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Management accounting practice and strategic behavior by oliver gediehn

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  • 3834915351

  • Management Accounting Practice and Strategic Behavior

  • Foreword

  • Preface

  • Contents

  • Tables

  • Figures

  • A Introduction

    • 1. Research Issue and Objectives

    • 2. Plan of the Study

  • B Structuration Theory and Management Accounting Research

    • 1. Structuration Theory as an Ontological Frame of Reference

      • 1.1. Structuration Theory as Socio-Scientific Meta-Theory

      • 1.2. Post-Positivist Approach to Science

      • 1.3. Ontological Synthesis

      • 1.4. Duality of Structure

      • 1.5. Research Informed by Structuration Theory

      • 1.6. Critical Review on the Application of Structuration Theory

    • 2. Structuration Theory in Management Accounting Research

      • 2.1. Previous Accounting Research Informed by Structuration Theory

      • 2.2. Structurationist Research Perspective on Management Accounting

        • 2.2.1. Management Accounting as a Social Practice

        • 2.2.2. Management Accounting within the Social Context

        • 2.2.3. Social Dimensions of Management Accounting Practices

        • 2.2.4. Empirical Research in Management Accounting Informed by ST

      • 2.3. Value of ST in Management Accounting Research

  • C Management Accounting and Managerial Long-Term Orientation

    • 1. Debate on 'Economic Short-Termism'

    • 2. RAPM Research

      • 2.1. Definition of RAPM

      • 2.2. Overview of the RAPM Research Stream

      • 2.3. RAPM and Managerial Long-Term Orientation

      • 2.4. Organizational Role Theory and RAPM Research

        • 2.4.1. Basic Concepts of Role Theory

        • 2.4.2. Application of Organizational Role Theory in RAPM Research

      • 2.5. Social Dimensions of RAPM

    • 3. Research Gap and Research Questions

      • 3.1. Research Gap

        • 3.1.1. Persistence of Accounting-Based Performance Measures

        • 3.1.2. Increasing Relevance at the Middle Management Level

      • 3.2. Research Scope

        • 3.2.1. Long-Term Growth Orientation as Part of Long-Term Orientation

        • 3.2.2. The Relevant Organizational Context

      • 3.3. Research Questions

  • D Research Design

    • 1. Research Approach

      • 1.1. Case Study Approach

      • 1.2. Two-Staged Design

      • 1.3. Crucial Case Setup

      • 1.4. Survey Design Parameters

    • 2. Research Site

  • E Field Interviews

    • 1. Purpose

    • 2. Method

      • 2.1. Selection of Informants

      • 2.2. Semi-Structured Interviews

      • 2.3. Group Discussion

    • 3. Results

      • 3.1. The Level of Managerial Long-Term Growth Orientation

      • 3.2. The Role and Relevance of RAPM

        • 3.2.1. Formal Incentive System

        • 3.2.2. Extent of RAPM in Practice

        • 3.2.3. Dysfunctional Consequences of the RAPM Practice

      • 3.3. Other Relevant Factors of the Organizational Context

        • 3.3.1. Corporate Entrepreneurship

        • 3.3.2. Properties of the Strategy-Making Process

      • 3.4. Propositions to Be Tested and Resulting Research Model

        • 3.4.1. Dysfunctional Effect of RAPM

        • 3.4.2. Impact of Corporate Entrepreneurship

        • 3.4.3. Impact of Strategy-Making

        • 3.4.4. Resulting Research Model

  • F Questionnaire Survey

    • 1. Sample and Procedure

    • 2. Measures

      • 2.1. Measure Development

      • 2.2. Measure Validation

    • 3. Results

      • 3.1. Dysfunctional Effect of RAPM

      • 3.2. Impact of Corporate Entrepreneurship

        • 3.2.1. Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on LGO

        • 3.2.2. Impact of the Entrepreneurial Environment

        • 3.2.3. Impact of the Individual Proclivity for Entrepreneurship

      • 3.3. Impact of Strategy-Making

      • 3.4. Relative Impact of RAPM and the Other Relevant Factors

  • G Discussion and Outlook

    • 1. Theoretical Implications

      • 1.1. On the Dysfunctional Effect of RAPM

      • 1.2. On the Other Relevant Organizational Factors

      • 1.3. On RAPM Research Informed by Structuration Theory

      • 1.4. On Management Accounting Practice and Strategic Behavior

    • 2. Managerial Implications

      • 2.1. RAPM

      • 2.2. Corporate Entrepreneurship

      • 2.3. Strategy-Making

    • 3. Limitations and Outlook

  • Appendix

  • References

Nội dung

Oliver Gediehn Management Accounting Practice and Strategic Behavior Oliver Gediehn Management Accounting Practice and Strategic Behavior On the Dysfunctional Effect of Short-Term Budgetary Goals on Managerial Long-Term Growth Orientation With a foreword by Professor Dr Utz Schäffer RESEARCH Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de Dissertation European Business School Oestrich Winkel, 2008 D 1540 1st Edition 2010 All rights reserved © Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2010 Editorial Office: Ute Wrasmann | Anita Wilke Gabler is part of the specialist publishing group Springer Science+Business Media www.gabler.de No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder Registered and/or industrial names, trade names, trade descriptions etc cited in this publication are part of the law for trade-mark protection and may not be used free in any form or by any means even if this is not specifically marked Cover design: KünkelLopka Medienentwicklung, Heidelberg Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-8349-1535-1 Foreword The starting point of this impressive piece of work by Oliver Gediehn is the muchcited conflict between the striving for short-term profitability and the pursuit of longterm growth of a company The issue of how the operational dominance of annual or even quarterly financial targets and the "short-termism" of the capital markets impact innovation, adaptation, and growth is largely unresolved In this context, research pays special attention to the role of management accounting or "Controlling" Most researchers assume a functional effect of management accounting practices and systems on short-term goal achievement but a dysfunctional, or at least problematic, effect on strategic management This holds true for both literature on "economic shorttermism" as well as for studies in the field of "Reliance on Accounting Performance Measures" (RAPM) research Yet, most of these works are normative in nature or based on anecdotal evidence only Large empirical studies addressing the issue are rare and inconclusive As a result, Van der Stede (2000) calls for more empirical research prompting Oliver Gediehn's first research question: "Does RAPM have a dysfunctional effect on managerial long-term growth orientation?" However, Oliver Gediehn does not confine his dissertation thesis to this rather narrow research path Rather, he places himself in the tradition of Hopwood (1983) who calls for management accounting to be analyzed "in the context in which it operates" and takes a research perspective based on Giddens' (1984) Structuration Theory If one is to apply Hopwood's thoughts properly, the long-term orientation of managers can hardly be explained by management accounting practices alone This results in Oliver Gediehn's second and third research questions addressing the impact of other organizational practices relative to RAPM To answer his three research questions, Oliver Gediehn conducts a large-scale case study at a German technology and services company shaped and influenced both by its founder as well as by a strong engineering and technology mindset The candidate portrays his case study as a "crucial case setup" which does not aim at rendering generalizable results, but rather tries to falsify the proposed dysfunctional effect of management accounting practices with one crucial case He therefore chooses a case where such a negative impact of management accounting practices on managerial long-term orientation appears "most likely" In his research, Oliver Gediehn takes a two-staged approach: First, he conducts 14 semi-structured interviews with various managers at the corporate center and different business units Second, he launches a questionnaire survey with 832 middle managers from five business units achieving a response rate above 50% Considering the length of the questionnaire and the timing of the survey just before the end of the budgetary year, the response rate has to be deemed just as impressive as the extensive and close interaction with the company's different management levels VI Foreword In conclusion, the survey results indicate the absence of a dysfunctional effect of RAPM on managerial long-term orientation – despite strong anecdotal evidence gathered during the interviews Furthermore, Oliver Gediehn shows that selected aspects of corporate entrepreneurship and strategy-making are highly relevant for the analyzed relationships and exhibit higher explanatory power for the dependent variables These other organizational factors – at least within the context of the case study – dominate the functional and dysfunctional effects of RAPM These results and the positive feedback received from both academia and practitioners prove that Oliver Gediehn's research journey has been worthwhile: He has compiled a dissertation thesis very much worth reading which contributes greatly to our understanding of the interplay of management accounting practices and managerial long-term orientation I hope it receives a wide readership Utz Schäffer Preface Does the emphasis on short-term targets induce myopic management behavior? Well, it at least has a strong "appeal of simplicity" Likewise, few people would strongly oppose that management accounting and especially a rigid budgetary regime tend to play a less favorable, i.e dysfunctional role in the context of encouraging managerial long-term orientation Accordingly, my strong hypothesis going into this research project was that the emphasis on short-term budgetary targets – a pivotal aspect of the slightly clumsy term Reliance on Accounting Performance Measures (RAPM) – is one key barrier to a strong long-term growth orientation of the management at the researched company Yet, my findings in this respect were counterintuitive and did not correspond to the dysfunctionality proposition described above Once more, this research effort proved that it is worthwhile to question or at least test and validate such common beliefs The results also show that often reality is not as simplistic as common wisdom might suggest Inspired by Giddens' Structuration Theory and its application in management accounting research, my approach to analyzing the effects of RAPM was much broader including a deliberate quest for "other organizational factors" in the context of driving or inhibiting long-term orientation and strategic behavior Eventually, these other factors turned out to be much more important in the context of strategic management behavior rendering management accounting and specifically RAPM as just one driver among many The research was accepted as dissertation at the European Business School, OestrichWinkel, in August 2008 A number of people deserve a special mention for their support during the course of this academic journey In particular, I want to thank • Prof Dr Utz Schäffer for his continuous guidance and support, for being the critical counterpart pushing my research further, and last but not least, for providing me with this exceptional research opportunity • Prof Dr Dirk Schiereck for taking on the responsibility as my secondary advisor at (very) short notice • Our partner organization and especially our two project sponsors without whom we would not have been able to conduct this empirical piece of research I also want to thank the many company representatives who sacrificed part of their time to share their perspectives during our interviews or in the questionnaire • All my colleagues for their valuable input at and around our monthly office days as well as for making us external candidates feel "at home" VIII Preface • My wife Katy, my daughters Fee and Leela, and my parents for their love, support, and patience throughout these three years Oliver Gediehn Contents Foreword V Preface .VII Contents IX Tables XIII Figures XV A Introduction 1 Research Issue and Objectives .1 Plan of the Study B Structuration Theory and Management Accounting Research Structuration Theory as an Ontological Frame of Reference 1.1 Structuration Theory as Socio-Scientific Meta-Theory 1.2 Post-Positivist Approach to Science .8 1.3 Ontological Synthesis 1.4 Duality of Structure .10 1.5 Research Informed by Structuration Theory .12 1.6 Critical Review on the Application of Structuration Theory 19 Structuration Theory in Management Accounting Research .22 2.1 Previous Accounting Research Informed by Structuration Theory 22 2.2 Structurationist Research Perspective on Management Accounting 28 2.2.1 Management Accounting as a Social Practice .28 2.2.2 Management Accounting within the Social Context .30 2.2.3 Social Dimensions of Management Accounting Practices 31 2.2.4 Empirical Research in Management Accounting Informed by ST 34 2.3 C Value of ST in Management Accounting Research 39 Management Accounting and Managerial Long-Term Orientation 43 Debate on 'Economic Short-Termism' 44 RAPM Research 47 2.1 Definition of RAPM 47 X Contents 2.2 Overview of the RAPM Research Stream 49 2.3 RAPM and Managerial Long-Term Orientation .50 2.4 Organizational Role Theory and RAPM Research .52 2.4.1 Basic Concepts of Role Theory 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