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child and adolescent counseling chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Individual Psychology One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement W hen someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own John O’Donohue © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Chapter Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: •Outline the development of individual psychology and Adler •Explain the theory of individual psychology •Discuss the counseling relationship and goals in Adlerian counseling •Describe assessment, process, and techniques •Demonstrate some therapeutic techniques •Clarify the effectiveness of Adlerian counseling •Discuss Adlerian play therapy © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Alfred Adler • Born in 1870 in Vienna, Austria • Received medical degree • Was a member of Freud’s discussion group • Emphasized human nature as being fundamentally social • Moved to U.S in 1935; died in 1937 © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Individual Psychology • German word Individualpsychologie meaning “psychology of the whole that cannot be divided” • Basically a psychology that is concerned both with individuals as they are in themselves and in their relationships with others © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Nature of People • People develop a sense of inferiority because they are born completely helpless and remain that way for childhood • Human behavior falls on a continuum between concepts of masculinity, representing strength and power and femininity, symbolizing weakness and inferiority © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Nature of People • Need for Success: People seek power and prestige and strive for goals related to social approval • Goals of Behavior: All behavior is goal directed • Lifestyle: Pattern of behavior that will predominate throughout a person’s life • Social Interest: A person’s amount of social interest is a good barometer of mental health • Family Environment: Three environmental factors affect the development of a child’s personality: family constellation, family atmosphere, and the prevalent methods of training © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A The Family Constellation • One goal of counseling is to construct a picture of the family dynamics and the child’s place in the family constellation • Ordinal position in the family is a key to the lifestyle pattern being developed by the child and may have a significant effect on how that child perceives reality © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Family Atmosphere • Adlerians stress the importance of the family atmosphere in the development of the child • Family constellation is the description of how family members interact • Family atmosphere is the style of coping with life that the family has modeled © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Family Atmosphere Profiles © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Theory of Counseling Adler’s four ties create reality and meaning in people’s lives: People are on earth to ensure the continuance of the human species Our survival depends on our need to cooperate with our fellow human beings Human beings each live in two sexes the masculine, powerful side of our nature and the feminine, weaker side of our nature Human problems can be grouped into three categories: social, occupational, and sexual © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A ATTENTION GETTING Corrections of Misbehavior and Attention Getting -ADULT’S REACTION • Feels annoyed -THE PROBLEM GOAL AND FAULTY LOGIC • Wants to be noticed -ADULT”S CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES • Gives attention when child is not making a bid for it • Ignores misbehaving child -ADULT”S INTERPRETATIONS OF CHILD”S GOAL TO HIM/HER • All questions must be asked in a friendly non-judgmental way and NOT at times of conflict “Could be that you want me to notice you?” © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A POWER STRUGGLE Corrections of Misbehavior and Power Struggling -ADULT’S REACTION • Feels threatened -THE PROBLEM GOAL AND FAULTY LOGIC • Wants to be the boss -ADULT”S CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES • Withdraw from the conflict “Take your sail out of their wind” -ADULT”S INTERPRETATIONS OF CHILD”S GOAL TO HIM/HER • All questions must be asked in a friendly non-judgmental way and NOT at times of conflict “Could be that you want to be the boss?” © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A REVENGE Corrections of Misbehavior and Revenge -ADULT’S REACTION • Feels deeply hurt -THE PROBLEM GOAL AND FAULTY LOGIC • Wants to get even -ADULT”S CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES • Avoid punishment • Enlist a “buddy” for them -ADULT”S INTERPRETATIONS OF CHILD”S GOAL TO HIM/HER • All questions must be asked in a friendly non-judgmental way and NOT at times of conflict “Could be that you to get even?” © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A DISPLAY OF INADEQUACY Corrections of Misbehavior and Display of Inadequacy -ADULT’S REACTION • Feels hopeless -THE PROBLEM GOAL AND FAULTY LOGIC • Wants to be left alone -ADULT”S CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES • Lots of encouragement -ADULT”S INTERPRETATIONS OF CHILD”S GOAL TO HIM/HER • All questions must be asked in a friendly non-judgmental way and NOT at times of conflict “Could be that you want to be left alone?” © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Remember • Misbehaving children are discouraged children trying to find their place • They are acting on the faulty logic their misbehavior will give them the acceptance they want • First goal, attention, minor discouragement; fourth goal, inadequacy, deep discouragement • Corrective procedures may range from encouragement to logical consequence © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Encouragement Praise (reinforcement) Bribery Occurs before child completes or starts task Occurs after child performs behavior or completes task Occurs during child’s misbehavior Focus is on encouragement, intrinsic reinforcement, and logical consequences Focus is on extrinsic reinforcement Focus on extrinsic manipulation of child’s behavior “I have faith in you.” “I’m proud of you.” “I know you can it: let me help you get started.” “Good job.” “I liked the way you handled that.” “You played a good game.” “If you quiet down, I’ll give you a candy bar.” “I’ll buy you a surprise if you stop fighting.” “Stop bothering me and you won’t have to help with the dishes.” © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Consequence Determine the natural/logical consequences: a consequence relates directly to what would happen if others did not interfere © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Logical Consequences versus Punishment Logical Consequences Punishment express the reality of the rules established by social order express the power of personal authority rather than social reality related directly to the misbehavior rarely related to the misbehavior cancel out the practice of adults making moral judgments Punishment, replete with all the accompanying lecturing, nagging, and insulting, inevitably involves moral judgment have a here and now effect deals with the past are such that the adult can maintain the pleasant voice of a friendly by-stander Punishment has a tendency to disturb the relationship of the person to the situation and to the person in authority © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Punishment Characteristics Underlying Message Logical Consequences Likely Results Characteristics Underlying Message Likely Results Emphasis on power of personal authority “Do what I say because I say so.” Rebellion, desire Emphasis on for revenge, lack reality of of self-discipline, social order sneakiness, irresponsibility “I trust you to respect the rights of others.” Cooperation, respect for self and others, selfdiscipline, reliability Rarely related to action: arbitrary “I’ll show you.” “You deserve what you’re getting!” Resentment, desire for revenge, fear, confusion, rebellion Logically related to misbehavior: sensible “I trust you to make responsible choices.” Learning from experience Implies moral judgment “You’re bad.” “You’re not acceptable.” Feelings of hurt, guilt, desire to get even Treats person “You are a with dignity, worthwhile separates person.” deed from doer © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Senses he/she is acceptable even though behavior is not Punishment Characteristics Underlying Message Logical Consequences Likely Results Characteristics Underlying Message Likely Results Emphasis on “You’ll never prior behavior learn.” “I can never count on you.” Feels unacceptable, feels that can’t make good decisions Concerned with present and future behavior “You are able to take care of yourself.” Becomes selfevaluating, selfdirecting Threats of disrespect, violence, or loss of love, either open or concealed “You better shape up!” “No child of mine would a thing like that.” Fear, rebellion, guilt feelings, desire to “get back” Voice communicates respect and good will ‘I don’t like what you are doing, but I still love you.” Feels secure about parent’s love and support Demands of compliance “Your preferences don’t matter.” “You can’t be trusted to make wise decisions.” Rebellion, defiant compliance Presents choices “You are capable of deciding.” Reasonable decisions, increased resourcefulness © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Considerations • Logical consequences are not appropriate for clients who display inadequacy Do not criticize, pity or give up Encourage and concentrate on what the client can • Punishment does not work Hitting, denying privileges and criticizing teach that power is important It is negative, discipline is not • Rewards are something given to someone in an inferior role © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Levels of Isolation Seat #1 Seat #2 Quiet Corner Time Out Room Systemic Exclusion Hospital Jail Death © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Adlerian Play Therapy • Begin by assuming referred children are discouraged children • They have negative convictions about themselves and the world • Goal is the reduction of this discouragement • Therefore, choose play techniques to provide encouragement © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Adlerian Play Therapy Phase 1: Establish a democratic, empathic relationship Phase 2: Explore child’s lifestyle, highlight beliefs, attitudes, goals, emotions and motives Phase 3: Interpret the lifestyle, faulty convictions and self-defeating goals and behaviors Phase 4: Help the child use the insight and convert it into action © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A Benefits of Adlerian/Individual Counseling • Cultural groups favoring a family, group, and/or community emphasis in counseling will find individual psychology to be comfortable and compatible in examining their lives and behavior patterns for possible change • Parent Education © 2011 Brooks/Cole, A [...]... Counselor’s job is to re-educate children who have developed mistaken ideas about some concepts of their lives • Counselor and child are equal partners in the process • Child is a responsible person and can learn better ways to meet personal needs • Positive view of human nature indicated through the counselor’s faith, hope, and caring attitude toward the child © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Counseling Process Phase... Well-Adjusted Child Exhibits the Following Qualities: © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Theory of Counseling • Two fundamental styles of life: direct and indirect approaches through strength and power or through weakness • Focus of counseling is harnessing the drive to compensate for weakness so that positive, constructive behavior results • Adler believed that people are pulled by their goals and priorities © 2 011 Brooks/Cole,... lifestyle © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Goals of Misbehavior • As children grow and interact, they gradually develop methods for achieving their goal of belonging • Several factors such as family constellation, family atmosphere and the child s reactions to these are critical in the development of coherent patterns of behaviors and attitudes © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Goals of Misbehavior • Dreikurs and Soltz analyze... of children • Children with no pattern of misbehavior have the goal of cooperation and collaboration • They find their place and feel good about themselves • Socially and personally effective • By contrast, discouraged child pursuing mistaken goals © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Goals of Misbehavior 1 2 3 4 Attention Getting Power Struggle Revenge Seeking Display of Inadequacy • Adults can teach themselves and. .. Inadequacy • Adults can teach themselves and children about these mistaken goals and help children find other ways to meet their goal of belonging © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Interventions for Four Goals • Four goals intended to help adults understand that how they feel about what the child is doing most clearly explains the child s mistaken goals (attention, power, revenge, and withdrawal) • Steps outlined for... Counseling Method • No distinction between conscious and unconscious material • Frequently analyze inferiority feelings • Questions similar to lifestyle interviews • Examine the academic, extracurricular and social adjustments • Primary goal is to point out to the client the overcompensation and defensive patterns being used to solve problems and to find more successful ways © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Counseling. .. years of the person Phase II Collect early recollections from the child s past Phase III Illustrate what they are doing and the principles under which they operate Phase IV Reorientation toward living through encouragement process © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Early Recollections • Earliest impressions of life and how the child feels about them • Ask child to remember as far back as possible, recollect specific... determining goal, learning corrective response and child s reaction to the correction follow © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A “Four-goal Technique” 1 Observe the child s behavior in detail 2 Be psychologically sensitive to one’s own reaction to the behavior 3 Confront the child with the goal of the behavior 4 Note the recognition reflex 5 Apply appropriate corrective procedures © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Purpose of Your Misbehavior... encouragement to logical consequence © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Encouragement Praise (reinforcement) Bribery Occurs before child completes or starts task Occurs after child performs behavior or completes task Occurs during child s misbehavior Focus is on encouragement, intrinsic reinforcement, and logical consequences Focus is on extrinsic reinforcement Focus on extrinsic manipulation of child s behavior “I have faith... child is not making a bid for it • Ignores misbehaving child -ADULT”S INTERPRETATIONS OF CHILD S GOAL TO HIM/HER • All questions must be asked in a friendly non-judgmental way and NOT at times of conflict “Could be that you want me to notice you?” © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A POWER STRUGGLE Corrections of Misbehavior and Power Struggling ... representing strength and power and femininity, symbolizing weakness and inferiority © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Nature of People • Need for Success: People seek power and prestige and strive for goals... Qualities: © 2 011 Brooks/Cole, A Theory of Counseling • Two fundamental styles of life: direct and indirect approaches through strength and power or through weakness • Focus of counseling is harnessing... A Counseling Method • Counselor’s job is to re-educate children who have developed mistaken ideas about some concepts of their lives • Counselor and child are equal partners in the process • Child

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2016, 11:42

Xem thêm: child and adolescent counseling chapter 11


Mục lục

    The Well-Adjusted Child Exhibits the Following Qualities:

    Interventions for Four Goals

    Logical Consequences versus Punishment

    Benefits of Adlerian/Individual Counseling


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