I. Before you write: 2 43 1 1. Volunteers had to speak English well. 2. We built sport centers. 3. We chose For the World of Tomorrow" as an official “ song. 4. Many roads were widened. Facilities Games’ Advertisement Volunteers Vocabulary upgrade (v) recruit (v) hold (v) held held– – equip (v) (-pp) : n©ng cÊp : tuyÓn mé : tæ chøc : trang bÞ Facilities Games’ Advertisement Volunteers 1. Facilities 2. Advertisement 3. Volunteers build one more National Stadium, some sports buildings and car parks. upgrade National Sports centers and local stadiums. widen training areas and roads to sports buildings. equip hotels, guest houses with modern facilities. promote and advertise preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV. hold competition to choose an official song. recruit volunteers to serve the Games (university teachers and students with good English). Form of the paragraph 1. Topic sentence 2. Supporting sentences 3. Concluding sentence * Connectors: First of all/ Moreover/ Next/ Then/ And/ / Finally… * Verbs: future tenses; active and passive voices Vietnam s Preparations for the coming Asian Games’ 1. Facilities 2. Advertisement 3. Volunteers build one more National Stadium, some sports buildings and car parks. upgrade National Sports centers and local stadiums. Widen training areas and roads to sports buildings Equip hotels, guest houses with modern facilities Promote and advertise preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV. Hold competition to choose an official song. Recruit volunteers to serve the Games (university teachers and students with good English) Form of the paragraph 1. Topic sentence 2. Supporting sentences II. While you write Write a paragraph of about 120 words to describe the preparations of Vietnam for the coming Asian Games. Preparations of Vietnam for the coming Asian Games 3. Concluding sentence * Connectors: First of all/ Moreover/ Next/ Then/ And/ / Finally… * Verbs: future tenses; active and passive voices [...]...III After you write IV Wrapping and Homework Write a paragraph of about 120 words to describe the preparations of Vietnam for the coming Asian Games Form of the Prepatations of Vietnam for the coming Asian Games paragraph build one more National Stadium, some sports buildings and car parks 1 Facilities upgrade National Sports centers and local stadiums... with modern facilities Next/ Then/ Promote and advertise preparations for the And/…/ Finally Asian Games on the radio and TV * Verbs: future 2 Advertisement tenses; active and Hold competition to choose an official song passive voices 3 Volunteers Recruit volunteers to serve the Games (university 3 Concluding teachers and students with good English) sentence Homework - Perfect the Writings - Prepare for... speak English well Volunteers show a woman how to speak some simple English Question 2: We built sport c Answer 2: We built sport centers Question 3: We chose “ For the World of Tomorrow" as an official s Answer 3: We chose “For the World of tomorrow" as an official song Question 4: Many r were widened Answer 4: Many roads were widened . for the coming Asian Games. Preparations of Vietnam for the coming Asian Games 3. Concluding sentence * Connectors: First of all/ Moreover/ Next/ Then/. advertise preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV. Hold competition to choose an official song. Recruit volunteers to serve the Games (university teachers