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بسم ا الرحمن الرحيم Islamic University – Gaza Faculty of Commerce Department of Accounting الجايمعة اللسليمية – غزة كلية التجارة قسم المحالسبة Using Accounting Information in Decision Making (Applied Study on Jawwal Company) Prepared by: Islam Mohammed Olwan Ola Younis Qudaih 220082166 220074439 Supervisor's name: Mr Salah Shubair A thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Accounting August, 2011 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم او لاللذذنيننو آنمككناولاو ذمكنككممو نولاللذذنينن" نينمرفنذعو ك ت "كأوكتاولاو لاملذعملنمو ندنرنجتا ت صدقو او لالعظيم }و و ساورةو لالمجتادلة{11، II Dedication: و For وOur وPalestine… و For وOur وUniversity… و و و و و For وOur وTeachers… و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و For وOur وFamily… و We وPresent وThis وResearch… III :Acknowledgment - First of all, we thank Allah for helping us to complete our Research - Our ability to accomplish this research is due to the good effort provided by our great university IUG - We thank very much our parents, who were granted every thing in their life for us, and also we thank them for push us to success - We would like to thank Mr Salah Shubair for his advice and continuous supports - For all our teachers at IUG and for the IUG library staff - We would like to express our personal gratitude to Jawwal Company IV - Also we would like to thanks our friends for their help. - Finally, thanks for every one who contributes in any way to support us. List of content: Quran…………………………………………………………IIو ofو Averse …………Dedication……………………………………………………. ………IIIAcknowledgment………………………………………………. IV Content……………………………………….………………….Vو ofو List …………………………………….……… VIIو Tables ……….و ofو List Figures………………………………… …………… ….VIIو ofو Table CHAPTER 1: RESEARCH PROPOSAL. و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Abstractو و و 3و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Introductionو و و 4و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Problemو Researchو و . و 6و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Objectivesو Researchو و و 6و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و researchو theو ofو Significanceو و . و 6و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و researchو theو ofو limitationsو andو Scopeو و . و 7و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و hypothesesو Researchو و و 7و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و methodologyو Researchو و . و 8و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و worksو Relatedو و و 8و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و budgetو andو tableو Timeو و و 11و V CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Section 1: وAccounting وand وAccounting وInformation: وIntroduction و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و15 وWhat وis وaccounting? و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و15 وUses of accounting و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و16 وAccounting as a service activity و و ?و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و16 و Accounting as an Information System و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و17 و وWhat is accounting information ?و و18 Qualitative characteristics of accounting information و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و18 و وSources وof وaccounting وinformation و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و23 وTypes وof وfinancial وstatements و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و23 وAccounting وinformation وand وuser وneeds و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و24 Users وof وaccounting وinformation ……………………و.….…………….27 Purpose وof وusing وaccounting وinformation…………………………… و و و و و29 Section 2: وDecision وMaking وProcess: Introduction………………………………………… …………………32 What وis وdecision……………………………………………………….32 Definition وof وdecision وmaking ……………………………………و.……33 Elements وof وan وEffective وDecision وMaking وProcess.………………….35 Decision وmaking وlevels………………………………………………….35 Types وof وdecision وmaking………………………………………….……37 Decision وmaking وmodel…………………………………………………40 Decision وmaking وsteps………………………………………………… 41 Decision وscope……………………………………………….………….42 Definition وof وDecision وMaker…………………………………………43 Characteristics وthat وshould وbe وavailable وin وthe وdecision-make……… 43 Group وDecisions وMaking……………………………………….…… 43 Advantages وand وDisadvantages وof وGroup وDecisions وMaking………….44 VI CHAPTER 3: JAWWAL COMPANY. و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Introductionو و و 48و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Companyو Jawwalو Aboutو و . 48و و و .و ……….و allو toو friendو aو andو friendlyو Environmentو و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و 50و company……………………………….……51و theو ofو missionو andو Vision company…………………………………51و theو ofو Objectivesو andو Goals company……………………………………………….52و theو ofو Strategy analysis……………………………………………………….…53و SWOT CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGY. و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Introductionو و و 58و approach……………………………………….….……… 58و Research phases…………………………………………………….….58و Research collection…………………………………………………………59و Data study…………………………………….…60و theو ofو sampleو andو Society Interview……………………………… ………………………………60 interview……………………………….………………61و theو ofو Content interview……….………………61و theو ofو disadvantagesو andو Advantages interview …………………………………………….62و theو Summarized CHAPTER 5: APPLIED STUDY. و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Introductionو و و …65و interview………………………… ………………….66و theو Summarized CHAPTER 6: RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و Resultsو و و 74و و Recommendations…………….…………………………….………….75 References……………………………………………………… …….76 Appendix………………… ………………………………………….80 VII List of Tables: Table و1.1: وTime وTable …………………………و.………………………11 Table و2.2.1: وLevels وof وdecision وmaking …………و ……….……….….37 Table و2.2.2: وTypes وof وdecision وmaking وmodel……….………….……39 List of Figures: Figure و2.1.1: وAccounting وas وInformation وSystem………………….… 17 Figure و2.1.2: وQualitative وCharacteristics وof وAccounting وInformation….19 Figure و2.1.3: وFundamental وQualities (وRelevance)………….…….….…19 Figure و2.1.4: وFundamental وQualities (وFaithful وRepresentation)………20 Figure و2.1.5: وEnhancing وQualities ……………………………………و22 Figure و2.1.6: وUsers وof وaccounting وinformation…………………………26 Figure و2.2.1: وSteps وin وthe وDecision-Making وModel………………… 40 Figure و3.1: وSWOT وanalysis ……………………………………………و53 Figure و4.1: وResearch وphases……………………………………………59 VIII IX Chapter و-1- As for the company reveals all the accounting information related to it or there is a kind of secrecy, he وsaid وthat وthe وcompany و reveals وall وrelated وinformation وin وannual وfinancial وreports وand وpublished وit و on وthe وwebsite, وwhere وthe وfinancial وreports وincluding وall وinformation و about وthe وcompany وand وmatched وto وthe وneeds وof وusers و In case errors are discovered after taking a decision, the right behavior the company does, وMr وMustafa وexplained وthat وthe وAppropriate action وundertaken وby وthe وcompany, وfirst وdetermine وthe وsize وof وthe وdamage و caused وby وthe وwrong وdecision وand وtry وto وfind وout وthe وreasons وthat وled وto و the وerror وin وthe وdecision-making وmay وbe وthe وreason وfor وthe وinformation و system وor وdecision-maker وor وin وthe وaccounting وinformation وand وthen وwork to وavoid وthe وerror وin وanother وtime About the participation of the accounting department in the decision making, he explained وthat وthe وaccounting وdepartment و participates وin وdecision-making وwhere وthe وaccounting وdepartment وworks و to وprepare وthe وfinancial وstatements وthat وinclude وaccounting وinformation و for وdecision-making As for the completely depend on the decision makers or there is a room for the administration to interfere in this regard, said وthat وthe و administration وof وthe وcompany وwho وmake وdecision وfor وthe وcompany وand و departments وin وthe وcompany وparticipate وin وto وprovide وthe وreports وand و information وneeded وfor وdecision-making وprocess 70 About the preparers of the financial reports highly knowledgeable with the required information, he وstressed وthat وthe و preparers وof وthe وfinancial وstatements وshould وbe وhave وa وhigh وdegree وof و expertise وand وknowledgeable وof وthe وinformation وrequired وby وmanagement و to وfacilitate وdecision-making وprocess Decisions taken according to the accounting information, he و said وthat وdecisions-making وprocess وis وbased وon وinformation وavailable وto و management About the accounting information role in the goodness and competence of the taken decision, he وstressed وthat وif وthe وaccounting و information وis وcorrect وthe وdecision وtaken وis وcorrect, وwhere وthere وis وa و positive وrelationship وbetween وaccounting وinformation وand وtaken وdecisions 71 72 Chapter -6- Results and Recommendations 73 6.1 Results: After وthe وstudy وwas وconducted وthe وresearch وreached وto وthe و following: Management وknows وthe وrole وof وaccounting وinformation وin وthe و rationalization وof وthe وdecision وmaking The وdecision وis وup وto وthe وadministration وalways Sometimes, وthe وinability وof وthe وdecision وmaker وto وidentify وthe و information وneeded وfor وdecision-making وprocess Sometimes وthe وinability وof وthe وpreparers وof وfinancial وstatements وto و provide وthe وaccounting وinformation وas وrequired The وinability وto وsee وperiodic وfinancial وreports وof وthe وcompany Sometimes وnot وhaving وthe وaccounting وinformation وinclude وthe و required وcharacteristics Some وof وthe وdaily وdecisions وmade وduring وthe وyear وyou وneed وto و periodic وreports وand وthus وincrease وthe وefforts وof وthe وpreparers وof و financial وstatements وin وthe وcompany May وthe وcollection وof وinformation وnecessary وfor وdecision-making و process وrequire وmore وtime وthat وthe وdecision وmaker وcan وnot وwait وby و the وnature وof وthe وproblem وthat وsometimes وneed وa وquick وsolution Errors وfound وin وthe وinformation وleads وto وerrors وin وthe وdecision وto وthe detriment وthe وinterests وof وthe وcompany 74 10 There وis وa وpositive وrelationship وbetween وthe وextent وof وusing و accounting وinformation وin وdecision-making وand وtaken وdecision, وif و the وaccounting وinformation وis وcorrect وthe وdecision وtaken وis وcorrect 6.2 Recommendations: By وthe وresults وthat وhave وbeen وreached وand وto وhighlight وthe و importance وof وusing وaccounting وinformation وin وdecision وmaking, وthe وtwo و Researchers وproposed وa وset وof وrecommendations Administration وmust وparticipate وall وthe وdepartments وin وthe وdecisionmaking وprocess Give وan وopportunity وfor وstaff وand وaccountants وto وmake وtheir وviews و in وthe وresolution وand وsuitability وand وthen وanalyze وthe وdata وand و access وto وthe وdecision وin وthe وapplication وof وthe وdecision وor وchange, و in وline وwith وthe وobjectives Must وchoose وthe وbest وalternative وin وthe وdecision-making وprocess وin و line وwith وthe وobjectives وand وinterests وof وthe وcompany Joint وemployees وwho وspecialize وin وpreparing وfinancial وreporting وand accounting وinformation وin وtraining وcourses وto وacquire وskills وand و practical وexperience وand وknowledge وof وaccounting وinformation Importance وof وpublish وthe وaccounting وinformation وabout وthe و company وfor وall وusers Importance وof وanalyzing وfinancial وstatements وin وorder وto وcompare و between وprevious وyears وand وthe وcurrent وfinancial وreports Work وto وprovide وinformation وquickly وand وwith وdesired وproperties 75 Learning وfrom وmistakes وthat وoccur وin وdecision-making وprocess, و both وin وfinancial وreporting وor وaccounting وinformation وcollection و methods وand وavoided وin وthe وcoming وtimes References 76 References: Arabic references: Books: وKanaan, وNawaf (و1998)," وmanagement وdecision-making وbetween و theory وand وpractice", و5th وedition, وAmman, وJordan وP و75 Articles: وEl- وAmri, وMohammed, (و2011) "وThe وdefinition 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وhttp://www.virtualsalt.com/crebook5.htm Websites: وhttp://www.accounting-tutorial.com/users-accounting-information وhttp://accountlearning.blogspot.com/2009/10/internal-users-of-accounting.html وhttp://www.brainyquote.com/words/de/decision151695.html وhttp://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/decision.html وhttp://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-groupdecisions.html وhttp://www.ehow.com/about_6319335_purpose-producing-accountinginformation.html وhttp://hrmadvice.com/hrmadvice/useful-hr-tools/hr-swot-examples.html وhttp://EzineArticles.com/3441560 وwww.jawwal.ps 10 و http://www.rapid-business-intelligence-success.com/intuitive-decisionmaking.html 79 11 و http://www.rapid-business-intelligence-success.com/rational-decision-makingmodel.html 12 و http://simplestudies.com/introduction-to-accounting.html 13 و http://www.the-happy-manager.com/definition-of-decision-making.html 14 و http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-financial-statements.htm Appendix 80 بسمو او لالرحمنو لالرحيم Islamic وUniversity و –وGaza Faculty وof وCommerce Department وof وAccounting لالجتامعةو لالسلميةو –و غزة كليةو لالتجتارة قسمو لالمحتاسبة Dear وGentlemen: و و و وJawwal وCompany A وstudy وabout "وusing وaccounting وinformation وin وmaking و decisions", وa وcase وstudy وon وthe وservices وsector وrepresented وin و Jawwal وCompany I'd وhighly وappreciate وit وif وyou وanswered وthe وfollowing و questions وfor وthe وsake وof وthe وscientific وresearch وonly 81 The وresearchers: Islam و و وOlwan و و و و و و Ola و و و و وQudaih و و و و و و و و و و و The Questions of the Personal Interview وDo وyou وdepend وcompletely وon وthe وinformation وfound وin وthe وfinancial و reports? وDo وyou وthink وthat وaccounting وinformation وincluded وin وfinancial وreports و has وall وnecessary وinformation وfor وthe وcompany, وor وthere وis وsecret و information وwhich وno وone وhas وthe وright وto وknow? وFrom وyour وpoint وof وview, وare وthe وaccounting وinformation وfound وin وthe و Annually, وSemiannually وor وquarterly وfinancial وstatements وsufficient وfor a وdecision وmaker? وIs وthere وa وcomparison وbetween وthe وcurrent وaccounting وinformation وand و the وprevious وone وupon وwhich وa وdecision وcan وbe وtaken? وDoes وthe وdecision وmaker وuse وthe وaccounting وinformation وin وtaking و rational وdecisions? وAre وthere وany وother وpieces وof وinformation وwhich وaffect وin وdecisions و making? وWhat وare وthe وmain وobstacles وfor وusing وthe وaccounting وinformation وin و taking وa وdecision? وCan وdecision وmakers وbe وconsidered وhighly وqualified وand و knowledgeable وwith وaccounting وinformation وand وtaking وdecisions و depending وon وthem? و و وIs وthe وaccounting وinformation وpresented وin وthe وdue وtime وand وwith وthe و needed وamount? 82 10 وIs وthe وpresented وaccounting وinformation وcomprehensive وand وsufficient و as وrequired? 11 وDoes وthe وaccounting وinformation وdepend وon وprediction وin وfuture و depending وon وthe وcurrent وstate? 12 وDo وthe وinternal وand وexternal وcircumstances وaffect وon وthe وinformation و and وthe وaccounting وstatus وin وthe وcompany? 13 وDoes وthe وcompany وreveal وall وthe وaccounting وinformation وrelated وto وit و or وthere وis وa وkind وof وsecrecy? وIf وany, وon وwhat? 14 وIn وcase وerrors وare وdiscovered وafter وtaking وa وdecision, وwhat وis وthe وright و behavior وthe وcompany وdoes? 15 وDoes وthe وaccounting وdepartment وparticipate وin وtaking وthe وdecision? 16 وDo وyou وcompletely وdepend وon وthe وdecision وmakers وor وthere وis وa وroom و for وthe وadministration وto وinterfere وin وthis وregard? 17 وAre وthe وfinancial وreports وpreparers وhighly وexperienced وand وaccurate? 18 وAre وthe وpreparers وof وthe وfinancial وreports وhighly وknowledgeable وwith و the وrequired وinformation, وand وdo وthey وhelp وthe وhigh وadministration وin و taking وthe وdecision? 19 وNone وcan وdeny وthat وthe وtaken وdecisions وdepend وon وthe وaccounting و information, وif وit وis وcorrect وand وtrue, وit وgives وcredibility وand و seriousness وWhat وdo وyou وthink وabout وthis? 20 وDoes وthe وaccounting وinformation وplay وa وrole وin وthe وgoodness وand و competence وof وthe وtaken وdecision? 83 84