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Com prehension Louis Fidge Contents Page Unit Maui makes the sun go slower Unit My pet dinosaur Unit The old man and the strong man 10 Unit A newspaper report 12 Unit The airman 14 Unit Kevin saves the world 16 Unit The magic dress 18 Unit Confucius - a very wise man 21 Unit Different kinds of letters 24 Unit 10 The danger of television! 27 Unit 11 Hori, the greedy brother 30 Unit 12 Life in ancient Egypt 33 Unit 13 An alphabet of food 36 Unit 14 A good night's work 39 Unit 15 Famous explorers 42 Unit 16 How to keep a bird diary 45 Unit 17 I visited a village 48 Unit 18 Martha's mistakes 54 Unit 19 Anansi and the alligator eggs 51 Unit 20 Endangered animals 58 62 Glossary Ski , SeQ IuonText ~au i makes t he sun go slow er Myth (from New Zealand) Type Text Level Sent ence Level W ::rj Level Unit Text Type Text Level Sente nce Level Word Level Unit Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Sente nce comple t ion Present and past tense, (Irregular) Consonant digraph q u I My pet din osaur Humorous poem Questions (lit eral/ appreciative) Com mo n nouns Con sonant dig raph th The old man and th e str ong man I Story wi th a mora l issue Q uest ions (liter al/i nfe rent ial) Catego rising adject ives Simi lar sounds of ow and ou Unit Text Type Text Level Se nte nce Level Word Level A newspaper report Report True/ false statements Speech marks (di rect speech) Lon g and shor t ea sound s Unit Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Wor d Level The airman Shape poem Q uestions (appreciative /eval uative) Conjunction s Rhymin g Unit Text Type Text Level Sent ence Level Wo rd Level Kevin saves the world Sci-f i/ Fantasy adventure Corr ectin g errors in statements Personal pron ouns Use of apost rophes in contr actions Unit Text Type Text Level Sente nce Level Word Level The magic dress Fant asy Sequencing Person al pronoun s Sound of igh Unit Text Type Text Level Se ntence Level Word Level Confucius - a very wise man A uto biography Q uestions (literal/ inf erent ial!evaluat ive Pluralisation of noun s - change f to v and add es Similar sounds of 0; and oy Unit Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Different kinds of letters Letter w riti ng Features of presentation and layou t/ questions Focus on adverbs Changi ng adjectives into adverbs by suff ixing wi t h Iy Unit 10 Text Type Text Level I Sent ence Level Word Level The danger of television! Story with mor al issue True/fals e state ments Forming compa rati ve and superlative adject ives Prefixing wit h un and dis - opposit es - Unit 11 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Hori, the greedy brother Story with a moral issue Sentence complet ion (multiple choice) Collective nouns Synonym s Unit 12 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Life in ancient Egypt Information text (non-ch ronological report ) Features of the text/questions Simple present and past tense Changin g nouns to adject ives by suffi xing w ith tul/less Unit 13 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level An alphabet of food Alphabetically-organised poem Features of poem/questions Adjectives (similes) Alphabeti cal ord er (first and second lett ers) Unit 14 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level A good night's work Adventure story Questions (literal) Speech marks (direct speech) Letter patterns - are, air, ear Unit 15 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Famous explorers Inform ation text Formattin g information in form of chart Adverbs Syllabificat ion Unit 16 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level How to keep a bird diary Instructions Q uestions (Iiteral/i nferential/appreciativ e) Identifying grammatical errors in sentences Sound of ir Unit 17 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level I visited a village Poem with patterned langu age and a mor al Features of poem/questions Prepositions Soft c and g as in ace and age Unit 18 Text Type Text Level Sent ence Level Word Level Martha's mistakes Story with familiar setting Quest ions (literal/inferent ial/evaluat ive) General punctuation Sound of ur Unit 19 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Anansi and the alligator eggs Traditional story in form of a play Features of the play/question s Present, past and future tense Sounds of er and or Unit 20 Text Type Text Level Sentence Level Word Level Endangered animals Information text (non-chronological report) Questions (lite ral/inferential/ evaluative) Pluralisation of nouns - irregular nouns Prefixes en and re Teacher's Notes r d er • s The texts Each book in the series in t rod uces pup ils t o a w ide range of culturally appro priate t ext types, including fiction, poetry and non-fiction Th e books are carefully gr aded according to readabilit y and are increm ental in difficulty The books provid e a valuable complement to any other resources or series currently being used The fact that each unit is structured in the same way makes the books accessible and easy to use The related activities The related activities support the development of essent ial reading skills at Text Level, encouraging pupils to read at different levels including literal, inferential and evaluative comprehension skills The stimulus passages are also used to help pupils deve lop skills at Sentence Level (grammar and punctuation) and W ord Level (spelling and vocabulary) The Skills, Scope and Sequence Chart The 'Skills, Scope and Sequence Chart' (on pages - 3) provides an immediate overview of text types included and skills being developed at Text, Sentence and Wo rd Level Th is chart is very helpful for planning purposes Using the books To gain maximum benefit from th e books, it is suggested that th ey are used systematically, working through each unit one at a time, in the given ord er However, the books may also be used fle xibly, select ing units as desired to complement other work being done in class Tackling the texts The stimulus texts may be tackled in a variety of ways They could be used for shared reading This could take the form of the teacher reading the whole text to the class or inviting different pupils to contribute as appropriate Certain texts e.g poems, provide an ideal opportunity for whole class participation Alternatively, the pupils could be asked to read the text silently or read it aloud in pairs or in groups Whatever approach is used, to make the most of each text it should be discussed to ensure pupils have a good grasp of the literal meaning of the text and any vocabulary th ey may not have met before The related Text Level activities may initially be done as a class verba lly to help pupils reflect on the texts Tackling the related activities The related activities at Text, Sentence and Word Level may be used systematically or selectively as desired However they are used, it is suggested that prior to working any activity there is some discussion with the pupils to ensure they understand what is required of them Teaching Features Units of work There are 20 units of work (of either two, three or four pages in length) Each unit is structured in the same way i.e a stimulus text, followed by three different levels of activities (Text, Sentence and Word Level) Unit number and title Text Level activities (a range of differentiated comprehension tasks) Sentence Level activities (Grammar or punctuation tasks) Maui makes the sun go slower IbT U vH c ,.pl I'tw ,.,.Ipfn sUllabl WCI,d MolUi u ld tha t the sun went 100 J M.l UIsaId th a i lh t' d.t)'1' llliefl! too OOC's the timt! seem to So ' eAlly la d on SQ m~ d.ys nd Ic &lIy 'Slo wly on other day1 W hy )'ou th ink th l t h;,ppen ~ J Ma ul and his brothers w ent 10 Itwo where the sun came up e.ach d y " S ."' '"-U~-;: ~ Wht'n the sun came up lhey ttu _ _ ovt' r It The sun pull~ but it could nol el _ _ The sun go l very _ _ Wh en the men lei go of I ropeS lhe sun moved _ I TnI' sun _ _ _ acros s 1m- 5ky qUickly again mov S , ''''tdlIN p~ 11 kllW I)j kl'l II.'" In In kll DoJ, 11 ~ thi, , 11 AlllL:L 540' 'Th l" vun ~ ~ 100 ras t ' ~ I ~ u l a ld ' f h(' nl~ ht s art' too lo ng Th e (j,lyS ar e too \ llOn, Th t't l' lvn't e nou g h l ime 10 d o e n- r~' t h l n!, ' H i ~ b routc ts ~ ~ l d , 'We agr ee bu t we ca n ' t m a ke the sun go m or e slow ly.' ''1 1:'\, we (a n,' Mau i sate " have ~ pLm ' Mdul and hb bro th e rs Wf' f lt 10 t h ~" ho le whe re t he sun u me up each d a y Tilt")' look W IIlt" fOr"'"' wit h th e m Tlscv h id so Ihat Ihe su n di ll n o r UU Jo; hl thr ew w ilnled (NCi LEvEl S.' A ,lIh I" ( O,,«t pili' ten, Ii"ed {I wt' nl "'(I pullrd , _1r.lfN' n, ,.I r W" _ sec them _ • The- \td, _ Wh,m tne s came u p Iht"y un e tIl(' ropes o v , II "rull" runt ' } lU I ) h OUk cl ' 1 me 1l0 ! mego!' rr it'J rnc sun The , u n [lu lled anti pu ll ed, bUI It co ul[...]... houses We fly at our ease mmmmmmmmmm ZOOM goes the plane, The engine hums Then home again, And down it comes mmmm m m m mmmm z z z zzzzrrrrrrrrrr Cl ive Sansom , from Speech Rhymes (A & C Black) 14 xr LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 What word in the first verse tells you that the engine makes a loud noise? What word in the first verse tells you how the propeller moves? Who do you think says 'Close the doors.'? What word... visits You ca n hel p on th e f a rm some days I have spoken to your mother and she says it is f ine I en c lo s e a train ticket and will meet you at the s t a t io n Love Aunt Grace 24 A letter to parents Hazyview PO Box 1 34 Vancouver British Columbia Ca nada 10 February 2001 Dear Mum and Dad I am having a lovely time at Aunt ie Grace's It is lovely on the farm Every day I help Uncle John and Aunt Grace... Egyptians are similar to games we still play today Children played running and jumping games They also played ball games and with wooden toys Older children played a game like chess, called'senet' 34 1 2 3 4 5 How many paragraphs is the information divided into? How do the headings of each paragraph help you? Why has the River Nile always been important to Egypt? What happened when a pharaoh was buried?... 'You may be strong, but you are very proud You cannot laugh at yourself.' The strong man felt foolish He looked down at the ground and walked away After that, no-one was afraid of him any more 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Where did the story take place? What did the old man want to buy in the market? Who was in the middle of all the people? Why do you think everyone was afraid of the strong man? What happened... The pilot started the engine It was time to go ~llot stnrted th.e en.gln.e becnuse It wns tLme to g~ 2 I hurt my ankle I played football yesterday 3 The monkey will get some bananas It climbs the tree 4 I had a drink I was thirsty 5 We will get wet It rains 6 I will buy some sweets I get some money 7 Peter was late for school He overslept 8 The boy will break the window He throws a stone ORO LEVEL 1... each sentence is wrong Write each sentence correctly 1 Kevin wasn't very good at printing, or sport, or spelling 2 Kevin was good at making silly races 3 One day a helicopter landed in Kevin's garden 4 A man climbed out of the spaceship 5 Kevin made the monster some food to wear 6 Kevin spilled some ~ juice over the monster 7 When Kevin made a face, the monster walked out to his spaceship 8 Kevin said,... SE ENCE L:EVEl Choose the best pronoun to fill each gap 1 Kevin was not good at spelling but he was good at making faces (he / she) 2 The lady was old was tired (He / She) 3 am tall for my age (I / We) 4 The children laughed as ran along (it / they) 5 'Where are going?' the teacher asked (you / he) 6 like singing (It / We) 7 The dog stopped and barked loudly (you / it) 8 is raining (You / It) RD I:EVEl... box SENlENCE LEVEL Who or what does each underlined pronoun stand for? 1 Becky bought a dress and tried it on th.e dress 2 Becky has a cat She likes the cat a lot 3 'We like sweets,' Ben and Becky said 4 Becky saw a whale It was enormous 5 The man wanted the car but it was too expensive for him 6 'Can you come and play?' Ali asked Shireen 7 'Make me a cup of tea, please,' Mrs Cork asked Jason 8 Tom ran... ma",,,,el"'ed a",d polite Alwa)!s speak the tl"'t-\th Alwa)!s play fai~ with othel"'s Do "'ot do a",)!thi"'9 to othel'" people that )!Ot-\ wOt-\ld "'ot like som e o",e to do to )!ot-\ _ 22 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 How long ago did Confucius live? Where was he born? What sentence tells you that Confucius did not go to school? a Why did other children laugh at Confucius? b Do you think this was kind? What... something you play with d to upset f to fix two things together 23 Different kinds of letters Why do people write letters? Here are three very different letters to read An invitation Ha zy vie w PO Box 1 34 Vancouver British Columbia Canada 10 J a nua ry 2001 Dear Susan It seems a long time since we last saw y ou Uncle J o hn and I wo uld love you to come and stay with us for a short holiday We ca n d ... alphabet of food 36 Unit 14 A good night's work 39 Unit 15 Famous explorers 42 Unit 16 How to keep a bird diary 45 Unit 17 I visited a village 48 Unit 18 Martha's mistakes 54 Unit 19 Anansi and the... 1111[" the OPpo&I Uo (J4 · Ibt~· , r W)fI1C'!hwll'f'(Iu.tik Text for reading and discussion Word Level activities (Sp elli ng and vocabulary tasks) The Glossary (pages 62- 64) This explains and... support the development of essent ial reading skills at Text Level, encouraging pupils to read at different levels including literal, inferential and evaluative comprehension skills The stimulus