A COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW OF BASIC MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS - SET THEORY PROPERTIES OF REAL NUMBERS NOTATION { } Brul"e.• indicate the beginning and end ofa set notation; when listed e lements or members mllst be separated by commas; EXAMPLE: In A= {4 , 8, 16~ the 4, 8, and 16 arc called e leme nt s or members 01' the set; set s are finite (ending, or ving a last element), unless olherwi se indicated In the middle of a set indi cates c(Jllfilluuti(J1I (JFa patte", ; EXAMPLE: = {S, 10, 15, ,85, 90} At the end of a set indi cates an illfinite set that is , a set with no last element; EXAMPLE: C={3, 6, '1, 12, } Is a sy mbol which literally means '"such that." E Mean s j,\' U member (~r or ;~ an elemellt oj; EXAMPLE: IfA= {4, 8,12 1, then 12 E A because 12 is in set A E Means is 1101 u ",ember of or i.\' not all element of; EXAMPLE: If = {2, 4, 6, X} , then Of because is not in set Empty set or "ull 'tet: A sct containing no elements or members, but which is a subset of all sets ; also written as : } e Means is a slibset of; also may be written as ~ (l Mean s is 11M a "b.• et ot; also may be w ritten as g:; AeB Indicates that e very element of set A is also all elelllellf (Jf scI8; EX1MPLE: If A= 1) } and = : I, S, 6, 7, 9] then Ae8 because the and which are in set A are also in set 2" Is the IIl1l1/ber of slibsef.,· ".1" a set when II equal s the number 01' e lements in that set; E."ldts in x < 13 Notice the > did turn around and bC'L·0111C < becall se you multiplied by a negative number, _ 1/5' ·Check the solution by substituting some Ilumerical \alu : s of the variable in the original inequalit y