read the story and write the missing words Write one word on each line

Example | Sarah’s grandmother lives on a farm in the country, a

long way from the nearest town She has cows, sheep and a horse, and

a very big vegetable garden Sarah loves visiting her, and she goes

every Saturday In the mornings she helps her grandmother to

n7 Ô cheese from the sheeps milk, and ín the afternoons

2 | she rides the horse Sarah goes home on Saturday

evenings, but sometimes grandmother's old car doesn’t start Then, 3 | shewaits sss Sunday morning, and she goes home

4 |, bus One Sunday, the bus did not come, and Sarah

5 |had "= ride grandmother's horse all the way home!

Trang 24

Listening Part 1


— 5 questions - Listen and draw lines There is one example

Harry Sally Richard Mary

Ben David Betty

Trang 26

Test 2

Part 3

- 5 questions —

Emma is looking after a little boy She’s telling him about the people in her family What job does each person do?

Trang 28

Test 2

Part 4

- 5 questions —

Listen and tick (“) the box There is one example

Where is John’s bed in hospital? (SS S= <n oP 'M B: oP

1 What has John broken?

Trang 31

Reading and Writing

Part 1

- 10 questions -

Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the

lines There is one example an ambulance a sledge a torch geography a station a chemist's a theatre medicine You can buy a cup of drink and get something to eat here 1 2 10

When it is dark, this can help uou to see @ suitcase

This subject teaches you about people

who lived a long từme øgo

If you've got stomach ache, the doctor

givesiyou'this = = =§ la §myyggsaiAekgese

history You can go here to see clowns, horses

andelephants, 6 CsChttin na nttsnvwnceess

If it snows, you can sit on this and go dowhahil = — Kasayavsenassaness You wait here if you want to catch a train maths You can take your clothes in this if you go on a train

This subject teaches you about mountains, rivers and lakes

This often has a light on top and can a circus

take you to hospital,

This shop sells things to make uou well

a factory a nurse a café

Trang 32

Test 2 Part 2 - 7 questions — Look and read Write yes or no Examples

One of the pirates is wearing trousers with stripes andahat : Sperrer

There is a shark swimming between the boat and the island


Trang 33

Reading and Writing


1 One oƒ the pưates has just ƒallen into the sed

2 _ The tallest pirate is carruing a box oƒ treqasure

3 Thereisastorminthe sky, £22 nhớ

4 An octopus is climbing into the small boat

5 The monkey is throwing coconuts at the pirates

6 The pirate with red trousers is sleeping under the tree

7 Two of the butterflies are flying above the bigger boat sn seca

Trang 34

Test 2 Part 3 — 5 questions - Lucy is talking to Paul about his birthday What does Paul say to Lucy?

Read the conversation and choose the best answer Write a letter

(A-H) for each answer

Trang 35

Reading and Writing

Just my family and two friends

Tt was, Lucy I was eleven (Example) Emma played her new CDs all evening No, he’s busy today

Not this time We went to a restaurant

If you like Let's go to the park! I think my best friend has got one

My parents gave me a bike!

Trang 36

Test 2


Part 4

— 6 questions —

Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5 There is one example

of fruit and vegetables there Every year, there is a

competition in his (1) to find the best watermelon

and always Tom tries to win This year, he's feeling very happy because he thinks he's got the biggest watermelon that anyone has ever

- It looks like a football! It's green and

ca and so big that Tom can’t pick it up It’s too

Trang 37

Reading and Writing on the ground next to his watermelon to look

after it He’s afraid because someone might climb over the wall and

it! Tom's decided that this year he’s not going to lose the competition!


vegetables round excited plates seen

spent sleeps hill steal village

(6) Now choose the best name for this story

Trang 38

Test 2


Part 5

- 7 questions -

Look at the picture and read the story Write some words to complete the sentences about the story You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words

Ben finds his dinner!


Last summer, Emma went for a walk in the forest with her dog, Ben It was a lovely day She was throwing a ball and Ben was running after it when, suddenly, he saw a rabbit The rabbit ran behind some trees and Ben followed it Emma was afraid because there was a waterfall near the trees She could hear it ‘Don't be naughty, Ben!’ she shouted ‘Come back!’

Trang 39

Reading and Writing

‘Emma! It’s me!’ a boy answered ‘Who?’ shouted Emma ‘It’s Robert! Your best friend!’ he laughed ‘I’m making lunch in a cave that I’ve found Come and see!’ Emma walked over the big rocks behind the waterfall very

slowly and carefully and saw a big dark cave there She went inside and

saw Robert and Ben there Robert was cooking on a fire and Ben was eating lots of sausages when she walked in

‘Now I understand!’ laughed Emma ‘Mmm Those look good Have you got enough for me too?’ ‘Of course!’ said Robert Examples Emma and Ben were in the forest Questions 1 Emma felt ,

2 When Emma called Ben, he back

3 Emma thought, ‘Oh no!


4 The waterfall sounded

5 It was Emma's , Robert, who called her name

from the cave

6 Emma had to climb over some o ooo .cscsecesseeeseceeeeee to get to the


7 When Emma went inside the cave, Ben was !

Trang 40

Test 2 Part 6 - 10 questions — Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the lines

Example | Last summer, Michael went camping LAN the mountains WD SOOO BP on ccsercstevessunnass , his mum helped him to put some things

in his rucksack His mother asked, ‘How many clothes do you want to

KỈ si sua xác ?’ He said, ‘T'll need three sweaters, some socks, five

3 T-shirts and some shorts.’ His mum asked, 'How are you going for?’ and Michael answered, ‘Four days.’ Then his mum laughed and

4 said, 'But uour rucksack will be heavy to carry What else

D | 2344/9982xkQ202 x3 you need?’ Michael thought for a moment and said, ‘Well,

6 Peters to take a tent because | haven't got one Oh,

FÍ Ễecevevesevevaeesaxst remember to take a torch, then we can see when it’s

Sf GN: COR c.cc¿cscvcieeccoveeerc have some chocolate and biscuits too, please,

Mum? We might be hungry.’ His mum said, ‘OK And would you like

qÌ lemonade?’ Michael said, ‘Oh, yes, please [ think that's

Trang 42

Test 2 Example 42 > Ww N Part 7 - 5 questions — Read the text and write the missing words Write one word on each line

Parris 1S sisenesssMiaxancewes pilot He works at the airport, which mm near the city Every day he gets up at six o'clock

HH dc v0 cu22Ÿvevdayae on his uniform He wears a white hat, a blue jƒ ˆ =“==< trousers When he arrives at work he tests

everyone He loves his job because he meets a lot of people He also

likes visiting different countries This year he flown

all over the world!

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2017, 21:00



