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Tổng hợp 12 đề pen i hocmai 2017 cô nguyệt ca phần (2)

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Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) U ĐỀ SỐ 02 Gíao viên: NGUYỆT CA Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions Question A learns Question A fare B works B black C eyes C match D needs D calcium Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Question A material Question A stimulate ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H h H hcich B emission B measurement C optical C surgical D conjunction D already ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH c c i i h h Question Simon finds it hard for making friends with other children /T/T D with m m A finds B hard C for making o o Question Not longer are contributions to the advancement kk.c.ofcindustry made primarily by individuals o o o o A Not B are contributions bb C advancement D made e e c c Question Fertilizers are used for enriching the soil and to increase yield a a ww.f.f A are used B for enriching C soil D to increase w wwww w w w w w / / / / / / sors: :D/ on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the tttptpss: :/ Mark the letter A,tB, C p p t t t hh hh following questions Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question The firemen’ s uniforms are made of _ material A inflammable B flammable C non-flammable D unflammable Question Your friendship should be based on trust A basic B fragile C mutual D blind Question 10 I've got lots of , but only a few are really good friends A close friends B acquaintances C neighbors D partners Question 11 It has become necessary _ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought A rationing B ration C to ration D to have rationed Question 12 She glanced briefly _ his lapel badge A in B on C at D up Question 13 Not until home _ that he had taken someone else’s bike A he got/ did he realize B did he get / he realized C he got/ he did realize D he got/ he realized Question 14 Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like It must have been quite a party last night A death warmed up B a bear with a sore head C a dead duck D a wet blanket Question 15 I _ later that I _ an out-of-date timetable A found/ had used B have found/ had used C found/ has used D have found/ use Question 16 sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up A When slowing down instead of B Instead when slowing down at C When instead of slowing down D Instead of slowing down when Question 17 The management has its promise A gone back on B gone through with C got away with D got down on Question 18 Imagination _ facts Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) A.outlives B.outlays C outruns Question 19 The fire was caused by an _ fault in the television A.electrician B.electricity C electrical U D outplays D electric Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges Question 20 - "Will the Jacksons be invited?” - "I ” A expect so not B so expect Question 21 Anna: "I don't think I can this." Susan: " _ " A No, I hope not C Yeah, it's easy C not expect so D expect so B Oh, come on! Give it a try! D Sure, go ahead! Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOEST in meaning to the underlined word (s) in each of the following questions ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H h H hcich ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH c c i i h h /T/T m m o o c.c k k o o o o Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer b sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to b questions e e c the underlined word (s) in each of thea following c a f.f w w w wwww w Question 24 Slang can be / defined as a set of lexical, grammatical, and phonological regularities used in w w w w / / / / / ss: :/ ss: :/ informal speech pp p p t t t t t t t t A situational hh B academic C.informative D uneducated hh Question 25 Experts often forecast an upswing in an economy after a slowdown Question 22 In the times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers,civilians and prisoners of war A mounted B treat C devoted D interested Question 23 Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean A long- lasting B temporary C mild D destructive A.decline B.inflation C.an improvement D.a reform Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 26 "Leave my house now or I'll call the police!" shouted the lady to the man A The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn't leave her house B The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn't leave her house C The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn't leave her house D The lady informed the man that she would call the police if he didn't leave her house Question 27 He last had his eyes tested ten months ago A He had tested his eyes ten months before B He had not tested his eyes for ten months then C He hasn't had his eyes tested for ten months D He didn't have any test on his eyes in ten months Question 28 "You should have finished the report by now," John told his secretary A John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report B John said that his secretary had not finished the report C John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time D John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions Question 29 The holiday was so expensive We could only afford five days Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) U A It was such an expensive holiday that we could only afford five days B The holiday was dirt cheap, so we could afford more than five days C So expensive was a five-day holiday that we could hardly afford it D A five-day holiday wasn’t cheap, so we couldn’t afford it Question 30 The basketball team knew they lost the match They soon started to blame each other A As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost the match B No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match C Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well D Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks COULD COMPUTER GAMES BE GOOD FOR YOU AFTER ALL In Britain, the average young person now spends more money on games each year than on going to the cinema or renting videos But is this (31) a bad thing? For years, newspaper reports have been saying that children who spend too much time playing computer games become unsociable, bad- tempered, even violent as a result But new research, (32) _ out in both Europe and the USA, suggests that the opposite may be true Indeed, playing some of the more complicated games may help people of all ages to improve certain skills Researchers claim that this is because the games make the brain work harder in certain ways, like (33) _ sounds and movements quickly and identifying what they are The fact that people play the games repeatedly (34) _ that they get a lot of practice in these skills which are therefore likely to become highly developed Social skills may benefit, too Researchers in Chicago think that fans of first- person shooter games such as “Counterstrike” are better than non-players when it comes to building trust and co-operation, and that this helps them to make good friendships and become strong members of their communities So rather than (35) _ up computer games, perhaps young people need to spend more time on them? ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H h H hcich ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH c c i i h h /T/T m m o o kk.c.c o o o o bb e e c c a a ww.f.f w wwww w w w w w / / / / / / ss: :/ ss: :/ p p p p t t t t t t t t hh hh Question 31 Question 32 Question 33 Question 34 Question 35 A A A A A necessarily worked realizing means giving B B B B B certainly thought noticing asks ending C C C C C fully turned imagining brings taking D D D D D nearly carried solving causes stopping Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions HOW TO AVOID TEEN TANTRUMS ON HOLIDAY! Sarah Tucker has been interviewing lots of teenagers for her new book Here, with the school holidays upon us, she tells you what it takes to have a family holiday that doesn’t end in tears Given the choice, teenagers prefer not to go on holiday with their parents According to more than 1,500 parents and teenagers I’ve interviewed over the past twelve months for my next book, the concept of the happy family holiday appears to go wrong when the child reaches adolescence Desmond Morris, an expert on human behavior, says, “At this age, teenagers are starting to assert their independence They may begin to resent help from their parents, seeing it as interference And, above all, they like to be among their peers - especially on holiday.” He adds: “There are additional tensions on holiday when families are brought together for a long period of time and, just like at Christmas, there is an expectation of everyone enjoying themselves without having to work at it, only it doesn’t always happen that way.” Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) U So what does work with teenagers on holiday? Specific countries as well as holiday options proved more popular than others Italy is becoming the most popular destination for teenagers, closely followed by Australia and Canada The popularity of these countries appears to be as much to with the personality and culture of the people as the location and facilities on site “The people are lively and laid-back”, commented one fifteen-year-old, who had just returned from a two-week break with his family “I met a group of Italian teenagers from Bologna and we would go down to the beach every evening and play guitars till dark The campsite was on the beach, so parents knew where we were and what we were doing.” An option many of those families I interviewed had tried included going with another family who also had teenage children One mother explained that this only works if the teenagers as well as the adults are compatible Personality clashes may make tense situations worse Some 90% of those teenagers I spoke to prefer the guarantee of sunshine and heat Teenagers enjoy the beach, as long as they are surrounded by their peers Their new companions not have to be of the same sex or even the same nationality - the main criterion appears to be that they are of the same age Get the teenagers to take a friend with them, so that they can go out by themselves More than 80% of teenagers interviewed preferred an outdoor adventure of to some sort on holiday There are many activity holidays which acted to teenagers, but choose a location which is exotic, if you have the budget Some resorts offer discounts for teenagers ee/ / ee/ / v v v v i i i i r r r r ccDD ccDD o o o o H H H A resounding 99% of the teenagers I spoke to recommended package holidays, where you stay at h H cichhaparticularly i h hcich h a specially-designed resort, like Club Med However, parents felt T they were bit too controlled, and they / /T m didn’t see enough of their children The beauty of Club Medo(or similar style) holidays is that you can as m chorse-riding, co football training - and there’s even a little or as much as you want Typical activities include k k o o circus school at one Club Med resort! bboo e e c c a of the world was more interesting than anything to be found in f.afside Most teenagers thought that the w other w ww wwww Europe And the destination on most wish lists was Australia Those who had visited Down Under claimed it w w w w / / / / / / sthey was the best holiday s: :/had ever experienced, with or without their parents Teenagers might visit later, tinttptpss: :/ p p t t t t their gap year, hh hhso why not see what it’s like before they go by themselves A final word on holidays to avoid A big thumbs down from teenagers for walking, fishing or cycling holidays Or any holiday with “leisurely” mentioned anywhere in the brochure And if you are planning a holiday to improve your teenagers’ minds, forget it They reject any holiday that claims to be cultural, romantic, scenic or relaxing Wherever you decide to go this year, I hope you all enjoy it- as a family! Question 36: Teenagers generally go on holiday with their parents because they A don’t have any choice B don’t want to cause problems C are being punished for something D like to make their family happy Question 37 What does Desmond Morris say is most important to teenagers? A being on holiday B being with other teenagers C getting away from their parents D helping their parents Question 38: What can Christmas be a difficult time? A People think no effort is needed B Teenagers refuse to help C Many people lose their jobs D It’s not easy for families to meet Question 39: Teenagers prefer to go on holiday to countries _ A that are most popular with tourists B where they can go to the beach C which their parents have chosen D which have a relaxed culture Question 40: Families going on holiday with other families should make sure A everybody is included in all activities B the adults understand the situation C the teenagers some work D the children get on with each other Question 41: What parents dislike about package holidays? A They have to too many activities B They aren’t interested in the activities on offer C They don’t have enough freedom D They don’t like having so much responsibility Question 42: The word “A big thumbs down” in the 8th paragraph of the passage can be best replaced by _ Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) A disagree B agree C reject U D interest Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50 The goal of internet-based encyclopedia Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) is to give everyone on the planet access to information Like other encyclopedias, Wikipedia contains lots of information: more than 2.5 million articles in 200 different languages covering just about every subject Unlike other encyclopedias, however, Wikipedia is not written by experts, but by ordinary people These writers are not paid and their names are not published They contribute to Wikipedia simply because they want to share their knowledge Encyclopedias began in ancient times as collections of writings about all aspects of human knowledge The word itself comes from ancient Greek, and means “a complete general education” Real popularity for encyclopedias came in the nineteenth century in Europe and the United States, with the publication of encyclopedias written for ordinary readers With the invention of the CD-ROM, the same amount of information could be put on a few computer discs Then with the Internet, it became possible to create an online encyclopedia that could be constantly updated, like Microsoft’s Encarta However, even Internet-based encyclopedias like Encarta were written by paid experts At first, Wikipedia, the brainchild of Jimmy Wales, a businessman in Chicago, was not so different from these In 2001, he had the idea for an Internet-based encyclopedia that would provide information quickly and easily to everyone Furthermore, that information would be available free, unlike other Internet encyclopedias at that time ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H h H hcich ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH c c i i h h /T/T were needed to write the articles, m But Wales, like everyone else, believed that people with special knowledge m o o c.c however, as it took them a long time to approach, and so he began by hiring expert He soon changed his k k o o o o finish their work He decided to open up the encyclopedia in a radical new way, so that everyone would have bb e c access not only to the information, buta also toethe process of putting this information online To this, he c a f.f(from the Hawaiian word for “fast”), which allows users to create or used what is known as “Wiki” software w w w wwww w alter content on web page The system is very simple: When you open the web site, you can simply search w w w w / / / / / / ss:can:/log on to become a writer or editor of articles If you find an article that intereststttptpss: :/ for information or p you p t t t t you – about h your h hometown, for example – you can correct it or expand it This process goes on until nohoneh is interested in making any more changes Question 43: Wikipedia is a(n) A book B journal C article D dictionary Question 44: The phrase “these writers” in the first paragraph refers to _ A ordinary readers B ordinary people C encyclopedia experts D every subject Question 45: The phrase “the word” in the second paragraph refers to A knowledge B encyclopedia C writing D collection Question 46: Microsoft’s Encarta is cited in the passage as an example of _ A CD-ROM dictionary B printed encyclopedia C online encyclopedia D updateable online encyclopedia Question 47: The word “brainchild” in the 2nd paragraph of the passage can be best replaced by _ A born B child C product D father Question 48: The user of Wikipedia can all of the following EXCEPT _ A have access to information B dertermine the website C modify information D edit information Question 49: We can say that Jimmy Wales _ A became very famous after the formation of Wikipedia B is the father of Wikipedia C made a great profit from Wikipedia D decides who can use Wikipedia Question 50: Wiki software enables _ A exchanging articles B a purchase of information C limited access D editting (Ma trận đề kéo xuống dưới) Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) U MA TRẬN ĐỀ SỐ 02 ĐỀ PEN I 02 Chuyên đề Mức độ nhận thức Nhận biết Câu Thông hiểu Câu Vận dụng Phân tích Ngữ âm Câu 3+4 Câu Câu 5+7 Tìm lỗi sai Ngữ pháp Câu 11+12+13+15 ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD Từ vựng o o H h H Câu giao tiếp hcich Câu 16 ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH Câu 20+21 c c i i h h Từ đồng /T/T m m o nghĩa Câu 22+23 o kk.c.c o Từ trái nghĩa Câu 24 Câu 25 oo o bb e e c c a a f f.26+27+28 Câu đồng wCâu w w wwww w w w nghĩa w w / / / / / / ss: :/ ss: :/ p p p p t t t t t t t t hh hh Câu 9+10+19 Nối câu Câu 29+30 Điền từ Đọc hiểu Câu 8+14+17+18 Câu 43+44+45 +46 Câu 32+33+34+35 Câu 31 Câu 36+37+38+39+40+ 41 Câu 42+47+48+49+50 Giáo viên: Nguyệt Ca Nguồn: Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 Hocmai - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H h H hcich U ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH c c i i h h /T/T m m o o kk.c.c o o o o bb e e c c a a ww.f.f w wwww w w w w w / / / / / / ss: :/ ss: :/ p p p p t t t t t t t t hh hh Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive Page Page :: https://www.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com // Thich Thich Hoc Hoc Drive Drive Hocmai.vn – Website học trực tuyến số Việt Nam Khóa học Luyện thi THPT quốc gia PEN - I: Môn Tiếng Anh (Cô NGUYỆT CA) ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H h H hcich ee/ / v v i i r r ccDD o o H hhH c c i i h h /T/T m m o o kk.c.c o o o o bb e e c c a a ww.f.f w wwww w w w w w / / / / / / ss: :/ ss: :/ p p p p t t t t t t t t hh hh Hocmai – Ngôi trường chung học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 1900 69 33 - Trang | - Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThichHocDrive ... Question 49: We can say that Jimmy Wales _ A became very famous after the formation of Wikipedia B is the father of Wikipedia C made a great profit from Wikipedia D decides who can use Wikipedia... Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) is to give everyone on the planet access to information Like other encyclopedias, Wikipedia contains lots of information: more than 2.5 million articles in 200 different... their children The beauty of Club Medo(or similar style) holidays is that you can as m chorse-riding, co football training - and there’s even a little or as much as you want Typical activities include

Ngày đăng: 16/04/2017, 22:56

