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test 11

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TEACHER : Quỳnh UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP VOCABULARY 1. acquaintance :   2. common  chung 3. incapable of     !", "#$%##  &!"&'  4. quality  " !"  5. unselfishness ($)' ' "* 6. be concerned with +% "# & 7.$$,$-&!"*$$,+*-&!" .,&/" 8.give – and - take:"#và nh n0 9. constancy  !&#' &,' ! & !* 10. enthusiasm 12+343! ! &!' 11. changeable )%5%&6** *, ",#:"#%&6 * 12. uncertain (+.7#8#$ #/" "" "#-!" 13. loyalty #, 14. "#)!9!!  15. ,#,,+,#,,+9 9&  16. #"*&!& " "*&!# 17. ,,(!' &!#! "!* #-.,#/,##: "!*'  &!  18. 2+2* -  96$$"#8"#+ !*&& 86 19. secret +, ' ! 20. ** 1.**$#,8 #,%##%*/!"9! "9!" 21. !"' "!"&*  ! 22. 2#*%5!-!#!-  &- 23. pursuit 2+.,#$#/ # GRAMMAR FOCUS ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG “TO”. (Bare Infinitive) 1/ Dùng sau các động từ khiếm khuyết (Modal verbs) như : can, could, may, might, must, ought to… - You may go now. - They must finish the work by now. 2/ Dùng sau các động từ : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELP… - I helped the child tidy his desk. - He had a painter paint the gate. - They let him enter the room without a ticket. - My parents make me go to bed early. 3/ Dùng sau BUT, EXCEPT với nghóa “ngoại trừ” - Why don’t you do anything but complain ? - She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework. 4/ Dùng sau các động từ chỉ giác quan như : see (nhìn thấy) , watch (xem thấy) , hear (nghe thấy) , notice (để ý) , observe (quan sát) , spot (thoáng thấy) … - We heard them sing all morning. - He saw the thief enter the house. Chú ý : như ta đã biết hiện tại phân từ (present participle) có thể được dùng cho các động từ trên để diễn tả hành động đang tiếp diễn. Còn động từ nguyên thể dùng trong trường hợp này chỉ hành động đã hoàn tất. - I watched them playing football for a while. (trận đấu vẫn đang tiếp diễn) - I watched them play football yesterday afternoon. (xem toàn bộ trận đấu) UNIT 2 MY MOST EMBARRASSING EXPERIENCE VOCABULARY 24. embarrass 4,    , 9 !  embarrassed , embarrassing, embarrassment 25. experience ,&!, # ":,":& &!, #,* :,": #!"#&! 1 TEACHER : Quỳnh 26. floppy $&! 27. idol: % a person / thing is loved or admired very much:! 28. extreme: ,+ very great  extremely:-"!!"""!""!"! 29. glance at : to look quickly at sth/sb 30. sneaky  sneakily + -!,!   *-#,: -   31. imagine: 4%5 !' % 32. affect $ , "! 33. ,",+)      "# 34. %42+% !& 35. "#$%"$%!"!*!  36. embrace ,"  37. make a fuss : làm m ; < 38. #,,   &!" 39. outlook .#####/ " "'9& 40. protect ,.#,#"##%*8 #8$,##/#-&! #!"" 41. scream ,+ #  & 42. escape."$,##/ , #  GRAMMAR FOCUS I. SIMPLE PAST - PAST CONTINUOUS + Thì Simple Past (Quá Khứ Đơn) được dùng để chỉ một hành động ngắn (thình lình) xảy ra trong quá khứ. - I met him in the street yesterday. (Hôm qua tôi gặp hắn ta ở trên đường) + Thì Past Continuous (Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn) được dùng để chỉ một hành động kéo dài trong quá khứ tương ứng với một hành động khác cũng trong quá khứ. - I met him while he was crossing the street. (Tôi đã gặp hắn ta khi hắn ta đang băng qua đường) - She was going home when she saw an accident. (Cô ấy đang về nhà øthì cô ấy nhìn thấy một tai nạn) + Thì Past Continuous còn diễn tả một hành động kéo dài tại điểm thời gian xác đònh ở quá khứ hoặc hai hành động liên tiếp song song với nhau. - My father was watching TV at 8 o’clock last night. (Vào lúc 8 giờ tối qua ba tôi đang xem TV.) - I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV. (Tôi đang làm bài tập trong khi ba tôi đang xem TV.) Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense. 1/ He (sit) __________ in a bar when I (see) __________ him. 2/ When I (go) __________ out, the sun (shine) __________. 3/ The light (go) __________ out while I (have) __________ tea. 4/ When it (rain) __________ , she(carry) __________ an umbrella. 5/ We (walk) __________ to the station when it (begin) __________ to rain. 6/ He (teach) __________ English for 2 months when he (live)_________ in Germany and (work) __________ as a journalist. 7/ The house (burn) ________ fast, so we (break) ________ the window to get out. 8/ He (eat) __________ three sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him. 9/ The servant (drop) __________ two cups while she (wash up) __________ last night; neither of them (break) __________. 10/ While he (write) __________ a letter, the telephone (ring) __________; as he (go) __________ to answer it, he (hear) __________ a knock on the door; the telephone (still, ring) __________ while he (walk) __________ to the door, but just as he (open) __________ it, it (stop) __________. II. SIMPLE PAST - PAST PERFECT + Thì Past Perfect (Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành) dùng để chỉ một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác cũng trong quá khứ (past action). - When he had finished his work, he went home. (Khi đã làm xong việc, nó trở về nhà) -By the time I arrived at the station, the train had gone. (Vào lúc tôi đến nhà ga thì xe lửa đã chạy rồi) 2 TEACHER : Quỳnh + Thì Past Perfect còn diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước một điểm thời gian xác đònh ở quá khứ. - By 10 o’clock last night, I had gone to bed. (Tôi đã lên giường ngủ trước 10 giờ tối qua.) Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect tense. 1/ They (go) __________ home after they (finish) __________ their work. 2/ He (do) _________ nothing before he (see) ___________ me. 3/ He (thank) __________ me for what I (do) __________ for him. 4/ I (be) __________ sorry that I (hurt) __________ him. 5/ After they (go) __________ , I (sit) __________ down and (rest) __________. 6/ When I (arrive)___________, the dinner (already, begin) ______________. 7/ My friend (not see) _______ me for many years when I (meet) _____ last week. 8/ He (learn) __________ English before he (leave) __________ for England. 9/ In England, he soon (remember) __________ all he (learn) __________. 10/ They (tell) __________ him they (not meet) __________ him before. 11/ He (ask) __________ why we (come) __________ so early. 12/ She (say) __________ that she (already, see) ___________ Dr. Rice. 13/ By the time Bill (get) __________ there, the meeting (start) __________. 14/ When we (arrive) __________ at our place, we (find) __________ that a burglar (break) ____________ in. 15/ Almost everybody (leave) _______ for home by the time we (arrive) _______. UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP TE ST 1 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. village b. dangerous c. gossip d. passenger 2. a. which b. changeable c. each d. characteristic 3. a. pasture b. acquaintance c. constant d. talkative 4. a. uncertain b. tell c. pursuit d. picture 5. a. chore b. machine c. much d. such Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. She found it difficult to get ____________ with new friends. a. acquaint b. acquainted c. acquaintance d. acquaints 7. My friend often shows her _________ whenever I have troubles. a. sympathy b. sympathize c. sympathetic d. sympathetically 8. He does not know much about the project but he is very _________. a. enthusiastic b. enthusiast c. enthusiasm d. enthusiastically 9. Daisy is so _________ . She only cares about herself, not about other people. a. helpful b. selfish c. loyal d. talkative 10. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a /an __________ girl she is! a. uncertain b. mutual c. suspicious d. changeable 11. Although we are classmates, I do not have an ______________ relationship with him. a. aimless b. unselfish c. special d. acquaintance 12. John left a ___________ impression on me. I will never forget him. a. loyal b. lasting c. capable d. constant 13. _______ is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief. a. Acquaintance b. Constancy c. Sympathy d. Sorrow 14. He is not good ___________ maths. He is incapable ______________ calculating . a. at/ of b. on/ for c. for/ of d. with/ in 15. Two friends should be loyal ______________ each other. a. on b. with c. over d. to 16. My close friend is often concerned _____________ all problems that I mention. a. over b. with c. above d. into 17. ____________ friend in need is __________ friend indeed. a. The/ the b. A/ a c. ∅/∅ d. ∅/ the 18. The exam is coming so the teachers make their students ____________ a lot. a. study b. to study c. studying d. studied 19. Her parents want her __________ a doctor. a. become b. to become c. becoming d. became 20. It is __________ the directions. a. you too kind to give me b. you very kind to give me c. very kind of you to give me d. very kind of you give me 21. I consider it my affair ____________ the newcomers in my class. 3 TEACHER : Quỳnh a. to help b. help c. helped d. helping 22. These employees are made _________ overtime. a. to work b. work c. working d. worked 23. The teacher never lets us _________ out when _____________. a. to go/ explains b. go/ explaining. c. going/ to explain d. gone/ explained. 24. Whenever I see an action film, I feel my heart _____________ strongly. a. to thump b. thump c. thumping d. thumped 25. He bought a computer because he wanted to store all the information that he had collected. a. Buying a computer because he wanted to store all the information that he had collected. b. Although he wanted to store all the information that he had collected, he bought a computer. c. He bought a computer for him that he stored all the information that he had collected. d. He bought a computer to store all the information that he had collected. 26. He was the first __________ the fire. a. discover b. to discover c. discovering d. discovered 27. The manager had some letters to sign. a. that he had to sign b. for signing c. so that he signed d. which are for signing 28. I think he is _______________ our business. a. not reliable enough to be informed b. not enough reliable to be informed c. no reliable enough for being informed d. not reliable enough being informed 29. He is ___________ everybody in my class likes him. a. very kind that b. kind enough that c. so kind that d. as kind as 30. John was _________ we all want to make friends with him. a. so a good student that b. so a student that c. such a good student that d. a student such good that Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given. 31. Peter/ my close friends. a. Peter is my close friends b. Peter is one of my close friends. c. Peter is one my close friends d. Peter is the one of my close friends. 32. he/ good – looking / blond hair a. He is good looking, but blond hair. – b. He is good looking and blond hair. – c. He is a good looking with blond hair. d. He is good looking with blond hair. – – 33. square face/ look/ intelligent. a. His square face looks intelligently. b. It is a square face looking intelligent. c. He has a square face looks intelligent. d. He has a square face which looks intelligent. 34. we/ be/ friends/ last school year. a. We have been friends since last school year. b. We were friends since last school year. c. We are friends since last school year. d. We are friends since last school year. 35. Peter/ good/ Maths. a. Peter is very good at Maths. b. Peter is too good at Maths. c. Peter is very good for Maths. d. Peter is too good for Maths. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. There are many proverbs about friends and friendship, such as True friendship is like sound health; the value“ of its seldom known until it is lost , and A real friendship is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks” “ out . When you read these quotes, stop and think about your friend ship. Do you and your friend act in a caring way” – towards one another, do you respect them and do they respect you, but most of all do you value the relationship and love spending time together? Friendship is more than just hanging out together at lunch and gossiping about other people. True friend ship is when two people have mutual respect for one another, and really care about the each– other s feelings and dreams. You need to be able to be honest with your friends. If there is ever a time where you feel’ that you cannot tell them the truth, for fear that they will be mad or will not understand, then they are not true friends. Friends share with each other important things that they would not share with others. Friends also care about each other, stick up for one another and enjoy spending time together. 36. The passage is about _________________. a. a friend b. friendship c. proverbs about friends and friendship d. caring for friends 37. The author advised us ________________ . a. not to tell a secret to a friend b. to respect our friends c. not to tell a friend about important things. d. to make friends to gossip. 38. Friends _________. a. should not spend time together b. should be honest c. should gossip about others d. should not care much 39. Which sentence is NOT true? 4 TEACHER : Quỳnh a. Friends should respect each other. b. We should be honest with our friends. c. We can share important things with a friend. d. Dishonesty is needed for true friendship. 40. Which of these can be used to describe true friendship? a. be honest and be mad b. hang out and gossip c. have lunch and gossip d. trust, respect and share Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. (41) _____________ you grow and mature your friends may change, but that does not mean that you have to (42) _____________ away with your old friends, your relationships may change though. (43) ______________ close attention to the different types of friends you have had, the (44) ____________ your friends treat you, what sort of things you can talk about, and the things you like (45) _______________. Soon you will see what (46) ___________ in a friend are most important to you. Not everyone values openness or honesty, when others look (47) __________ an extraordinarily caring individual caring individual as a friend. Whatever it is that you value most, (48) ____________ sure that your needs as well as your friends’ are being met. If you are feeling neglected or mistreated by a “friend” then you need to look more closely at this relationship. Friend – ship should bring you joy, (49) _________ misery. Find out what you want out of a friendship, and try not to be overtaken by those around you who are not yet mature enough (50) __________ to a true friendship. 41. a. Because b. For c. Although d. As 42. a. make b. get c. give d. do 43. a. Look b. Give c. Pay d. Take 44. a. way b. fact c. road d. route 45. a. to do b. do c. did d. done 46. a. possibilities b. certainties c. qualities d. quantities 47. a. at b. for c. down d. into 48. a. make b. feel c. keep d. turn 49. a. nor b. not c. none d. no 50. a. commit b. to commit c. committing d. committed ________________________________ TEST 2 Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1. a. acquaintance b. easily c. capable d. quality 2. a. constancy b. attraction c. changeable d. mutual 3. a. rumour b. believe c. common d. number 4. a. loyalty b. uncertain c. sympathy d. influence 5. a. gossip b. interest c. between d. friendship Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. He was so __________ that he distrusted all his friends. a. suspect b. suspicious c. suspicion d. suspiciously 7. Friendship offers us great __________ in life. a. please b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleased 8. He is always ___________ in word and deed. a. loyal b. loyally c. loyalty d. loyalist 9. My father took ___________ an interest in collecting stamps. He had a valuable stamp collection. a. on b. up c. in d. over 10. True friendship should be based __________ understanding each other and faithfulness. a. out b. at c. on d. over 11. I do not want to listen to you. I am tired _____________ your criticisms. a. of b. in c. for d. with 12. I seem to remember that Sam has ever told me __________ number of ____________ lies. a. a /∅ b. the / the c. ∅/ the d. the/ ∅ 13. True friendship will ___________ as long as our lives. a. spend b. take c. last d. keep 14. The father is the one that I can share both joys and sorrows. a. feelings of great happiness b. great eagerness 5 TEACHER : Quỳnh c. feelings of distress d. intention 15. She felt an ___________ to him when they first met each other. a. attraction b. enthusiasm c. interest d. aim 16. He has only one ____________ in life – to become rich. a. quality b. feeling c. aim d. secret 17. Contrary to ___________, no one was hurt in the accident. a. truth b. trust c. rumour d. joy 18. He advised me ______________ the facts before I made a decision _______ the job. a. considering/ to accept b. consider/ accepting. c. consider/ accept d. to consider/ to accept. 19. It is a nice surprise _____________ you here. a. see b. to see c. seeing d. seen 20. They have ____________ they cannot find time _____________. a. such many things to do that/ for going out b. such many things for doing that/ going out c. so many things for doing that/ go out d. so many things to do that/ to go out 21. Loyalty ____________ one of the important qualities for true friendship. a. is considered be b. considers being c. considers to be d. is considered to be 22. It is impossible ____________ such a difficult thing without any help. a. to do b. do c. doing d. done 23. Look! Do you see an insect ______________ on your foot. a. to crawl b. crawl c. crawling d. crawled 24. She wore a mask so that nobody recognized her. a. so that not to be recognize b. so as not to recognize c. so as not to be recognized d. in order to not recognized 25. Those tourists were _____________ their journey. a. enough tired to continue b. too tired to continue c. very tired that they could not continue. d. too tired for continuing 26. After a nightmare she __________ sleeping so she looked for a book __________. a. found it difficult to go on/ to read b. found to go on was difficult/ for reading c. found difficult to go on/ in order to read d. found it is difficult to go on/ to read 27. Did you notice someone ___________ the room last night ? a. enter b. to enter c. entering d. entered 28. There ____________ mutual understanding between friends. a. must be b. must to be c. must d. be 29. The police let him _________ after they had asked him some questions. a. to leave b. leave c. leaving d. left 30. The accident is thought ___________ caused by human error. a. being b. was c. having been d. to have been Error Identification : 31. If you have a friend you will realize that there is another human being which you A B C can trust completely. D 32. True friendship can offer a gentle haven where you can be relaxed and feeling safe. A B C D 33. A friendship can help you solve problems and to share the grief times along A B C with the great times. D 34. Two close friends can spend time to be together without needing to pretend. A B C D 6 TEACHER : Quỳnh 35. It took her a long time getting accustomed to the new environment and A B C make friends with other classmates. D ________________________________ TEST 3 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. game b. bridge c. against d. garage 2. a. generous b. gene c. generally d. giving 3. a. cheese b. children c. chemical d. teacher 4. a. machinery b. march c. cheerfully d. merchant 5. a. page b. message c. danger d. ringer Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. I sometimes think ______________ my schooldays when I felt the happiest. a. on b. over c. at d. of 7. Mary did not approve their ideas. She had no sympathy ________ their point of view. a. about b. off c. with d. within 8. Man is engaged in a ___________ struggle with Nature. a. constant b. constantly c. constancy d. inconstantly 9. Mary is often willing to help everybody. She is the ___________ of kindness. a. essence b. essential c. essentially d. essentiality. 10. Those villagers are very ___________ to visitors. a. hospitable b. hospitably c. hospitability d. hospitabilities 11. ___________ friendship is __________ two – side affair. a. The/a b. A/ an c. A/ the d. ∅/ a 12. Their friendship was based on __________ respect, trust and understanding. a. attractive b. loyal c. suspicious d. mutual 13. Whispers can never influence good friends. a. have effect on b. get acquainted with c. show a sympathy d. be mutual trust 14. We were obviously wrong to put our _________ in her. She is not reliable. a. enthusiasm b. trust c. concern d. selfishness 15. A ____________ is a conversation about other people’s private lives which might be unkind or not true. a. quality b. sorrow c. secret d. gossip 16. I do not have much time for leisure ____________ these days. a. acquaintances b. pursuits c. qualities d. pleasures 17. The children _________ they cannot keep silent. a. seem to be so excited that b. seem being so excited that c. seem to be very excited that d. seem being very excited that 18. The policeman did not permit them ___________ through the military zone. He forced them ____________ another way. a. going/ to go b. to go/ to go c. to go/ going d. go/ go 19. He is a helpful friend. He often helps me _________ my work. a. finish b. finishes c. finishing d. finished 20. John, I have something interesting ________ you, but you have to promise ______ it secret. a. for telling/ keeping b. to tell/ keep c. to tell/ to keep d. told/ keep 21. The water was so polluted that the explorers could not drink it. a. The water was too polluted for the explorers to drink. b. The water was polluted enough for the explorers to drink. c. The water was too polluted for the explorers drinking. d. The water was polluted enough for the explorers drinking. 22. His doctor advised him ___________, but he found it impossible __________ his habit. a. stopped smoking / quit b. to stop to smoke / quitting c. stopping smoking/ for quitting d. to stop smoking / to quit 7 TEACHER : Quỳnh 23. The guards were watching a shoplifter _______ along the shop windows. a. go b. to go c. went d. gone 24. Their company was made _______ 100,000USD in taxes. a. pay b. to pay c. paying d. paid 25. The health authorities now know _________ bird flu. a. to deal with b. deal with c. dealing with d. how to deal with 26. The Pikes has a painter ________ all the windows of their house. a. to paint b. paint c. painting d. painted 27. They did not let us _________ the lecture because we had not got a member card. a. to attend b. attend c. attending d. attended 28. The teacher recommended us _________ those books because they have some knowledge that is necessary for us _________ . a. reading/ get b. to read/ get c. to read/ to get d. read/ getting 29. He had spent _________ that he was broke. a. such much money b. such many money c. so much money d. so many money 30. We did not have ________ the essay so we asked the teacher for a delay. a. time enough for writing b. time enough to write c. enough time for writing d. enough time to write Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given. 31. Peter/ sincere/ easy – going/ man/ a sense of humour a. Peter is the sincere and easy – going man whose has a sense of humour. b. Peter that is a sincere and easy – going man with a sense of humour. c. Peter is a sincere and easy – going man who is a sense of humour. d. Peter is a sincere and easy – going man with a sense of humour. 32. he/ twenty a. He has got twenty of age b. He is twenty in age c. He is in twenty years old d. He is at the age of twenty 33. he/ wavy hair/ brown eyes a. He has got wavy hair and brown eyes. b. He has got a wavy hair and brown eyes. c. He has a wavy hair with brown eyes. d. He is wavy hair and brown eyes. 34. he/ 5 feet/ good looking / friendly a. He is 5 feet, good looking, but friendly. b. He is 5 feet tall, and good looking, friendly. c. He is 5 feet tall, good looking, and friendly. d. He is 5 feet tall but good looking , and friendly. 35. we/ friends/ at university a. We have been friends since we were at university. b. We make friends when we were at university. c. We are friends as we were at university. d. We have been friends even though we were at university. _______________________________ UNIT 2 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES TEST 1 Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1. a. video b. exactly c. carefully d. serious 2. a. inside b. father c. table d. dollar 3. a. happen b. nothing c. pretty d. about 4. a. nobody b. embarrass c. exciting d. expensive 5. a. student b. involve c. summer d. cottage Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence ; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. It ____________ him that he had no idea of what was going on. a. embarrass b. embarrassed c. embarrassing d. embarrassment 7. We all were in a state of great __________ when we learnt that we had passed the final exam. a. excite b. exciting c. excitement d. excitedly 8. Up to now they have not made a ________ whether they will go or not. 8 TEACHER : Quỳnh a. decide b. decision c. decisive d. decidedly 9. She does not see her grandchildren very often so she makes _______ real fuss of them when she does. a. a b. an c. the d. ∅ 10. I was extremely excited when I first enjoyed a football match in the stadium a. too b. very c. so d. much 11. Look ! Mary is _________ a beautiful new dress. She looks so pretty in the dress. a. wearing b. carrying c. putting on d. bringing 12. Some internationally famous football players are the _________ of countless teenagers. They love and admire them very much. a. idol b. dream c. present d. star 13. Something that is ________ makes you feel shy or ashamed. a. careful b. careless c. sneaky d. embarrassing 14. She stood in the mucky yard and hands plunged into the pockets of her ________ coat. a. floppy b. soft c. tough d. gentle 15. We had an interesting journey. Accommodation is free and all we had to pay _________ was meals. a. of b. for c. to d. back 16. She showed the picture _________ us and said, “I spent my childhood in that house. It was my happiest days.” a. to b. at c. for d. to 17. A lot of people think that it’s better to pay for their education so that they can be sure _____ getting quality. a. on b. for c. of d. to 18. Nowadays we ________ how important television ________ for our knowledge about the world. a. know/ is b. is knowing/ has been c. knew/ will be d. have known/ was 19. Every twelve months, the Earth ________ the sun. a. circles b. circled c. has circled d. is circling 20. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we ________ up tomorrow morning, the sun _______. a. will wake / will shine b. are waking / shines c. are going to wake / is shining d. wake / will be shining 21. If you _______ to contact me sometime next week, I ______ at the Sheraton in San Francisco. a. will need / stay b. need / will stay c. will need / will stay d. have needed / is going to stay 22. When he ______ off the plane, I ______ for him for half an hour. a. gets / will wait b. got / had been waiting c. had got / was waiting d. has got / will be waiting 23. When I ______ to be party, Sally and Doug ______ John ______ drinks. a. was coming / had danced / made b. had cone / danced / made c. came / were dancing /is making d. have come / are dancing / is making 24. he took her arm and hurried her upstairs _______ they would not be overheard. a. so that b. so at to c. in order to d. in order for 25. I was beginning to feel alarm, but kept it to myself _______ our two friends. a. so as not to worry b. so that not to worry c. so as I not worry d. so that not worrying 26. I intended to buy my daughter a big doll, rather bigger than _______ that she has already got. a. one b. ones c. this one d. the ones 27. You should help your children develop their good habits and lose ______ . a. The bad one b. the one bad c. the bad ones d. the ones bad 28. When I ______ there, dinner ______, so I had a drink first. a. get / is prepared b. get / has been prepared c. got / had been prepared d. got / was being prepared 29. We _______ your son in the school play last night. He _______ a terrific acting job. _______ in a play before that one ? a. saw / was going / had he ever acted b. were seeing / did / had he ever acted c. had seen / had done / did he ever act d. have seen / has done / will be ever act 30. Listen! Someone ___________ up the stairs. a. is walking b. has walked c. will be walking d. will have walked Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given. 31. last summer / after/ difficult semester/ I/ eager/ return home a. Last summer, after a difficult semester, I was eager to return home. b. Last summer. After a difficult semester. I was eager to return home. c. Last summer, after a difficult semester, so I was eager to return home. d. Last summer, after a difficult semester, I was eager for returning home. 32. the flight/ ten hours/ I/ arrive/ airport/ midnight/ I/ very tired and sleepy. a. The flight was ten hours and I arrived at the airport at midnight because I was very tired and sleepy. b. The flight took me about ten hours and I arrived at the airport at midnight so I was very tired and sleepy. c. The flight took me about ten hours and I arrived at the airport at midnight so that I was very tired and sleepy. d. The flight lasted about ten hours and I arrived at the airport at midnight although I was very tired and sleepy. 33. I/ wait/ my mother/ suddenly/ woman/ look like her/ came towards me. a. As I had been waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman who looked like her came towards me. b. When I was waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman who looked like her came towards me. 9 TEACHER : Quỳnh c. When I was waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman looked like her came towards me. d. While I was waiting for my mother, suddenly a woman whom looked like her came towards me. 34. I/ embrace/ kiss/ her/ my surprise/ not my mother. a. I embrace and kissed her. It was my surprise, there was not my mother. b. I embrace and kissing her, and with my surprise, she was not my mother. c. I embrace and kiss her, but to my surprise, she is not my mother. d. I embrace and kissed her, but to my surprise, she was not my mother. 35. I/ lose/ contact lenses/ on the plane a. I lose my contact lenses when I was on the plane. b. I lost my contact lenses which was on the plane. c. When I lost my contact lenses on the plane. d. I had lost my contact lenses on the plane. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. It’s been over two years now, but I still remember every detail of that day. It was a beautiful warm sunny clear sky day. I had to go to work and then had class at Hunter College that night. Little did I know what would await me that morning. When I got off my car, I found that the building was being evacuated and no one could tell me why. I could not find anyone that I worked with. There were hundreds of people just gathering around. No one knew exactly what had happened. Then someone said that there was a timing bomb in the building and the police were trying to dispose it. I thought that I should have turned around and tried to go home but a police officer forced us to keep our place. They were looking for the terrorists. Suddenly the building exploded in a burst of white clouds of billowing smoke and slowly started to collapsed to collapsed down-wards. The same officer who had directed us to stand there now shouted, “run” and we did. But not fast or far enough. We all were caught in the debris fallout. Most of us made it out, some did not. The world went totally black and soundless, I never heard the building fall, I could not see, nor hear, nor feel, just smell and taste were left. I could not breathe or think, nothing, the world just disappeared in an instant. I eventually made it out and home, but I have never been the same since. I lost a major part of my life that day, my girlfriend, Lynne. 36. The story happened ___________ . a. at the writer’s office b. at Hunter College c. in the writer’s car d. in a classroom 37. Which sentence is true? a. All people knew what happened to the building. b. There were no police coming. c. People gathered in front of the building without knowing what happened. d. The writer went home immediately. 38. What happened to the building? a. It was bombed b. It was evacuated c. It went off d. All are correct 39. The police ___________. a. allowed everybody to go away b. were searching for the terrorists c. let everybody enter the building d. forced everybody to enter the building 40. The writer ___________. a. ran fast enough to get out of the accident. b. was unconscious c. met his girlfriend in the accident d. could not go home after the accident Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. When we were working on the tenth (41) _________ of the building, suddenly we heard a terrible fire alarm. We (42) __________ rushed out of the room and scrambled to the lifts, (43) __________ were stuck. So, we ran down-stairs in horror. It (44) ____________ me approximately 30 – 40 minutes to get out of the building that day and came out on the street. When I turned (45) ____________ and looked, the building was burning and thin black smoke was (46) __________. I was shocked and relieved that I made it our (47) _________. I phoned my wife at once. She was 5 months pregnant at the time, and my first son was about to celebrate his 2nd birthday. By the time I got through to her, almost two hours had gone (48) ________. The building was completely down. I recalled her answering the phone saying, “hello” … I said, “I am alive, I am OK” then we both broke down in tears. It took me quite a long time to (49) _______ from the panic. Now, almost two years afterwards, I still have every moment, every image frozen in my mind. I will never forget the (50) _______ of those innocent people that day. 41. a. ground b. floor c. step d. stairs 42. a. immediately b. slowly c. sneakily d. carefully 43. a. which b. that c. whose d. whom 44. a. lost b. got c. took d. attained 45. a. on b. off c. round d. down 46. a. raising b. rising c. lifting d. turning 47. a. life b. live c. living d. alive 48. a. off b. on c. ahead d. by 49. a. feel healthy b. survive c. make sure d. recover 50. a. die b. death c. dead d. dying 10 . !* 10. enthusiasm 12+343! ! &!' 11. changeable )%5%&6** *, ",#:"#%&6. __________. 10/ They (tell) __________ him they (not meet) __________ him before. 11/ He (ask) __________ why we (come) __________ so early. 12/ She (say) __________

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