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Money for COntent and your click for free turning web site blogs

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01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page iii Money for Content and Your Clicks for Free: Turning Web Sites, Blogs, and Podcasts Into Cash JD Frazer 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page ii 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page i Money for Content and Your Clicks for Free: Turning Web Sites, Blogs, and Podcasts Into Cash 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page ii 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page iii Money for Content and Your Clicks for Free: Turning Web Sites, Blogs, and Podcasts Into Cash JD Frazer 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/14/05 12:04 PM Page iv Money for Content and Your Clicks for Free: Turning Web Sites, Blogs, and Podcasts Into Cash Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN-13: 978-0-471-74753-6 ISBN-10: 0-471-74753-X Manufactured in the United States of America 10 1MA/QR/RR/QV/IN No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE PUBLISHER AND THE AUTHOR MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORK AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION 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and writer who enjoys a readership in excess of 1.5 million fans internationally His site, Userfriendly.org, is the first stop on the Web in the morning for a vast number of Information Technology professionals He has spoken at more than 50 events as both keynote speaker and panelist, on topics related to the business of online content, intellectual property, and online communities He has consulted for companies on online consumer trends, online community development, and content development His popular books with O’Reilly and Associates have sold more than 100,000 copies 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page vi Credits Executive Editor Chris Webb Vice President & Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Development Editor Kevin Shafer Vice President and Publisher Joseph B Wikert Technical Editor Ken Fisher Project Coordinator Ryan Steffen Production Editor Angela Smith Graphics and Production Specialists Lauren Goddard Denny Hager Stephanie D Jumper Barbara Moore Lynsey Osborn Heather Ryan Copy Editor Kim Cofer Editorial Manager Mary Beth Wakefield Production Manager Tim Tate Quality Control Technician Laura Albert Proofreading and Indexing TECHBOOKS Production Services 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page vii This one is for Gret All guys should be so lucky 01_74753x ffirs.qxd 10/11/05 8:32 PM Page viii 16_74753x appa.qxd 10/11/05 8:31 PM Page 202 17_74753x bindex.qxd 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 203 Index Numerics 24/7 Canada ad network, 198 24/7 Real Media ad network, 198 A ad networks boutique networks, 194 commissions, 37, 67 defined, 37 examples, 37 exclusives and, 38 factors dictating joining of, 37–38 monitoring allocation of ad inventory to, 38 resources, 198 running your own ad server and, 65, 66 signing up with, 191–192, 194 ad servers advertising as honorable practice, 64–65 counting impressions, 67 declining CPC and CPA deals, 68–70 gross versus net buys, 67 jargon, 67–68 keeping clients happy, 70 making good on exploded campaigns, 70 Net 30 terms for payment, 71 overdelivery versus underdelivery by, 66 roadblocking, 67 third-party versus doing it yourself, 65–66 top priority buys, 67 ad-blocking software, 50, 156 Adobe ImageReady graphics program, 50 AdSense ad network (Google) CPC revenue model, 68, 192 described, 60, 198 running ads on your own server, 66 signing up with, 192 as third-party ad server, 65 advertising access to gated zones for clicks, 102 ad hoc award system for gated zone access, 103 ad networks, 37–38, 191–192, 194 ad-blocking, 50, 149, 152–153, 156, 171 ambivalence toward, 30 branding versus, 110 Citizen archetype of content consumer and, 171 clients, 32–33 competition for Web publishers from ad agencies, 71–73 conducting a survey, 40–46 core of, 29 demographics, 39 Dentascrub parable, 77–80 exclusives, 38 first agency, 29 first newspaper advertisement, 29 gating off part of your site and, 98 human psychology as support for, 30–31 implied contract at UF, 149–151 making good on exploded campaigns, 70 media channels, 38–39 media kits, 46–49 memberships and, 80, 82–83 mentality viewing as dishonorable, 64–65 metrics for measuring campaigns, 34 online resources, 197 opportunities, 39 players, 31–39 print versus Web, 49 resistance to, on the Net, 151 sales forces, 37–38, 194 serving ads on the Web, 64–71 success of, 30 Thief archetype of content consumer and, 170 Web advertising formats, 49–64 Web-scraping and, 152 advertising agencies attracting placement by, 33 boutique agencies, 33 commissions and fees, 34 as competition for Web publishers, 71–73 first agency, 29 full-service agencies, 33 market research by, 34 Continued 17_74753x bindex.qxd 204 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 204 Index A–C ■ advertising agencies (continued) media agencies, 33 metrics for measuring campaigns, 34 overview, 33–36 responding proposal to RFP, 34, 36 RFP (Request for Proposal) from, 34, 35 AdvertPro ad server, 66 AdvertServe ad server software, 66 Amazon business model, 81–82 donations collected by, 83 payment methods on, 90 Animal Farm (Orwell), 125 Ars Technica Web site, 83, 135, 156 Audible podcasting resource, 199 audiences versus online communities, 134 audio ads (podcasting), 64 autograph signing abuse of, 179–180 charging for, 179, 180 graciousness about, 178–179 B banner ads See also specific types ad units, 50–51 ad-blocking software and, 50, 152 contextual ads, 60–62 creating, 50 disadvantages, 50 e-mail ads, 62–64 interstitial ads, 59–60 podcast (audio) ads, 64 pop-ads, 57–59 print ads versus, 50 Rich Media ads, 55–57 static ads, 51–55 text ads, 60–62 Universal Ad Package, 55 Bards, 16 BBSs (bulletin board systems), 81, 127 Bean, Shawn “Bitflipper” (UF member), 143–145 Beanstream Credit Card service, 92 Bezos, Jeff (Amazon founder), 81–82 bias, minimizing in surveys, 42 bibliography, 201 “Big Foam Cluebat” merchandising, 118 blocking ads, 50, 149, 152, 171 blogging resources, 198–199 boutique ad networks, 194 boutique advertising agencies, 33 branded merchandise See vendorwear Branders Web site, 93 branding See also vendorwear advertising versus, 110 author’s brand message, 111 brand as a goal, 113 brand as “face” on the Net, 112 click-throughs and, 156 content providers as brands, 111–113 core meaning of company and, 110 corporate treachery and, 109 cultivating your audience’s trust, 113 endorsements for leveraging your brand, 113–116 history of, 109–111 Jurassic Park as model for, 117 logo’s importance for, 113 questions to ponder about your message, 111 staying on message, 113 value judgments tied to, 110 vendorwear for promoting your brand, 116–121 broadband penetration, Rich Media ads and, 57 “build it and they will come” myth, 125, 134 bulletin board systems (BBSs), 81, 127 business checklist for content providers, 188–194 Butler, Samuel (novelist), 97 C CafePress on-demand merchandiser, 120–121 canceling trademarks, 166 capitalism birth of the Web and market changes, 19, 23–25 Renaissance, 18 structure for creative endeavors and, 18–19 CardService Credit Card service, 92 cartooning See also creative careers business risk for syndicates, 20 controlled by syndicates, before the Web, 20 as daily challenge, deadline demands and, 13 music industry parallels, 21, 23 17_74753x bindex.qxd 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 205 Index C ■ payment for daily newspaper feature, 22 percentage taken by syndicates, 22 syndicate process for selling, 22 writing as essence of, 13 cash-poor, intelligence-rich audiences, 103–105 caveman content providers, 15 certificate of copyright, 162 Chartier, Emile Auguste (essayist), 159 check payments for memberships, 90 checklist for content providers, 188–194 Citizen archetype of content consumer, 171 ClickBank PayPal alternative, 91 ClickZ’s Ad Resource Web site, 197 clients for advertising faceless for most site owners, 32, 33 keeping them happy, 70 more money and more headaches with, 32 as necessary, but not evil, 33 clients for merchandisers, 119 clustering survey data, 46 CMS Wiki Web site, 200 cnet box ads, 52, 53 Coca-Cola, branding by, 111, 112 commissions and fees See also payment ad networks, 37, 67 advertising agencies, 34 credit card processing charges, 92 media channels, 39 PayPal, 91 survey companies, 40 syndicates, 22 communities See also online communities or forums distributed, 127 of interest, 127 Internet and expansion of scale for, 128 real-world versus online, 127–129 role of technologies for, 127 complaints about content, ethics and, 153–156 defending yourself, 184 handling criticism, 182–184 perspective regarding, 182–183 as price of fame, 175, 176 psychology of rejection and, 184 for tangible membership rewards, 87 conducting a survey See also demographics clustering data, 46 collecting demographics, 193 contracting versus doing it yourself, 40 creating a media kit from the data, 46–49 example survey, 45 falsifying data, avoiding, 44 keeping questions concise, 43 minimizing bias, 42 minimum data to gather, 42–43 multiple-choice questions, 43–44 online companies for contracting, 40 percentage breakdown of data, 46 personal information, avoiding asking for, 44 sample size, 44 software for, 44 third-party verification of data, 44 time required for filling out, maximum, 43 what a survey is not, 41 conferences, 177 consumer bases, 126, 130 consumer culture versus community, 126 content consumers Citizen archetype, 171 consumer culture versus community, 126 Naïve archetype, 170–171 Policeman archetype, 171 provider/consumer ethics, 151–153 Thief archetype, 170 content providers See also creative careers; creative professionals; fame as brands, 111–113 business checklist for, 188–194 copyright and, 162 establishing your content, 187, 188 history of, 15–17 privacy policy, 188–189 provider/consumer ethics, 153–156 setting goals and milestones, 194 vulnerability of, 182 contextual ads, 60–62 conventions, 177 copyright automatic in North America, 162 constructing a copyright deed, 189–191 content providers and, 162 country of residence and, 162 Continued 205 17_74753x bindex.qxd 206 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 206 Index C ■ copyright (continued) defined, 161 duration of, 163 employees and, 161 example, 191 for forum postings, 190 ideas not protected by, 160, 162 infringement, 163–164 marking works with copyright notice, 164 material form of expression required for, 161 Naïve archetype of content consumer and, 170 open to challenge, 162 originality required for, 161 registering formally, 162 resources, 199 Thief archetype of content consumer and, 170 things not protected by, 162–163 transferring, 163 works covered by, 161 Copyright Laws of the U.S.A Web site, 199 CPA (Cost Per Action) all risk born by site owner, 69 declining deals, 68–69 defined, 68 CPC (Cost Per Click) declining deals, 68–69 defined, 68 with Google AdSense ad network, 60, 192 most of risk born by site owner, 69 CPM (Cost Per Thousand) choosing ad networks and, 37 counting impressions, 67 CPC and CPA deals versus, 68–69 defined, 67 e-mail ads and, 69 minimum buy, 67 creative amateurs See also creative professionals business issues shunned by, 5–6, 7, 24 naivete in, 5–6 professionals versus, creative careers See also cartooning; creative professionals adoration and recognition not the norm for, 10 advantages, 11–12 author’s development as a writer, 3–5 capitalist structure and, 18–19 challenges for cartooning, creating as the easy part, daily challenges for creative output, 8, 10–11 deadline demands and, 13 disadvantages, 13–15 effort required to earn a living, 7, full-time living from, 194–195 making money as the hard part, 4–5 market changed by the Web, 19, 23–25 myths about, 9–11 not generally well-paid, 10 pyramid of earnings, 22–23 romantic notions about, 3–4 creative class See creative professionals Creative Commons initiative accessible language provided by, 169 Copyright License Builder, 189 described, 168 example Deed, 168 persons collaborating on, 169 purpose of, 167 Web site, 168, 189, 199 creative professionals See also creative amateurs; creative careers; fame amateurs versus, author’s entrance into the creative class, 8–9 capitalist structure and, 18–19 deadline demands and, 13 defined, impact on people’s lives, 12 market changed by the Web, 19, 23–25 money made by doing what is loved, 11–12 myths about, 9–11 pyramid of earnings, 22–23 regular paycheck absent for, 14 responsibility on one’s shoulders, 15 schedule set by, 11 workplace politics avoided by, 12 workplace social life absent for, 14 credit card payments for memberships, 90, 91–92 PayPal for, 91, 92 processing fees, 92 services for, 92 criticism See complaints 17_74753x bindex.qxd 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 207 Index D–F ■ D DDB (ad writer), 109 demographics See also conducting a survey abuse of, 177 cash-poor, intelligence-rich audiences, 103–105 clustering data, 46 collecting, 193 creating a media kit from the data, 46–49 defined, 39 importance of, 39, 40 media kit section, 47 minimum data to gather from surveys, 42–43 percentage breakdown of data, 46 sample size for, 44 third-party verification of data, 44 Dentascrub parable, 77–80 Dick, Philip K (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?), 161 distributed communities, 127 distribution syndicate model for, 20–23 Web model for, 23–25 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Dick), 161 donations asking for, not recommended, 83–84 This Week In Tech site example, 83 Dr Lawrence Lessig’s Blog, 200 Druids, 16 Drupal Web site, 200 E eBay Inc., 90 ECI (Electronic Community of Interest) See online communities or forums e-mail ads CPMs for, 69 marketing your site, 192 overview, 62–64 employees, copyright and, 161 endorsements audience’s trust required for, 113 by the author, 115 defined, 114 exclusivity as part of, 115 fame and, 177 leveraging your brand with, 113–116 making the deal, 115–116 quality equal to your brand implied by, 114 establishing your content, 187, 188 ethics See also legal issues of ad-blocking, 149, 152–153, 156, 171 complaints about content and, 153–156 for consumers, 151–153 implied contract at UF, 149–151 netiquette rules for online communities, 144 policies for forum behavior, 139–143, 189, 190 privacy policy, 188–189 of provider/consumer relationships, 153–156 resources, 200 theft of intellectual property, 159–160 of Web-scraping, 152–153 exclusivity in advertising, 38 as part of endorsements, 115 as reason for gating off, 98 as value for memberships, 83 expenses See commissions and fees F fame advantages of, 176–177 as currency, 177 defined, 176 desire for attention and, 175 disadvantages of, 178–181 duties as a celebrity, 180 graciousness and, 179 handling criticism, 182–184 jesters and, 181 mood swings from, 182 not equal to entitlement, 177 notoriety versus, 176 people coveting yours, 180–181 perspective regarding, 182–183 preferential treatment from, 176 fans autograph signing for, 178–180 e-mail from, 10 handling criticism from, 182–184 as individuals, 178 207 17_74753x bindex.qxd 208 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 208 Index F–I ■ feedback See also fame e-mail, 10 handling criticism, 182–183 online communities as system for, 131–132 fees See commissions and fees Fisher, Ken (Ars Technica contributor), 156 focus groups, online communities for, 132 forums See online communities or forums Franklin, Ben (General Magazine), 29 full-service advertising agencies, 33 functional pricing, 85 G gatekeeping changed by the Web, 24–25 illustrated, 21 Ivory Tower syndrome resulting from, 129 by syndicates, 20–21 as traditional model for selling content, 21 gating off part of your site ad hoc award system for access, 103 advertisers attracted by large subscriber base, 105 all or nothing approach, 98 archives, 99 asking for financial information for free trial, 102 cash-poor, intelligence-rich audiences and, 103–105 current content, 99 deciding whether or not to gate off, 98–99 entire site, 98, 99 exclusivity as reason for, 98 free trial offers and, 102 gated communities compared to, 97–98 getting established first, 98–99 newspapers and journals as models for, 100–102 non-payment methods for access, 102–103 point system for access, 102, 103, 104 readers lost due to, 98, 99 a second content thread, 99 security not a reason for, 97 using advertising clicks for period of access, 102 General Magazine (Franklin), 29 Globe and Mail Web site, 100–102 Google AdSense ad network, 60, 65, 66, 68, 192, 198 contextual ads, 60–61 Greenwald, David (clinical psychologist), 5–6, 184 Groupee Web site, 200 H hate e-mail, ease of sending, 10 Heinlein, Robert (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress), 153 history of banner ads, 51–52 of branding, 109–111 of content providers, 15–17 of jesters, 181 Holbrook, Bill (cartoonist), 83 Howell, James (man of letters), 149 I IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau), 51, 55, 197 ideas money not made by, 17–18 not protected by copyright, 160, 162 processes versus, 18 world changed by, 17 ImageReady graphics program (Adobe), 50 iMedia Connection Web site, 197 income See payment InDesign layout program, 46 infringement of copyright, 163–164 Naïve archetype of content consumer and, 170 Policeman archetype of content consumer and, 171 Thief archetype of content consumer and, 170 of trademarks, 167 initiators for online communities, 134–135 intangibles returned for memberships, 84, 85–86 Intellectual Property law complexity of, 167 copyright, 160–164, 189–191 Creative Commons initiative, 167–169, 189 need for, 159–160 17_74753x bindex.qxd 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 209 Index I–M ■ patents and, 160 trade secrets and, 160 trademarks, 164–167 types of content consumers and, 169–171 Intellectual Property lawyers for merchandising agreements, 120 need for, 160 Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 51, 55, 197 Internet resources See also UserFriendly Web site ad networks, 198 advertising resources, 197 AdvertPro ad server, 66 AdvertServe ad server software, 66 Ars Technica site, 83, 135, 156 blogging resources, 198–199 Branders site, 93 copyright resources, 199 Creative Commons initiative, 168, 189 credit card services, 92 eBay Inc., 90 ethics resources, 200 Google AdSense ad network, 60, 192 Holbrook’s site, 83 IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) site, 51 legal resources, 199 Money For Content site, 86, 104 NoPayPal gripe site, 91 on-demand merchandisers, 120 online community tools, 200 PayPal, 90 PayPal alternatives, 91 PBS, 87 PHPBB forum software, 102, 200 podcasting resources, 199 RPGnet site, 136 survey companies, 40 TOS contract example, 86 Web advertising standards, 51 interstitial ads, 59–60 Ipsos-Reid survey company, 40 Ivory Tower syndrome gatekeeping and, 129 online communities and, 130, 132 J jesters, 181 Jurasik, Peter (actor), 179, 180 Jurassic Park as model for branding, 117 K Kapo, Mitch (Lotus founder), 136–137 KeySurvey software, 44 Klein, Naomi (No Logo), 109, 110 L LaPorte, Leo (content provider), 111 layout programs for media kits, 46 leaderboards, 52, 53 legal issues See also ethics; infringement copyright, 160–164, 189–191 Creative Commons initiative, 167–169, 189 Intellectual Property law, 159–160, 167 membership contracts, 85–86 merchandiser contracts, 120 privacy policy, 188–189 resources, 199 TOS (Terms of Service), 85–86, 92 trademarks, 164–167 types of content consumers and, 169–171 Lessig, Lawrence (Creative Commons chairman), 169, 200 logos choosing, 113 importance for branding, 113 as trademarks, 164 on vendorwear, 116 loving your work, 11–12 M Machiavelli, Niccolo (Italian humanist), 17 maintainers for online communities, 134–135 malls, failure of online, 80 marketing your site, 192–193 Marx, Groucho (comedian), 77 media advertising agencies, 33 media channels for advertising, 38–39 media kits clustering data for, 46 Demographics section, 47 example, 48 finding examples, 193 Introduction section (“brag sheet”), 47 layout programs for, 46 maximum length for, 46 Offer section, 47 percentage breakdown of data for, 46 putting online, 47 Continued 209 17_74753x bindex.qxd 210 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 210 Index M–O ■ media kits (continued) researching buyers, 49 restricting offers, 47 sending out, 47, 49 Web-only versus print, 193 medieval European content providers, 16 memberships advertisers attracted by large subscriber base, 105 advertising and, 80, 82–83 Amazon business model, 81–82 Ars Technica example, 83 to bulletin board systems (BBSs), 81 Dentascrub parable, 77–80 donations versus, 83–84 exclusivity as value for, 83 intangibles returned for, 84, 85–86 maintaining value for, 92–93 payment methods, 90–92 price point for, 89 readers lost due to, 80–81 return value needed for, 81, 84 sponsorship drives, 87–89 tangibles returned for, 84, 86–87, 92–93 Terms of Service (TOS) contract, 85 UserFriendly example, 82–83 merchandisers for vendorwear on-demand, 120–121 traditional, 119–120 merchandising See vendorwear metrics for measuring ad campaigns, 34 Miller, Wiley (comic strip author), Money Bookers PayPal alternative, 91 Money For Content Web site, 86, 104 money order payments for memberships, 90 The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein), 153 music industry parallels with cartooning, 21, 23 myths about creative careers adoration and recognition are the norm, 10 being creative is easy, 10–11 creating professionals make lots of money, 10 working for yourself is easy, N Naïve archetype of content consumer, 170–171 negative option marketing, 63 Net 30 terms for payment, 71 netiquette rules for online communities, 144 newspapers first advertisement in, 29 as models for gating off part of your site, 100–102 payment for daily cartoon feature, 22 nicknames used in online communities, 138 No Logo (Klein), 109, 110 Nooro Web site, 40 NoPayPal gripe site, 91 Norton, Patrick (content provider), 111 notoriety versus fame, 176 O Ogilvy, David (advertiser), 29 on-demand merchandisers for vendorwear, 120–121 online communities or forums alternative personas in, 138 asynchronous communication in, 128–129 audiences versus, 134 avoiding casual comments on, 144 belonging as value of, 126 “build it and they will come” myth, 125, 134 charging for content and, 131 consumer bases versus, 126 consumer culture versus community, 126 copyright for forum postings, 190 defined, 126 distributed communities, 127 as feedback system, 131–132 focus groups formed from, 132 global scale of, 128 happy customers created by, 143–145 initiators for, 134–135 involving members in policy setting, 140–141 Ivory Tower syndrome and, 130, 132 knowledge of consumer base provided by, 130 leading forums, 135–138 maintainers for, 134–135 many-to-many interaction in, 134 maturity level for, 139 as microcosmic market research, 132 misbehavior in, 135–136, 138–143 moderators for, 140 netiquette rules for, 144 never ignoring constructive comments, 131 17_74753x bindex.qxd 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 211 Index O–P ■ as niche consumer interest groups, 133 nicknames used in, 138 as outgrowth of traditional communities of interest, 128 overcoming the signal-to-noise ratio, 137–138 PHPBB forum software, 102, 200 placing comments in context, 131 point system for gated zone access and, 102, 103 policy setting for behavior, 139–143, 189, 190 Prigs and Punks, 141–142 punishments for misbehavior, 140, 144 real-world communities versus, 127–129 respect among members as requirement for, 143 reviews shared by, 133 sharing important information as power of, 133 social contracts for, 139 social validity of, 136–137 successful, ingredients for, 143–145 swear words and, 139 synchronous, real-time communication in, 128 tools resources, 200 topicality standards for, 145 as valuable asset for site owners, 125 value system of members, 126 Online Community Toolkit Web site, 200 online malls, failure of, 80 opportunities (advertising), 39 opt-in, 63 Orwell, George (Animal Farm), 125 overhead costs, 194 P Pagemaker layout program, 46 paid memberships See memberships PaintShop Pro graphics program, 50 patents, 160 PayByWeb Credit Card service, 92 payment See also commissions and fees; specific revenue models for autographs, 179 CPA revenue model, 68, 69 CPC revenue model, 68, 69 CPM revenue model, 67, 69 for daily cartoon feature, 22 for memberships, methods of accepting, 90–92 Net 30 terms for, 71 royalties for merchandise, 119, 120, 121 PayPal acquired by eBay Inc., 90 alternatives, 91 credit card payments using, 91, 92 donations collected by, 83 fees, 91 membership payments using, 90–91 NoPayPal gripe site, 91 Web site, 90 PBS sponsorship drives, 87–89 Web site, 87 personas in online communities, 138 photocopying, as copyright infringement, 164 PHPBB forum software, 102, 200 podcasting (audio ads), 64, 199 Podcasts Web site, 199 Policeman archetype of content consumer, 171 policies for forum behavior, 139–143, 189, 190 privacy policy, 188–189 politics, workplace, 12 polls versus surveys, 41 pop-ads, 57–59, 152 PostNuke Web site, 200 Pournelle, Jerry (science fiction author), Pratchett, Terry (novelist), 179 price point defined, 89 functional pricing, 85 for memberships, 89 privacy policy, 188–189 ProBlogger Web site, 199 processes, money made by, 18 promoting your site, 192–193 proposal responding to RFP, 34, 36 provider/consumer ethics, 153–156 psychology of rejection, 184 as support for advertising, 30–31 211 17_74753x bindex.qxd 212 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 212 Index Q–T ■ Q Quark XPress layout program, 46 R Ravenlock (UF member), 154–155 rectangle ads (cnet boxes), 52, 53 referrals access to gated zones for, 103 notice on home page urging, 192 Register4Less domain name provider, 115 registering copyright, 162 trademarks, 166 rejection handling criticism, 182–184 psychology of, 184 of submitted work, relief from, Renaissance capitalism in, 18 content providers, 17 reports, running your own ad server and, 65 Return On Investment (ROI) for vendorwear, 117 returned merchandise, 87 RFP (Request for Proposal) described, 34 example RFP summary, 35 responding proposal, 34, 36 Rich Media ads advantages and disadvantages of, 55, 57 broadband penetration and, 57 defined, 55 interstitial ads, 59–60 unit sizes, 56 using sparingly, 56–57 roadblocking, 67 ROI (Return On Investment) for vendorwear, 117 RPGnet Web site, 136 S sales forces for advertising choosing, 38, 194 described, 37 exclusives and, 38 giving priority over ad networks, 38 Salon interstitial ads, 59 scheduling your time as advantage of creative careers, 11 deadline demands and, 13 The Screen Savers Web site, 111 serving ads See ad servers Seuss, Dr (children’s book author), shipping tangible membership rewards, 86 skyscraper ads, 54–55 software ad-blocking, 50, 152, 156 AdvertServe ad server, 66 for banner ad creation, 50 layout programs for media kits, 46 online community tools, 200 PHPBB forum software, 102, 200 for surveys, 44 Somers, Suzanne (Thighmaster promoter), 114 spam versus e-mail ads, 63 sponsorship drives, 87–89 static Web ads banners, 51–52 history of, 51–52 large rectangles (cnet box), 52, 53 leaderboards, 52, 53 skyscrapers, 54–55 Stein, Gertrude (novelist), 194 Suazo, Mark “dire lobo” (sociologist and UF member), 127–129, 136–138 subscriptions See memberships Survey Company Web site, 40 SurveyGold software, 44 surveys See conducting a survey syndicates author’s experience with, 5, 20 cartooning controlled by, before the Web, 20 gatekeeping by, 20–21 percentage taken by, 22 process for selling cartoons, 22 submissions received versus open slots per year, 20 T Take-Over, 67 tangibles returned for memberships, 84, 86–87, 92–93 See also vendorwear TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch), 153 17_74753x bindex.qxd 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 213 Index T–V ■ targeted advertising contextual ads, 60–62 defined, 60 Technorati blogging resource, 198 Terms of Service (TOS), 85–86, 92 text ads, 60–62 There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL), 153 Thief archetype of content consumer, 170 third-party services ad servers, 65–66 data verification, 44 This Week In Tech Web site, 83, 111, 113 Thomas, Marlo (actor), 175 time duration of copyright, 163 duration of trademarks, 166 for filling out a survey, maximum, 43 scheduling yours, 11, 13 toffees for free parable, 77–80 TOS (Terms of Service), 85–86, 92 trade secrets, 160 trademarks assigning versus licensing, 166 canceling, 166 contention regarding, 164 defined, 164 distinctiveness as requirement for, 164 duration of, 166 infringement, 167 marking registered trademarks, 166 registering, 166 registration not needed for, 166 things not permitted as, 165 transferring, 166–167 traditional merchandisers for vendorware, 119–120 transferring copyright, 163 trademarks, 166–167 Tribal Fusion ad network, 198 trust cultivating your audience’s, 113 endorsements as outgrowth of, 114 not abusing your audience’s, 113, 114 t-shirts, branded See vendorwear 24/7 Canada ad network, 198 24/7 Real Media ad network, 198 U Universal Ad Package, 55 USA Today media kit, 193 USENET, 65 UserFriendly comic strip comics, 2, 28, 76, 96, 108, 124, 130, 148, 158, 174, 186 as online community initiator and maintainer, 134 UserFriendly Web site AdvertPro server used by, 66 “Big Foam Cluebat” merchandising, 118 Chief Moderator, 141–142 dedicated sales force, 37 eighth year anniversary, 93 ethics of provider/consumer relationships and, 154 forum, 133, 134, 144 implied contract, 149–151 membership fee, 89 membership model, 82–83 page impressions for, 24 payment methods used by, 90 price point for membership, 89 rapid growth in readership, 8–9, 24, 25 Register4Less endorsement deal, 115 start of, 24, 25 traffic per month, 195 V vendorwear for brand promotion, 116–117 clients versus licensors for, 119–120 defined, 116 effectiveness of, 116–117 Intellectual Property lawyer for, 120 Jurassic Park as model for, 117 logo blazoned on, 116 on-demand merchandisers for, 120–121 out clause for merchandisers, 120 performance guarantees for, 120 quality crucial for, 117–118 Return On Investment for, 117 royalties for, 119, 120, 121 as tangibles returned for membership, 84, 86–87, 93 traditional merchandisers for, 119–120 viewing samples before buying, 118 wholesale versus retail royalties, 119 213 17_74753x bindex.qxd 214 10/11/05 8:25 PM Page 214 Index W–Z ■ W Web advertising formats, 50–64 author’s experience with, 24–25 brand as “face” on, 112 free information and, 65, 152 market changed by, 19, 23–25 only a single click away, 80 Web advertising formats See also specific types ad units, 50–51 contextual ads, 60–62 e-mail ads, 62–64 interstitial ads, 59–60 podcast (audio) ads, 64 pop-ads, 57–59 Rich Media ads, 55–57 standards, 51 static ads, 51–55 text ads, 60–62 Universal Ad Package, 55 Web sites See Internet resources Web-scraping, ethics of, 152–153 Webster, Greg “Kickstart” (Chief Moderator at UF), 141–142 WebSurveyor software, 44 workplace politics, 12 World Wide Web See Web Y Yahoo contextual ads, 60 YowCow PayPal alternative, 91 Z Zazzle on-demand merchandiser, 120–121 18_74753x bob.qxd 10/11/05 8:33 PM Page 215 IF YOU ENJOYED THIS EXTREMETECH BOOK YOU’LL LOVE ine y magazine z a g Ma t hardcore technolog lfers who se The mos o-it-your d h e h t r o ,f olved wit e v r e in h t e t b u o ce to s the chan y product g lo o n h c jump at st te and greate the latest A V AILABLE NOW ON NEWSSTANDS EVER YWHERE! 18_74753x bob.qxd 10/11/05 8:33 PM Page 216 How to take it to the 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Mục lục

    Money for Content and Your Clicks for Free: Turning Web Sites, Blogs, and Podcasts Into Cash

    Chapter 1: The Business of Creating Content

    The Good, the Bad, and the Fake

    When Was the First “Content Provider” Born?

    Syndicates: Businesses in Villains’ Clothing

    Chapter 2: The Advertising Game

    Print Advertising Versus Web Advertising

    Serving Ads for Fun and Profit

    When the Ad Agency Becomes the Enemy

    Chapter 3: The Membership Game


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