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SIM335 Managing Project

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SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND BA (HONS) BANKING AND FINANCE Student ID: 149078874/1 Student Name: Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh Module Code: SIM 335 Module Name / Title: Managing Project Centre / College: Banking Academy of Viet Nam Due Date: 15th May 2015 Hand in Date: 15th May 2015 Assignment Title: Individual assignment Students Signature: (you must sign this declaring that it is all your own work and all sources of information have been referenced) Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Managing Project SIM 335 Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID:149078874/1 Submission date: 15th May 2015 Number of words: 3,468 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TASK Core principles/ characteristics of any project and its important Defining the scope of the project Identify the critical path and plotting out a full project Gantt chart Cost management method(s) Risk assessment and management Quality method(s) used for successful completion of the project REFERENCES 10 TASK 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 INTRODUCTION 13 DETAIL PROJECT PLAN 14 I Overview of the project plan 14 II Project Life Cycle (PLC) 14 Project initiation 14 Project planning 17 Project implementation 24 Project closure 26 CONCLUSION 27 REFERENCES 28 APPENDICES 29 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 INTRODUCTION The primary purpose of this assignment is to summarize and analyse all aspects relevant to a project In the first task, all information of a project from core characteristics, scope, and critical path, grant chart, cost management, risk management to even quality method used for successful completion of a project is thoroughly mentioned In the second task, the writer plays an important role as project manager of Parker Ltd who has responsibility for outlining the necessary activities to open new leisure facility, and ensuring that it can open on-time, and within budget Hopefully, this assignment may assist in understanding the important role of a project, especially knowing exactly how to set up and implement a project in practice SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 TASK 1: Different aspects of a project Core principles/ characteristics of any project and its important According to the Project Management Institute - PMI (2008, p.5), a project is defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result It can be said that core characteristics of a project are reflected in its definition, namely temporary and unique Temporary means that every project has a definite beginning and definite end The end is reached when the project’s objectives have been achieved, or when the project is terminated because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or when the need for the project no longer exists Unique means that the project involves doing something which has not been done before A project is always unique on schedule (its beginning and end), resources allocation (budget, human…), specifications (quality), and given targets (objectives) (PMI, 2008, p.5) Each characteristic plays an important role in the success of the project In particular, the identification of a clear objective and specifications, the creation of a realistic, detailed and accurate schedule and budget as well as the utilization of others resources properly will help the project to run effectively, thereby achieving the ultimate goal with excellent outcome As Linda (2015) stated, starting a project without clear objectives, specific direction and a prepared plan of action is like starting out on a road trip with no idea where you are going or how to get there You will waste gas, time and effort Defining the scope of the project In order to define the scope of any project, its three key components that are boundaries (identify what is included and what is not included in the project), deliverables (the outputs that project is expected to gain or produce), and requirements (the interests and expectations of project stakeholders) need to be determined (McConnell, 2010) and Parker Ltd has no exception For example, in terms of boundaries, Parker Ltd has responsibility for ensuring the initial opening of a new leisure facility and operational requirements of the new leisure SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 facility The provision includes swimming pool, sports hall, dry and wet changing facilities, two dance studios All other leisure facilities are out of the scope The project may have deliverables such as all necessary equipments for new leisure facility are installed properly and meet high quality standard Requirements may include: the project must be completed on time and within budget Identify the critical path and plotting out a full project Gantt chart From the given data, a network diagram is formed to provide a graphic view of the project for easier identification of the critical path 3.1 Network diagram Figure 1: The network diagram (Activity-on-note) SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 3.2 Critical Path Paths Duration A-C-F-H + + + = 22 B-D 4+2=6 B-E-G + + = 13 Table 1: The duration of the paths through the CPM diagram The critical path is the longest-duration path through the network (Larson and Gray, 2011, p.643) Therefore, critical path in this case is A - C - F - H which takes 22 days to complete the project and it is highlighted in the red color in the network diagram above The time to complete the project is 22 days 3.3 Gantt Chart Gantt charts are bar charts that display a schedule of all the activities (Burke, 2003, p.166) By using the following Gantt chart, it is easy to see the relationships between activities and time Figure 2: Gantt chart Assuming that this project starts on 14 April 2015, it will finish on 13 May 2015 as Saturday and Sunday are non-working days The critical path is highlighted in red color Cost management method(s) The methods used for cost management are Earned Value Analysis (EVA) and the Milestone Analysis Each method offers functionalities targeting certain applications Earned Value SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Analysis measures a project’s schedule and cost performance by comparing actual and planned schedule and costs to find out whether they are ahead or behind the plan It helps forecast future performance, project completion dates and especially enables manager identify and control problems before they become insurmountable (Milosevic, 2003, p.422) Similarly, Milestone Analysis also used to forecast final project cost, completion date, and develop correction actions if necessary However, drawbacks of Milestone Analysis are less effective and less detailed than EAV Conversely, because of such thing, it creates advantages for Milestone Analysis is that it needs less management effort to set up and maintain (Dennis, 2007, p.446) Therefore, it can be said that two methods are useful in different case Project manager will choose the appropriate method to apply, depending on certain projects For example, as for small project, project manager should use Milestone Analysis Risk assessment and management According to Pinto (2013, p 236), risk management is the process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project In the project of Parker Ltd, the project manager can apply risk management model of Burke (2003) to identify and manage the risk This model includes five steps, namely define objectives (what have to achieve), identify risk (identify areas of risk, uncertainty and constraints which may impact on the project), quantify risk (evaluate the risks and prioritize the level of risk), develop response (how to respond to the identified risks) and risk control (continuing monitor and review the level of risk) (Burke, 2003, p.253) All the risks are recorded in a document - called Risk Register or Risk Log It includes identified risks, probability score, impact score, priority and planned response strategy All information in this document need to update regularly to ensure that the people understand the process and status of the risk SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Quality method(s) used for successful completion of the project Managing the quality of the project is very important for completing the project successfully In order to have better quality management, Parker’s project manager can approach PDCA cycle (Deming cycle) which is an iterative four-step management method (Plan - Do - Check - Act) used for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products (Roughton and Crutchfield, 2014, p.353) Specifically PDCA helps plan and implement the work in a basic way, limit the errors during project execution This also increases team member autonomy when they know how to set up the small plans before embarking on the work, knowing how to check and fix minor errors without the help of the project manager Besides, method of milestones evaluations should be applied in the form of review process before and after every important task as purchasing, installing, testing equipments to support PDCA cycle Especially, final project audit is implemented at the end of the project to ensure that everything was completed as agreed by the customers - local authority (University of Sunderland, 2014, p.122) SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 REFERENCES Burke, R (2003) Project Management, Planning and Control Techniques San Francisco, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc Dennis, L (2007) Project Management England: Gower Publishing Limited Larson, E W and Gray, C F (2011) Project management: The managerial process New York: The McGraw-Hill Inc Linda, R (2015) The Importance of Clear Objectives, Directions & Project Plans Available at: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-clear-objectives-directions-project-plans32965.html (Accessed: 14 April 2015) McConnell, E (2010) Boundaries, Deliverables And Requirements As Key Components Of Project Scope Available at: http://www.mymanagementguide.com/project-boundariesproject-deliverables-and-project-requirements-as-key-components-of-project-scope/ (Accessed: 14 April 2014) Milosevic, D.Z (2003) Project Management ToolBox: Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Management Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc Pinto, J.K (2013) Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage England: Pearson Education Limited Project Management Institute (2008) A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK guide) Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute Roughton, J and Crutchfield, N (2014) Safety Culture: An Innovative Leadership Approach United States: Elsevier Inc University of Sunderland (2014) Managing Project United Kingdom: University of Sunderland 10 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Probability Severity Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Severer 5.Almost certain 4.Likely 3.Possible 10 5, 2.Unlikely 4, 1.Rare Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk Table 4: Risk assessment matrix for Parker Ltd’s project The risk of 2, and 10 are classified as high risk, which is easy to happen and could impact significantly on the project so project manager needs to pay more attention to avoid them Other risks have less impact and less chance to occur, but for best, project manager should always put them under control Project implementation 3.1 Project control According to Field and Keller (1998, p.271), control are the project manager’s predominant activities during main execution phase It is defined as the act of reducing the difference between plan and reality In the case of Parker Ltd’s project, there are two main factors needed to be monitored and controlled are costs and time To this, project manager can use Earned Value Analysis (EVA) method As Nagrecha (2002, p.11) stated, Earned Value Analysis is a better method of project management because it integrates cost, schedule and scope It measures a project’s schedule and cost performance to find out whether they are ahead or behind the plan (schedule and cost variances) and forecast the final project costs and project completion dates (Milosevic, 2003, p.422) It is considered 24 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 as an ‘early warning’ project management tool that enables managers to identify and control problems before they become insurmountable There are three quantities form the basis for EVA, namely Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWC) or Planned Value (PV), Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) or Earned Value (EV) and Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) or Actual Cost (AC) (Nagrecha, 2002, p.11) The formulas regarding cost variance, schedule variance and other performance indices are listed in appendix To support for these calculations, it requires project team need collect and keep all information about expenses in working process and report daily to manager Besides, project manager can control the completion time of each activity based on the Gantt chart to identify exactly which activity is behind schedule for taking corrective action 3.2 Quality management Project quality management is the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken (PMI, 2008, p.189) In case of Parker facility project, quality means successful opening a new leisure facility within months and budget of £67,463 All provisions of new leisure facility must meet the standard of the art fitness centre Parker’s project manager should adopt PDCA cycle which is developed by Walter A Shewhart and popularized by W Edward Deming to manage quality better It is an iterative four-step management method (Plan - Do - Check - Act) used for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products (Roughton and Crutchfield, 2014, p.353) (refer appendix 6) Specifically PDCA helps plan and implement the work in a basic way, limit the errors during project execution This also increases team member autonomy when they know how to set up the small plans before embarking on the work, knowing how to check and fix minor errors without the help of the project manager Besides, method of milestones evaluations should be applied in the form of review process 25 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 before and after every important task as purchasing, installing, testing equipments to support PDCA cycle Especially, final project audit is implemented at the end of the project to ensure that everything was completed as agreed by the customers (University of Sunderland, 2014, p.122) 3.3 Team motivation Maslow (1943) developed the Hierarchy of Needs model which remains valid today for understanding human motivation, management training and personal development (Jones, 2015) Maslow divided the human needs into five levels as figure below Figure 5: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (BPP, 2010, p.197) Project manager must satisfy each need in turn, beginning with the first and moving up to level five Only when the lower order needs of physical and emotional well-being are satisfied is the project manager concerned with the higher order need of influence and personal development (Jones, 2015) All managers need to keep this in mind to follow for the purposes of increasing job satisfaction and performance of team members Project closure The last procedure of project is to handover the project to local authority on closing ceremony (30th July 2015) The reason for project closure is to announce that the work has completed as agreed and the local authority accepts the final product It also ensures that all the payments have been made and finance reconciled, project documentation complete 26 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 and final project reports have been completed Moreover, it is the time to recognize and evaluate individual efforts from the beginning to the end of the project to reward for their contribution (University of Sunderland, 2014, p.124) CONCLUSION This report aims to draw a clear picture regarding opening the new facility By using several techniques such as Work Breakdown Structure, Network Diagram, Gantt chart, Bottom-up cost estimation, project manager can identify time, budget and human resources needed for each task to ensure an effective use of resources Besides, risks are considered carefully by determining risks and giving out the responses for each type of risks that helps the project manager monitor risk and solve it immediately whenever it occurs As a result, the project can be implemented successfully based on this detailed report (Word Count: 2486) 27 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 REFERENCES BPP (2010) Organizations and Behaviour United Kingdom: BPP Learning Media Ltd Burke, R (2003) Project Management, Planning and Control Techniques San Francisco, US: John Wiley & Sons Inc Diego (2013) PM Notes Available at: http://www.studymode.com/course-notes/Pm-Notes44768794.html (Accessed: 21 April 2015) Field, M and Keller, L (1998) Project Management London, UK: Thompson Hamilton, B.A (2015) Module 6: Metrics, Performance Measurements and Forecasting Available at: http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/maprod/documents/EVMModule6.pdf (Accessed: 20 April 2015) IACBE (2015) The Deming PDCA Cycle of Continuous Quality Improvement Available at: http://iacbe.org/qa-cqi.asp (Accessed: 05 May 2015) Jones, M (2015) Personal & Leadership Development Available at: http://www.iimedu.org/thinktank/publications/executive-journal/leadership-success101/leadershipsuccess101.htm (Accessed: 06 May 2015) Maserang, S (2002) Project Management: Tools & Techniques Available at: http://www.umsl.edu/~sauterv/analysis/488_f02_papers/ProjMgmt.html (Accessed: 17 April 2015) Milosevic, D.Z (2003) Project Management ToolBox: Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Management Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc Nagrecha, S (2002) An introdution to Earned Value Analysis Available at: http://www.pmiglc.org/comm/articles/0410_nagrecha_eva-3.pdf (Accessed: 20 April 2015) Pinto, J.K (2013) Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage England: Pearson Education Limited Project Management Institute (2008) A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK guide) Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute Roebuck, K (2012) Project Portfolio Management (PPM) - Optimizing for Payoff Emereo Publishing Roughton, J and Crutchfield, N (2014) Safety Culture: An Innovative Leadership Approach United States: Elsevier Inc Turner, J.R (2008) The handbook of project-based management The McGraw-Hill University of Sunderland (2014) Managing Project United Kingdom: University of Sunderland William, W S L and Martin, S (2004) Project Management Competences: A survey of perspectives from project managers in South East Queenslands Australia: Queensland University of Technology 28 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 APPENDICES Appendix Figure 1: Project Life Cycle (Burke, 2003, p.29) Concept/Initiation During this phase enough information must be gathered in order to decide whether the project should proceed or not ("GO/NO GO" decision) Planning/Development During this phase the actual problem and the right solution for the specific problem is identified Then an implementation plan is developed to give effect to the right solution Implementation During this phase the project tasks are implemented in an organized and structured manner Continuous project management processes play a very important role Commission During this phase an audit is done by reviewing and evaluating the project and its outputs The project is also formally signed off (Maserang, 2002) 29 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Appendix Figure 2: Stakeholder Matrix (PMI, 2008, p.249)  Manager - Key Players/Manage Closely Manager has responsible for main tasks in the project, namely setting up the project plan, controlling overall project activities More than anything, manager is the people communicate directly with team members thereby effecting on their satisfaction and working efficiency If the project is completed successfully, manager can be promoted to the higher position Therefore, manager has both high power and high interest and should be treated as key players  Team members - Keep Informed They are paid salary for their contribution, but they have low power in decision making so they should be treated as keep informed  Customer (local authority) - Key Players/Manage Closely They are people pay expenditure for this project Customer has both power and interest as a result  Suppliers - Keep Informed They have the benefits from offering fitness equipment for this project so they greatly concern about the project However, they have to satisfy requirements given by the company so their power is relatively low 30 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Appendix Team members Required number Roles ‾ Directly manage and control work in progress to ensure that all activities are completed on time General Manager ‾ Adjust and update the project plan ‾ Communicate and encourage employees to increase their performance Lead Consultant ‾ Support manager in balancing quality and cost ‾ Consult how to manage and control project risk ‾ Check quality of equipments ‾ Support manager in contacting and arranging the meeting to discuss, negotiate the prices ‾ Administration staff Prepare documents and legal procedure for signing contract with supplier ‾ Inspecting equipments before making payment Marketing Officer ‾ Clean and decorate leisure facility ‾ Advertising (job opportunities, ceremony day of a new leisure facility) Technical specialists Install and test equipments Human resouce officer Recruit and train new workers Table 1: Role of Parker Ltd’s core team members 31 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Stages Forming Motivation High Effectiveness Moderate Description Manager’s activity The team is formed by Explain manager Their motivation is responsibilities and high due to proud of being roles of each team chosen member and helps They have not understood them understand the project objective yet each other They have never worked together before so the effective is moderate Storming Moderate Low They start working together, Support members to each team members has help them focus on different perspectives or project’s goals experience so it causes conflicts among them Such thing reduces effectiveness and motivation level Norming High Roles and responsibilities are Major decision is clearly identified; conflicts made by manager resolving by establishing but with consulting trust and compromise ideas of individual Members may be so focused team members to on avoid conflict that they select innovative hesitate to share one Moderate controversial ideas 32 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Each member is specialists in Maintain work Performing Moderate Moderate their task and tries the best to performance produce high quality output Motivate members for the purposes of achieving and remind them overall goals regularly Self-satisfaction and underestimation of possible risks cause fall of effectiveness and motivation Mourning High Low Project is completed Celebrate successful, the team will achievement break up Acknowledge the They have high promotion as contribution of each they satisfied with what member achieved and feel confident Keep good to start new project relationship with Aware of broken relationship members who can formed Effectiveness falls work together in the future Table 2: Team development model of Parker Ltd’s project 33 SIM335 - Managing Project 34 Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Appendix Figure 3: Network Diagram (Activity-on-Node) of Parker’s project SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Figure 4: Gantt chart of Parker Ltd’s project 35 (HR) Human resource officer (TS) (MO) Marketing Officer (AS) Administration staff (LC) N = Notify Lead Consultant Project manager S = Support (PM) P = Primary Responsibility Technical specialists SIM335 - Managing Project 36 Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Setting project objective P Finding potential team members P Appointing key team members P Kick off meeting P Planning P Listing all suppliers N Evaluating and selecting suppliers P S S N S P Installing fitness equipments N S Publishing the job descriptions N Filtering the CV N P Interviewing S P Training N P Testing swimming pool S P S S Testing sport hall S P S S Testing dance studios S P S S Testing dry and wet changing facility S P S S Final approval of local authority P Decoration N S S Listing and inviting the guests N P Advertising N P Opening ceremony P Purchasing and transporting fitness equipments S S S S S P P S S Table 3: Human resource planning S P P S S S SIM335 - Managing Project 37 Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Appendix Formula of Earned Value Analysis method Cost Variance (CV) = Earned Value (EV) - Actual Cost (AC) ‾ If CV > 0, project is experencing an “Underrun” ‾ If CV < 0, project is experiencing an “Overrun” Variance Analysis Schedule Variance (SV) = Earned Value (EV) - Planned Value (PV) ‾ If SV > 0, project is on schedule or exceeding the schedule ‾ If SV < 0, project is behind schedule Cost Performance Index (CPI) = Performance Indices ‾ If CPI < 1, cost is greater than budgeted ‾ If CPI > 1, cost is less than budgeted Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = ‾ If SPI < 1, project is “behind” schedule ‾ If SPI > 1, project is “ahead” of schedule Table 4: Formula of Earned Value Analysis method (Hamilton, 2015) Appendix Figure 5: PDCA cycle (IACBE, 2015)  Plan: Establish objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with targets or goals SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1  Do: Executive the plan and implement the processes Collect data for analysis in the following steps  Check: Analyze the actual results (measured and collected in the previous step) and compare against the expected results (the targets or goals from the Plan step) to discover any differences Look for deviations from the plan in implementation  Act: Identify corrective actions in case where differences exist between actual and planned results Determine areas in which to apply changes and improvements (IACBE, 2015) 38 [...].. .SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 TASK 2 Parker Ltd New Leisure Facility Project Prepared for: Parker Ltd Prepared by: Project Manager - NGUYEN THI KIEU ANH 11 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report concerns project of Parker Ltd in opening a new leisure facility to local authority The project plan is proposed by project. .. commission phase (refer to appendix 1) 1 Project initiation In this phase, project objective, feasibility, deliverables, stakeholders, team building, and manager’s competences need to be mentioned 14 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 1.1 Project objectives Project objective means what the project intend to do and want to achieve by the end of the project (Field and Keller, 1998,... Ltd’s project 33 SIM335 - Managing Project 34 Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Appendix 4 Figure 3: Network Diagram (Activity-on-Node) of Parker’s project SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Figure 4: Gantt chart of Parker Ltd’s project 35 (HR) Human resource officer (TS) (MO) Marketing Officer (AS) Administration staff (LC) N = Notify Lead Consultant Project manager S... on-time, and within budget 13 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 DETAIL PROJECT PLAN I Overview of the project plan The project of Parker Ltd mainly focuses on the purpose of opening a new leisure facility with provision of the necessary equipments This project needs a specific plan for controlling and handling day-to-day operations to make sure that the project is implemented... presented as follows: Figure 2: Horizontal Work Breakdown structure of project 2.5 Project Schedule After having WBS, detail implementation plan for project is prepared as follows: 19 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Activity Name Duration Leisure facility project 65 days Initiation 6 days Predecessors A Setting project objective 2 days - B Finding potential team members 4 days... project management because it integrates cost, schedule and scope It measures a project s schedule and cost performance to find out whether they are ahead or behind the plan (schedule and cost variances) and forecast the final project costs and project completion dates (Milosevic, 2003, p.422) It is considered 24 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 as an ‘early warning’ project. .. members 4 Project closure The last procedure of project is to handover the project to local authority on closing ceremony (30th July 2015) The reason for project closure is to announce that the work has completed as agreed and the local authority accepts the final product It also ensures that all the payments have been made and finance reconciled, project documentation complete 26 SIM335 - Managing Project. .. Turner, J.R (2008) The handbook of project- based management The McGraw-Hill University of Sunderland (2014) Managing Project United Kingdom: University of Sunderland William, W S L and Martin, S (2004) Project Management Competences: A survey of perspectives from project managers in South East Queenslands Australia: Queensland University of Technology 28 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID... and within budget The project plan will be described in stages of project life cycle Besides, a variety of project management tools and techniques such as Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Work Breakdown Structure, Risk Assessment, and Project Control is also applied by project manager to support for achieving the given objectives of Parker Ltd’s project II Project Life Cycle (PLC) Project Life Cycle helps... construction…are out of the scope of the project 15 SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 1.4 Stakeholders Pinto (2013, p.58) states that project stakeholders are defines as all individuals or groups who have an active stake in the project and can potentially impact, either positively or negatively, its development The stakeholders of this project are addressed and categorized .. .SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Managing Project SIM 335 Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID:149078874/1 Submission date: 15th May 2015 Number of words: 3,468 SIM335 - Managing. .. of a project, especially knowing exactly how to set up and implement a project in practice SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 TASK 1: Different aspects of a project. .. status of the risk SIM335 - Managing Project Nguyen Thi Kieu Anh - ID 149078874/1 Quality method(s) used for successful completion of the project Managing the quality of the project is very important

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2017, 15:43

