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Unit 5: Competition

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PERIOD 1 UNIT 1 : FRIENDSHIP – READING Teacher’s Activities Student’s activities 1. Warm-up ( 5mins) : Picture talk - Sts work in two groups. - Stick the pictures of 6 things on the board - Ask Sts to name them and find out what the pictures talk by collecting the first letters of each name from the pictures. - The group that can first find out the word will be the winner. - Checking Sts’ understanding the instruction. - Teacher declares the winner. Lead-in: Ask Sts: Do you have a lot of friends? How many close friends do you have? What do you think are the qualities of friendship? 1. Warm-up ( 5mns) : Picture talk - Work in two groups - Name them and find out what the pictures talk by collecting the first letters of each name from the pictures. - Find out the word will be the winner. The key word : FRIEND 2. Pre-reading (8mns) Pre-teaching vocabulary - Deliver handouts with vocabulary on. - Ask Sts to listen and repeat all of them. - Call on some Sts to repeat the word. - Ask Sts to give the Vietnamese equivalent if necessary. - Ask Sts to look at the picture and ask: 1. Who are the people in the picture? . 2. What are they doing 3. Are they having a good time? Sure, they are. 4. Do you have many friends? Are they good friends 2. Pre-reading (8mns) - Get handouts with vocabulary on. - Listen and repeat all of them. - Repeat the word ( 2 or 3 Ss) - Look at the picture and give to answer 1. Who are the people in the picture? They are friends. 2. What are they doing ? A boy is playing the guitar and others are singing. 3. Are they having a good time? Sure, they are. 4. Do you have many friends? Are they good friends? 3. While-reading (30mns) Activity 1: Read and Check - Tell Sts to read the text silently and check if Sts have the same ideas from the ideas in the text. Activity 2: Gap-fill - Ask Sts to work in pairs. Do Task 1 in the textbook to guess the meaning of the words in the box. - Move around class to give help. - Call on some Sts to read the answers aloud. Activity 3: Main idea - Ask Sts to read the text again and find the main 3. While-reading Activity 1: Read and Check - Read the text silently and check if Sts have the same ideas from the ideas in the text. Activity 2: Gap-fill - Work in pairs. Do Task 1 in the textbook to guess the meaning of the words in the box. - Feedback: Answer key: a. mutual b. incapable of c. unselfish d. acquaintance – friend e. give and take f. loyal to g. suspicion Activity 3: Main idea - Read the text again and find the main idea - Feedback idea. Sts call out their answers. Activity 4: Answers the questions - Ask Sts to work impairs. In turn to ask and answer the questions in Task 3 - Move around class to help. - Call on some Sts to answer the questions. - Give comments on Sts’ answers. Answer key: B – Conditions of true friendship Activity 4: Answers the questions - Work impairs. In turn to ask and answer the questions in Task 3 - Give comments on Sts’ answers 1. What is the first quality for true friendship and what does it tell you?  The first quality is unselfishness. It tells us that a person who is concerned only with his own interests and feelings can’t be a true friend 2. Why are changeable and uncertain people incapable of true friendship?  Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of true friendship because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object. 3. What is the third quality for true friendship and what does it tell you?  The third quality is loyalty. It tells us that the two friends must be loyal to each other and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them. 4. Why must there be a mutual trust between friends?  There must be a mutual trust between friends because if not, people can not feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets. 5. Why can’t people who talk too much keep a friend long ?  Talkative people can’t keep a friend long because they can not keep a secret, either of their own or of others’. 6. What is the last quality for true friendship and what does it tell you?  The last quality is sympathy. It tell us to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend. Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends, there’s no true friendship. 4. Post-reading Discussion: - Ask Sts to choose one of the topics below to discuss in groups. 1. Why do we need to have close friends? 2. “ A friend in need is a friend indeed” What do you think about this proverb? 3. What quality of friendship is the most important to you? why? - Sts share ideas. One secretary from each group takes notes the groups’ ideas. Teacher moves around to give help if necessary. Feedback - A representative of each group reports their group’s ideas in front of the class. - Give comments on their presentations. 4. Post-reading - Choose one of the topics below to discuss in groups. 1. Why do we need to have close friends? 2. “ A friend in need is a friend indeed” What do you think about this proverb? - Share ideas. One secretary from each group takes notes the groups’ ideas 5. Homework ( 2mins ) - Learn by heart vocabulary. - Finish the tasks in their exercise notebooks. - Prepare the new lesson . PERIOD 1 UNIT 1 : FRIENDSHIP – READING Teacher’s Activities Student’s activities 1. Warm-up

Ngày đăng: 25/06/2013, 01:27

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