Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.. Therc were two sisters ahead of me in lhe family, and though of course I didn't know it, therc was e»ciled Ialk of emigration.. Six month
Trang 1Test 1 Paper 1 Reading
You are going to read an extract from a book For questions 7-14, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
They call Jamaica the 'Island in the Sun' ;md thlll is my memory of it Of~unshine, wannth and abundant fruit growing everywhere, and of love I was born on 2 April 1960 in St Andrews in Kingston Therc were two sisters ahead of me in lhe family, and though of course I didn't know it, therc was e»ciled Ialk of emigration possiblytoCanada but more
usually to England,lhe land of opportunity I guess Ihat plans were already being made when I was bom for a year or so later my Dad left for London Two years arrer thu! when he had saved enough money my Mum went as well and my 5 sisters and I were lefl in the care of my grandmolher I slllyed with her in her house near the centre of Kingston until I was seven years old My grandmother therefore shaped my life and I believe I am al1the better for il.
This was all fairly nonnal Emigrating to better yourself was:a dream for most Jamaicans a dream many were
detennincd10fulfil Families were close and grandmolhcrs were an important part of family life so when the mass
emigmtions began it seemed perfectly right and natural for Ihem to lake over the running of the families left behind 10 Afler all.lhey had the experience.
GrandmOlhers are often strict but they usually also spoil you At least that is the way it was with mine She ran lhe
family like a military operation: each of us no matter how young had our tasks I remember Ihat we didn't have a tap in the house but used a communal lap from which we had10rill two barrels in our garden Every morning before we went
to school we all had to take a bucket approprintc to our size and run a rclay from the communal tapIQthe barrels until 15 Lhey were full In thc beginning whcn I was two or three I couldn't reach the barrel- but I still had to join in My sisters had10sweep the yard before thcy welllto school My grandmolher would give orders tllthe eldest and these were
passed down -as I got older I found this particularly annoying! BUI I can tell you no one avoided lheirduties.
My Dad came over from England to see how we were getting on I hadn't known him whcn he had left for Britain but when I saw him I !'omehow knew that he was my falher He I'llked to u aboutlhe nc\\ country about snow aboutlhe 20 huge city, and we all wanted to know morc, to see what it was like Heal~otold me thall now had a younger brother.
which made me feel excited and wonder what he could be like I didn't know it at the time but he had eome to prepare
us for the move to England Six months later my grandmother told me Ihatl wa going10join my parenrs and that she too was cmigrnling It was the end of my time in the Caribbean of the sheltered wuml family life that I had known
London was strange and disappointing There was no gold on the pavement: a the stories in Jamaica had indicated.
Back home it had always been wann Everyone was friendly and said 'Hello' when you passed by on the street; in
Kingston you knew everybody and they kncw you Here it wasn't Iikc that The roads were busy the buildings were
grey and dull with many tall high-rise blocks It was totully IJnlike Jamaica the houses all small and packed close
together In my grandmother's house I had a big bedroom: here I had 10 share Althm age it was a great disappointment 30 Worse was to come because there followed a very cold wime-r, and I had never felt cold in my life before Then came
the biggesl shock: snow White flakes came out of Ihe sky and Dad smiled pointed and said 'That's snow!' I rushed
outside looked up and opened my mouth10let the flakes drop in The snow settled on my tongue and it was so cold that
I cried My toes lost all feeling, and at the primary school that we anended I wasn't allowed to wear long lfousers at my age The teachers made us go out to play in the playground and Ijoined in with all the fun sliding around in the snow 35 Ihrowingsnowballs, all the usuallhings Suddenly as my shoes and socks got soaking wel and frozen there came an
excruciating pain and I cried with the intensity ofil.1 didn't what was happening to me.
Trang 27 The writer says that when he was very young,
A he was upset because his parents left.
B he was very keen to go to England.
C his parents had decided to leave.
o his parents changed their plans.
8 According to the writer, many people from Jamaica at that time
A wanted to be free from responsibility.
B had ambitions that were unrealistic.
C wanted to improve their standard of living.
o disliked the country they came from.
9 The writer says that when he lived with his grandmother
A he was treated like the other children.
B he wanted to be like the other children.
C he tried to avoid doing certain duties.
o he found some of her rules strange.
10 What does 'this' in line 18 refer to?
A being told what to do by his sisters
B having to sweep the yard before school
C having to do duties he found difficult
o being given orders by his grandmother
11 What happened when the writer's father came?
A His father did not tell him why he had cam
B He did not know how to react to his father.
C His father told him things that were untrue.
o He felt anxious about what his father told him.
12 When the writer first went to London, he was disappointed because
A it was smaller than he had expected.
B he had been given a false impression of it.
C he had to spend a lot of time on his own.
o his new surroundings frightened him.
13 What does the writer say about snow?
A He was not sure how to react when he saw it.
B He regretted coming into contact with it.
C He was embarrassed that it made him cry.
o He was not very keen to touch it.
14 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A Too Many Changes.
B A Strange Childhood.
C Hard Times.
o From Sun To Snow.
Trang 3Test 1 Paper 1 Reading
You are going to read a magazine articli9 Eight sentences have been removed
from the article Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each gap
(15-21) There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use There is
an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
On camera
\X!hen I saw the notice '\Vomen film extras
wanted' in a local newspaper, I jumped at the
chance As a child I had dreamt of being a
film star []] { I
The casting interview, held in a church hall
with many budding actors in attendance,
went well, and two days later I was told that 1
had been chosen The production in question
was revealed as Scottish Television's Dr Fiu/ay
drama, which is set in the 1950s.
[}ID I Extras are often left in the dark for
some time when it comes to being told which
role they will play Finally, the narure of my
role was revealed; I was asked to play a
mental hospital patient.
[!ID IThen, barely a week later, the day
of filming dawned All 13 of us extras, mainly
housewives, were told to change into our
costumes in the wardrobe department Then
we were driven to the location, a hospital on
the fringes of Glasgow It seems that it is
commoo for old hospitals to be used in this
On arriving, we were given coffee and tea,
which looked and tasred like cement Then
we were rushed off to make-up My hair was
pinned back and make-up was applied that
gave me a pale appearance Then we were
sent to the minibus for a few hours, as the
cameras rolled elsewhere.
After the second hour had passed 1 was
to be so busy that I hadn't come prepared for
a long wait Many of the others had brought a
book or knitting.
A large room in the hospital had been
transformed into a dayroom for that purpose.
Although I had expected the room to be warm because of the lighting equipment
present, it was quite chilly.
When the director came in, we were instructed what to do and where to stand Along with a few others, 1 was told to sit at a
table and weave baskets IJ!] I The cane
we had to use was very long On several
occasions my basket fell apart in front of my
very eyes On others I only succeeded in hitting a cameraman in the eye.
circle the floor Poor AJice was asked to
pretend to bang her head against the wall.
Meanwhile, Veronica swept the floor.
Thankfully, after just a few attempts, the
found the experience very interesting, my first screen role will almost certainly be my last.
Trang 4Test 1 Paper 1 Reading
A This was not an easy task.
S Life for the other extras was far from easy.
e So some things just aren't meant to happen, I suppose.
D Despite my disappoinnnent, I agreed to participate.
E And so my [lIst taste of this <glamorous' career was over.
F I was to lose some of my enthusiasm for the idea, however.
G I bet stars are never treated like this, I thought.
H Then at last we were called to do our scenes.
Now at last I would get my chance.
Trang 5Test 1 Paper 1 Reading
You are going to read an article about supermarkets For questions 22-35, choose from the sections of the article (A-E) Some ot the sections may be
chosen more than once When more than one answer is required, these may
be given in any order There is an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Which section refers to:
an arrangement between producers and supermarkets?
the order in which customers buy goods?
customers consuming goods they have bought?
a method that may have the opposite effect to the one intended?
customers having the wrong idea about somethinfl?
goods getting damaged?
supermarkets being reorganized?
matching something to particular types of custom",?
not putting certain types of goods together?
supermarkets paying attention to customers' comments?
a system that may die out?
Trang 6Test 1 Paper1 Reading
Their secrets revealed
Last straw
A recem supcnnarket study reported a
38%increase in sates whcn thc Sloreplayed slow l)lUsic compared10 f:l~t.
However you c:m shop in silenceat
"ornesupermarket!> which ncver play
mu~ic- thcircustOlllers say it putS themoff
Perhaps you're tooconsiderJte! Forexample, don'llhink Ihe widercheckouls marked 'disabled' areexclusively forwhce1chairs If thereare
no wheclchaircuSlorners waiting,anyone is wckome to use them And ifyou're in a real hUITY, avoid the eheckoulassiSlant wearing11 'traince' badge - asign of possible delay
-Why doI 1I1\\'1I)'Schoose Ihe queuclhal man's lhe slowest?'
more- or a way of projecting an image.One supcnnarkel plays 196Cb mu:oic to
go wilh its decor Another l>elS oulsimply10please- playing t95()" and1960s music In the moming when older
"lblOmers do most of their shopping,pop mUl>k' in the l,lVcnings and011
Saturday for a younger audience and
lllu~icthat <lppeals10the hole fumily
on a Sunday Some~Iore:.U.\>C music toincrease their profits by playing slowwalt/csar light cla"'!tlc!t on quiet dayl>.like Mondays, to keep customerl>
browsing llnd buying Al busier S:lturdays, they'll increase Ihelempo10encountgc customer!; to movequickly through the slore
The eye-calching di"play on the unit atthe cnd of a row does notnece~sarily
mean that lhe gooch are Ihe bargain ofIhe week.a~you ma) think
Manufacturers -,ometime"pay Ihe
"up'-~mmr"el toput the ir br::ands lllthebest po:.ition:o Among the besl are theplaces acro:.) Iheend~of units wherecustomer traffic is very high
'Why is it that superlllurkels changetheir layoulsooften?JustwhenIhavespeeded up my shopping by knowingwheN.' c\'erything is.llhey mm'e thesection!'
buy For years some :.corcs ha\e beenpipingsmell~ offre.~hlybaked bread andreal coffee through the aiHonditioning
to get appetites going BUlthi 111:1)'he
counterproducthe the retail consull:'l.l1\SRctail Dynamic!> point out: 'Ifyou arcdoing yourshopping at lunch or dinner·
lime when )'ou are already hungry.lhel>lIlell of baking may SI:nd you str::aightlothe bread eoulller and tthcn out of Ihestore so you can eat quickly:
This is anotherW:lYof trying to makeyou buy things )'ou thought you didn'tneed SupennarkelS make most of theirmane)' Out of fresh fOClds and 'luxury'snacks and far less on essentials likemilk sugar and bread So everydayitems llre scaHcrcd around Ih" storebeeau:.c in ordcr(0gel lhem.)OUhave10
pass the 'high eamers' and, hopefully
suddenly decide10buy some
On the scent
Fresh start
'Why are the fresh fruil and
\ egecables usuully al lhe enlr"'dnce to
Iheslore? Il's lIlwlI)'S crowded, and
they gel squlJshed if Ilul\'c to Iliad
hea\')' cans and packets on top.'
Now:tdays trolleys should ha\ e a
~par,.IIecompanment where you can
placc fruit and \cgetublc'sothey don't
get :.quashcd
It'~ ~implybecause supermarkcts makc3
high profit on fresh fruil and vegctable::
and Ihey ha\'c discovcred they ::.ell more
of (hem if they're near the cntrJ.llce
According10re,:,carch carried out by
\upcnnarkcts customer!> prefcr fresh
goods10come first Maybe it's because
many of us arrive atlhe store
conccntr-Jting on the k.inds of fruit and
\cgetablc wc necd Once wc'vc gotlhat
out of the way, we can relax :llld do the
re~tof(heshopping otleisurc Another
reason is thal if we sec fresh goods first
lhe "ight and smell of all those rol>Y
apples and glossy aubergines givca'fcel
good' Impression of freshness and
quality which wc carry around the l>lOre
Ha\ e you cver wondered why somc
"tares smell of fre hbread or hy l>011lC
play music and Olhcrs don'('! Wca~ked
(hee.'(pens at SupcrMar"cting magazinc
(0 explain some of the hidden tricks of
thc tr::adc
'1)0they hll\'e10pipe smellsoffreshly
baked bread around start's?Ialwa)'s
end up buying an extra loafor cake
bt'cause the smell is just so lempting:
Th:Il'~whUllhe storei~counling on! II'S
ell·known in the retnil food indu,try
that ,melli~the most pov:erful ofhulllan
~n~'iwhen it comes10inlluencing our
choice of where ·e shop and hat we
-Why doesIll)'superDllarkl't ha\'c toplay musicallthe lime? 11 drives memad and I can't avoiditsince it's theonly store I can reach conveniently.'This mn) bean attempt to pleasecU'lOmcrs -Ml they will enjoy l>hopping
CheckOlllS could become a lhin,g of thepast anyway Onc~upemlarkelis testing
a hand·held umt hich customers u ethemsel\esasthey shop.11rcad andre"ords the prices ofgrocerie~and IhentOtals the bill but )'ou slill have 10 paybl:fore you Ic:lve