The scope paragraph of the standard unqualified audit report states that the audit is designed to: easy a.. The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the financ
Trang 1Chapter 3
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 Auditing standards require that the audit report must be titled and that the title must:
easy a include the word “independent.”
a b indicate if the auditor is a CPA
c indicate if the auditor is a proprietorship, partnership, or incorporated
d indicate the type of audit opinion issued
3 The purpose of the introductory paragraph in the standard unqualified report is:
easy a to identify that the type of opinion issued is unqualified
b b to identify the financial statements audited and the dates and time periods covered by the
c to indicate the CPA followed applicable audit standards
d to indicate all the financial statements are in accordance with GAAP
4 The scope paragraph of the standard unqualified audit report states that the audit is designed to: easy a discover all errors and/or irregularities
d b discover material errors and/or irregularities
c conform to generally accepted accounting principles
d obtain reasonable assurance whether the statements are free of material misstatement
5 The audit report date on a standard unqualified report indicates:
easy a the last day of the fiscal period
d b the date on which the financial statements were filed with the Securities and Exchange
c the last date on which users may institute a lawsuit against either client or auditor
d the last day of the auditor’s responsibility for the review of significant events that occurred subsequent to the date of the financial statements
a the financial statements have not been prepared in accordance with GAAP
b the scope of the audit has been restricted by circumstances beyond either the client’s or auditor’s control
c the auditor has lost independence
d the scope of the audit has been restricted
7 An adverse opinion is issued when the auditor believes:
easy a some parts of the financial statements are materially misstated or misleading
d b the financial statements would be found to be materially misstated if an investigation were
Trang 2performed
c the auditor is not independent
d the overall financial statements are so materially misstated that they do not present fairly the financial position or results of operations and cash flows in conformity with GAAP
c a A combined report on financial statements and internal control over financial reporting
b Separate reports on financial statements and internal control over financial reporting
b Generally accepted auditing standards
c Standards issued by the PCAOB (U.S.)
d Any of the above standards
b U.S generally accepted auditing standards
c Standards issued by the PCAOB (U.S.)
d Any of the above standards
Trang 315 GAAP requires that changes in accounting principles be to a:
medium a more conservative principle
c b principle with equal authoritative support
c preferable principle
d principle detailed in a FASB pronouncement
A CPA may wish to emphasize specific matters regarding the financial statements even though
an unqualified opinion will be issued Normally, such explanatory information is:
b included in the opinion paragraph
c included in a separate paragraph in the report
d included in the introductory paragraph
Scope Opinion Notes to the paragraph paragraph financial statements
b the current year effect of the change
c guidelines included in GAAS
d the effect on total assets
Conditions requiring a departure from an unqualified audit report include all but which of the following?
b a Management refused to allow the auditor to confirm significant accounts receivable for
which there were no alternative procedures performed
b Management decided not to allow the auditor to confirm significant accounts receivable, but the auditor obtained sufficient appropriate evidence by examining subsequent cash receipts
c The audit partner’s dependent child received a gift of 100 shares of a client’s stock for her birthday from a grandparent
d Management has determined that fixed assets should be reported in the balance sheet at their replacement values rather than historical costs The auditors do not concur
20 The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the financial statements are: medium a the responsibility of the auditor
b b the responsibility of management
c the joint responsibility of management and the auditor
d none of the above
The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the financial statements and the opinion expressed about those statements are:
d a the responsibility of the auditor
b the responsibility of management
c the joint responsibility of management and the auditor
Trang 4d none of the above
22 The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the auditor is:
medium a responsible for the financial statements and the opinion on them
c b responsible for the financial statements
c responsible for the opinion on the financial statements
d jointly responsible for the financial statements with management
23 (Public)
PCAOB Auditing Standard No 2 requires the audit of internal control over financial reporting
to be integrated with:
a a the audit of the financial statements
b the quarterly review of financial information
c the review of annual financial statements
d none of the above
a Both are in the introductory paragraph
b Both are in the scope paragraph
c Both are in the opinion paragraph
d None of the above are true
d Each of the above paragraphs is included
27 Whenever an auditor issues a qualified opinion, the implication is that the auditor:
medium a does not know if the financial statements are presented fairly
d b does not believe the financial statements are presented fairly
c believes the financial statements are presented fairly
d believes the financial statements are presented fairly “except for” a specific aspect of them
28 The necessity to issue a disclaimer of opinion may arise because of:
medium a a severe limitation on the scope of the audit
c b a lack of independence between the auditor and client
Trang 5d either a qualified opinion or an unqualified opinion with modified wording
30 If the auditor lacks independence, a disclaimer of opinion must be issued:
medium a if the client requests it
d b only if it is highly material
c only if it is material but not highly material
b understatement of retained earnings caused by a miscalculation of dividends payable
c misclassification of notes payable as a long-term liability when it should be current
d misclassification of salary expense as a selling expense when it should be allocated equally to both selling and administrative expense
The dollar amount of some misstatements cannot be accurately measured For example, if the client were unwilling to disclose an existing lawsuit, the auditor must estimate the likely effect on:
b users of the financial statements
c the auditor’s exposure to lawsuits
d management’s future decisions
34 Whenever there is a scope restriction, the appropriate response is to issue a(n):
medium a disclaimer of opinion
b Loss of major customers
c Significant recurring operating losses
d Working capital deficiencies
a may issue either an unqualified or a qualified opinion
b must issue an adverse opinion with “except for” in the opinion paragraph
c may issue an unqualified opinion
d must issue a qualified opinion with “except for” in the opinion paragraph
37 When a disclaimer is issued because the auditor lacks independence:
Trang 6medium a no report title is included on the report
d b a one-paragraph audit report is issued
c the only reason cited for issuing the disclaimer is the lack of independence
d all of the above are correct
c a Change in accounting principle, such as a change from LIFO to FIFO
b Change in reporting entity, such as the inclusion of an additional company in combined financial statements
c Change in an estimate, such as a decrease in the life of an asset for depreciation purposes
d Correction of errors by changing from non-GAAP to GAAP
a six months from the date of the financial statements
b one year from the date of the financial statements
c six months from the date of the audit report
d one year from the date of the audit report
When the auditor concludes that there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue
as a going concern, the appropriate audit report would be:
d a an unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph
b a disclaimer of opinion
c neither a nor b
d either a or b
44 An auditor may not issue a qualified opinion when:
medium a a scope limitation prevents the auditor from completing an important audit procedure
c b the auditor’s report refers to the work of a specialist
c the auditor lacks independence with respect to the audited entity
Trang 7d an accounting principle at variance with GAAP is used
When a company’s financial statements contain a departure from GAAP with which the auditor concurs, the departure should be explained in:
b an explanatory paragraph that appears before the opinion paragraph
c the opinion paragraph
d an explanatory paragraph after the opinion paragraph
a must not refer to the examination of the other auditor
b must refer to the examination of the other auditor
c may refer to the examination of the other auditor
d may refer to the examination of the other auditor, in which case Gregory must include in the auditor’s report on the consolidated financial statements a qualified opinion with respect to the examination of the other auditor
a no reference to consistency
b a reference to a prior period adjustment in the opinion paragraph
c an explanatory paragraph that justifies the change and explains the impact of the change
on reported net income
d an explanatory paragraph explaining the change
a Positive assurance on the financial statements and on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting
b Positive assurance on the financial statements and negative assurance on the effectiveness
of internal control over financial reporting
c Limited assurance on the financial statements and on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting
d There is no guidance on what level of assurance to provide
a disclaimer of opinion in all cases
b qualification of both scope and opinion in all cases
c disclaimer of opinion whenever materiality is in question
Trang 8d qualification of both scope and opinion whenever materiality is in question
CPAs issue several types of “special audit reports.” Which of the following circumstances
would not require the issuance of a special audit report?
b a The client’s financial statements are prepared using the cash basis
b The client’s financial statements are prepared using the accrual basis
c The CPA has been retained to audit only the current assets
d The CPA has been retained to review the internal control system, not the financial statements
52 When a qualified or adverse opinion is issued, the qualifying paragraph is inserted:
medium a between the introductory and scope paragraphs
b b between the scope and opinion paragraphs
c after the opinion paragraph, as a fourth paragraph
d immediately after the address, as the first paragraph
53 For the report containing a disclaimer for lack of independence, the disclaimer is in the:
challenging a third or opinion paragraph
c first and only paragraph
d fourth or explanatory paragraph
54 Which of the following is not a primary category of attestation report?
challenging a Compilation report
b a determine that they are not in violation of FASB statements
b examine the substance of transactions and balances for possible misinformation
c review the statements using the accounting principles promulgated by the SEC
d assure investors that net income reported this year will be exceeded in the future
56 In which of the following situations would the auditor most likely issue an unqualified report? challenging a The client valued ending inventory by using the replacement cost method
d b The client valued ending inventory by using the Next-In-First-Out (NIFO) method
c The client valued ending inventory at selling price rather than historical cost
d The client valued ending inventory by using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method, but showed the replacement cost of inventory in the Notes to the Financial Statements
57 Which of the following statements is true?
c The auditor is required to issue a disclaimer of opinion for a material uncertainty and for
a going concern problem
d The auditor has the option, but is not required, to issue a disclaimer of opinion for a material uncertainty or for a going concern problem
The most common case in which conditions beyond the client’s and auditor’s control cause a scope restriction is an engagement:
a a agreed upon after the client’s balance sheet date
b where the client won’t allow the auditor to confirm receivables for fear of offending its
Trang 9When the auditor cannot perform procedures and the amounts are so material that a disclaimer
of opinion rather than a qualified opinion is required, the:
d a opinion paragraph will state “does not present fairly.”
b opinion paragraph will state “presents fairly.”
c scope paragraph will be unchanged from the standard unqualified opinion
d scope paragraph will be deleted
d a inform the reader that disclosure is not adequate, and to issue an adverse opinion
b inform the reader that disclosure is not adequate, and to issue a qualified opinion
c present the information in the audit report and issue an unqualified or qualified opinion
d present the information in the audit report and to issue a qualified or an adverse opinion
The “unqualified report with explanatory paragraph” and the “unqualified report with modified wording”:
c a arise as a result of an incomplete audit
b arise when the financial statements are not “presented fairly.”
c meet the criteria of a complete audit with satisfactory results
d meet the criteria of a complete audit but with unsatisfactory results
b Reports involving other auditors
c Auditor disagrees with client’s departure from GAAP
d Lack of consistent application of GAAP
Which of the following is not one of the principal CPA firm’s alternatives when issuing a report
if a different CPA firm performed part of the audit?
a a Issue a joint report signed by both CPA firms
b Make no reference to the other CPA firm in the audit report, and issue the standard unqualified opinion
c Make reference to the other auditor in the report by using modified wording (a shared opinion or report)
d A qualified opinion or disclaimer, depending on materiality, is required if the principal auditor is not willing to assume any responsibility for the work of the other auditor
65 Which of the following statements is not true?
challenging a A one-paragraph report is generally used when the auditor is not independent
c b A three-paragraph report ordinarily indicates there are no exceptions in the audit
c More than three paragraphs in the report indicates there must be some type of qualification in the audit
d An unqualified opinion with an explanation or modified wording would require more
Trang 10than three paragraphs
Trang 11b A change in the estimate of provisions for warranty costs
c The change from the cost method to the equity method of accounting for investments in common stock
d A change in depreciation method which has no effect on current year’s financial statements but is certain to affect future years
a There is a material scope limitation, and the auditor is not independent
b There is a material GAAP violation, and the auditor is not independent
c There is a material scope limitation, and there is substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern
d There is a substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern, and information about the causes of the uncertainties is not adequately disclosed in a footnote
No Yes
Medium Indicate which changes would require an explanatory paragraph in the audit report
Change in the estimated life of an asset
Variation in the format of the financial statements
Trang 12The CPA makes reference to the work of another auditor to indicate shared responsibility in an unqualified opinion
Challenging Indicate which changes would require an explanatory paragraph in the audit report
The existence of related party transactions
Important events occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date
Medium Which auditor report would require only one paragraph?
Disclaimer due to lack of independence
Adverse opinion due to departure from GAAP
Trang 1376
Medium Which auditor report would require only one paragraph?
Disclaimer due to scope restriction
Qualified opinion due to scope restriction
Challenging Which auditor report must have at least four paragraphs?
Qualified opinion due to scope restriction
Disclaimer due to a scope restriction
Medium Which auditor report must have at least four paragraphs?
Disclaimer due to lack of independence
Report required due to omission of the Statement of Cash Flows
Trang 1481
Medium A CPA would express a qualified opinion with at least four paragraphs for:
An unjustified accounting change
A justified accounting change, properly accounted for
Medium A CPA would express an unqualified opinion with at least four paragraphs for:
An unjustified accounting change
A justified accounting change, properly accounted for
Medium The reasons for expressing a qualified opinion due to a departure from GAAP are expressed
in a paragraph
b a preceding the scope paragraph
b following the scope paragraph
c following the opinion paragraph
d either preceding or following the opinion paragraph, depending on materiality
Medium In which situation would the auditor be choosing between “except for” qualified opinion
and an adverse opinion?
d a The auditor lacks independence
b A client-imposed scope restriction
c A circumstance-imposed scope restriction
d Lack of full disclosure required by footnotes
When determining the appropriate audit report to issue, the auditor considers three levels
of materiality for a given condition These three levels are (1) immaterial, (2) material without overshadowing the financial statements as a whole, and (3) highly material For conditions involving a GAAP violation, the materiality level of the violation influences whether an unqualified, qualified, or adverse opinion is issued For conditions involving a scope restriction, the materiality of the restriction influences whether an unqualified report, a qualified scope and opinion report, or a disclaimer of opinion is issued