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Data networks IP and the internet

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Data Networks, IP and the Internet This page intentionally left blank Data Networks, IP and the Internet Protocols, Design and Operation Martin P Clark Telecommunications Consultant, Germany Copyright  2003 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): cs-books@wiley.co.uk Visit our Home Page on www.wileyeurope.com or www.wiley.com All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP, UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John 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its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Clark, Martin P Data networks, IP, and the Internet : networks, protocols, design, and operation / Martin P Clark p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-470-84856-1 Computer networks TCP/IP (Computer network protocol) Internet I Title TK5105.5 C545 2003 004.6–dc21 2002191041 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-470-84856-1 Typeset in 9.5/11pt Times by Laserwords Private Limited, Chennai, India Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn This book is printed on acid-free paper responsibly manufactured from sustainable forestry in which at least two trees are planted for each one used for paper production F¨ur Ruth, in Erinnerung an Wade in dessen Gesellschaft dieses Buch entstanden ist This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgements Foreword xvii The Internet, Email, Ebusiness and the Worldwide Web (www) 1.1 xv In the beginning — ARPANET 1 1.2 The emergence of layered protocols for data communication 1.3 SNA (systems network architecture) 1.4 DECnet 1.5 Other mainframe computer manufacturers 1.6 X.25 (ITU-T recommendation X.25) 1.7 DTE (data terminal equipment), DCE (data circuit-terminating equipment), line interfaces and protocols 1.8 1.9 UNI (user-network interface), NNI (network-network interface) and INI (inter-network interface) 10 Open systems interconnection (OSI) 11 1.10 EDI (electronic data interchange) 17 1.11 CompuServe, prestel, minitel, BTx (Bildschirmtext) and teletex 18 1.12 The role of UNIX in the development of the Internet 20 1.13 The appearance of the PC (personal computer) 20 1.14 Local area networks (LANs) 20 1.15 LAN servers, bridges, gateways and routers 22 1.16 Why did IP win through as the standard for ‘open’ communication? 24 1.17 The development and documentation of IP (Internet protocol) and the Internet 24 1.18 Electronic mail and the domain name system (DNS) 24 1.19 html, WindowsNT and the Worldwide Web 26 1.20 Internet addresses and domain names 26 1.21 What are ISPs (Internet service providers) and IAPs (Internet access providers)? 27 The emergence of ebusiness 27 1.22 viii Contents Fundamentals of Data Communication and Packet Switching 29 2.1 The binary code 29 2.2 Electrical or optical representation and storage of binary code numbers 30 2.3 Using the binary code to represent textual information 31 2.4 ASCII (American standard code for information interchange) 31 2.5 EBCDIC and extended forms of ASCII 34 2.6 Use of the binary code to convey graphical images 35 2.7 Decoding binary messages — the need for synchronisation and for avoiding errors 36 2.8 Digital transmission 37 2.9 Modulation of digital information over analogue media using a modem 38 2.10 Detection and demodulation — errors and eye patterns 44 2.11 Reducing errors — regeneration, error detection and correction 48 2.12 Synchronisation 51 2.13 Packet switching, protocols and statistical multiplexing 55 2.14 Symmetrical and asymmetrical communication: full duplex and all that! 60 2.15 Serial and parallel communication 62 2.16 The problem of long lines — the need to observe the maximum line length 62 Basic Data Networks and Protocols 67 3.1 The basic components of a data network 67 3.2 Layer — physical layer interface: DTE/DCE, line interfaces and protocols 70 3.3 Layer — data link layer 96 3.4 Layer — network layer and network layer addresses 103 3.5 Layer — transport layer protocol 111 3.6 Layers 5–7 — higher layer protocols 114 3.7 Protocol stacks and nested protocol control information (PCI) 117 3.8 Real networks and protocol stack representations 119 Protocol encapsulation 119 3.10 3.9 Control and management protocols 120 3.11 Propagation effects affecting protocol choice and network design and operation 122 Local Area Networks (LANs) 125 4.1 The different LAN topologies and standards 4.2 Ethernet (CSMA/CD; IEEE 802.3) 126 4.3 Ethernet LAN standards (IEEE 802.3 and 802.2) 128 4.4 Ethernet LAN datalink layer protocols — LLC and MAC 129 4.5 Ethernet physical layer — basic functions of the physical layer signalling (PLS) 135 Ethernet hubs (half duplex repeaters) 136 4.6 125 Contents ix 4.7 Alternative physical layers — ethernet, fast ethernet and gigabit ethernet 138 4.8 LAN segments and repeaters — extending the size of a single collision domain 142 4.9 LAN switches — extending coverage and managing traffic in LAN networks 145 4.10 Other types of LAN (token ring and token bus) 149 4.11 LAN operating software and LAN servers 156 4.12 Interconnection of LANs — bridges, switches, VLANs, routers and gateways 157 WANs, Routers and the Internet Protocol (IP) 165 5.1 WANs (wide area networks), routers, Internet protocol (IP) and IP addresses 165 5.2 Main functions of routers 167 5.3 Unicast, broadcast, multicast and anycast forwarding 172 5.4 Routing table format — static and dynamic routing 173 5.5 Routing table conventions 176 5.6 Simple IP routing control mechanisms: time-to-live (ttl) and hop limit fields 177 5.7 Internet protocol version (IPv4) 178 5.8 ICMP (Internet control message protocol) 184 5.9 Internet addressing (IPv4) 187 5.10 Differentiated services (Diffserv and DS field) 193 5.11 Internet protocol version (IPv6) 198 5.12 ICMP for IPv6 204 5.13 IPv6 addressing 205 5.14 Multicasting 209 Routing Tables and Protocols 215 6.1 Routing tables: static and dynamic routing — a recap 215 6.2 Choosing the best route by comparing the routing distance or cost of the alternatives 216 6.3 Storage, updating and recalculation of the routing table and routing database 218 6.4 The accuracy and stability of routing tables 219 6.5 Representation of destinations in a routing table 222 6.6 Routing protocols and their associated algorithms and metrics 223 6.7 Distributing routing information around an internetwork 223 6.8 Distance vector and link state protocol routing methodologies 227 6.9 Initiating router protocols: neighbour discovery and the hello procedure 229 6.10 Routing protocols and their relationship with the Internet protocol (IP) 229 6.11 The different internetwork routing protocols — when to use them 230 6.12 RIP (routing information protocol) 232 6.13 OSPF (open shortest path first) 237 6.14 BGP4 (border gateway protocol version 4) 259 834 Index object oriented programming 410 object identifier 363, 365 object type 363 OC-1 89, 673 OC-12 89, 325, 326, 673 OC-18 89, 673 OC-192 89, 325, 326, 673 OC-24 89, 673 OC-3 37, 89, 288, 323–326, 329, 673 OC-36 89, 673 OC-48 89, 325, 326, 673 OC-6 89, 673 OC-9 89, 673 OC-96 89, 673 OCCN 536 OCRP 536 OCRQ 536 octet-mode 425 odd parity 49 ODETTE 18 offered bit rate 577 offered traffic 575, 578, 603 offline state 503 offset 470 bit (O-bit) 537 field 38, 47, 289, 291 See also fragment offset on-demand MPLS 309 on-off keying (OOK) 38, 47 one-time password 515, 516 ones complement 102 opaque LSA 254 opcode 427, 442, 461 open 341, 345 message 260, 261, 440, 441 open shortest path first (OSPF) 169, 173, 215, 222–224, 228, 230, 232, 237, 242–245, 247, 250, 255, 256, 318 open systems interconnection (OSI) 3, 7, 12–14, 68, 114, 232, 268, 381, 395, 417, 452 OpenPGP 437 OpenView 359, 398, 400–403, 606 operation and maintenance (OAM) 710 operations system (OS) 20, 114, 395, 397 See also disk operating system; UNIX; optical carrier (OC) 91 optical fibre 8, 31, 38, 53, 68, 91, 141, 142, 152, 674, 676 interfaces 91, 667 option kind 291 organisational unique identifier (OUI) 131, 208 origin server 465, 466 OSPF area 256, 257, 274 OSPF process 242, 244, 245, 247, 256 OSPF2 237 out-of-profile 197 overhead 57, 119, 199, 340, 341, 344, 392, 607, 608, 700, 701 pacing 602 packet 2, 104, 167, 287 assembler/disassembler (PAD) assembly 89, 334 disassembly 89 header 56, 166, 170, 171–184, 187, 192, 194, 197, 204, 215, 230, 245, 246, 252, 301, 305, 309, 325, 344, 520 loss 293, 296, 297, 447 replication 159 sequence number receive (P(R)) 108 sequence number send (P(S)) 108 shaping 605 size 66, 196, 215, 325, 404, 440, 579–582, 585, 605, 607, 608 switched data network switching 1, 2, 56–59, 67, 70, 104, 105, 215, 452, 527, 699, 703 window 97 packet Internet groper (PING) 186, 187, 204, 402, 403 packet switch exchange (PSE) 5, 57 packet-too-big 204 PADI 348, 349, 351 PADO 348, 349, 351 PADR 348, 349, 351 PADS 348, 349, 351 PADT 349 Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) 22, 126 parallel data transmission 62 parallel port connection 95, 683 parallel RJ-45 patch cable 677 parameter error 185 parity check 49 parityfec 492, 493 Partial order connection 291 Partial order service 291 partial-mesh 146 pass-phrase 516 passive 417, 423 hub 139 password 345–347, 428, 438 password authentication protocol (PAP) 346, 347, 513–515 Index patch cable 93, 94, 668, 677–679, 681 See also crossed patch cable; parallel RJ-45 patch cable patch panel 148, 679 path 167, 300, 303 attributes 259, 260, 262, 263 balancing 590 cost 159, 217, 240 distance 217 See also shortest path; virtual path path maximum transmission unit (PMTU) 170, 180, 181 path overhead (POH) 89 path protection 507, 508, 517, 524–527, 540 path message 302–304 path-oriented forwarding 58 path-oriented routing 104, 176 PathErr 301, 304, 305 PathTear 301 payload 2, 56, 57, 200, 430, 607, 608 length 200, 553 type (PT) 446, 447 payload type identifier (PTI) 708 PCMCIA 352 peak cell rate (PCR) 573 peak packet rate 404 peer protocol 413 peer partner 107, 112, 114, 117, 118 peer protocol 14 peer-to-peer 13, 14, 101, 112, 117, 118, 225, 450, 711, 712 peering 321, 594, 612 point 321 router 319 per-hop behaviour (PHB) 194, 195, 571, 572, 574, 604 performance 6, 10, 22, 23 management 394, 397, 398, 403, 566, 583 monitoring 403 See also network performance Performance Systems International (PSINet) 621 permanent virtual circuit (PVC) 575, 702, 704 persistent TCP connection 475 personal computer (PC) 4, 5, 9, 16, 20, 67, 77, 93, 151, 164, 408, 410, 417, 449, 486, 624 personal data assistant (PDA) 353 personal identification number (PIN) 512, 516, 541 phase modulation (PM) 40 phase shift keying (PSK) 40 835 See also differential binary phase shift keying; differential quadrature phase shift keying; quarternary phase shift keying physical address 190, 208 physical coding sublayer (PCS) 140 physical layer 14, 17, 22, 68, 69, 92, 96, 98, 125, 129, 661, 664, 709 See also direct sequence spread spectrum physical layer; frequency hopping spread spectrum physical layer; infra-red physical layer physical layer convergence protocol (PLCP) 664–666 physical layer signalling (PLS) 135, 136, 139, 140 physical media 17, 710 physical medium attachment (PMA) 139–141 physical medium dependent (PMD) 140, 141 physical protocol layer (PHY) 664 pin-out 93–95, 668, 681 pipelining 654 pixel 29, 35, 36 PL-OAM 403 plausibility check 564 plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH) 37, 84, 89, 590, 672 plug-and-play 148, 280 point of assembly 89 point of disassembly 89 point-of-interconnection (POI) 335 point-to-multipoint (PMP) 323, 352 point-to-point (PTP) 3, 62, 64, 69–72, 87, 89, 90, 93, 97–99, 145, 153, 168, 339, 340 point-to-point protocol (PPP) 344, 348, 514 point-to-point protocol over ethernet (PPPoE) 120, 317, 348, 349, 351 point-to-point tunnelling protocol (PPTP) 510, 531–535 pointer 89, 204, 290–292, 465, 466 poisoned reverse 234 polling 359, 360, 382 POP3 capabilities 505 POP3 commands 504 popped 309, 310 port number 283 port address support (PAS) 148 port number 113, 116, 118, 283, 286, 304, 360, 389, 441, 615, 623 port-based VLAN 162, 528 836 Index portable operating system interface (POSIX) 442 ported 20 POSIP 324 post office 25, 499 post office protocol (POP) 489 post office protocol (POP3) 484, 489, 503–505 postbox 18, 25 Postel Jon 24 postscript 116, 475 power management 663 PPP muxing control protocol 343 PPP encapsulation header 341 PPP multilink protocol (MP) 342 PPP over ethernet (PPPoE) 120, 348 PPP protocol assignments 617 PPP-information 341, 345 PPTP control channel 532, 533 tunnel 531 PPTP access concentrator (PAC) 531 PPTP network server (PNS) 531 preamble 129, 131, 135, 136, 664, 666 PREAUTH 500 preferential discarding 603, 605 Prentice Hall 714 presentation formats 615 presentation layer 14, 15, 35, 36, 114–118, 411, 418, 422 prestel 18, 19 pretty good privacy (PGP) 511, 559, 560 primary clock 74 primary rate interface (PRI) 92 primary source 74 primary station 99 primitive 117, 387, 404, 710 print server 23, 157, 608 priority bit (P-bit) 574 privacy enhanced mail (PEM) 560 private IP address 191–193 private key 438, 551, 556–559 private network 192, 306, 319, 715 See virtual private network private network-node interface (PNNI) 713, 714 private’ IP address 520 private’ network 465, 520, 526 probe 149, 366, 367, 595, 606 Proceed-to-select 81 profile 114, 197, 384, 445, 447, 494 prompt 13, 358 See also command line prompt propagation time 59, 64, 65, 576 protect against wrapped sequences (PAWS) 288, 292 protection network 599 protocol encapsulation 119, 120 interpreter (PI) 417, 418 number 302 stack 692, 696 type 117–119 protocol address 132, 615 protocol control information (PCI) 57, 98, 101, 107, 112, 113, 117 protocol data unit (PDU) 117–119 (see also bridge protocol data unit; SMTP protocol data unit) protocol independent multicast dense mode (PIM-DM) 211 source-specific multicast (PIM-SSM) 212 sparse mode (PIM-SM) 211, 213 protocol independent multicast (PIM) 182 protocol reference model (PRM) 121 (see also ATM protocol reference model) proxy agent 320, 392, 395, 521, 522 proxy circuit 523 proxy client 171 proxy server 171, 466, 510, 521–524, 561 pruned 212 pseudo-header 283, 290 pseudo-terminal (pty) 439–441 public 192 public data network (PDN) 5, 6, 24 public IP address 171, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 321, 509, 519, 520 public key 438, 511, 551, 556–558 public key cryptography (PKC) 551 public key infrastructure (PKI) 511, 551, 557 public switched data network (PSDN) 79 public switched telephone network (PSTN) 333, 398, 542, 601 public telecommunications organisation (PTO) 75 pulse code modulation (PCM) 83, 84 pulse position modulation (PPM) 666 purge 415 push (PSH) 285 put 15, 466 Q.2110 ITU-T recommendation 713 Q.2130 ITU-T recommendation 713 Q.2140 ITU-T recommendation 713 Q.2931 ITU-T recommendation 714 Q.921, ITU-T recommendation 745, 785, 801 Index Q.922, ITU-T recommendation 688 Q.931, ITU-T recommendation 745, 754, 769, 785 Q.933, ITU-T recommendation 688 Q3-interface (Q3) 396 QPSX communications limited 153 QSIG 493, 655 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) 43 qualifier bit (Q-bit) 108, 687 quality of service (QOS) 16, 194, 281, 282, 299–302, 305, 355, 357, 445, 447, 540, 565–569, 573, 585, 699, 705 quarantine 510, 518, 520, 524 quarternary phase shift keying (QPSK) 40, 41 quasi-associated-mode 705 queued 60 quit 440, 448, 504, 505 radio link 70, 601, 602 RADIUS database 548 RADIUS protocol 548, 549 RADIUS server 548 radix-64 560 random padding 430, 444 range 222, 353 rating 405 RC4 553, 559, 560 rcp 428 RCPT 496, 497, 499 RCR STD-33A 664 RDATA 461 re-prioritisation 301 re-sequencing 70, 103 reachability 225, 233, 259, 262 reachability information 259, 265 See also network layer reachability information reachable 111, 169, 175, 222, 228, 233, 317 reachable destination 163, 216, 225, 250, 259, 262, 264, 265, 267, 276, 317, 336, 594, 596 read 365 read class 386 read request (RRQ) 427 ready 72 ready-busy-protocol 78 real-time (RT) 699 real-time application transport control protocol (RTCP) 411, 445–448 real-time application transport protocol (RTP) 342 reassembled 155, 167, 279, 334 837 receive data (RxD) 75, 77, 78, 670 lead 80, 137 not ready (RNR) 100, 134, 688 receive (Rx) 8, 9, 82, 137 receive ready (RR) 100, 134 receive sequence number (N(R)) 99 receive window 294 receiver not ready (RNR) 694 ready (RR) 134 report (RRQ) 426, 427 window (Rcwd) 294, 295 receiver clock (RC) 75 receptacle 679 reconciliation sublayer (RS) 140, 141 recovery 222, 289, 296, 425 recursion control 531 recursive server 463 redundancy 49, 182, 590, 591 redundant configuration 591 Reed-Solomon code 49, 51, 353 referral 460, 463, 464, 470 regeneration 48, 49 regenerator 48, 53, 90 regenerator section (RS) 710 regenerator section overhead (RSOH) 90 registration authority (RA) 557 registration authority committee (RAC) 208 reject (REJ) 134, 345, 688 relay MTA 488 relaying 106, 327, 522, 523 router 520, 521 reliability 231, 232, 238 reliability bit (R-bit) 570 reliable data protocol (RDP) 182 reliable transport service 112 reliable, 112 remote access server (RAS) 333, 529, 531 remote authentication dial-in user service (RADIUS) 281, 410, 480 remote bridge 158 remote console server 450 remote file system (RFS) 451 remote monitoring (RMON) 357, 366, 367, 369 remote procedure call (RPC) 115, 481 rendezvous point (RP) 211 request counter 154 request for comment (RFC) XV 1, 24, 639 Request-Line 466, 467, 472, 480 request-to-send (RTS) 75 Reseaux IP Europ´eens 27, 191 resilient packet ring (RPR) 659 838 Index resolution 25, 35, 168, 191 resolve 25, 26, 191, 275, 276, 458–460, 488 resource record 428, 456, 458–462 resource reservation protocol (RSVP) 170, 195, 199, 277, 282, 301, 305, 308, 309, 329, 572, 574, 604 response 98, 99, 101, 132, 236, 382, 403, 465, 466, 516, 545 response chain 466 RESPONSE class 386 restart 108, 425 marker 424, 425, 447 restoration 596, 597 network 597 restrictive control action 602, 603 resume 15 Resv message 300, 301, 303 Resv message 304 ResvConf 301, 303–305 ResvErr 301, 303–305 ResvTear 301, 303, 304 retransmission 49 timeout (RTO) 283–285, 287, 292, 293 timer 283, 293 return-to-zero (RZ) 53 reverse address resolution protocol (RARP) 133, 267, 270, 641 reverse multiplexing 334, 347, 591, 601 reverse-charge 562 RFC 0783 409, 416, 425 RFC 0788 409 RFC 0791 2, 167, 178, 179, 181 RFC 0793 2, 283, 291 RFC 0812 456 RFC 0819 454 RFC 0822 467, 487, 494, 632, 653 RFC 0826 269 RFC 0854 409, 411, 428, 640 RFC 0877 181 RFC 0882 455, 462 RFC 0883 462 RFC 0903 270 RFC 0927 544, 545 RFC 0951 270 RFC 0959 409, 416, 640, 653 RFC 0988 211 RFC 1014 116, 641 RFC 1034 455, 458, 641 RFC 1035 455, 458, 462, 641, 648 RFC 1042 181, 641 RFC 1054 131, 616, 641 RFC 1066 642 RFC 1122 283, 291, 354, 642 RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC 1131 1146 1155 1156 1157 1191 1212 1213 1229 1239 1256 1282 1286 1319 1320 1321 1323 1332 1334 1356 1377 1389 1390 1414 1466 1492 1514 1517 1552 1567 1570 1573 1584 1587 1591 1611 1626 1628 1633 1657 1661 1662 1663 1693 1694 1696 1697 1701 1717 1759 1760 1771 1793 1795 237, 642 291, 642 364, 642 362, 365, 642 364, 378, 384, 642 180, 181, 642 642 362, 365, 642, 647 368, 642 368, 642 272, 642 428, 441, 642 368, 642 556, 642 556, 642 437, 556, 643 284, 288, 291, 643 343, 346, 618, 643 343, 514, 619, 643 181, 641, 643 343, 346, 618, 643 368, 643 181, 643 368, 643 187, 643 544, 643 368, 643 187, 189 343, 346, 618, 643 368, 644, 652 339, 644 368, 644 211, 644 644 455, 458, 644 368, 644 181, 644 368, 644 644 368, 644 181, 339, 342–344, 618, 619, 644 341, 342, 618, 644 339, 644 291, 644 368, 644 368, 644 368, 644 530, 532, 624, 644 339, 342, 343, 618, 619, 644 368, 645 515, 516, 645 259, 644, 645 751 452, 645 Index RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC 1812 1832 1851 1866 1889 1890 1896 1901 1905 1911 1918 1950 1951 1952 1962 1963 1969 1981 1989 1991 1994 2003 2006 2011 2012 2013 2018 2020 2021 2024 2032 2037 2045 2046 2060 2064 2104 2107 2125 2131 2153 2159 2161 2165 2186 2187 2201 2205 2206 2211 2212 2213 2222 2225 167, 116, 555, 116, 445, 446, 492, 384, 378, 494, 192, 437, 437, 474, 342, 342, 555, 180 339, 437 343, 182, 368 368 368 368 291, 368 369 368 446 368 491, 492, 499, 368 437 539 339, 268, 339, 493, 631 213 464 464 211 299, 368 301 301 368 514 181, 178, 645 646 646 447, 493, 630, 385, 384, 632, 646 475, 475, 647 343, 618, 647, 195, 572 646 631, 646 646 646 385, 388, 643, 646 646, 651 646 647 346, 618, 619, 647 647 650 643 514, 619, 643 538, 622 297 492 630 645 343, 619 270 644, 647 631 302 644 RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC 2246 2248 2249 2250 2266 2284 2287 2328 2338 2341 2362 2370 2385 2386 2387 2390 2401 2402 2406 2411 2414 2417 2420 2422 2423 2435 2459 2460 2461 2463 2465 2466 2472 2474 2480 2484 2493 2509 2512 2513 2516 2547 2561 2564 2570 2574 2575 2578 2586 2591 2594 2597 2598 2605 558 368 368 446 368 343, 368 237 593 537 211 211 291 194 494, 247 551 551, 551, 551 298 368 556, 493, 494, 446, 437, 198, 247, 204, 368, 368, 339, 194, 494, 339, 368, 342, 368, 368, 348, 652 368, 368, 385, 385, 385, 362, 493, 368, 368, 195, 195, 368, 619, 651 632 552 553 650 631, 632, 651 651 646, 268, 646, 651 651 651 387, 632, 644, 651 618, 652 652 350, 652 652 652 393, 393, 385, 631, 652 652 572, 196, 644, 651 651 651 647, 651 651 651 651 647, 650, 651 651 652 652 652 387, 646, 652 652 652 572, 652, 655 652 839 840 RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC RFC Index 2613 2616 2618 2632 2637 2660 2661 2665 2668 2676 2677 2692 2712 2743 2809 2819 2821 2822 2823 2841 2854 2861 2865 2878 2888 2917 2925 2932 2933 2959 2988 3009 3014 3031 3032 3034 3035 3036 3070 3095 3145 3153 3162 3165 3168 3174 3193 3201 3202 3204 3236 3240 3260 3272 652 465, 368, 560, 531, 560, 537, 368, 368, 368, 368, 437 559, 560, 537 367, 489, 487, 339, 557, 492, 298, 548, 343, 537, 654 369, 369, 369 369, 284, 492, 369, 306, 306, 309, 309, 306, 537, 342, 537, 342, 548, 368, 292, 437, 535, 369, 369, 493, 493, 493, 194, 566, 467, 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 369, 494, 489, 653 646, 630, 653 648 346, 653 645, 653 640, 646, 653 641, 653 653 646, 653 618, 653 654 654 654 654 493, 631, 654 654 654 309, 310, 654 654 654 308–310, 654 654 618, 654 654 343, 618, 619, 654 654 654 298, 654 655 537, 655 655 655 631, 655 631, 655 631, 655 655 655 RFC 3344 538, 655 Rg11 675 Rg174 675 Rg213 675 Rg214 675 Rg223 675 Rg58 673, 675, 676 Rg59 675 Rg62 675 Rg71 675 ribbon topology 153 Rijndael code 436 ring indicator (RI) 75 RIP-2 228, 231, 232, 234–237, 268 RJ-11 93, 332 RJ-12 93 RJ-45 93, 128, 129, 137, 139, 151, 668, 677, 679 connector 93, 129, 137, 668, 678 patch cable 93, 94, 668, 677, 679, 681 rlogin 281, 408, 415, 428, 441, 548 RMON agent 367 RMON management application 367 robust header compression (ROHC) 342, 654 root 238, 458 bridge 159, 160 cause 398, 401, 565 domain 456–458, 460 object 364 server 25, 26 root object 363, 364 round trip time (RTT) 284, 285 round-trip delay 135, 136, 143, 586 route cost 216 damping 221 flap dampening 266 flapping 111, 221, 234, 266 map 265 poisoning 234 preference 223 record 183, 184, 187, 235, 460 recording 183, 184 redistribution 225, 226, 257, 265 reflector (RR) 266 route-dee 230, 232 router 5, 23, 67, 104, 107, 109, 110, 119, 163, 166, 183, 215, 319 identifier (router-ID) 223, 244–246, 253 router alerting 183 router dead interval 246, 251 router priority 243, 244, 248 router-LSA 242, 243, 252, 253, 256 Index routine 117, 180, 458, 460, 502, 570, 571, 607 routing 70, 103, 109, 166 algorithm 111, 169, 175, 178, 223, 227, 230 bit (R-bit) 530 distance 216–218, 221 domain 246 engine 218, 219 header 203 information 160, 173, 175, 176, 216–218, 222–224, 226–228 information protocol (RIP) 111, 169, 215, 222–224, 228, 230–237, 255, 258, 259, 268 information update 218, 225, 236 instability 230 options 201 policy 175, 216, 225, 274 protocol 111, 121, 163, 175, 211, 216–220, 222–229, 274, 319, 594, 597 table 24, 108, 110, 111, 167–169, 173, 176, 189, 215–224, 226–228, 250, 594, 685 type header 200, 202 See also circular routing; classless inter-domain routing; datagram routing; deterministic routing; dynamic routing; explicit routing; inter-domain routing; intra-area routing; path-oriented routing RS Components Ltd 677, 678 RS-232 9, 17, 37, 71, 73–82, 667, 669, 681 RS-422 73 RS-423 73 RS-449 73, 79, 82, 667, 670 RSA laboratories 560 RSA Security 516 RSVP aggregation 305 RTP monitor 447 RTT variance (RTTVAR) 284 S-frame 99, 100, 132, 134 S/360, S/370, S/390, S/KEY 645 S/Key 515, 516 S/T interface 92, 99 samba 407, 451 sample 51, 284, 478 point 83 satellite 74, 330, 331, 541 841 SBELT 463 SC-connector 676 SCCCN 536 SCCRP 536 SCCRQ 536 Schneier Bruce 436 SCLASS 463 scrambling 550, 665 SDSL 338 secondary clock 74 secondary station 99, 100 section 90 section overhead (SOH) 89, 90 See also multiplex section overhead; regenerator section overhead secure hash algorithm (SHA) 516, 557 secure hypertext transfer protocol (https) 511, 560 secure MIME (S/MIME) 511 secure shell (SSH) 281, 407, 411, 428, 443, 558 secure sockets layer (SSL) 115, 511, 558 secure tunnelling 558, 559 SecurID 516 security 183, 553 architecture 511, 551 management 393, 394 security association (SA) 551–553 security association database (SAD) 553, 555 security parameter index (SPI) 551 security policy database (SPD) 555 segment 143, 154 header 154, 289 segmentation and reassembly (SAR) 155, 711 select 115, 501 selected state 500 selection 80, 302, 308, 336 selective acknowledgement (SACK) 291, 297 selective reject (SREJ) 100 send 497, 498 send sequence number (N(S)) 99 sender report (SR) 447 sequence number 57, 97, 101, 530, 537, 553 sequence number bit (S-bit) 530 serial cable 9, 357 serial data control protocol (SDCP) 343 serial data transmission 62 serial data transport protocol (SDTP) 342 serial interface 9, 77, 140 serial line Internet protocol (SLIP) 74, 101, 339, 544–546 842 Index serpent 436 server redundancy 592 see also address server; BOOTP server; client server; cluster server; DHCP server; DNS name server; file server; FTP server; IMAP server; L2TP network server; network access server; origin server; PPTP network server; print server; proxy server; RADIUS server; recursive server; remote access server; remote console server; root server; SMTP-server; target server; web server server cluster 592, 593 server message block (SMB) 116, 450 server-DTP 422, 423 server-PI 417 service access point (SAP) 117, 131, 617 service access point identifier (SAPI) 615–617, 623 service advertisement 610 service attack 351, 522, 561 service availability 567, 568 service data unit (SDU) 117, 663, 710 service level agreement (SLA) 198, 398, 401, 404 service location protocol (SLP) 213 service management layer (SML) 396 service profile identifier (SPID) 705 service-specific convergence service (SSCS) 713 session announcement protocol (SAP) 213, 281 initiation protocol (SIP) 115, 213, 281 key 559 layer 14, 16, 114, 115, 418 message 315 recovery 601 target 116 session-ID 351, 537 set asynchronous balanced mode (SABM) (SABME) 134 set normal response mode (SNRM) 100 set up 16, 72, 266, 280, 685, 705 Set-Link-Info (SLI) 533, 536 set-request 361, 378 SHA-1 553, 557, 559 SHA1 437 shaping 197 shared explicit style (SE) 302 shared medium 61, 66, 69, 71, 96, 99, 102, 125, 126, 145, 146, 229, 243, 266, 527 shared port hub 145 shared secret 437, 512, 515, 548, 550, 552, 556 shell session 439 shielded twisted pair (STP) 8, 93, 136, 668, 678 shim layer 282 shortened form of the IPv6 address 207 shortest hopcount 233 shortest path 58, 217, 232, 238, 241 shortest path first (SPF) 237, 240, 250 shortest path tree 238, 240, 241, 243, 250, 252 siaddr 271 signal flow diagram 64 signal phase 40, 42, 43 signalling 107, 108, 122, 301, 444, 685, 705 signalling point (SP) 705, 706 See also control points signalling transfer point (STP) 705, 706 signalling virtual channel (SVC) 122, 704, 705 silly window syndrome (SWS) 297, 298 simple authentication and security layers (SASL) 505, 509, 514 simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) 24, 113, 117, 407, 409, 411, 449, 455, 483, 487–489, 494, 640 simple network management protocol (SNMP) 113, 133, 171, 281, 357–364, 376, 381, 384, 391, 392, 410, 411, 449, 522, 605, 715 simplex 43, 60, 61, 84, 104, 552, 658 single attached station (SAS) 152 single point of failure 591 single-stage firewall 518 site level aggregation identifier (SLA) 205 site-local unicast address 206 slave 153, 248, 249 slip 86, 101, 339, 544–546, 548, 641 SLIST 463, 464 slot 135, 155 slot duration 136 slot header 154 slotted bus 153 slow convergence 258, 259 slow converging 222 slow start 294, 295 small computer system interface (SCSI) 96, 683 smartcard 516 SMIv1 362, 364, 365, 367, 385 SMIv2 362, 365, 367, 385, 387 Index smoothed RTT (SRTT) 284 SMTP client 487, 495–498 DATA 497 delivery agent 495 originator 494, 495 protocol DATA unit 489, 490, 494, 497 relay 495 reply message code 498 SMTP-receiver 487, 495, 497 SMTP-sender 487, 495, 497 SMTP-server 487 sname 271, 464 SNAP-frame format 132, 215 sniffer 149, 404, 595 SNMP access policy 384 access-mode 384 agent 359–361, 381, 383, 384, 392 application entity 382 community 383, 384 community profile 384 engine 387 entity 387 error message 389 manager 359–361, 380–382, 384, 389 MIB-view 384 proxy agent 391 trap 360, 376, 389, 390 SNMPv1 364, 378, 379, 384–390 SNMPv2 378, 379, 384–390, 393 SNMPv2*, 385 SNMPv2c 385, 388 SNMPv3 362, 363, 365, 385, 387–390, 393 snooping 546, 548, 564 Soci´et´e Internationale de T´el´ecommunications A´eronautiques (SITA) 18, 633 Soci´et´e Internationale de T´el´ecommunications A´eronautiques (SITA) 457 socket address 116 socket interface 115 SOCKS protocol 522, 530 softswitch 335, 336 solicited 359, 360 source 147, 173, 183, 209 source address table (SAT) 147, 148, 157, 159, 160, 162, 220 source MAC address (S-MAC) 131, 147, 157 source port 287 source route bridging (SRB) 159, 160 source routing 170, 183, 184, 203, 230, 272, 342, 530 source service access point (SSAP) 617 843 source-specific multicasting (SSM) 212, 213 space 30, 75, 76 SPAM email 524 spanning tree protocol (STP) 159–161 sparse mode multicasting (SM) 211 Sperry SPKI 437 split horizon 234 splitting 16, 49, 112, 163, 256, 335, 527, 528, 590, 591 spoofing 428, 475, 476, 561, 562, 564 spooling 23 SSH authentication 438, 439 SSH channel type 440 SSH Communications Security Oy 428 SSH message numbers 431 SSH transport protocol 430, 435 SSH-ARCH 429 SSH-CONNECT 429, 431 SSH-TRANS 429 SSH-USERAUTH 431, 437–439 SSL handshake protocol 558 SSL record protocol 558, 559 SSTHRESH 294–297 ST connector (ST) 667, 676 standard (STD) 639 standard generalised markup language (SGML) 476 standard query language (SQL) 481 standby 593, 594, 600 standby mode 593, 594 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) star topology 137, 141 start 131 start bit 54 start of frame (SOF) 131 start of frame delimiter (SFD) 131, 665, 666 state point 47, 48 stateful inspection 509, 519 static gateway 172 static routing 169, 175, 176, 216 station management (SMT) 152 statistical multiplexing 59, 60, 70, 96, 103, 105, 527, 699 statistics 359, 369, 401, 403, 404 Status-Line 467, 468, 472 STM-1 17, 37, 84, 88–90, 196, 323–325 STM-16 17, 90, 325, 326 STM-4 17, 88, 90, 325 STM-64 88, 325 stop bit 54, 55 StopCCN 536 store-and-forward 485, 487, 495 store-and-retrieve 18, 485 844 Index stream 109, 170, 176 protocol (ST2) 199 stream ID 184 stream mode 419, 423, 425 stream protocol (ST2) 179 strict source and route record (SSRR) 183 string 30 strong authentication 523, 551 structure of management information (SMI) 362, 364, 365, 367 structured cabling 119, 127, 128, 151, 677 structured format 87, 205 STS-1 89 STS-12 89 STS-18 89 STS-192 89 STS-24 89 STS-3 84, 89, 90 STS-36 89 STS-48 89 STS-6 89 STS-9 89 STS-96 89 stub area 256 STYPE 463 sub-rate multiplexing 81 subaddress 107, 188 subnet mask 189, 208, 222, 236, 302 subnetwork 274 subnetwork access protocol (SNAP) 132 subscribe 27, 213 Summary-LSA 254 Sun Microsystems 5, 26, 114, 116, 117, 157, 407, 450, 451, 464 supervision 102, 108, 685 suspend 414, 627 sustainable cell rate (SCR) 573 SWIFT 18 switch see ATM switch; desktop switch; enterprise switch; workgroup switch switched multimegabit digital service (SMDS) 153, 156, 713, 714 switched network monitoring (SMON) 369, 370 switched virtual circuit (SVC) 702, 704, 705, 712, 714 switching see cell relay switching; circuit-switching; packet switching; tag-switching symbol 27, 140, 460 symmetric 60, 61 encryption 550, 551, 553 synchronisation (SYN) 32, 55, 56, 98, 289 synchronisation plan 74 synchronisation source (SSRC) 446, 447 synchronous 43 data transfer 55 synchronous datalink control (SDLC) 101, 164 synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) 17, 37, 84, 88, 89, 362, 590, 599, 673 synchronous mode transmission 54, 55 synchronous optical network (SONET) 17, 37, 84, 90, 92, 325, 599, 644, 653, 673 synchronous transport module (STM) 88 synchronous transport system (STS) 91 Syndesis company 399 syntax 13, 15, 116, 500, 496, 498, 649, 653, 655 systems network architecture (SNA) 3, 132, 450 T-DSL 338 T-Online 19, 27, 321 T.38, ITU-T recommendation 493, 631 T.411, ITU-T recommendation 493, 631 T1-interface 667, 672 T3-interface 37, 84 tag 105, 163, 476, 479, 573 tag image file format (tiff) 493 tag protocol identification (TPID) 528 tag-switching 10, 105, 306 tapping 507, 524, 527 target IP address 266, 268, 269 target server 541, 561 TCP control block 292, 648 TCP options 289, 291 tee-off 126, 127 Telecom Australia 153 Telecommunications Industries Association (TIA) 677 telecommunications management network (TMN) 393, 394, 396 telephone application programming interface (TAPI) 354, 355 teletex 18, 19 teletraffic 575 teletype (TTY) 3, 408, 478 telex 14, 19, 31, 488, 543 Telia 322 telnet 411, 626 daemon (telnetd) 416 session 411, 449 user identification (TUID) 544 temporary alternative re-routing (TAR) 597 terminal adapter (TA) 92 identification (TID) 427 Index terminal access controller access control system (TACACS) 273, 281, 510, 544–548, 623, 641 terminal adaption 81 terminal controller 2, terminal emulation 23, 164, 357, 415 termination 69, 72 test frame 133 Thin-ethernet 127 thinnet 138, 139, 679, 658 Thinwire 679 Thompson Ken 20 thread 609 three-way handshake 286, 298, 299 threshold criterion 47 throughput 60, 89, 92, 105, 141, 146, 147, 319, 325, 570, 586, 689 throughput-bit (T-bit) 570 time exceeded 185, 204 time sharing option (TSO) time-expired 170 time-to-live (TTL) 176–181, 203, 280 timeshared 415, 627 timestamp 184, 186, 284, 288, 403, 446, 483 timestamp option (TSOPT) 284, 291 timestamping 183 TLS handshake protocol 559 TLS record protocol 559 TN3270 416 token ring LAN 17, 22, 133, 149–151, 156, 659 token ring, 53, 128 top level aggregation identifier (TLA) 205 top talker 404, 606, 607, 608 top-level domain (TLD) 456, 457, 633 See also country code top-level domain topology change notification (TCN) 160 topology state 714 torn down 301 total length 98, 154, 180, 198, 200, 291, 430, 582 totally stubby area 256 TP1 114 TP2 114 TP3 114 TP4 114 TP5 114 TRADERNET 18 traffic class 199 matrix 595 traffic conditioning agreement (TCA) 197 trailer 96, 98, 117, 118, 154, 469 845 transaction ID (XID) 270 transaction delay 606 transaction state 503 transit 12, 167, 321 network 167 transition 51–54 transitive type 262 translation 13, 158 bridge 158 transmission control protocol (TCP) 16, 104, 112, 225, 230, 278–287, 292, 300, 302, 315, 331, 362, 365, 487, 495, 500, 503, 545, 547, 558, 559, 603, 604, 623 transmission convergence (TC) 709 transmission delay 217, 582 transmission path (TP) 141, 710 transmit data (TxD) 75, 77, 78 lead 80 transmit (Tx) 8, 9, 82, 137 transmitter clock (TC) 75 transparent bridge 158 transparent negotiation 475 transparent router 171, 191 transponder 326 transport layer 14, 280, 302, 445, 530 transport layer interface (TLI) 114 transport layer security (TLS) 511, 558 transport mode 551, 554 transport service 14, 15, 112, 278, 280 trap-message 360, 361, 376, 382, 388 triangulation 598 tributary unit (TU) 88, 90 tributary unit group (TUG) 88, 90 triggered update 235 triggering 235 triple DES (3DES) 555, 556 trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) 171, 273, 407, 409, 411, 425–428 trojan horse 524 truncated binary exponential back-off 135 trunk 71, 82, 148, 659, 708, 709 trusted party 171 trusted third party 226 tunnel 429, 439 See also L2TP tunnel; PPTP tunnel tunnel mode 551, 554 tunnelling 120, 528 tunnelling protocol 529 See also layer tunnelling protocol; point-to-point tunnelling protocol twinax 17, 136, 141, 658, 677 twisted pair cabling 22, 136, 151, 659 846 Index twisted pair, 128 twofish 436 type bit (T-bit) 180 type of service (TOS) 170, 176, 179, 180, 570, 571, 604 type-length-value (TLV) 202 U-frame 99, 100, 132–134 U-interface 92, 142 unbalanced circuit 74 unbalanced version of G.703 673, 676 unbinding 114 unconfirmed class 386 uncontrolled transmission 708 unfragmentable 203 unguaranteed 184 unicast 168, 172, 205, 236 address 205, 207, 209, 247, 270 unicode 15, 34, 629, 648 unicode character set 629 UNIVAC universal mobile telephone service (UMTS) 350, 352 universal resource identifier (URI) 466, 472, 476 universal resource locator (URL) 466, 472 universal resource name (URN) 466, 472 universal serial bus (USB) 95, 96, 668, 679, 683 universal/local bit (U/L-bit) 131, 132, 208 University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) 1, University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) University of Western Australia 153 UNIX 20, 24, 115, 117, 157, 230, 410, 415–417, 441, 448, 449, 451, 455, 464, 465, 559 unnumbered acknowledgement (UA) 135 unnumbered frame (u-frame) 99, 132, 133 unnumbered information (UI) 133 unreachable destination 596 unreliable 237, 278, 340 protocol 340 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) 8, 93, 129, 136, 140, 141, 145, 668, 676, 677 unsolicited 359, 360, 376, 384 unspecified address 183, 208 unspecified bit rate (UBR) 329 unstructured format 87 unsubscribe 213, 501 update state 503, 504, 505 uplink 145 upper layer protocol (ULP)-based VLAN 163, 528 upstream 46, 60, 62, 300, 308, 338, 679 node 154, 308 urgent pointer 291 US Robotics 510, 531 usage parameter control (UPC) 573, 605 USB interface 682 USB pin layout 682 USB plug 682 USB type A 679 USB type B 679 USENET 484 user content data 617, 687 plane (u-plane) 703, 704, 710, 712, 713 user datagram protocol (UDP) 112, 182, 230, 273, 278, 280, 282, 283, 315, 389, 546, 623 user priority field (UPF) 163, 570, 573 user-based security model (USM) 385, 387 user-DTP 422, 423 user-network interface (UNI) 7, 10, 67, 69, 71, 327, 328, 685, 701 user-PI 417 username 115, 116, 504, 512, 545 utilisation 596 UUNET 27, 321 V.10, ITU-T recommendation 74, 79 V.11, ITU-T recommendation 74, 79 V.110, ITU-T recommendation 46, 81, 92 V.130, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.19, ITU-T recommendation 62 V.20, ITU-T recommendation 62 V.21, ITU-T recommendation 19 V.22, ITU-T recommendation 19, 43 V.22bis ITU-T recommendation 44 V.23, ITU-T recommendation 19, 82 V.24, ITU-T recommendation 9, 17, 37, 71, 73–80, 82, 92, 667, 669, 670 V.26, ITU-T recommendation 49 V.26bis ITU-T recommendation 49 V.27, ITU-T recommendation 49 V.27ter ITU-T recommendation 49 V.28, ITU-T recommendation 17, 73–76, 80, 82, 92, 667, 669, 670, 681 V.29, ITU-T recommendation 49 V.300, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.32, ITU-T recommendation 43, 44, 82, 333 V.32bis, ITU-T recommendation 45 V.33, ITU-T recommendation 45 Index V.34, ITU-T recommendation 333 V.35, ITU-T recommendation 17, 73, 78, 79, 82, 87, 279, 667, 670 V.36, ITU-T recommendation 17, 73, 78, 79, 87, 667, 670 V.37, ITU-T recommendation 45 V.42, ITU-T recommendation 45 V.42bis ITU-T recommendation 46 V.43, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.44, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.54, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.61, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.90, ITU-T recommendation 46, 333 V.91, ITU-T recommendation 46 V.92, ITU-T recommendation 46, 333 V1 Membership Report 212 V2 Membership Report 212 VarBindList 379 variable bit rate (VBR) 703 variable length subnet mask (VLSM) 189, 205, 207, 208, 231, 232, 237 variable-bindings 379 VC-11 89 VC-12 89 VC-21 89 VC-22 89 VC-31 89 VC-32 89 VC-4 89, 90 Verisign Global Registry Services 457, 458, 633 versatile message transaction protocol (VMTP) 182 vertical format control 423 video graphics array (VGA) 35 video on demand 705 video streaming 444 videoconference 444 view-based access control model (VACM) 385, 387, 649, 652 violation 52, 53, 98 virtual bridge 163, 570, 572, 657 virtual bridged LAN (VLAN) 162, 163 virtual channel (VC) 702, 703 virtual channel connection (VCC) 703, 705, 710 virtual channel identifier (VCI) 105, 154, 328, 705, 706, 708 virtual channel link 703 virtual circuit (VC) (see permanent virtual circuit; switched virtual circuit) virtual connection (VC) 103 virtual connection identifier (VCI) 705 847 virtual LAN (VLAN) 88, 89, 133, 161, 162, 527 virtual link bit (V-bit) 253 virtual path (VP) 702, 703 virtual path identifier (VPI) 105, 705 virtual path link 703 virtual private network (VPN) 282, 306, 310, 319 virtual router 593 virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP) 593, 650 virtual standby address 593 virtual telecommunication access method (VTAM) virtual terminal (VT) 411 virtual tributary (VT) 91 virus 495, 517, 518, 524, 564 virus scanner 510, 517, 518, 521, 524 Viterbi code 49 VLAN identifier (VID) 163 VMS 451 voice profile for Internet mail (VPIM) 494 voice-over-IP (VOIP) 193, 305, 355, 404, 411, 444 VPN service 306, 540 VT 1.5 89 VT 2.0 89 VT 3.0 89 VT 6.0 89 VT-100 23, 416 Waggener Edstrom 479 waiting counter 154 waiting time 135, 298, 329, 474, 576, 577 wallclock time 446 WAN-Error-Notify (WEN) 536 wanadoo 27, 321 wander 51, 74 WANG WAP 2.0 353 WAP forum 353 warning 66, 390, 391, 469 wave division multiplexing (WDM) 326 web browser 26, 450, 453, 454, 460, 463, 479, 480 web page 26, 454 web server 20, 26, 125, 520, 522 webmail 484 weighting 226, 257, 275 WHOIS 456, 640, 641 wide area network (WAN) 3, 8, 10, 73, 82, 86, 103, 154, 158, 160, 165, 168, 276 wildcard bit (W-bit) 253 848 Index wildcard filter style (WF) 302 window 12, 15, 97 size 97, 101, 289, 291–293, 688 window scale option (WSOPT) 291 Windows 20, 625, 627, 629 Windows Internet name service (WINS) 115, 157, 464 Windows2000 115, 450, 464, 531 Windows95 24, 26, 114, 157, 355, 450 Windows98 355 WindowsNT 23, 24, 26, 156, 157, 355, 450, 464, 531 WindowsXP 157, 355 Winsock 115 wireless 8, 317 wireless application environment (WAE) 354 wireless application protocol (WAP) 353, 354 wireless datagram protocol (WDP) 354 wireless LAN (WLAN) 149, 352, 659, 661 wireless local loop (WLL) 352 wireless personal area network (WPAN) 659 wireless session protocol (WSP) 354 wireless transaction protocol (WTP) 354 wireless transport layer security protocol (WTLS) 354 wiring cabinet 22, 127, 128 withdrawal 220, 234, 306 word synchronisation 51 workgroup 148, 157, 319 workgroup router 319 workgroup switch 148 workstation (WS) 408 WorldCom 27 Worldwide Web (www) 453–482 worm 524 Wozniak Steve 20 wrapped 288 write class 386 write request (WRQ) 427 write-access 564 X-bit 535 X-windows 273, 281, 439 X.208-9 ITU-T recommendation 410 X.21, ITU-T recommendation 17, 37, 72–74, 78–82, 87, 279, 332, 667, 668, 671, 672 X.214, ITU-T recommendation 114 X.216, ITU-T recommendation 117 X.21bis ITU-T recommendation 17, 668 X.226, ITU-T recommendation 117 X.24, ITU-T recommendation 79 X.25, ITU-T recommendation 3–7, 10, 17, 56, 57, 101, 103–105, 107–109, 112, 131–133, 154, 166, 178, 243, 286, 306, 327, 341, 452, 617, 643, 685–689, 699, 703 X.25 packet type identifier 688 X.26, ITU-T recommendation 79 X.27, ITU-T recommendation 79 X.400, ITU-T recommendation 18, 25, 117, 484, 488, 495 X.509, ITU-T recommendation 557, 651, 652, 654 X.680-3 ITU-T recommendation 410 X.690, ITU-T recommendation 410 X.700, ITU-T recommendation 393 X.722, ITU-T recommendation 362 X.739, ITU-T recommendation 362 X.75, ITU-T recommendation xDSL 317, 319, 332, 336–338, 347, 348, 699 Xerox corporation 126 Xerox network system (XNS) 133, 484 XON/XOFF 97 yellow pages (YP) yiaddr 271 451 zero byte time slot interchange (ZBTSI) ZLIB 437, 475, 646 zone 460, 461, 463 53 .. .Data Networks, IP and the Internet This page intentionally left blank Data Networks, IP and the Internet Protocols, Design and Operation Martin P Clark Telecommunications... discovery and the hello procedure 229 6.10 Routing protocols and their relationship with the Internet protocol (IP) 229 6.11 The different internetwork routing protocols — when to use them 230 6.12 RIP... least on the IP (Internet Protocol) But despite these facts, many people remain baffled by IP and multiprotocol data networks How all the protocols fit together? How I build a network? And what

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Mục lục

    1 The Internet, Email, Ebusiness and the Worldwide Web (www)

    1.1 In the beginning ¡ª ARPANET

    1.2 The emergence of layered protocols for data communication

    1.3 SNA ( systems network architecture)

    1.5 Other mainframe computer manufacturers

    1.7 DTE ( data terminal equipment), DCE ( data circuit- terminating equipment), line interfaces and protocols

    1.8 UNI ( user- network interface), NNI ( network- network interface)and INI ( inter- network interface)

    1.9 Open systems interconnection ( OSI)

    1.10 EDI ( electronic data interchange)

    1.11 CompuServe, prestel, minitel, BTx ( Bildschirmtext)and teletex