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Machines then and now

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Machines ThenandNow R o b e rQu t inn Readand discoverall aboutmachinesin thepastand today Whendid peopleinventthewheel? What is a nanobot? t ewor td! R e aa d ndd i sco vemo r rea b o uth provides readers Thisseriesof non-fiction with a In tent, i n t e r esti nagn de d u ca ti o nco work activities andproject HazeI Geatches Editor: Series 'i'Audio CDPackavailable wo|deoum,toi.thit rcr&ia'&s::,i] EVr l-*,ve[S AI i.r1 {-s}v*[ {ilifi h*xrlwi:riir \7 !00 lreldw*rlJ', / W)|#ntf-,,,, @Level6 1,050headworcls C o vcrp h o to qr iph:Cr ) r bi\ iminr ,r r l BLr cketWheel[xcaval or l Patr i c kPl eui ,'dp,r oxFoR I) l ,N r,l l l l l IS B N978 o l r|'l rr'l t r:'= lllll xlll ,l|[ llllllltlllll - Then and Now RobertQuinn lntroduction TheFirstMachines Round andRound Ramps andCranes WaterandWind 10 theTime L2 Tetting Engines andEnergy L4 Ftying Machines 16 Communications 18 20 Computers 22 10 BigandSma[[ Activities 24 Projects 44 PictureDictionary 46 AboutReadandDiscover48 R*TP*R ( )x l.'()t ,.,f rt'"'' s*i ul :il -,- i I ld - _ I I - , I A I 6>1 i v i t i -l'-1 4i - s'$ ?4:.tt,:, W Wm&mr ffimdW#wxd l Readpages10-11 arm axte river saiI i Writethe words miltstonewatermiI wheeI windmi[[ Complete the sentences arms axle grain flour sai[s water whee[ wind Watermitts canmakegraininto Watermilts useenergyfromflowing onthe outside hasa large A watermitt Thewheelturnsan fromthe Windmilts useenergy haslongarmswith big A windmitt The breaks the A mitlstone Write true or false Peopleusewatermi[[s to makebread insidethewatermi[[ the saits turnwhenthewindpushes Completethe puzzle.Writethe secretword Themiltstone A watermitt - the grain - a whee[ s l s A windmitl - w heni t'sw i ndy T hew i nd- a w i ndm i l l 's Thewheel_ a big axle r-* T'-""-r ; $r ,r * i | -'r " - r i i z-1 i r- r We canusewindmi[[s to produce electricity i i-l Ir-i i I -i 1- I '*l i i I 1i - *:i *- i i r i 4'*i Watermitls areusefu[in placeswith no rivers s- ,I Windmills onlyworkwhenit'swindy Watermi[[s don'tuseenergyfromnature Peopte usedwindmitts thousands of yearsago I ' i i l - " " *- i " i ' 1,-*-: i "- - i : i - -l i i i - , Thesecretword t, [" :]-; I - ii- - il W' {" #e{m\ W-Y:ffiffiW#wreffis ffisedffimffitrWW Orderthe words.Thenwrite trueor false I long/ can/ Buses/ distances / travel Readpages14-15 Fu*sr *a* travelt**q dietar:*ee many/ use/ Today/ wood./ vehicles Writethe words biodiesel boat bus car coal diesel oiI gaso[ine heticopterptane train wood cars/ from/ use/ Etectric / batteries / energy and/ human/ Trains/ energy / use/ ptanes from/ made/ is / materiats / Biodieset / plant Answerthe questions L Whatfuelsdo mostvehicles usetoday? 10 11 t2 Whatvehicles don'tproduce smokeor pol[ution? Whattypesof vehicles usehumanenergy? Whattypesof vehicles younormatty use? l il J: ffi Teltins theTirne {* Readpages12-13 I Writethe words digitatclock sandclock mechanicalctock sundial waterclock Write trueor false pointermakesa shadow A sundial's to tetl the time with Sandclockshadglassbubbles waterin them Ona digitatctockwe canseethe timein numbers andcomputers Mostce[[phones haveclocksin them ln waterctocksthe waterflowsfrom the bottomto the top clockshavegears At[ mechanicaI anda pendulum Findandwritethe words Complete the chart batteries gears pots glassbubbles water pointer sand springs sun ffitfm pendutum I a ti t k r u t W o m e S t m W e b u b t k c m n u r c h u d b n o a n I b h t n X a t c c i a t e t s c v I p a z a a d o W q t j :?: V b S S a p t r t I e n r g I o e p s c S h g a n d 10 r l u r ti ;l l W WWy#ffi$W &%mek*mwm ;iii Readpagest6-tz i Writethe words airship helicopterplane jet engine propeller hot-airbatloon Write trueor false Orvi[[e andWilburWrightinvented the firstjet ptane Thefirstp[aneftightin historywas 12 seconds [ong PaulComuftewoneof the world's firsthelicopters in 1903 floatedin theair Comu's helicopter for about20 minutes Theworld'sfirstplaneontycarried oneperson at a time Complete the puzzle.Writethe secretword tr Match.Thenwritesentences Hot-airballoons Helicopters can Someplaneshave Planes didn't jet engines powerfuI exist200yearsago be usefulin emergencies areslowandhardto controt onlycarry_ Sometypesof ptanes Someplaneshave_ to makethemf[y A hot-airba[[oon canfly but it doesn'thavean_ Som ebigpl anes c anc ar r y850_ Helicopters cantakepeopteto _ TheGENH-4_ cancarryoneperson ru m W ffiwmffixwmicatlom$ S Readpages18-19 ,$"Completethe sentences radios telephonestelevisionssate[[itessounds ce[[phones images messagesprograms wires L otd Otd transmitted owdysgu@sbph r:taono r,t'lree n sti5erfl*ffiqlr*#i**s*undg n"ra * * [i $ me:**Qc r ai"r1.ll 1!r {i rt vprrfnsatcl[\te cf pr0g rf,fi rn a\111 60mmunicale wires through showedblackandwhite cantransmit sounds withno Modern Now Findandwritethe words cansendtext transmitlotsof television 3" Match.Thenwritesentences JohnLogieBaird Gug[ielmo Marconi Inventors Atexander Graham Be[[ the telephone in 1895 the firsttelevision in 1944 the radio in 1876 the colortelevision in 1926 Answerthe questions aretherein yourhome? Howmanytetevisions Howmanypeoplein yourfamityhavea ce[[phone? youwatchon tetevision? Whatprograms Howoftendo youwatchmovieson DVD? & w i i l : i.lj]l itt::* a !11 i:itF.]!:: i* ni: : * l1] ! : j; : + ! = : : i: r ; = : ! + i! * n'++] : $ f i : ! € i : i : ! +J *: $ i i { ] | l ] : , J r i ! j q $ i i | e f J ! P '1 g i q q+:{:i@witw:q+rystri!t&1j{1tr1}ry*ryqqry$tf iffiq4s9slry the sentences Comptete ffwffiWw&wwm playgames typewords usethe Internetwatchmovies clickon buttons printdocumentslistento music q:" Readpages20-2L cursor joystick keyboard $ Writethe words modem monitor mouse printer speaker headphones w Youusea printerto Youneeda joystickto You Youusea mouseto Youneeda modemto Youcan on the monitor Youcan with the keyboard if youhavespeakers &, Answerthe questions built? computer t Whenwasthe ENIAC cost? computer Howmuchdidthe ENIAC Circlethe correctwords Thefirstcomputers wereverybig/ smattandheavy invent? WhatdidTimBerners-Lee TheENIAC computer weighed3 / 30 metrictons TheEN/AC computer wasverycheap/ expensive From1960/ L980peopteusedhomecomputers Whatcanwe movewitha mouse? TheWeb/ modemwasinvented in 1989 for? Whatdo youusea computer t ffi6ed%mffi#ffi ffi#W ii Readpages22-23 Write trueor false TheOasiscancarrylotsof peopte TheBagger is a largepassenger vehicle TheOasisis muchtatlerthanthe Bagger Writethe numbers 7.7 13,500 96 4.8 360 180 65 240 5,400 Doctors wi[[ usenanobots to hetppeopte TheMicro-Car canmove,but it's notveryfast W \ \ ffi Nanobots arebiggerthanthe Micro-Car TheBaggeris heavierthanthe Micro-Car TheMicro-Caris biggerthana finger Answerthe questions Oasisof the Seas Bagger288 Micro-Car ,ltemetershigh _ mil[imeters high - metershigh long _ meterslong _ meterslong _ millimeters _ metrictons - metersperhour _ passengers Whattypeof machineis the Baggeft Whatwi[[ doctorsusenanobots for in the future? pootsdoesthe Oasishave? Howmanyswimming Writethe words rcusieihsP n;mniginamche Whatbigmachines youuse? lisri6os6op s3rPn5€gs ceuhile 1i5c5lentt Whatsmallmachines youuse? A Machines Survey A MachinePoster Writetwo morequestionsfor the suruey Findor drawpicturesof a machinethatyou like yourfriendsandfamily.Write/ tor fnteruiew eachanswer andmakenotes Answerthesequestions $t\$t\$t\t\{\t\t\t\\ t\t\${\t l\{\\ t {\t t\$$t\ do? Whatdoesthe machine Yes No Canyouridea bicycle? work? Howdoesthe machine Doyouusuallyweara watch? Doyouhavea computer at home? Aretherewindmillsnearyourhome? walkup ramps? Doyousometimes Whatcanpeopleuseit for? Doyouhavea digitatclock? Doyousendtext messages? Doesyourfamity'scarusebiodiesel? Doyousometimes travelby plane? Whoinventedit?When? games? 10 Doyouplaycomputer LT L2 Makea summary Countthe answers to show yourresults yourresutts Disptay 71 ,.]- ,:'.=.1t:a'rii.1.ry€F -:n:=1n::.:-jn=:. .-=-.-=.39.i

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2017, 14:33



