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I. Pronunciation 1. a. mankind b. advance c. cancer d. planet 2. a. disease b. heat c. healthy d. treatment 3. a. overeating b. pneumonia c. plough d. biology 4. a. picture b. paper c. popular d. psychiatrist 5. a. significance b. species c. clause d. cook 6. a. activity b. wireless c. politics d. habitat 7. a. significance b. preservation c. politician d. evolution 8. a. psychiatrist b. pneumonia c. contaminate d. vegetation 9. a. Bacterium b. Destructive c. vanishing d. ecosystem 10. a. successful b. adventure c. professor d. dairy II. Grammar and vocabulary The weather (be) terrible lately. It (rain) on and off for two days, and temperature (drop) at least twenty degrees. It is in the low 40ss right now. Just three days ago, the sun (shine) and the weather was pleasant. The weather always (change) quickly here. I never know what (expect). Who knows? When I (wake up) tomorrow morning, it may (snow). 11. a. were b. was c. have been d. has been 12. a. rains b. rained c. has rained d. have been raining 13. a. dropped b. had dropped c. has dropped d. will drop 14. a. shone b. was shining c. had shone d. will shine 15. a. changes b. changed c. had changed d. has changed 16. a. expects b. will expect c. to expect d. to be expected 17. a. wakes up b. will wake up c. woke up d. would wake up 18. a. be snowing b. will snow c. have snowed d. would snow If the earth suddenly (stop) moving around, we all (fly) off it. 19. a. stoped/ will fly b. stopped/ would fly c. had stopped/ would have flied When he got up yesterday morning, the sun (shine) brightly 20. a. shone b. will shine c. was shining d. had shone Don’t you know that the bridge has to (close) for repair? 21. a. close b. closing c. closed d. be closed Can you try (do) this exercise again? I don't think you have understood it properly. It looks like you forgot (learn) your grammar. You must always remember (read) and (learn) the grammar explanations thoroughly before even starting an exercise like this one. 22. a. doing b. to do c. to be done d. being done 23. a. learning b. to learn c. learnt d. had learnt 24. a. to read/ learn b. to read/ to learn c. reading/ learning d. to read/ learning 25. Some of the boys ________ didn’t come a. whom I invited them b. who I invited c. I invited them d. when I invited 26. if the storm hadn’t swept through they ________ a good crop a. will have b. would have c. would have had d. will have had 27. lots of people _________ yoga to relax a. give up b. take up c. do d. make 28. the doctor succeeded ________ the patient’s life a. when he saves b. saving c. to save d. in saving 29. I enjoyed Greece, but I ________ to Spain a. had rather gone b. rather went c. would rather have gone d. have rather been 30. many welsh people speak English as their ________ language a. home b. first c. family d. mother 1 1 31. Scientists and doctors have been working very hard in _____ to find out the remedy to cure this a. order b. how c. what d. which 32. Mrs Laura never goes out _______ fresh air except ________ some shopping a. to/ in b. for/ for c. into/ for d. in/ with 33. _______ to now, doctors haven’t been successful yet a. in b. for c. with d. up 34. if we could find out the remedy, we could save thousands of people’s lives and bring happiness ____ many couples a. for b. to c. with d. on 35. if he were younger, he could apply ______ the job a. for b. to c. on d. with 36. They are too far away _______ the beach. They cant walk there a. from b. on c. up d. over 37. building more hospitals means that many people will be taken a better care ________ a. with b. for c. up d. of 38. cigarettes also add _______ to causes of several of these killing diseases a. to b. for c. with d. about 39. psychiatrists and doctors have failed to stop people ________ drinking a. with b. without c. from d. for 40. Peter is not at home now. He is ____ work a. at b. on c. to d. in 41. Tomorrow I will go with you or not, it depends ________ the weather a. with b. for c. to d. on 42. he is very sorry _______ what he said to you yesterday a. to b. for c. with d. about 43. many animals such as the great apes, the whales are thought to be in danger ___ extinction a. of b. for c. with d. over 44. Mrs. Laura Taylor is not very ________now. She is in hospital a. good b. healthful c. well d. sad 45. _________ is better than even the best and most expensive means of treatment a. prevent b. prevented c. prevention d. prevents 46. she eats too much and now she is __________ a. weight b. overweight c. weightlessness d. weightless 47. although the _______ did his best, the operation wasn’t successful a. surgery b. surgeries c. surgeon d. surgeons 48. some of the leading causes of death in many developing countries are physical ____ and ____ a. active/ eating b. inactive/ eaters c. inactive/ overeat d. inactivity/ overeating 49. Our farm raises cattle. It is a _________ farm a. raising- cattle b. cattle-raising c. cattle-raisers d. raisers-cattle 50. Lack of _______ would lead to the fast advance of the process of extinction a. attend b. attendance c. attention d. attentive 51. Heart disease, cancer, accidents, flu … are called killing diseases a. ordinary b. deadly c. dead d. alive 52. we are able to make good advances in the prevention of diseases a. make good progress b. protect c. make allowance d. make a guess 53. about 5000 farmers demand the increase in the price of wheat exports a. drop b. fall c. rise d. demonstration 54. if the government had agreed to lower the cost of machine imports, the farmer’s life wouldn’t have been so hard a. go up b. decrease c. rise d. climb 2 2 55. Hundreds of farmers were prepared to leave the country a. intended b. tended c. were ready d. were about 56. Some farming areas in the country have been abandoned. a. deserted b. enlarged c. developed d. reduced 57. if water resource was contaminated, our health would be affected a. refreshed b. polluted c. boiled d. used up 58. If all the forest vanished, all the earth would be flooded a. appeared b. replanted c. threaten d. disappeared 59. if all the work was done by machines, production in our country would be _________ a. bad b. worse c. lower d. better 60. Forests are being cut down to ________ man’s need of timber and paper a. meet b. demand c. require d. stop 61. wild animals and places are seriously threatened almost _______ a. nowhere b. somewhere c. anywhere d. everywhere 62. if chemical elements on which life depends were kept up in dead animals and vegetation, the bodies of dead plants and animals would never ________ a. vanish b. destroy c. decay d. smell 63. it rained so _______ that only half an hour, everywhere was flooded a. little b. heavily c. normally d. scattered 64. as for smokers and drinkers, medicine is _________ a. of great help b. of some help c. of almost no help d. of harm III. Reading As a result of years of research, we know that ______ animal fat is bad for our health. For example, Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small amount of grains, fruit and vegetables. _____ their diet, they have high rates of caner and heart disease. In Japan, in contrast, people eat large amounts of grains and very ________ meat. The Japanese also have very low rates of cancer and heart disease. In fact, the Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world. ________, as hamburgers, ice-cream, and other high-fat food become popular in Japan, the rates of heart disease and cancer are increasing there as well. People are also eating more meat and dairy ________ in other countries such as Cuba, Mauritius and Hungary. Not surprisingly, the disease rates in these countries _________ along with the change in diet. Everyone wants to live a long, healthy life. We know that the food we eat affects us in different ______. For instance, doctors believe that fruit and vegetables can actually ______ many different diseases, white animal fat can causes disease. We can improve our diet now and enjoy many years of healthy living. 65. a. too b. so much c. too much d. little 66. a. according to b. because of c. owing to d. in spite of 67. a. a little b. little c. few d. a few 68. a. however b. but c. although d. because 69. a. production b. products c. produce d. producers 70. a. increase b. will increase c. are increasing d. have increased 71. a. means b. ways c. measures d. methods 72. a. preventing b. preventive c. prevent d. prevention The natural world is under violent assault from man. The seas and rivers are being poisoned by radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous toxins and raw sewage. The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles; even the rain is poisoned. Its little wonder forests and lakes are being destroyed and everywhere wildlife is disappearing. Yet the destruction continues. Governments and industries throughout the world are intensifying their efforts to extract the earth’s mineral riches and to plunder its living resources. 3 3 The great rainforests and the frozen continents alike are seriously threatened. And this despite the warnings of the scientific community and the deep concern of millions of ordinary people Despite the fact, too, that we can create environmentally-clean industries, harness the power of the sun, wind and waves for our energy needs and manage the finite resources of the earth in a way that will safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of life forms which share this planet with us. But there is still hope. The forces of destruction are being challenged across the globe- and at the spearhead of this challenge is Greenpeace. Wherever the environment is in danger, Greenpeace has made a stand. Its scientific presentations and peaceful direct actions at sea and on land have shocked governments and industries into awareness that Greenpeace will not allow the natural world to be destroyed. Those actions, too, have won the admirations and support of millions Now you can strengthen the thin green line; you can make your voice heard in defense of the living world by joining Greenpeace today. Thank God someone’s making waves. 73. Which of these statements is not made? a. drinking water is polluted b. radioactive waste poisons the sea c. sewage isn’t processed d. cars and factories poison the air 74. the writer __________ a. is surprised that the rain is poisoned b. is unsure why the air is polluted c. wonders why the natural world is being destroyed d. understands why forests and lakes are being destroyed 75. rainforests are being destroyed because governments and industries _________ a. are unaware of what they are doing wrong b. are rich and powerful c. choose to ignore criticisms c. basically care about the environment 76. the earth’s resources __________ a. should only be for people b. can be made to last longer c. will last forever d. belong to just humans and animals 77. governments and industries ____________ a. don’t know what Greenpeace thinks b. can easily ignore Greenpeace c. are forced to understand the problems by Greenpeace d. misunderstand what Greenpeace. IV. Writing: 78. the doctor advised him to give up smoking He . 79. I wont come to see you because I am very busy If . 80. we came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money Unless 81. I made a lot of mistakes because I didn’t study carefully If I . 82. Cuba exports a lot of cigars Cuba is . 83. if I were you, I wouldn’t tell her the story 4 4 I suggest 84. it didn’t rain any more No longer . 85. She is glad that they will invite her to their party She is glad to . 5 5 . a. close b. closing c. closed d. be closed Can you try (do) this exercise again? I don't think you have understood it properly. It looks like you forgot. which share this planet with us. But there is still hope. The forces of destruction are being challenged across the globe- and at the spearhead of this challenge

Ngày đăng: 25/06/2013, 01:25

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