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5 4 5 let the games begin history of the olympics TG

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Let the Games Begin: History of the Olympics This book describes the history of the Olympic Games and how the games have changed through the years It focuses on the historic 1904 Olympics and its memorable athletes like Felix Carvajal SUMMARY LESSON VOCABULARY bluish gymnastics limelight somersault wincing cartwheels hesitation skidded throbbing INTRODUCE THE BOOK Discuss with students the title and the author of Let the Games Begin: History of the Olympics Based on the photos and captions, ask students what kind of information they think this book will provide Ask students what they think the author’s purpose is INTRODUCE THE TITLE AND AUTHOR BUILD BACKGROUND Discuss what students know about the Olympics If they have watched the Olympic Games, ask them to describe the events Prompt them to discuss which event they would most like to try As students preview the book, have them look at the photographs and read the captions Ask them to point to specific photographs that give them clues about what the book will teach them Have them explain their choices PREVIEW/USE TEXT FEATURES 88 5.4.5 DRAW CONCLUSIONS VISUALIZE READ THE BOOK Have students set a purpose for reading Let the Games Begin: History of the Olympics Prompt them to think about the drive an individual has to have if he or she is to pursue a desired goal SET PURPOSE As students read about outstanding individuals like Felix Carvajal, visualizing gives them a chance to imagine how one can make a difference in his own life STRATEGY SUPPORT: VISUALIZE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS What conclusions can you draw about Felix Carvajal? (He didn’t give up; he worked hard to reach his goal.) PAGES 11 AND 13 PAGES 14 AND 15 What made the 1904 marathon difficult? (The roads were not paved and were dusty; athletes ran during the hottest time of day; runners had no water.) Why was it amazing that Ray Ewry competed in the Olympics? (He had polio as a child and the doctors said he would never walk again.) PAGE 18 Based on the chart, in which events did George Eyser win the gold medal? (parallel bars, vault, rope climb, team championship) PAGE 19 Let the Games Begin: History of the Olympics 16911_LRD_TG_088-089 88 10/20/05 10:28:16 AM REVISIT THE BOOK TALK ABOUT IT Possible responses: Detail: Though lacking money, he found a way to make it to the Olympics Detail: He participated even though he lacked running attire What you know: Such focus is symbolic of the Olympics Conclusion: He portrayed the “Spirit of the Olympics.” dirt road, no water, hot weather, dust in their eyes Responses may vary Possible response: He had a wooden leg and yet medaled in these events As students study the photographs, ask them if certain ones help them to visualize what the author is trying to tell them Have them point to specific photographs and explain their responses Skill Work TEACH/REVIEW VOCABULARY Have students write each vocabulary word on a sheet of paper and look for words with suffixes Have them circle the base words and write a new word containing each base word Have students write each vocabulary word on a sheet of paper and look for words with suffixes Have them circle the suffixes Then have them look up the meaning of each suffix in a dictionary and write their findings on a sheet of paper If time permits, ask students to write a new word using each suffix EXTEND UNDERSTANDING RESPONSE OPTIONS Suggest that students choose one of the sports in this book and imagine what it would be like to play it in the Olympics Have them write a brief description of the experience using vivid details WRITING SOCIAL STUDIES CONNECTION Students can learn more about these and other sports that interest them by researching them on the Internet or at the library TARGET SKILL AND STRATEGY DRAW CONCLUSIONS Remind students that a conclusion is a sensible decision reached after thinking about details or facts in what is read As they read, have them ask themselves this question: What facts tell me that Felix Carvajal was a strong-minded man? Have them write the facts on a sheet of paper as they read Remind students that to visualize is to create a picture in the mind As students read, suggest that they try to visualize what it was like to compete in the early Olympics VISUALIZE ADDITIONAL SKILL INSTRUCTION Review with students the kinds of graphic sources in a text, including charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, pictures, and captions Remind them that graphic sources can aid them in understanding what they are reading As students read, prompt them to notice the photographs, captions, and charts and to ask themselves if these graphics help them to understand what they are reading GRAPHIC SOURCES Let the Games Begin: History of the Olympics 16911_LRD_TG_088-089 89 89 10/20/05 10:28:19 AM Let the Games Begin Name Draw Conclusions A conclusion is a sensible decision reached after thinking about details or facts in what is read Directions Read the following paragraph and answer the questions T he most amazing athlete of the 1904 Olympics was Ray Ewry He was a track athlete from America He had polio when he was a child and the doctors said he would never walk again The young boy wanted to make his legs stronger, so he began jumping Ewry’s legs got so strong that when he went to the 1900 Games in Paris, he won first place three times! His medals were for the standing long jump, the standing high jump, and the standing triple jump He won gold medals in the same events in the 1904 Olympics The crowds loved him and cheered for him He must have enjoyed being in the limelight 1-5 What conclusions can you draw about the kind of person Ray Ewry was? © Pearson Education 6-10 What details about him helped you come to these conclusions? 90 16911_LRD_TG_090-091 2/3/06 10:28:02 AM Let the Games Begin Name Vocabulary Directions Write the word from the box that best matches each definition Check the Words You Know bluish gymnastics limelight somersault wincing cartwheels hesitation skidded throbbing the focus of attention having a blue tint exercises that use strength, agility, and coordination shrinking one’s face or body in pain or disgust slid rolling over by turning heels over head a pause sideways handsprings © Pearson Education pulsating or beating strongly 10 Write a sentence using any vocabulary word from the box 91 16911_LRD_TG_090-091 91 3/20/06 8:52:32 AM ... graphics help them to understand what they are reading GRAPHIC SOURCES Let the Games Begin: History of the Olympics 16911_LRD _TG_ 088-089 89 89 10/20/ 05 10:28:19 AM Let the Games Begin Name Draw... attire What you know: Such focus is symbolic of the Olympics Conclusion: He portrayed the “Spirit of the Olympics. ” dirt road, no water, hot weather, dust in their eyes Responses may vary Possible... Read the following paragraph and answer the questions T he most amazing athlete of the 19 04 Olympics was Ray Ewry He was a track athlete from America He had polio when he was a child and the doctors

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2017, 15:50
