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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 7: Saving energy

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BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12CTC - Unit 7 PART 1: VOCABULARY: Exercise 1. Hãy điền vào các ô trống các từ loại còn lại (nếu có) từ các từ cho sẵn sau đây: Noun Adjective Adverb Verb Nghĩa của từ đã cho economy economic economical economically to economize Nền kinh tế reform to reform Sự cải cách improvement to improve Cải thiện promotion To promote Thăng tiến, thúc đẩy To carry out Thực hiện Constant constantly Một cách thường xuyên National Congress Đại hội toàn quốc, Quốc hội Communist Party Đảng Cộng Sản initiation initiative To initiate Khởi xướng overall Toàn diện renovation Sự đổi mới To restructure Xây dựng lại Living standard Mức sống experience To experience Trải qua To under-develop Phát triển kém domination dominative To dominate Thống trị agriculture agricultural Nền nông nghiệp stagnation stagnant To stagnate Trì trệ inflation Sự lạm phát To eleminate Xóa bỏ subsidies To subsidize Sự bao cấp priority Sự ưu tiên To shift Chuyển dịch To reduce Làm giảm, rút ngắn intervention Sự xen vào, sự can thiệp Trade relation Quan hệ thương mại To encourage Khuyến khích domestic Trong nước. nội địa private Tư nhân, riêng tư investment To invest Sự đầu tư Subsequent to Tiếp theo, tiếp tục commitment To commit Sự cam kết To reaffirm Khẳng định lại To call for Kêu gọi administration administrative To administrate Thuộc về quản lý guidelines Đường lối, nguyên tắc chỉ đạo Land Law Luật đất đai Enterprises Law Luật doanh nghiệp Legal ground Nền tảng pháp lý dissolution dissolvant To dissolve Giải tán, phân hủy Co-operatives Hợp tác xã, sự hợp tác to undergo Trải qua substantial Quan trọng, trọng yếu Land use rights Quyền sử dụng đất Ethnic minority Dân tộc thiểu số Those (Pron) Người, Những ai Exercise 2. Hãy cho biết từ đồng nghĩa hoặc gần nghĩa, từ trái nghĩa của các từ sau (nếu có): từ cho sẵn từ đồng / gần nghĩa Từ trái nghĩa A shortage of A lack of To eleminate To delete, to cancel To shift To change export import To encourage To discourage opportunity chance ineffective effective To increase To rise, to go up To decrease, to reduce, to go down achievement accomplishment rural urban (Từ Exercise 3 trở đi, GV có thể cho HS làm tại lớp, làm ở nhà để kiểm tra bài cũ hoặc làm trong các tiết học tăng tiết. ) Exercise 3: Hãy chọn một câu trả lời đúng nhất: 1. Everybody should be made aware ________ the risks involved. A. on B. in C. for D. of 2. The recent economic crisis has brought ________ a slump in world trade. A. about B. in C. over F. out 3. The government is aiming ________ 50% reduction in unemployment. A. to B. at C. on D. for 4. Sport is sometimes used by governments as a tool of foreign ________. A. policy B. political C. politics D. politician 5. The President has ________ his commitment to the peace process. A. reargued B. reenacted C. reaffirmed D. reminded 6. The government made serious attempts to raise the ________ of living. A. standard B. cost C. level D. mode 7. The police have asked for the ________ of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the escaped convict. A. partnership B. co-operation C. association D. alliance 8. The government shifted economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes. A. moved B. continued C. changed D. encouraged 9. The government introduced a wage freeze so that ________ might be brought under control. A. renovation B. economy C. inflation D. development 10. A strike in the mining industry is threatening to bring about a shortage of coal in the near future. A. redundant B. ruin C. storage D. lack 11. The VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp Unit 7: Saving energy I Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A stopped B weighed C used D climbed A entrance B paddy C bamboo D banyan A grow B open C office D moment A dormitory B forward C organization D information A campus B program C exam D parent A plough B mountain C south D countryside A invite B river C shrine D primary A behave B medal C refine D rewrite A receive B replace C regularly D reduce 10 A label B slavery C late D last II Choose the words that has a different stress pattern from the others A garden B ago C youngest D standard A remain B college C quality D scholar A occasion B religion C federation D collection A economic B encourage C embroider D experience A puppet B unique C tunic D notice III Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences My classmates suggested playing chess but I prefer hike and seek A playing B play C played D to playing You don’t like English food What about Chinese food? A to eat B eat C eating D ate I think we should up our neighborhood A to clean B clean C cleaning D cleaned Our teacher suggests a meeting to discuss about the solution to keep our environment clean A to hold B hold C holding D held Her former leader suggests that she should harder to break her past records A to train B train C training D trained The children volunteer to clean up the local park there are lot of used cans and trash there VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A but B because C and D so Her mother took her to the zoo it owed her some rare animals A but B because C and D so The “Green Sunday” was short: , the students enjoyed it very much A but B because C however D although Hoa missed the bus this morning, she went to school late A but B so C however D and 10 Dioxins are dangerous chemicals they can cause cancer and birth defects A but B however C because D therefore 11 The children ate too much sweet they get toothache easily A so B and C but D because 12 Organically grown fruits and vegetables may not look as perfect, it’s good for your health A so B and C however D therefor 13 Thousand s of gallons of water were polluted some body spilled the motor oil and it swept into the ground A because B so C and D however 14 we use less electricity, power plants will burn less fuel A If B So C Therefore D Because 15 Old newspapers can be used to make newspapers, you can collect them and bring them to the recycling center A so B because C and D therefore 16 Don’t use Styrofoam or aerosol spray they both contain chlorofluorocarbons A so B because C and 17 Pesticides are chemicals poisons used by farmers to kill weeds and insect pests, some pesticides are still in the food when it gets to the market A so B because C and D however 18 We use paper whenever we can, the backs of envelopes or the clean backs of notebook sheets are great for scrap paper A so B because C but D however 18 He didn’t go to school yesterday; .he had to ask his friends what they learned then A but B therefore C and D so 20 The countryside is very peaceful the air is so fresh A but B and C therefore D because VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 21 Ba missed the Math test yesterday , he will have to it next week A therefore B but C and D because 22 My sister is very tired: , she still has to cook dinner for the family A so B however C and D as 23 She doesn’t look so pretty .She has soft voice A and B but C so D however 24 They don’t like the opera it doesn’t look sound interesting A and B but C because D so 25 Daisy is very nice: , all her friends love her very much A and B so C therefore D because 26 Can you turn _ the lights? It’s too dark A on B off C in D for 27 What are you looking ? My picture book I’ve lost it A on B off C for D after 28 There are saving methods and inventions to use solar energy A energetic B energize C energy D power 29 I had to pay much money this month for the international A calls B calling C to call D called 30 A new – conditioner will be this morning A to install B installed C installing D to install 31 Scientists are looking for an way to educe energy consumption A effect B affection C effective D effectively C read D readable 32 We can easily in the daylight A to read B reading 33 She won’t take all these suitcases she likes to travel lightly A so B but C because D and 34 They are completely short of water now A number of people have died because of this _ A shortage B short C shorten D shortening 35 What can we to spend less lighting? A in B on C about D at 36 There will be a _cut tomorrow in Bu Nho A energetic B energize C energy D power VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 37 Your house needs _ right now it’s too old A paint ...Match the answers to each the questions 1/-what’s your name? 2/- How are you today? 3/- What class are you in? 4/- Are you a new student? 5/-Bye. A: Goodbye B: Fine, thanks C: Yes, I am E: Class 7A D: My name’s Hoa 1-D 2-B 3-E 4-C 5-A Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 1:A Friends A1,A3 (page 10 and 12) VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài tập tự luận tiếng anh lớp unit a visit from a pen pal I Rewrite sentences, using “I wish……… ” I don’t know many English words I wish My friend can not stay with me longer I wish I don’t have time to go around the city I wish We don’t have a computer therefore we cannot get access to the Internet I wish I can not go to the car show at the city show ground I wish II Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one Thousands of people have to build that castle for him for years That castle She has never read this book before It is He failed in the examination last year He did not I haven’t eaten this kind of food before This is the first His parents made him study for his exam He was made I don’t really want to go to the museum I’d rather VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí The fire has destroyed many houses Many houses May I borrow your pen? Would you mind ? I started work for the company a year ago I’ve 10 She didn’t say a word as she left the room She left III Give the correct word formation 1- We like their _ (friendly) 2- The between Vietnam and China is good (friend) 3- They seem to be We dislike them (friend) 4- There will be a _ in this street (meet) 5- We saw _ girls there (beauty) 6- Can you give me some the next flights to Florida? ( inform ) VI Rewrite sentences, using “I wish……… ” She doesn’t send me her recent photos I wish My friend doesn’t have money to repair his bicycle I wish My students don’t speak English fluently I wish It won’t be fine tomorrow I wish My brother can not speak French VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí I wish V: Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one Knowing English is very useful It It started to snow at o’clock It Nam is taller than Hung Hung When did you go to bed last night? What ? What time does Nam have to leave? Do you know .? To morning exercises is good It………………… This book is very boring and so is that one This book is as……… Will it be necessary for me to sleep under a net? Shall I have to … .? I last read a book on September 20th I haven’t …………… 10.An began to be interested in healthy eating years ago An has been…………… VI Give the correct word formation 7- The garden is with trees and flowers (beauty) 8- They enjoy the _ atmosphere here (peace) VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 9- The _ unit of currency is the Ringgit (Malaysia) 10- In _, there are other religions (add) 11- They like Pho Bo , they enjoy Bun Bo (add) 12- The _ anthem of Viet Nam is sung (nation) 13- There is an match between Vietnam and Lebanon on VTV3 (nation) 14- The language of _ is Bahasa Malaysia (instruct) 15- Ao Dai is the _ dress of Vietnamese women (tradition) 16- _, Ao Dai is worn by women (tradition) VII Hãy chuyển câu sau sang dạng câu bị động She is writing a letter now _ They speak French and English in Canada _ Nam can’t that math _ Wash your Match the answers to each the questions 1/-what’s your name? 2/- How are you today? 3/- What class are you in? 4/- Are you a new student? 5/-Bye. A: Goodbye B: Fine, thanks C: Yes, I am E: Class 7A D: My name’s Hoa 1-D 2-B 3-E 4-C 5-A Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 1:A Friends A1,A3 (page 10 and 12) VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng anh lớp Unit I From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A continent B depend C send D pretend A says B prays C plays D days A climate B pride C quit D primary A may B can C stay D say A boxes B washes C watches D goes II From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first syllable A scientist B alive C industrial D advice A individual B reputation C experience D scientific A television B decoration C introduction D expectation A achievement B pesticide C minimize D dynamite A prevent B protect C pollute D purpose III Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase There used to a movie theatre here, but it closed a long time ago A be B to be C being D been The children are playing in the schoolyard A happy B happiness C happier D happily I wish they here tomorrow A will come B would come C came D to come C used to D used John write the letter to me last year A is used to B was used to It is difficult English in some weeks VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A to speak B speaking C speaks D speak The capital of Malaysia is A Hanoi B Paris C Kuala Lumpur D Seoul What is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women? It’s A the suit B the shirt C the Ao dai D the blouse Rice is in tropical countries A to grow B grown C grow D grew Two department stores .by them this year A have been built B have built C has been built D has built 10 Nga is English for her work A to study B studied C studying D study C of D on 11 He arrived in England Monday evening A in B at 12 An wishes that he his parents A would visited B can visit C could visiting D could visit 13 Let’s to the cinema A going B to go C go D goes 14 I look forward to you A see B to see C seeing D saw 15 Millions of Christmas cards last month A were sent B sent C send D are sent 16 I English here since I graduated from Qui Nhon University A teach B taught C have taught D am teaching 17 He with his friends in an apartment in Ho Chi Minh City since last week A living B has lived 18 We come to USA English C lived D live VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A study B learning C to learn D studying C must D was C visited D would visit 19 She try to learn English for her job A is B has 20 I wish you us someday A visit B will visit 21 I wish you me with my work last Monday A help B will help C had helped D would help 22 I remember her somewhere A see B seeing C saw D to see C smoked D to smoke 23 Excuse me Can I in this a area? A smoke B smoking 24 Can you turn the light? It is too dark A on B off C down D up C on D till C on D to C collect D collection C careless D carefully 25 We have lived in Ha Noi years A since B for 26 We will go a picnic next week A in B at 27 Are you a stamp ? A collecting B collector 28 I want everybody to listen A care B careful 29 Ann’s birthday is February 14th A in B on C for D at 30 This isn’t my first visit to London here before A I’m B I’m going to 31 It’s very crowded here I wish C I’ve been D I was VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A there were a few people B there weren’t so many people C there is no one D there was somebody here 32 I’ve known him I left school A when B before C until D since 33 Maria’s English is excellent She speaks English A very UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES A. PHONETIC I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band 2) A. money B. month C. monkey D. monitor 3) A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4) A. experience B. embarrass C. floppy D. embrace 5) A. idol B. video C. birthday D. imagine 6) A. cotton B. happen C. extreme D. quickly B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 7) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the A. ideal B. idea C. idol D. fan 8) A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a A. picture B. clip C. news D. cartoon 9) She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes. A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted 10) This girl was disliked by the rest of the class. A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous 11) He pulled a(n) of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket. A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad 12) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) situation before. A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing 13) The children were about opening their presents. A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited 14) I know from that he’ll arrive late. A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality 15) Andrew the test before so he it very easy. A. did/ had found B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding 16) You your new hat when I you yesterday. A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met 17) As I the glass, it suddenly into two pieces. A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken 18) A burglar into the house while we television. A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched 19) When I home, I a phone call. A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received 20) They small cups of coffee after they dinner. A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished 21) It was midnight. Outside it very hard. A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining 22) When he at the station, his train already A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 23) While I did my homework, I had a good idea. A B C D 24) Don’t make so much fusses over the children. A B C D 25) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday A B C D 26) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle. A B C D 27) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from. A B C D III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense. 28) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) my keys. 29) While Diana (watch) her favourite TV programme, there (be) a power cut. 30) Who (drive) the car at the time of the accident? 31) By the time Sheila (get) back, Chris (go) home. 32) David (eat) Japanese food before, so he (know) what to order. 33) I (do) some shopping yesterday, when I (see) your friend. 34) What you (do) when I (come) to your office yesterday? 35) Laura (miss) the party because no one (tell) her about it. C. READING Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank. MARIA’S HOMECOMING When the bus (36) in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t realize that she had arrived at her destination. “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said. “You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be (37) for us. Come on. I’ll carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I (38) in New York, I used to dream if this moment. And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Qu¶ng TiÕn   !"#$  !" #$% $   &'$%()*+ ,-./0"1,2234, #-5'/0" #6789-$/0232%,:  ;<=/>'57  :=/>  89-$532%,:  /03?/0$@A(@A($2B A%3/C'/0"$/03?'/0 3? D,(  % %& %'()2%EF,:E/02E# G #H(-=I-J/02$6,'5,:3I ,( G ;E#F#)K%L#)M% %'(* a) ; NO KP Q RO− + b) ;6%*. N Sx − 5T %'(+ G;  U SN N NV Q QG Q+ − G; NO KP Q SR VN− + + G;6%* ( ) N N S Qx − = %'(,2., S  S S S x x x x A x x     + − = + −  ÷  ÷  ÷  ÷ + −     G ;6%,-*'.,E G WX7E G ;6%3=Y 'E %'(-2., * S * N * S E * S * S − + + = + − + Y * O* S≥ ≠ GWX7.,E G;6%*.E53!Z %'(. : 2., N N S S a a a a P a a    + − = + −  ÷ ÷  ÷ ÷ + −    G ;6%,-*'[ G WX7.,[ c) \Y3$2'6[53! N S S N − +  %'(/ 2.,[) GSUQ KN R x xx xx −+ ++ − Y* ≥ O G WX7.,[ b) ;6%3,(I@/C'*..,]) P P −S N 3,(I %'(0 2.,[U*G) N S  S S S x x x x x x   − + + +  ÷  ÷ − +   Y* ≥ O$* ≠ S G WX7.,[U*G G ;6%*.N* N +[U*G ≤ O %'( 2$%()N*+Q G \^&'$%3I G _7E$F=$2.%'&Y3`79;@-%aEFUYa=$ 79$C3I3`79=$b%bG G ;52c/0"()N*+QY3`a* %'()12$% Sy x= + $ Qy x= − + G \^&$%3I4-3`29a*( G F!&*292.%E'/0"3I c) ;6%3'%./0" U SGy mx m= + − &d,Y/0"3I %'())2$%()UKeNG*+QeUSG G;6%3'.$%USG& G;6%.&'$%USG22Y/0"()*eN G\^&'$%USG)S %'()*\D/C36'/0!U@G5-5!V$d,.%8UNLSG %'()+2$%()U%eNG*+N%+S234 G \Y3$2'%6$%& G ;6%%.&$%UfG22Y/0"()N*eS %'(), G;3I4-3`79^&'$%, U@ S G()*+N$U@ N G()eN*+P G;6%792.%E'U@ S G$U@ N G!DgD G;52c/0"U@ S GY3`a* %'()-2%EF,:E/02E#F M L SNAB cm AC cm= =  a) ;25FU=$%3?9G$9@$F# G _7hLi=$6,'#3IEFLE%EhEF)EiE %'().2j/03?UaG/0EF)NW\^/03?A%k/0aF Gl/03?UaG$UkGD*X, G\^@A(Fm'/03?UaGUFm/0G@A(Fm1/03 ... lost it A on B off C for D after 28 There are saving methods and inventions to use solar energy A energetic B energize C energy D power 29 I had to pay much money this month for the international... your home, so take them there Most of the world’s energy comes from the sun The sun’s energy is in wood, oil, and other things that people use for energy ... lighting? A in B on C about D at 36 There will be a _cut tomorrow in Bu Nho A energetic B energize C energy D power VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 37 Your house needs _

Ngày đăng: 20/12/2016, 01:02

Xem thêm: Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 7: Saving energy



