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Dojo_ The Definitive Guide_ Powering Up AJAX Development Techniques [Russell 2008-06-27]

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Cấu trúc

  • Dojo: The Definitive Guide

  • Table of Contents

  • Foreword

  • Preface

    • Why Dojo?

    • What’s in This Book

    • What’s Not in This Book

    • Open Source Software Is Fluid

    • About You

      • Development Tools

      • Essential Working Knowledge

        • Closures

        • Context

        • Anonymous functions

    • Conventions Used in This Book

      • Style Conventions

    • Using Code Examples

    • Safari® Books Online

    • We’d Like to Hear from You

    • Acknowledgments

  • Part I

  • Toolkit Overview

    • Overview of Dojo’s Architecture

      • Base

      • Core

      • Dijit

      • DojoX

      • Util

    • Prepping for Development

      • Getting Dojo

        • Downloading an official release

        • Downloading from Subversion

        • AOL’s CDN

      • Debugging with Firebug

      • Browser Security Settings for Running Dojo Locally

      • Lightweight Server Responses

    • Terminology

    • Bootstrapping

      • dojo.addOnLoad

      • Configuration with djConfig

    • Exploring Dojo with Firebug

      • Exploring Base

        • dojo.byId

        • dojo.connect

      • Exploring Dijit

    • Summary

  • Language and Browser Utilities

    • Looking Up DOM Nodes

    • Type Checking

      • Duck Typing

    • String Utilities

    • Array Processing

      • Finding Locations of Elements

      • Testing Elements for a Condition

      • Iterating Over Elements

      • Transforming Elements

      • String-As-Function Style Arguments

    • Managing Source Code with Modules

      • Motivation for Managing the Mayhem

      • Custom Module Example Over XDomain

      • Fibonacci Example with Local Toolkit Installation

      • Building a Magic Genie Example Module

    • JavaScript Object Utilities

      • Mixins

      • Extending Object Prototypes

      • Cloning Objects

    • Manipulating Object Context

      • Partially Applying Parameters

      • Hitching an Object to a Specific Context

      • Delegation and Inheritance

    • DOM Utilities

      • Ancestry

      • Selectability

      • Styling Nodes

      • Manipulating Attributes

      • Placing Nodes

      • The Box Model

    • Browser Utilities

      • Cookies

      • Back Button Handling

    • Summary

  • Event Listeners and Pub/Sub Communication

    • Event and Keyboard Normalization

      • Mouse and Keyboard Event Normalization

      • Standardized Key Codes

    • Event Listeners

      • Event Propagation

      • Leveraging Closures with dojo.connect

        • One-time connections

        • Setting up connections within a loop

      • Connecting in Markup

    • Publish/Subscribe Communication

    • Summary

  • AJAX and Server Communication

    • Quick Overview of AJAX

      • JSON

    • AJAX Made Easy

      • XHR Examples

      • General Purpose XMLHttpRequest Calls

      • Hitching Up Callbacks

    • Deferreds

      • Deferred Examples Via CherryPy

        • Using Deferreds returned from XHR functions

        • Injecting Deferreds into XHR functions

        • Custom canceller

        • DeferredList

    • Form and HTTP Utilities

    • Cross-Site Scripting with JSONP

      • JSONP Primer

    • Core IO

      • Using JSONP with Dojo

        • Connecting to a Flickr data source

        • Getting back JavaScript from a JSONP call

      • IFRAME Transports

        • File downloads with IFRAMEs

        • Form submissions with IFRAMEs

        • Non-HTML response types

        • Manually creating a hidden IFRAME

    • JSON Remote Procedure Calls

      • JSON RPC Example

    • OpenAjax Hub

    • Summary

  • Node Manipulation

    • Query: One Size Fits All

      • Warm Up

      • State Tracking Example

        • The long, brittle way

        • The short, robust way

    • NodeList

      • Array-Like Methods

        • Chaining NodeList results

        • String-as-Function style Arguments

        • Enhanced filtering

      • Style

      • Placement

      • DOM Event Shortcuts

      • Animation

    • Creating NodeList Extensions

    • Behavior

    • Summary

  • Internationalization (i18n)

    • Introduction

    • Internationalizing a Module

      • Layout on Disk

      • Defining String Tables

      • Putting It All Together

        • Use build tools for snappy performance

    • Dates, Numbers, and Currency

      • Dates

      • Numbers

      • Currency

    • Summary

  • Drag-and-Drop

    • Dragging

      • Simple Moveables

      • Drag Events

      • Z-Indexing

      • Constrained Moveables

    • Dropping

      • Pure Targets

      • Custom Avatars

      • Drop Events

      • Scripting Droppables

    • Summary

  • Animation and Special Effects

    • Animation

      • Simple Fades

      • Animating Arbitrary CSS Properties

      • Programatically Controlling Animations

    • Core fx

      • Sliding

      • Wiping

      • Chaining and Combining

      • Toggling

    • Animation + Drag-and-Drop = Fun!

    • Colors

      • Creating and Blending Colors

      • Named Color Values Available Via Base

      • Additional Color Values Available Via Core

    • Summary

  • Data Abstraction

    • Shifting the Data Paradigm

    • Data API Overview

    • The APIs

      • The Read API

      • The Identity API

      • The Write API

      • The Notification API

    • Core Implementations of Data APIs

      • ItemFileReadStore

        • Hierarchical JSON and JSON with references

        • ItemFileReadStore walkthrough

        • Querying child items

        • ItemFileWriteStore

      • Serializing and Deserializing Custom Data Types

        • Implicit type-mapping

        • Custom type maps

    • Summary

  • Simulated Classes and Inheritance

    • JavaScript Is Not Java

    • One Problem, Many Solutions

      • Typical JavaScript Inheritance

      • Mixin Pattern

      • Delegation Pattern

    • Simulating Classes with Dojo

      • The Basic Class Creation Pattern

      • A Single Inheritance Example

        • A common gotcha with prototype-based inheritance

        • Calling an inherited method

    • Multiply Inheriting with Mixins

      • Multiple Inheritance Oddities

    • Summary

  • Part II

  • Dijit Overview

    • Motivation for Dijit

      • Low Coupling, High Cohesion

    • Accessibility (a11y)

      • Common a11y Issues

      • WAI-ARIA

    • Dijit for Designers

      • Themes

      • Nodes Versus Dijits, DOM Events Versus Dijit Methods

    • The Parser

      • Parsing a Widget When the Page Loads

      • Manually Parsing a Widget

      • Demystifying the Parser

    • Hands-on Dijit with NumberSpinner

      • Creating from Markup

      • Programmatic Creation

      • Lots of Niceties

      • Defining Methods in Markup

    • Overview of Stock Dijits

      • Form Dijits

      • Layout Dijits

      • Application Dijits

    • Dijit API Drive-By

    • Summary

  • Dijit Anatomy and Lifecycle

    • Dijit Anatomy

      • Web Development Review

      • Dijits to the Rescue

    • Dijit Lifecycle Methods

      • The _Widget Lifecycle

        • Lifecycle methods

        • Essential properties

      • Mixing in _Templated

        • Lifecycle methods

        • Essential properties

    • Your First Dijit: HelloWorld

      • HelloWorld Dijit (Take 1: Bare Bones)

        • HTML page

        • CSS

        • Template

        • JavaScript

      • HelloWorld Dijit (Take 2: Modifying The Template)

      • HelloWorld Dijit (Take 3: Interning the Template)

      • HelloWord Dijit (Take 4: Passing in Parameters)

      • HelloWorld Dijit (Take 5: Associating Events with Dijits)

    • Parent-Child Relationships with _Container and _Contained

    • Rapidly Prototyping Widgets in Markup

    • Summary

  • Form Widgets

    • Drive-By Form Review

    • Form Dijits

    • TextBox Variations

      • TextBox

      • ValidationTextBox

      • MappedTextBox and RangeBoundTextBox

      • TimeTextBox and DateTextBox

        • Commonalities between DateTextBox and TimeTextBox

        • Serializing data to the server

        • Don’t forget about inherited properties

        • NumberTextBox

        • NumberSpinner

        • CurrencyTextBox

        • ComboBox

    • FilteringSelect

    • MultiSelect

    • Textarea Variations

      • Textarea

      • SimpleTextarea

    • Button Variations

      • Button

      • ToggleButton

      • CheckBox

      • RadioButton

      • DropDownButton

      • ComboButton

    • Slider

      • HorizontalSlider

      • VerticalSlider

    • Form

      • HTML Form Tag Synopsis

      • Form

    • Summary

  • Layout Widgets

    • Layout Dijit Commonalities

      • Programmatic Creation

      • Keyboard Support

    • ContentPane

    • BorderContainer

    • StackContainer

      • Procrastination (a.k.a. Lazy Loading) May Yield Better Performance

    • TabContainer

    • AccordionContainer

    • Rendering and Visibility Considerations

    • Summary

  • Application Widgets

    • Tooltip

    • Dialog Widgets

      • Dialog

      • TooltipDialog

    • ProgressBar

    • ColorPalette

    • Toolbar

    • Menu

    • TitlePane

    • InlineEditBox

    • Tree

      • Simple Tree

      • Simple Forest

      • Responding to Click Events

      • Tree-Related APIs

      • Drag-and-Drop with the Tree

        • Drag-and-droppable Tree example

    • Editor

      • Editor Architecture

      • Editor Plug-Ins

    • Summary

  • Build Tools, Testing, and Production Considerations

    • Building

      • Running a Build

      • Build Profiles

        • Setting up a build profile

        • Setting up a (more clever) build profile

        • Standard build profile

        • ShrinkSafe optimization and other common options

    • Dojo Objective Harness (DOH)

      • Rhino Test Harness Without Dojo

      • Rhino Test Harness with Dojo

    • Browser-Based Test Harness

      • Browser Test Example

      • Asynchronous Browser Test Example

    • Performance Considerations

      • Benefits of XDomain builds

      • Don’t optimize prematurely

    • Summary

  • A Firebug Primer

    • Installation

    • To Allow or Not to Allow?

    • Now for the Fun Stuff

    • Inspect

    • Console

    • HTML and CSS

      • Script and DOM

    • Net

    • Go Forth and Dismantle

  • A Brief Survey of DojoX

  • Index

Nội dung

TimeTextBox dijit clickableIncrement attribute, 313 formatLength attribute, 314 getDisplayedValue method, 314, 315 Gregorian calendar, 311 locale attribute, 314 overview, 310–317 selector attribute, 314 serialize extension point, 315, 317 setDisplayedValue method, 314, 315 strict attribute, 314 timePattern attribute, 314 toString method, 315 visibleIncrement attribute, 313 visibleRange attribute, 313 TitlePane dijit duration attribute, 374 open attribute, 374 overview, 269, 374–375 setContent function, 374 setTitle function, 375 title attribute, 374 toggle function, 375 ToggleButton dijit checked attribute, 327 onChange extension point, 327 overview, 327 setAttribute method, 327 Toggler class, 184, 185 toggling nodes, 184, 185 Toolbar dijit addChild function, 369 getChildren function, 369 overview, 268, 367–369 removeChild function, 369 toolkits, 13 Tooltip dijit connectId attribute, 360 label attribute, 360 overview, 269, 359–360 showDelay attribute, 360 TooltipDialog dijit, 269, 360 tracking state, 119–121 translations, testing, 139 transparency, 189 Tree dijit accessibility, 377 checkAcceptance method, 386 checkItemAcceptance method, 386 childrenAttr attribute, 383 dndController attribute, 385, 386 drag-and-drop support, 378, 385–388 ForestStoreModel class, 378, 381, 384–385 itemCreator method, 386 model attribute, 383 onClick extension point, 382, 383 onDndCancel method, 386 onDndDrop method, 386 openOnClick attribute, 383 overview, 206, 270, 377, 383–385 persist attribute, 383 query attribute, 383 responding to click events, 382–383 showRoot attribute, 383 simple forest example, 380–382 simple tree example, 378–380 _TreeNode class and, 378 TreeStoreModel class, 378, 379, 384 _TreeNode class, 378 TreeStoreModel class destroy function, 384 getChildren function, 384 getIdentity function, 384 getLabel function, 384 getRoot function, 384 mayHaveChildren attribute, 384 newItem function, 384 newParentItem attribute, 384 oldParentItem attribute, 384 onChange function, 384 onChildrenChange function, 384 onComplete function, 384 onItem function, 384 overview, 378, 379, 384 pasteItem function, 384 tundra theme (Dijit), 253, 300 Twisted web site, 89 type checking duck typing, 33, 225 JavaScript support, 33 typeof operator, 34 U UCS (Universal Character Set), 320 Unicode standard, 320 Universal Character Set (UCS), 320 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 312 UTF-8 character set, 319, 320 Index | 449 Util build tools functionality, 6, 7, 41, 396 HelloWorld example, 287 performance and, 140 V validation DOCTYPE, 252 forms, 252, 299 ValidationTextBox dijit ComboBox and, 319 constraints attribute, 308 displayMessage attribute, 308 inheritance, 317 invalidMessage attribute, 308 isValid attribute, 308 overview, 307–310 promptMessage attribute, 308 regExp attribute, 308 regExpGen attribute, 308 required attribute, 308 tooltipPosition attribute, 308 validator attribute, 308 variables shortening names, 396 type checking, 33 VerticalSlider dijit clickSelect attribute, 337 container attribute, 337 count attribute, 337 decrement function, 337 discreteValues attribute, 337 increment function, 337 maximum attribute, 337 minimum attribute, 337 overview, 336–338 pageIncrement attribute, 337 ruleStyle attribute, 337 showButtons attribute, 337 slideDuration attribute, 337 W W3C event normalization, 67–69, 128 querying DOM, 114 WAI-ARIA, 250 WAI-ARIA, 250 450 | Index web browsers accessibility considerations, 249 Back button handling, 64–66 box model and, 60 color support, 188 cookies, 62–63 editing support, 389 event model, 67 gzip compression, 404 security settings for running locally, 11 test harness, 411 text selectability, 56 trailing commas and, 233 type checking, 33 (see also specific browsers) web portals, 76 WebKit web site, 114 whitespace minification, 396, 404 trimming, 34, 35 _Widget class buildRendering method, 277, 281, 285 create method, 341 destroyRecursive method, 278 domNode property, 279, 301 functionality, 15 id property, 279 inheritance and, 272 lang property, 279 layout dijits and, 340 lifecycle methods, 275–282 postCreate method, 278 postMixInProperties method, 277, 286 startup method, 278 uninitialize method, 278 widgets defined, 15 parsing, 145, 257–259 publish/subscribe communication, 76 (see also dijits) window object, 52–55 wipe effects, 179–181 Write API deleteItem function, 203 getFeatures function, 202 hasAttribute function, 213 isDirty function, 203, 213 ItemFileWriteStore support, 204, 212–219 newItem function, 203 overview, 198, 202 revert function, 203 save function, 203 setValue function, 203, 212 setValues function, 203 unsetAttribute function, 203 examples, 85–87 form support, 297 functionality, 80 general purpose calls, 87 hitch function and, 87–89 platform configuration, 18 REST support, 83, 84 same origin policy, 92, 99 static content and, 414 X XDomain benefits, 415 CDN build support, configuring at build time, 18 custom module example, 42–44 XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object asynchronous requests, 89–91 Deferred support, 93–97 Y Yahoo!, 397 Z z-indexes, 151 Zulu time, 312 Index | 451 About the Author Matthew Russell is a tenacious technologist with entrepreneurial zeal He has completed more than 40 publications on technology, including work that has appeared or is upcoming in scientific conferences, Linux Journal, Apple Developer Connection, and Make: Magazine Matthew developed his passion for writing during undergraduate studies at the Air Force Academy, where he earned the prestigious Dean W Gonzalez Award as the top cadet in the computer science major Matthew’s most recent efforts include architecting and leading a team to build a classified end-to-end web application for the intelligence community, and serving the Defense Intelligence Agency, where he researches and assesses the next generation of technologies to build government intelligence systems He currently works for Digital Reasoning Systems as the director of advanced technology, where he pushes the limits of user interfaces in the web browser and researches bleeding-edge topics in unstructured text processing You can subscribe to Matthew’s semi-regular “Dojo Goodness” column at http://pipes.yahoo.com/ptwobrussell/dojo_goodness to stay up to date with his latest online writing about Dojo Colophon The animal on the cover of Dojo: The Definitive Guide is a lion-tailed monkey (Macaca silenus) This rare monkey lives primarily in the rain forests of southern India, where it spends its days avoiding humans, foraging, and exploring Easily recognizable for its silvery-white mane, the monkey (also known as the liontailed macaque or wanderloo) is also distinguished by the tuft of hair on its tail Like other macaques, it lives in groups of 10 to 20 monkeys in a hierarchical order involving a few males and many females The male is a territorial creature and will defend his home by screaming at monkeys or other invaders not native to his habitat According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the lion-tailed monkey is one of the most threatened primates in the world, due largely to the destruction of its habitat by humans Many zoos now participate in breeding programs to help sustain the survival of the monkey The cover image is from Lydekker’s Royal History The cover font is Adobe ITC Garamond The text font is Linotype Birka; the heading font is Adobe Myriad Condensed; and the code font is LucasFont’s TheSans Mono Condensed ... Magazine Matthew developed his passion for writing during undergraduate studies at the Air Force Academy, where he earned the prestigious Dean W Gonzalez Award as the top cadet in the computer... http://pipes.yahoo.com/ptwobrussell/dojo_goodness to stay up to date with his latest online writing about Dojo Colophon The animal on the cover of Dojo: The Definitive Guide is a lion-tailed monkey (Macaca... monkeys or other invaders not native to his habitat According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the lion-tailed monkey is one of the most threatened primates in the world,

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2017, 20:00