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Spedfcations, Formulae, Tablq Mddng of ElecHcal Eqr$rnent Speeifications, ForrntdaE,Tsbls, Circuit Symbols - Int&rnatiqral,and ilor0i Anwlcer circuit symbolsto lEc/ANst/csA 6funclion Pentode,equipotentialcathode Pholotube, singte unil, vacuum typ€ Triode Tube,mefqrypool Conducls Assocbtod Mdtbonductor Srd*ted Condrc{or, Sen€rat socl(el Theforrowingcomparisonof circuirsymborsis based uponrhe fo'owing intornationd/ nationalspecitieatiocs: lEC617-2 (1get) = DtN40900partZ(1988) parr = DN40s0o 3ile8si iF!9:l-9 !lggl (1e83)= :-t9911-1(tes} = l!991l-s F99lfq (1ess)= = i:::ll-l !lggll = i!:9116 (te83) 1F991I-e(rgeel = = F:9j1-19 rtsu br /-l l !19911 (198ri!) = DtN40so0Part4i1s88i DIN+oeoorartsirsoei on+osooeartsirseai DrN4os00parr7(iss8i' DtN4oso0parrs(1s8ri) orNcos00partgiresgi DrN40eoop",tiriligabr DtN40900part i l E C - 2( 9 ) = D N @ p a r r r Za198Bi irgsii ANSIY32.2(1975)or CSA299_1975 NEMAtCS-1(1983) Junction of conductm ,,*1T-*T*-l-"1- ol conductors (node) 0m{l B-@-e a.&4 a a o o m a-0!-01 latsr expansion) Its-0t-01 o{t/ol8 Klockn6r-M6elbrWring Manuat Klockner-Moener WiringManual Iln Specifications, Formulae, Tables Circuit Symbols Intemational and North American rEc Ds.crlptfi Ltoted Op$calbf,, qffial Specifications,Formulae,Tables Circuit Symbols - International and North Americon ANSt/CSA symbol Passiva componenta Reslstor,gen€ralsymbol @-t?-01 oder -ryvL {- 04.D1-? Lire of apptcation, optkmal dsoling ffillnlflal Resistorwith tixed tappings 02t2& S@tralbn betwffi -4ryr's u 0l{l G.0t-6 two tields -,!vr*f5 a-l lr - Variableresistor,generalsymbol @,0r.6 d4r.d t t o , oi - - - i uits E/th, gffid symbol ' GGnd, g€n€ral slfnbol point, h€, closed g = e A 'v** v:" **.|, \E/ @.ri& l$|lari€ l t._._._.J I Protectire e*th Pnt€c-thc gro6d with plug and sk€t l ".,,,,L l @is Cdrr6c{d l d,6ra T L A lorFl Y oc-rr Adiustableresistor I V\4ndlng,inductance,g€reral symbol # -EF q rrrn -I: q-6.m d-!t.0t Winding wilh lixed tapping d.0l.s Capacitor,generalsymbol T"l -Jl-*1 0,.0,.0, fr., , \lariable capacitor ill !0-@.01 Klockner-Moeller Wiring Manual 4"N Resistorwith sliding conlact, potentiometer L 'rI -J 1-f / Klockner-Moeller Wirino Manual -lr rrrnx rrIT' {F"Je Specifications, Forrnulae,Tdl Gircuit Symbols - International and North Amerlcr Specificatisns, Formulae,Tables Circuit Symbols - lnternational and North American D€scrlptlon tEc Stored energy mechanism, gserd svmbol Vi$al indicator general symbd O.with a hdicator light, gendral symbol tisl 8uz€r &Glo , wihmhur stated ! l-lom claxon 0a ilN Switch mechanismwilh mechanical r€teas6 D"O'J} F"F ' *10'll F*, r{* !ffifi H * Ope/ated by mdtr @.r96 @ @ Emergancygwilch G 02r30 Operated by electromagneticovercunsnt protection \ t.r,-r, l Oporaiingdevlces Manual operalion,gmerd use l - F - Operated by tl|emal overcunenl oroteclion @nF Opsrated by Pushing F-o-t! t F - tt€ ] - ] cr- V &- o Control by fluid level Electromechanicalopgrating device, generalsymbol, relay coll, general symbol Op€ratod by k€y k-o MJtJ! Klockner-Moeller Wirinq Manual Klockner-Moeller Wirino Manual r0r T @n3-?t , Electromechanlcal, elaclromagnotlc opeietlng dovlc.s F-@-r!,q Oporatod by to$ffi slsss r| @na{t Op€rstod by tutnkrg €l!.lt I 02.t!.4 Electromagn6ticop€ration Op€rated by pulling r t-l- @.t3-m * coloustalcd Specifi cations, Formulae, Tables Circuit Symbols - International and North American Descrlptio lEc El*trrchanical device with ott-delav ANSI/CSA device with m- and device of a themal 0r r?-1| _ l l Y 0r-!5-2 Make cmlacl o ' { { oror.orI Control devices Push-button(not stay-p:!) Q or.nr.n, 0r ^, ,) O r I l -tr-lJ 07-07-02 '4 0,.,u.;fEl+ Elelrmshabal reh Descrlption -s r-l 07.t5.0t El€trrehanicd oft- dday Specifications, Formutae, Tables , Circuit Symbols - International and North American l uping-return swilch with break contact manualJyoperated by pushing,e.g pusnbutton E-( Dpnng-relurn switchwith makeand break contacts, manuallyopefated by pushing -\t l+ _Lm o lP8 -lJ Spring-returnswitch with latching posi lion and one make conlact,manually operated by pushing L-b- Fwri -h" o-l-o t-t\' cmlacl I Chang#r cmlacLwith inleruption o o Dpfln9-relurnswatchwith latching position and one breakcontact, manuallyoperated by striking (e.9 mushroom button) l ) + rosrlon swtrcn (make contact) Limit switch {make contact} o o r f l o p I L LS o o r H Early-makecqlact ol a contact assmbly €M I rc,roc, I \ Late-breakcmtact ol a contact assembly -, o/.08 02 r delayed when closing HOSIOn SWtlCh (break contact) Limit switch (break contactl T I ot-oa.or t, T0,TD0,tB T \^o lf f rlrnng-rerurn swttch with make contact mechanically operaled, make contact crosed LS t o r t \{q oros-or | B€ak mtact, I I \ 0t.02 0a Make cmtact, t, lo'T f olo2.o3 o delayed when reclosing | nt.n,n, L O ' L 01601 r> )1 I | k 71Dc P 0705.0r ipnng-return switch wilh break contact, mechanicallyoperated, break contacr open d , /ott Proc l-i' I (breakcontact),actuated by the proximity Proximityswitch,inductive, make contact KlocknetrMoellerWiring Manual o o r.ro,*t"Sf "c1 Klockner-MoellerWirinq Manlal 1gl lgqd lll q1!l u oll-) u oll] z3hl g ll I I]D f t r e\ l l L l I a - Lltllls z3N zl! - ^ l I llAl I ZN! E:JC ()\ (,)B I / L-',t ^ l- Alrsucs }!sqipti

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2017, 21:31


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