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phrasal verbs 1

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Đây chắn phần kiến thức kiến bạn khó chịu Hãy dành thời gian luyện tập để ghi nhớ A The Japanese market accounts for 35% account for + chiếm account for + giải thích act up add * up + calculate a sum add up to + equal an amount add up make sense allow for allow of tính đến, xem xét đến làm điều thành ask * out + invite on a date 10 11 ask after ask for hỏi thăm sức khỏe thông báo, nói cho biết 12 ask * over + invite to one's home of the company's revenue The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd I think I need to take my car to the behave or function improperly mechanic because it's acting up again I added up the receipts and it totaled $135.46 The total expenses added up to $325.00 Her story doesn't add up I think she is lying All these factors must be allowed for The facts allow of only one explanation I can't believe that Joe finally asked me out on a date! He always asks after you in his letters When you arrive, ask for Jane Why don't we ask the Johnsons over for dinner? B stop defending your opinion Jane never backs down She always wins in a debate not keep (a promise, arguments back down back out back out of + back * up + give support back up move backwards, reverse agreement,deal) not keep (a promise, agreement, deal) Sam backed out at the last second Sam backed out of the agreement at the last second You need examples to back up your opinion Could you back up a little so I can open this drawer bawl * out bear down on + bear down on + bear on + 10 bear up 11 bear up under + criticize, reprimand (inf.) She bawled him out for arriving late The soldier had to bear down on the bite leather strap while the doctor removed a take strong measures against have to with withstand withstand 12 bear with + be patient 13 blow in visit unexpectedly (inf.) 14 blow over 15 blow * up + 16 blow up explode 17 blow up suddenly become very angry 18 break * down 19 20 + break down break down 21 break * in + 22 break in pass without creating a problem make explode;destroy using explosives analyze in detail stop working properly become mentally ill wear or use something new until it is comfortable interrupt bullet from the soldier's arm The U.S.A is bearing down on drug traffickers This information may bear on this case I didn't think he would bear up so well in that situation How did he bear up under such extreme pressure Please bear with me while I fill out the paperwork My cousin blew in unexpectedly with hi entire family All this negative publicity will blow ove in a couple of weeks The terrorists blew the bridge up The bomb blew up before they could defuse it When Joan heard the news, she blew up and rushed out of the room We need to break this problem down in order to solve The truck broke down in the desert She broke down after her husband died I need to break these shoes in before I go hiking While we were discussing the situation, Terri broke in to give her opinion 23 break in enter a place unlawfully 24 break in on + interrupt (a conversation) 25 break into + enter a house unlawfully 26 break into + interrupt (a conversation) 27 break * off + end something 28 break out appear violently 29 break out + 30 break out of + 31 break * up + 32 break * up + 33 break up 34 35 36 37 bring * about + bring * along + bring * around bring * away The burglar broke in between midnight and AM Jane broke in on the conversation and told us to get back to work The burglar broke into the house between midnight and AM Jane broke into the conversation and told us what she knew Sally broke her engagement to John off Violent protests broke out in response to use something extravagant the military coup He broke out the champagne to celebrate for celebration his promotion escape The murderer broke out of the prison break into pieces disperse (a crowd), stop (a fight) end a relationship cause to happen bring with change someone's mind, convince someone learn or gain (from an experience) I broke the cracker up into pieces and pu it in the soup The police broke the demonstration up before it got out of control Sam and Diane broke up again What a rocky relationship Democracy brought about great change in the lives of the people When we go to the forest, bring your wildlife guide along She doesn't want to go, but we'll eventually bring her around My trip across the Sahara was difficult, but I brought a new appreciation for life away from the experience succeed at something You robbed the bank! I can't believe you difficult or unexpected brought that off I can't believe she got so angry What 38 bring * off + 39 bring * on + cause something 40 bring * out + highlight, stress 41 bring * over + bring to someone's house 42 bring * to revive consciousness 43 bring * up + mention 44 bring * up + 45 brush * off + raise ( a child) ignore something or 46 burn * down + brought that on? Your new shirt brings out the color of was unemployed Sam was brought up in South Carolina Mary brushed her ex-boyfriend off at the someone (inf.) destroy by setting fire to burn until completely gone burn down 48 burn up be hot 49 50 burn up burn * up + consume by fire destroy by fire buy the shares of a company 51 buy * out + or the shares the other person buy * up + over your son We used smelling salts to bring her to after she fainted I didn't want to bring up the fact that she 47 52 your eyes When you visit me, why don't you bring (building) party The children burned the house down while playing with matches Two buildings burnt down in the fire I am burning up in here - open the owns of a business purchase the entire supply of something window The papers were burned up in the fire He burnt up the files Pacific Inc was bought out by a company from Oregon We bought up all the beer in the store C call for + call * off + require (as in a recipe) cancel something This recipe calls for milk, not water They called the picnic off because of the call * off + call on + call on + call * up + calm * down + order to stop (an invasion, guard dogs) visit invite someone to speak in a meeting or a classroom telephone make someone relax rain He called off the dogs when he saw it was his neighbor Mark called on Naomi while he was in town Professor Tanzer called on Tim to answer the question I called Sam up to see if he wanted to go to the movies You can calm the baby down by rocking her gently He cared for the bird until its wing care for + nurse someone or something care for + 10 carry on + like someone or something continue (a conversation, a healed I don't care for sour cream on my potato Please, carry on I didn't mean to game) continue in an annoying interrupt you He kept carrying on about how much way money he makes I want you to carry on with the project 11 12 carry on about + carry on with + 13 carry * out + 14 carry * over + 15 catch on 16 catch up 17 catch up with + continue complete and/or accomplish while I am out of town The secret agent carried out his orders something continue on a subsequent exactly as planned The meeting carried over into lunch day, page, etc slowly start to understand time (inf.) make up for lost time He caught on after a few minutes I will never catch up I am too behind in my work speed up to be at the same place as a person or thing in front of you I had to run to catch up with the others 18 catch up on + 19 check back 20 check by + 21 check for + try to find 22 check in enter a hospital, hotel etc 23 check into + enter a hospital, hotel etc 24 check into + 25 check * off + 26 check on + 27 check * out + 28 check out 29 30 31 32 33 check out of + check * over + check up on + check * through check with + become up-to-date I need to catch up on world events I return to see if everything is haven't seen the news in ages We will check back tomorrow to make OK go to a place to see if sure the project is finished We need to check by the office to see if everything is OK the documents are ready They checked for termites before they investigate, look for (often bought the house They need to check in before noon They checked into the hotel at 11:00 AM We are checking into discount flights to through a service) London make a mark next to (an item Check each name off the list on a list) Let's check on the baby again before we make sure something is OK go to sleep He checked out the new restaurant down investigate, take a look at the street It's already eleven We need to check leave a hotel, hospital out leave a hotel, hospital We checked out of the hotel before ten closely examine the He checked over the old car to see if it condition of something investigate someone or was worth buying The police are checking up on the bomb something send luggage through (to a threats Your luggage will be checked through to destination) ask a person for Paris He needs to check with his parents confirmation before he goes 34 35 36 37 cheer * up cheer up chew * up + chop * down + make someone feel cheerful become cheerful chew into small pieces The party really cheered me up Cheer up Everything will be all right The dog chewed up my shoe fell/cut ( a tree) The lumberjack chopped the tree down 38 chop * up + chop/cut into small bits 39 clean * up + tidy 40 clear out leave ( inf.) 41 clear * up + tidy 42 close * down + close a place permanently 43 close down close permanently 44 close in on + approach and threaten 45 close * up + close temporarily 46 close up close temporarily 47 come about occur / happen 48 come across + discover by accident 49 come across + 50 come along come along 51 52 with + come along He chopped the meat up into little pieces Susan cleaned the mess up before she left Everybody clear out! We're closed Susan cleared up the mess before she left The corner market closed down because they didn't have many customers The bar was closed down because they served alcohol to minors The rebels were closing in on the capital so the government called in the army They are closing the ski resort up for the summer The ski resort is closing up for the summer How did you idea for the book come about They came across some lost Mayan ruin initially seem or have the in the jungle He comes across as rather rude, but he appearance accompany someone isn't If you want, you can come along accompany Sam came along with us to the beach progress How's the research paper coming along 53 come along with + progress leave a place with a 54 How are you coming along with the research paper I came away from the meeting feeling come away particular feeling or 55 come back impression return 56 come by + get, receive 57 come by come down visit a person at their house Mercedes? I'll come by later this afternoon become sick with He came down with the flu 58 with + 59 come into + inherit 60 come off + fall off, break off 61 come out appear 62 63 come out reveal you are homosexual come out turn out, end up come out with produce and distribute a 64 like the presentation was a success What time are you coming back? How did you come by that new He came into a large sum of money when his aunt died The handle came off the suitcase when I picked it up I didn't see the car at first It came out of nowhere Sam finally came out last month The pictures came out great Microsoft is coming out with a new + product 65 come over visit someone at their house 66 come to regain consciousness 67 come through 68 come up to + approach; to equal come up with produce or create (an idea, a expectations She came up with a great proposal for + plan) the new advertising campaign 69 what is needed or expected video game system next month Why don't you come over after work for dinner Don't worry! She faints all the time She always comes to after a few minutes Terry really came through for us in the end The job offer didn't come up to her The computer system doesn't come with 70 come with + include (an accessory) 71 72 count * in + count on + include depend/rely on 73 count * out + exclude 74 count * up + add crack down become tougher on, better on + enforce laws on drunk driving laugh uncontrollably, laugh a When I told the joke, they all cracked up lot laugh uncontrollably about, I cracked up at his joke laugh a lot about draw a line through Why did you cross my name out on the 75 76 crack up 77 crack up at + 78 cross * out + 79 cut down 80 cut down on + something, eliminate decrease the amount of decrease the amount of 81 cut in interrupt 82 cut in on + interrupt 83 cut * off 84 cut * off + sever ( with a knife) 85 86 cut * out + cut * out remove stop an action 87 cut * up + cut into small pieces a printer Did you count expenses in? You can really count on Sarah You can count James out He hates playing poker Count the change up and see how much we have The police have been cracking down on list? You eat too much fat You need to cut down You need to cut down on your fat intake She suddenly cut in and delivered the news She cut in on the conversation and delivered the news interrupt someone while they She cut him off before he said something were speaking he would regret later His finger was accidentally cut off in an industrial accident He cut the bone out of the steak Cut it out! You're bothering me He cut the beef up and put the pieces in the soup D die away diminish in intensity die down diminish in intensity die off/out disagree with become extinct cause to feel sick due to food + away with or drink + abolish * over + without + draw * up + create ( a contract) dress * down reprimand severely 10 dress down dress casually 11 dress * up + decorate 12 dress up drive * back wear elegant clothes 13 repeat manage without something one wants or needs repulse 14 + drop in 15 drop in on + visit someone unexpectedly 16 drop out quit an organized activity 17 drop out of + 18 drop over visit someone unexpectedly The applause died away after minutes The controversy about the president's affair finally died down Whales are in danger of dying off Spicy food disagrees with me Some Americans want to away with the death penalty You made many mistakes, so I want you to the report over I couldn't without a car in California Let's draw an agreement up before we go any further with this project The mother dressed her son down for skipping school I am dressing down because we're going to a barbecue by the beach You could dress this house up with some bright colors She always dresses up at work The invaders were driven back by the army Meg dropped in yesterday after dinner Let's drop in on Julie since we're driving by her house Yuri isn't on the team any more He quit an organized activity dropped out It's difficult to get a good job if you drop (school) visit someone casually out of high school Drop over any time you feel like talking not sleep because you are wait up waiting for something or someone not sleep because you are wait up for + waiting for someone or something wake * up + awaken someone wake up wash up awaken clean oneself wash * up + clean watch out watch out for be careful + be careful of Don't wait up Let's wait up for Mary to see how her date went The car alarm woke me up at 6:00 in the morning Wake up It's time to get ready for work Make sure you wash up before dinner If we work together, we can wash the kitchen up in a few minutes Watch out - there's a rattlesnake! Watch out for snakes while you are disappear after a period of hiking in the desert The affects of the medicine will wear off time use until something is not after a few hours If you wear the same shoes everyday, wear * out useable anymore cause to be very tired 13 wind up + finish (inf.) you'll wear them out Her three kids wore me out If he doesn't get his act together, he is 14 wind * up + 15 wind * up + 16 wipe * out + massacre or destroy 17 wipe * out cause to be very tired 18 work * out + solve 10 wear off 11 wear * out 12 tighten the spring of a watch going to wind up in jail He wound up the toy dog and set it on or similar machine cause an animal or a child to the floor The kids always get wound up when behave wildly Uncle Henry comes over The tidal wave wiped out the small fishing village After surfing all day, I was completely wiped out I hope you two can work out your 19 work out exercise 20 work out be successful 21 work off loại bỏ 22 work up 23 write * down + 24 write * out + 25 write * up + làm rơi trạng thái vui, buồn, tức giận… record write down every word or letter prepare a report problems I work out three times a week at the fitness center I am glad your new catering business is working out She worked off her anger by going for a walk What are you so worked up about? Write down the directions so you don't forget them He wrote out the lyrics so I could understand what the singer was saying He wrote up a business proposal in order to get a loan Y to continue talking in an yak on annoying way ("on" can be He just yakked on and on and on repeated for emphasis) to continue talking in an yak on about annoying way about She just yakked on and on about her + something ("on" can be husband's new job repeated for emphasis) to talk in an annoying way or yammer on complain ("on" can be They yammered on and on and on repeated for emphasis) to talk in an annoying way yammer on about something or complain He just yammered on and on about how about + about ("on" can be repeated for emphasis) horrible the waiter was Z discover, pinpoint I think I have zeroed in on what has been zero in on + zip around + zone out place stop paying attention zonk out fall asleep TOEFL test that she zonked out before dinner You need a telephoto lens to zoom in She zoomed in on his face while taking move quickly from place to zoom in focus zoom in on + focus on something, pinpoint causing the problem I zipped around town after work today He zoned out during class Jill was so exhausted after taking the the picture LUYỆN TẬP Bài I Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences Brian asked Judy to dinner and a movie A out B on C for D of My wife backed me _ over my decision to quit my job A down B up C of D for The racing car _ after it crashed into the fence A blew out B blew over C blew up D blew down Our car at the side of the highway in the snowstorm A broke into B broke away C broke in D broke down Mike _ Alaska, so he's used to cold weather A comes over B comes in C comes across D comes from Jane had a difficult childhood She _ a broken home A came from B came over C came in D came up with The woman _ when the police told her that her son had died A broke down B broke away C broke in D broke into Our teacher broke the final project _ into three separate parts A in B into C away D down Somebody _ last night and stole our stereo A broke off B broke in C broke out D broke up 10 The firemen had to break _ the room to rescue the children A off B up C out D into 11 The bomb _ when he rang the bell A went over B went on C went out D went off 12 No one really believed it when the news came through that the "Titanic" had _ on her maiden voyage A gone over B gone on C gone down D gone off 13 Does this jacket _ my trousers? A go with B go through with C go ahead D go off 14 He _ about his new car all the time A goes over B goes on C goes out D goes off 15 Do you think you could _ this work with me some time, Peter? A go over B go on C go out D go off 16 We have permission to _ with the plan A go ahead B go over C go on D go off 17 I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well _ it A go with B go through with C go ahead D go off 18 The building of the new bridge will _ as planned A go up B put up C go out D go ahead 19 I see the price of bread has _ again A gone up B put up C gone out D fallen out 20 He was caught shop - lifting but since this was his first offence he was _ with a warning Bài She _ her father; everyone says how alike they are! A takes after B takes off C falls out D lets off There was a power cut and all the lights _ A went up B put up C went out D went ahead You look upset, Sven Have you and Niger _ again? A gone out B gone grey C fallen out D let off Paul, you think you could me for the night? It's a bit too late to go home now A let me off B go me out C fall me out D put me up Children made their hair _ A go out B go grey C fall out D let off The doctor asked me to _ my shirt A put off B take off C take out D put out Shall we go somewhere _ a drink? A for B from C to D of Everyone can _ in this school activity A take off B take on C take part D take Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _? A turn on B turn off C go on D look after 10 Who will the children while you go out to work? A look for B look up C look after D look at 11 Please the light, it’s getting dark here A turn on B turn off C turn over D turn into 12 The nurse has to _ at the midnight {take (sth) over: take control of or responsibility for} A take care B take on C take over C take off 13 There is an inflation The prices A are going on B are going down C are going over D are going up 14 Remember to _ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house A take care B take on C take over C take off 15 You can the new words in the dictionary A look for B look after C look up D look at 16 It’s cold outside your coat A Put on B Put down C Put off D Put into 17 Frank never turns up on time for a meeting A calls B arrives C reports D prepares 18.Never put off until tomorrow what you can today {put off: postpone: delay} A B let C delay D leave 19 My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother A looked after B taken after C gone off D got over 20 The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town A went on B went out C went off D went away Bài John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute A take part in B take over C take place D take care of Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _ his boss A up to B on for C on well with D in with Why they talking about money all the time? A keep on B give up C take after D stop by My father gave up smoking two years ago A liked B continued C stopped D enjoyed The government hopes to _ its plans for introducing cable TV A turn out B carry out C carry on D keep on When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _ the gas supply to the flat A cut down B cut out C cut off D cut up Look out! There’s a car coming! A The car is behind you, so you should run B Don’t go away because the car is coming C Hurry up or you will be late for the car D You should be careful because the car is coming I was born in Scotland but I in Northern Ireland A grew up B raised C brought up D rose How you start the computer? A How does the computer turn on? B How you turn on the computer? C How you turn the computer on? D Both B and C are correct 10 I/ not accept/ offer/ turn down/ A I couldn’t accept his offer to avoid turning down him B I couldn’t accept his offer because he was turned down C I couldn’t accept his offer, so I turned it down D I couldn’t accept his offer whether I was turned down 11 Both Ann and her sister look like her mother A take after B take place C take away D take on 12 I’ll be back in a minute, Jane I just want to try out my new tape recorder A resemble B test C arrive D buy 13 She got angry when they started to……… her private life A ask for B enquire after C ask about D enquire with 14 She ran in a marathon last week but……… after ten kilometers {withdraw} A dropped out B closed down C broke up D made up 15 Gertrude takes……….her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair too A in B up C after D down 16 It took him a long time to ……… the death of his wife A take away B get over C take off D get through 17 There were so many kinds of cameras………., and I didn't know which to buy A to choose B choosing from C chosen D to choose from 18 Billy hasn't been working; he won't……… his examinations A get off B get through C keep up D keep off 19 They arrived……… the airport……… good time for the plane A in - on B to - in C at - in D to - for 20 Did Mr Tan……… the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? A take away B take over C take up D take off Bài Paula applied for the post but she was……… A turned down B checked out C kept under D pushed ahead If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to……… more staff A give up B add in C gain on D take on Why they……… talking about money all the time? A keep on B side with C take after D work off In addition to Mr Thomas and Miss White, the principal……… attend the school party A is likely B is going to C are likely D are going to We were too tired to wash after the meal A over B out C up D on Bài Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _? A turn on B turn off C go on D look after Who will the children while you go out to work? A look for B look up C look after D look at Please the light, it’s getting dark here A turn on B turn off C turn over D turn into The nurse has to _ at the midnight A take care B take on C take over D take off There is an inflation The prices A are going on B are going down C are going over D are going up Remember to _ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house A take care B take on C take over D take off You can the new words in the dictionary A look for B look after C look up D look at It’s cold outside your coat A Put on B Put down C Put off D Put into Frank never turns up on time for a meeting A calls B arrives C reports D prepares 10 Never put off until tomorrow what you can today A B let C delay D Leave 11 My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother A looked after B taken after C gone off D got over 12 The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town A went on B went out C went off D went away 13 John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute A take part in B take over C take place D take care of 14 Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _ his boss A up to B on for C on well with D in with 15 Why they talking about money all the time? A keep on B give up C take after D stop by 16 My father gave up smoking two years ago A liked B continued C stopped D Enjoyed 17 The government hopes to _ its plans for introducing cable TV A turn out B carry out C carry on D keep on 18 When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _ the gas supply to the flat A cut down B cut out C cut off D cut up 19 “Please _ the radio, I can’t concentrate on my work” A turn off B turn up C turn on D turn into 20 Look out! There’s a car coming! A The car is behind you, so you should run B Don’t go away because the car is coming C Hurry up or you will be late for the car D You should be careful because the car is coming 21 I was born in Scotland but I in Northern Ireland A grew up B raised C brought up D Rose 22 How you start the computer? A How does the computer turn on? B How you turn on the computer? C How you turn the computer on? D Both B and C are correct 23 I/ not accept/ offer/ turn down/ A I couldn’t accept his offer to avoid turning down him B I couldn’t accept his offer because he was turned down C I couldn’t accept his offer, so I turned it down D I couldn’t accept his offer whether I was turned down 24 Both Ann and her sister look like her mother A take after B take place C take away D take on 25 I’ll be back in a minute, Jane I just want to try out my new tape recorder A resemble B test C arrive D buy Bài It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held _ A over B down C up D out I always run _ of money before the end of the month A out B back C up D down It's taking me longer to get _ the operation than I thought A through B by C up from D over I've just spent two weeks looking _an aunt of mine who's been ill A at B for C out for D after I've always got _ well with old people A off B on C in D through It's very cold in here Do you mind if I turn _ the heating? A down B away C off D on They've _ a new tower where that old building used to be A put up B put down C pushed up D pushed down Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he up A cameB grew C brought D settled The bus only stops here to passengers A alight B get on C get off D pick up 10 If anything urgent comes _, you can contact me at this number A across B by C up D round 11 Your daughter's just started work, hasn't she? How's she getting _? A by B on C out D in 12 We had to turn _ their invitation to lunch as we had a previous engagement A over B out C up D down 13 While driving to work, we ran out gas A up B of C in D to 14 He died heart disease A from B because C of D in 15 The elevator is not running today It is order A to B out C out of D in 16 I explained him what it meant A to C over B about D from 17 Pasteur devoted all his life _ science A for B in C on D to 18 House cats are distantly related _ lions and tigers A in B to C of D about 19 Is this type of soil suitable _ growing tomatoes ? A for B about C in D at 20 Were you aware _ the regulations against smoking in this area ? A in B with C of D about 21 One meter is approximately equal _ a yard A about B on C to D with 22 Jane doesn't spend much money _ clothes A over B about C at D on 23 She always takes good care _ her children A for B in C of D with 24 William insists _ getting up early, even on weekends A on B to C toward D for 25 What does this symbol refer _ ? A on B to C for D toward 26 The accident resulted _ several minor injuries A on B in C of D at 27 Congratulations _ your success! A to B on C in D up 28 Mrs Liz was accused _ having stolen the car A of B with C in D upon 29 We are here to provide you _ the best service possible A of B with C to D for 30 He has been absent _ school very often lately A from B on C in D with 31 Vehicles also account _ air pollution in the cities A on B at C for D in 32 Last night I was invited _ a formal get-together and I enjoyed myself a great deal A to B at C for D about 33 The police blamed the mother _ neglecting her child A to B for C with D of 34 They prevented me _ talking to that woman A from B on C with D at 35 Take the number bus and get at Forest Road A up B down C off D outside 36 If you want to join this club, you must this application form A make up B write down C up D fill in 37 The water company will have to _ off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried _ A take/in B cut/out C set/up D break/to 38 He wanted to off all his work before he came to the cinema with us A finishB stop C end D put 39 They were 30 minutes later because their car _ down A got B put C cut D broke 40 That problem is _ them We can’t make _ our mind yet A out off/on B up to/up C away from/for D on for/off Bài Complete each sentence with one suitable word Jess asked if she could help me wash _ the dirty dishes 2.I need a dictionary, so I can _ up this word 3.If I were you’d _ off early because Edinburgh is a long way 4.Our meeting tomorrow has been _ off, I’m afraid 5.I’m not sure about the size of this coat, so can I _ it on? Bài 8: Complete each sentence with one suitable words from the box across 10 11 12 13 against in into on round to up with for I’ll send someone to call for the parcel on Thursday You’ll have to work hard to keep _ with the rest of the class Jean didn’t expect to come up _ such difficulties It’s not fair You’re always picking _ me Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined _ I came _ one of your novels in a second-hand bookshop I’m not interested in buying anything I’m just looking _ Don’t you think the manager should deal _ this problem? George came _ a lot of money when his uncle died You look very guilty! What have you been getting up _? Underline the correct preposition in each sentence Can you explain that again? I don’t know what you’re getting by/with/at? He’s a very strict teacher He doesn’t stand for/up/with any bad behaviour in class 14 I enjoyed London, but it didn’t really live up to/with/for my expectations 15 I smoke 20 cigarettes a day, buy I’m trying to cut off/through/down 16 I think she has got over/by/down the break-up with her boyfriend Bài 9: Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase Brian _ at our dinner party wearing a pink bow tie a wore out b showed off c turned up d tried out 2.You don’t have to decide now, you can _ a put it aside b call it off c tear it up d think it over 3.Pat was caught by the police, but Martin _ a gave in b gave up c got away d held up 4.After the quarrel, we kissed and _ a cleared up b looked up c made up d put up 5.Why exactly did war _ between the two countries? a break out b set in c go off d call off Bài 10 Choose the correct answer Tom was slow to catch _ but gradually he began to understand A in B on C away D out I haven’t time to speak to him now, you’ll have to put him _ A off B back C aside D away You know I’ll always stand _ you if you are in trouble A for B up C by D with I disapprove _ people smoking in public places A on B at C with D of 5.She found it hard to _ up to the fact that she would never be famous A come B face C get D keep Bài 11 Complete each sentence with the most appropriate phrase from the box go on put off set out run into wear out sell out see to stand out take off think over The plane _ at o’clock, hours late The bus stopped suddenly and the car _ the back of it It was raining so heavily that they _ the match until next week It was an offer he _ very carefully before he made his decision The lights _ and we couldn’t see anything Đáp án Bài 1 11 16 Bài A A D A 12 17 B A C B 13 18 C B A D 14 19 D B B A 10 15 20 D D A D 11 16 Bài A B A A 12 17 C A C B 13 18 C C D C 14 19 D C C D 10 15 20 B C C C 11 16 BÀI D C A B 12 17 C D B D 13 18 A A C B 14 19 C D A C 10 15 20 B C C B Bài A D A B 11 16 C D D C 12 17 C C C B 13 18 A A D C 14 19 C B C A 10 15 20 D C A D 21 A 22 D 23 C 24 A 25 B C D B A C B A D 12 17 22 27 32 37 A A D D D B A B 13 18 23 28 33 38 D B B B C A B D 14 19 24 29 34 39 D D C A A B A D 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 B C C C B A C B Bài 6: 11 16 21 26 31 36 Bài Wash Look Set Called 5.try Bài for 2.up against on 5.in 6.across 7.round 8.with 9.into 1.at 2.for 3.to down 5.over 10 to Bài 10 C 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C Bài 11 B 2.A 4.D 5.B 3.C Bài 12 Took off 2.Ran into 4.Thought over Went out 3.Put off ... person 10 set up + 11 set out/ off 12 settle on + 13 Settle down an cư lập nghiệp 14 settle up 15 show * off + pay one's debts show to everybody with a lot 16 show off 17 show * up 18 show up 19 ... get 10 get by 11 get by on + 12 get by with + 13 get down to + get serious about a topic 14 get in + enter ( a car, a small boat) 15 get in enter 16 get * off + send (a package) 17 get * off 18 ... pass * up + 10 pay * back + repay 11 pay * off + complete payment on a debt 12 pay * off + to bribe 13 pick on + to tease, bully 14 pick * out + choose 15 pick * up + 16 pick * up + 17 pick * up

Ngày đăng: 15/04/2017, 11:16

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