What did you know about the 1906 earthquake?. Based on what you read, list things to do to prepare for an earthquake or similar disaster.. What I Know About Earthquakes What I Know Abou
Trang 1by J Matteson Claus illustrated by Don Dyen
Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA, ™
Lexile, ® and Reading Recovery ™ are provided
in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide.
ISBN 0-328-13562-3 ì<(sk$m)=bdfgcc< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U
Scott Foresman Reading Street 5.5.1
The Disaster That Rocked
San Francisco
Genre Comprehension
Skills and Strategy
fi ction
• Plot and Character
• Author’s Purpose
• Prior Knowledge
by J Matteson Claus illustrated by Don Dyen
Suggested levels for Guided Reading, DRA, ™
Lexile, ® and Reading Recovery ™ are provided
in the Pearson Scott Foresman Leveling Guide.
ISBN 0-328-13562-3 ì<(sk$m)=bdfgcc< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U
Scott Foresman Reading Street 5.5.1
The Disaster That Rocked
San Francisco
Genre Comprehension
Skills and Strategy
fi ction
• Plot and Character
• Author’s Purpose
• Prior Knowledge
Trang 2Reader Response
1 Who are the main characters in this story? Choose two
and tell what happens to them
2 Before you read this book, what did you know about
earthquakes? What did you know about the 1906 earthquake? What new things did the story teach you about each topic? Use a chart like the one below to record your answers
3 Look up the word spectacle What is the Latin root
and what does it mean? What is a spectacle and what are spectacles? Use each word in a sentence
4 Based on what you read, list things to do to prepare
for an earthquake or similar disaster
What I Know About Earthquakes
What I Know About the 1906 Earthquake
What I Learned About Earthquakes
Editorial Offices: Glenview, Illinois • Parsippany, New Jersey • New York, New York Sales Offices: Needham, Massachusetts • Duluth, Georgia • Glenview, Illinois
Coppell, Texas • Ontario, California • Mesa, Arizona
The Disaster That Rocked
San Francisco
by J Matteson Claus illustrated by Don Dyen
Trang 3Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for
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ISBN: 0-328-13562-3
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Bob Allen’s Story
“Bob, get up! It’s an earthquake!”
I jumped out of bed at the first sound of Ethel’s voice For a second, I didn’t realize what was
happening I even checked the clock It was 5:12 in the morning
“The children!” she cried
The whole house trembled beneath my feet
The furniture was jumping up and down as if it had suddenly come to life
Trang 4Ethel yanked at the doorknob
on the bedroom door “It won’t
open!” she cried
Then the trembling stopped
The only sound was Ethel pulling at
the door The wall above the door
had shifted I grabbed the knob
and pulled We had been through
small quakes before Silence always
followed the first shock Then, 10 or
20 seconds later, the quake would
hit with full force
“Sally!” I yelled as I yanked
at the knob “Don’t worry, we’re
“Mom! Dad! Help!” Sally called
from the back of the house “We’re
Trang 5The house shuddered like a
small ship being slammed by a
huge wave I reached Charlie’s
door just as Ethel reached
Sally’s The wall on the second
floor had fallen The children
and their furniture were no
longer there
“Dad! Mom! Help!” It was
Sally, calling from somewhere
behind the house We dashed
back downstairs to the kitchen
We could open the back door,
but a tall pile of fallen bricks
blocked our way “Don’t worry!
We’re coming!” Ethel yelled to
The doors jammed, so
I threw a chair through a
window and followed As I
crawled over the rubble, the
trembling stopped again
The earthquake lasted only
a minute That’s all it took to
change my life forever on that
morning of April 18, 1906
Trang 6Sally Allen’s Story
It was eerie One of the first people I thought
of was Miss Jones, the school nurse She said most
head cuts look worse than they really are So I wasn’t
surprised when I put my hand to my head and it
came back bloody Charlie’s pajamas were ripped,
and he had cuts on his face, hands, and legs Yet all
he could do was grin “Wow!” he said “Did you see
me? I just slid out on my bed!”
“Are you okay?” I asked him I’m eleven years old
He’s seven Sometimes he’s a silly seven
“Sure I’m okay!” he said “Where are Mom and Dad?”
I wasn’t sure I had called, but no answer I was worried but said they were coming anyway
“I don’t see them,” he said, looking at the pile of bricks and shingles that used to be the back wall of our house There was dust everywhere It was crazy, but it made me think of Mom, and how mad she would be because she had just cleaned
I got up and made Charlie get up, too “I told you, I’m okay!” he said He was But the world around us sure wasn’t
Trang 7I still couldn’t believe what had happened At the
first shock, my bed bounced and bumped me onto
the floor I ran to stand under an open doorway
Dad said it was a safe place I couldn’t stand there
because I couldn’t open the door! “Mom! Dad!
Help!” I called
The first shock stopped, and a half minute later,
the big one hit The chimney ripped away from the
wall Then the wall went and I fell backwards I
awoke to see the furniture sliding away and me too!
A tree branch slowed my fall and slammed me onto
the ground
The street was a mess Battered houses leaned
against each other like wounded soldiers Telephone
poles had been snapped in two Broken electric
power lines lay coiled in the road like snakes
Neighbors in nightclothes hollered to each other
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“Over here!” someone yelled A man across the street was pointing at us “Those two kids—they’re hurt!”
A big fireman ran over to us “Okay, kids,” he said “Let’s get to the hospital.”
And before I could protest, he picked up Charlie and headed for a wagon “Come on, Sally!” Charlie said He was having fun
“Your brother’s right,” the fireman said “That shock wasn’t the last You’ll see.”
“I’m not leaving without my mother and father!”
I said
“Honey,” the fireman said, “you’d better stay with your brother He needs you now.”
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Trang 8The Fireman’s Story
San Francisco firemen are always ready
for a quake They say the severe ones come
only every hundred years, so I didn’t expect
to see one
But I did I’d been up all night fighting
a fire I was heading back to the station
when the first shock came The two horses
pulling my supply wagon got spooked I
was just getting them under control when
the big one hit Buildings on both side of
the road just fell apart
After the trembling stopped, I waited
for the horses to get calm Then I moved
on Lots of people were hurt I put three
men with injuries into the wagon I also
picked up two children who were all
banged up I dropped all five at the Central
Emergency Hospital
I never got back to the firehouse A fire
had broken out in a nearby laundry We
fought it for about two hours Finally, the
last flames withered and died
By this time, plumes of smoke were
rising all over the city The earthquake had
cracked gas pipes, and the leaking gas was
fueling many of the fires
At around 8:15 in the morning, the city
was jolted again This aftershock knocked
down buildings that had been weakened
three hours earlier It also touched off
more fires
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Trang 9We went from fire to fire all day
long and struggled without water The
shifting earth had crushed the city’s
water pipes Sometimes we got lucky
and found water storage tanks or wells
near fires But that was rare
At one point, fifty fires were
burning all over the city Fires leapt
from building to building, across
streets and intersections This went on
for three days
The U.S Navy sent ships to battle
the fires nearest the bay U.S Army
soldiers contained some fires by
taking away their fuel Fires don’t
like stopping at the firebreaks So the
fires moved with such force that they
jumped over the breaks
The U.S Army had also set up tent
camps for the homeless victims of the
earthquake I had lost my home, too
So when the fires were out, I went to a
camp to rest and get shelter
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Trang 10Men, women, and even children went through
the camp hunting for loved ones One man had
a big bandage around his head He kept asking,
“Has anyone seen a girl named Sally? A boy named
“Well, I’ll be,” I said “Those were the names of
the kids I took to the hospital!”
He almost hugged me at the news, but I had
to tell him the bad news “The Central Emergency
Hospital burned down yesterday,” I said “All the
patients were moved away.”
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“Thank you,” he said wearily “I’ll go to the other hospitals They have got to be somewhere.”
After he left, soldiers came to the camp to pass out food One officer said he heard that more than 200,000 people were living in camps like ours
Dr Martin’s Story
I reached the Central Emergency Hospital later than usual because I had to walk The hospital had been badly damaged When I got there, firemen had carried most of the patients across the street to a sports arena Doctors, nurses, and Red Cross workers were setting up a makeshift hospital there
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Trang 11It was an awful scene Surgeons operated on
people whose arms and legs had been crushed
Mothers carried in burned babies We ran out of
supplies Men broke into drugstores to get medicine
and bandages
Soon we were ordered to leave The fire was
getting near us We moved the patients to the
grass by Golden Gate Park Anyone who could walk
helped One little boy carried a box of medicine His
sister carried a baby whose mother had died They
were nice kids The boy found my spectacles on the
When I returned to the park the next day, soldiers
were putting up tents for the patients
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Near midnight, I was too tired to go on without sleep My wife Dora and our daughter made a tent out of sheets in front of our house One of the saddest scenes, my wife said, was a man who was hunting for his two children “He said he had been trying to reach them when a falling brick knocked him out When he came to, he found his wife with a broken leg and his children gone.”
“Did you get his name?” I asked
“No,” Dora said, “but his children’s names were Sally and Charlie I think that’s what he said.”
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Trang 12“I met those children today at the park,” I said
The little boy helped me find my spectacles.”
I headed back to the park around 6:00 A.M Dozens
of new patients waited for help at the park I forgot
about the two lost children
On the way to visit a hospital that afternoon, I
spotted a man with a bandaged head While that
was not unusual, it was unusual to stop and talk to
people passing by I asked him “Are you looking for
Sally and Charlie?”
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For a few seconds, the tired man just pondered the question Then he gasped “Do you really know where they are?”
“I think so Come with me.”
We went to the park, stopping at nearly every tent “Thank God,” the father said when he saw them and ran to embrace them “Thank God.”
The military helped out a lot They brought in doctors, nurses, and medical supplies They also helped provide rations such as food and water
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Trang 13By dawn on April 21, the fires finally burned
themselves out They had turned five square miles of
the city into ashes More than 3,000 people had died
Some 28,000 buildings had been destroyed Maybe
250,000 people had no homes
You would think only sadness and anger would
remain after all that Yet, even among my sickest
patients, I found hope People took care of each
other, shared food, and helped to build shelters
People sent money from all over the country
We had lived through three days of horror But
the tragedy brought out the best in all of us And
that’s something I’ll never forget
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Trang 14Lessons from the Past
Scientists studied the 1906 earthquake for years
They learned how the ground moves and how to
make buildings stand up to earthquakes Those
lessons have made us smarter about earthquakes and
coping with them
In 1989, another big quake hit San Francisco This
time, the city was ready Many buildings of 1906 had
been replaced with stronger structures built to stand
up to major shocks and fires
The 1989 earthquake did great damage But only
62 people died, and it left only about 12,000 people
without homes In contrast, the 1906 earthquake
killed more than 3,000 people and left 250,000
people homeless
Scientists still don’t know how to accurately
predict earthquakes But they learn more about
them every time the earth shakes
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Reader Response
1 Who are the main characters in this story? Choose two
and tell what happens to them
2 Before you read this book, what did you know about
earthquakes? What did you know about the 1906 earthquake? What new things did the story teach you about each topic? Use a chart like the one below to record your answers
3 Look up the word spectacle What is the Latin root
and what does it mean? What is a spectacle and what are spectacles? Use each word in a sentence
4 Based on what you read, list things to do to prepare
for an earthquake or similar disaster
What I Know About Earthquakes
What I Know About the 1906 Earthquake
What I Learned About Earthquakes