The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich © 2006 All Right s Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim BrianKim net – I nvest in Your self and Make I t Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich © Copyright 2006 Brian Kim All Rights Reserved This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this book to anyone else It is illegal to copy, distribute, or create derivate works from this book in whole or in part, or to contribute to copying, distribution, or creating of derivate works of this book No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher THINK AND GROW RICH® is the registered trademark and property of the Napoleon Hill Foundation The book title “Think And Grow Rich” and any references are being used for illustrative purposes only, without permission and are not authorized by, associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Napoleon Hill Foundation Any reference to “Think And Grow Rich” is by necessity in referring to the book title © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 2: The Journey to Its Discovery Chapter 3: Step of the Hidden Secret Chapter 4: Step of the Hidden Secret Chapter 5: Step of the Hidden Secret Chapter 6: Step of the Hidden Secret Chapter 7: The Secret Ingredient Chapter 8: Conclusion © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Introduction First off, if you haven’t already done so, I strongly urge you to read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich BEFORE reading this book I’ll be referring to many stories and concepts in Think and Grow Rich so it’s in your best interest to read it in order to understand the context in which I place them in So you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and you might have an idea as to what the Hidden Secret he alludes to in the introduction of his book is You see Napoleon Hill capitalize various words such as DESIRE, THOUGHTS, and PERSISTENCE throughout his book and you know the secret has something to with those things It’s in your grasp, but you can’t seem to crystallize it to the point where it’s in perfect focus I’ve been there too I went through the same process of trying to find out what the Hidden Secret was since I first read the book at the age of 10 I didn't remember everything from the book then, but one theme, one idea, one notion got stuck in my head and changed my life forever and it was simply this: that anything we create in our minds, we can bring into reality To quote the author, “Throughout this philosophy will be found the suggestion that thought, backed by strong DESIRE, has a tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent.” – Napoleon Hill You didn't need the right upbringing, you didn't need the money, you didn't need anything outside of you You just needed yourself You were the root cause of your own success You would be the one to initiate the sequence of events that would ultimately lead to the achievement of your major goals That was the one idea I took away from that book when I was 10, and that was all I needed to change my life That launched me on my journey to self improvement I started reading books from Stephen Covey, James Allen, John C Maxwell, Dale Carnegie, Maxwell Maltz, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, you name it, I've probably read it I couldn't get enough of these books © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich However, I soon found myself constantly looking for that next book, that next new technique, that next principle of success to help keep me going It was as if I was dependent on these books It's then that I realized that there was a problem The Problem With Success Books If you've read a lot of success books, you might have realized that they probably just 'pump' you up and that's where it ends The high only lasts a short while until you finish reading another book This results in a constant dependency on these books in order to motivate you to take action There's also so much information out there that people don't know where to start or worse yet, people find themselves on a never ending quest to find the next hot technique, concept, or principle that they think will help them succeed Let's just list a fraction of the principles and concepts found in success books today • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Persistence Goal Setting Strong Beliefs Determination Positive Thinking Visualization Discipline Courage Patience Consistency Networking Creativity Time Management Hard Work Confidence Motivation, etc Now don't get me wrong Learning these principles of success is extremely helpful and vital They have helped me a great deal © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich The only problem is once you start reading enough of these books, you begin to realize that they have conditioned us to view these principles of success as entirely separate from one another and because we view them that way, we think we have to work on developing each and every one on its own What makes this problem even worse is that experts begin to pigeon hole these principles What I mean by that is people hear experts say "Determination is the key to success" or "Positive Thinking is the key to success", or "Hard work is the key to success", etc That kind of thinking is very dangerous because it just contributes to narrow-minded thinking Instead of treating these principles as separate from one another or worse yet, focusing in on only one concept or principle and blocking out the rest, you've got to see how all these pieces fit in the BIG PICTURE Finding the Hidden Secret After realizing this, I had a feeling that if I discovered the Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich, I would be able to make sense of everything I read on self improvement and goal attainment and see everything in the big picture If you're a reader of my articles, you know that I love to read, analyze, find patterns and possibilities, and apply inductive reasoning in order to find the underlying principles behind concepts, all of which has helped immensely in discovering the Hidden Secret I read the book a number of times, took notes, shaped my theories, ran them through the clues Napoleon Hill provided, honed it again and again, took out some concepts, put some back in, and I found as I kept on working on uncovering the Hidden Secret, I began to see the common factors that gave rise to all the principles of success that I learned, not just from Think and Grow Rich, but from the hundreds of other books that I read I saw the relationships and made the connections between the concepts and principles I read about and then it hit me like a ton of bricks The Hidden Secret appeared just like Napoleon Hill said it would It jumped right off the pages of his book © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich When I understood the Hidden Secret, everything, and I mean everything I had read on self improvement and goal achievement for over a decade made sense It all clicked I finally understood why I was able to achieve some of my major goals and not others I saw the entire puzzle for the first time in all its glory and I knew it would be my duty to share it with the world When you read about the Hidden Secret in the subsequent chapters and you understand the reasoning behind it, everything you’ve read about self improvement, personal development, goal setting, etc will all come together and click into place It will all make sense Up until now, everything you’ve probably read on the subject of goal attainment was probably like snippets of a full course meal You had a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but never saw the entire meal in front of you This book will give you the full course meal You’ll realize the information you’ve read was not necessarily wrong, but it was presupposing a lot of very important things and giving you tunnel vision in the process After understanding the Hidden Secret, you’ll find you’ve probably applied it in your own life to achieve a major goal without even being aware of it because you did it naturally If you read the biographies of other successful people and the journey they went through, you’ll also be able to “frame” their journey of success with the Hidden Secret When you become conscious of the Hidden Secret, and by that I mean you read about it and understand the logic and reasoning behind it, you can easily see where you are at in your own journey to achieve your goals and “diagnose” yourself to find out what you need to in order to move forward It’s important to note that the Hidden Secret can be used to obtain virtually anything you desire Any goal is attainable with proper use of the Hidden Secret, whether it’s losing the weight, getting the job, or starting the business It is not just for financial success Enough of the teasing Let’s dive right in to The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 1: The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Step 1: Have a burning desire to accomplish one major definite purpose Step 2: Have faith that you will succeed Step 3: Organize a definite plan and take action Step 4: Never give up until you achieve your one major definite purpose The Secret Ingredient: Consistency in all steps Seems simple enough right? (don’t worry, there’s way more to it than meets the eye) But here’s the one thing that makes ALL the difference in the world It is the fact that each step must be properly executed and taken in the correct sequential order on a consistent basis When the steps are properly executed in the correct sequential order on a consistent basis, you will find the achievement of your one major definite purpose to be natural You won’t have to “force it” The subsequent chapters will explain this concept more in depth, but here is the logic behind it If you look at the majority of success books, you’ll find that they’ve thrown out tons of “ingredients” at us when it comes to achieving our goals © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich You You You You You You You You You You You need need need need need need need need need need need to to to to to to to to to to to think positive be determined believe have a goal have a great attitude be creative visualize affirmations be motivated be action oriented hard work Pick up any self improvement, personal development, or goal attainment book on your shelf right now and browse through it You’ll find that the book is just a compilation of these “ingredients” or that it may zero in on just one of these “ingredients” On top of that, we read quotes such as “If you believe, you’ll achieve”, or “The key to success is persistence”, or “All you need is a positive attitude to succeed” Don’t get me wrong, they’re great quotes, but the trap in reading these quotes and books that zero in on one “ingredient” is you begin to think narrow mindedly You don’t see the big picture Only slivers of it here and there People have been conditioned to see the “ingredients” of success as entirely separate from one another Because they see it that way, they don’t see how all the principles of success fit in the big picture so that they can be induced naturally The common factor with all these books and quotes is that they only show us the ingredients to the recipe for success It’s not enough to just show the ingredients to a person and expect him/her to cook the meal You’ve got to show all the steps in which these ingredients are used, exactly how to execute each step and what’s more important, define the correct order in which these steps need to be taken That’s where the real value is Take for example a recipe for American lasagna © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Here are the ingredients for it • 1/2 pounds lean ground beef • onion, chopped • cloves garlic, minced • tablespoon chopped fresh basil • teaspoon dried oregano • tablespoons brown sugar • 1/2 teaspoons salt • (29 ounce) can diced tomatoes • (6 ounce) cans tomato paste • 12 dry lasagna noodles • eggs, beaten • pint part-skim ricotta cheese • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese • tablespoons dried parsley • pound mozzarella cheese, shredded • tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Assuming you’re not a professional cook, would you have any idea on how to go about making American lasagna with just a list of ingredients? Probably not We know we need meat for lasagna We know we need lasagna noodles for lasagna We know we need tomato paste for lasagna But what good does it do, when there are no proper step-bystep instructions that are in the correct order, on how to utilize all these ingredients to create the end result? It’s the same thing with all the success books out there They already tell us what we need to know We know we need to think positive for success We know we need to set goals for success We know we need to never give up for success But how we incorporate them all? In what order? And how exactly we it? © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 10 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Summary Organizing a definite plan and taking action will become natural Specialized knowledge will be a natural byproduct of your plans and actions Your primary plans and actions will be influenced by your faith Your secondary plans and actions will come AFTER you’ve initiated your primary plans and actions Effectively organize your plans and take action Make a to-do list the correct way Question and answer Record your flashes of insight Keep your energy up by exercising and eating right Now that you’re naturally planning and taking action, and coming up with those secondary plans to move you that much closer to the achievement of your goals, the only thing left is persistence But you know what? You probably know what I’m going to say by now Your persistence will be natural It’s a natural byproduct of properly executing the previous three steps of the Hidden Secret in the correct order On to the last step of the Hidden Secret © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 108 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 6: Step of the Hidden Secret “Never Give Up Until You Achieve Your One Major Definite Purpose” “Before success in any man's life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to is to quit That is exactly what the majority of men do.” – Napoleon Hill The Main Points of this Chapter: Persistence is a natural byproduct Persistence is REQUIRED and truly SERVES YOU Main Point #1 Persistence is a natural byproduct Again, if you’ve done a good job on properly executing the first three steps of the Hidden Secret in the correct sequential order, then the next step, persistence, will naturally be easy for you You won’t have to force it If you have an intense burning desire, faith that you will succeed, and you’ve organized primary and secondary plans and taken action on them, you’ll begin to see progress and results and when you see progress and results, the achievement of your one major definite purpose becomes that much closer and believable, so you won’t be likely to quit Nothing breeds progress like progress You only give up when you don’t see any progress being made, but since you are making good progress naturally, persistence, in turn will be natural for you as well Let’s take a look at the causes of persistence as listed in Think and Grow Rich to confirm this © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 109 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Causes of Persistence Listed in Think and Grow Rich -Definitiveness of purpose -Desire -Self Reliance -Definitiveness of Plans -Accurate Knowledge -Cooperation -Will Power -Habit Do these principles look familiar? The first two (Definitiveness of purpose and Desire) are incorporated in Step of the Hidden Secret Self reliance is just another term for faith that you will succeed Definitiveness of plans and accurate knowledge are incorporated in Step of the Hidden Secret Cooperation is involved in the Master Mind, which is found in every single step of the Hidden Secret Will Power is involved with burning desire and decision making Habit is the secret ingredient of the Hidden Secret, namely consistency How to Develop Persistence As Listed in Think and Grow Rich -definite purpose backed by burning desire for its fulfillment -definite plan, expressed in continuous action -mind closed tight against negative influences -a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose These look familiar as well don’t they? The first one is Step of the Hidden Secret The second one is Step of the Hidden Secret, the third is Step of the Hidden Secret and the last one is found in every step of the Hidden Secret © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 110 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Persistence is a natural byproduct of executing the first three steps of the Hidden Secret Main Point #2 Persistence is REQUIRED and it truly SERVES YOU Your first plans and actions will probably not result in the immediate achievement of your one major definite purpose You’ll experience what other people like to label as “failure”, but there’s no such thing as failure, only feedback Persistence is REQUIRED and it truly SERVES YOU because it gives you that feedback, which provides you with the information you need in order to achieve your one major definite purpose All your plans and actions will yield feedback that will help you move toward the attainment of your one major definite purpose As you plan and take more action, you begin to hone in on what you need to in order to achieve your goal because you have a ton of information as a result of all the feedback that “failure” provided That information can then be used to organize additional plans or help contribute to organizing the correct secondary plans and actions It’s at the exact moment where you have everything you need in order to achieve your purpose that most people give up To never allow that to happen, here are some additional techniques to help you never give up Additional Techniques to Never Give Up Reframe situations Reframing situations are a great way to give you perspective on things It puts you in the right frame of mind to comprehend them for your benefit Sometimes you get so involved that you can only see the trees and not the entire forest It’s a good thing to take a step back and see the forest and one way to that is by reframing Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about Like Edison, if you’ve had a problem and you tried a hundred different ways to solve it, think of it as finding a hundred ways that you know don’t work, so you’ve actually made a ton of progress and moved that much closer to solving the © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 111 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich problem With that kind of reframing, you look at things in a new way and it gets the wind back in your sails Here are a couple of “reframes” you can use when you feel down about the problems and obstacles that will inevitably arise There is no such thing as failure Only feedback All obstacles are temporary A constant hammering of a nail will inevitably drive it in You will find that victory is closest when you are ready to give up Problems are tests to see if you are worthy of achieving your goal In every failure, there is an equal or greater amount of success hidden within it When you come to a roadblock, there’s always a detour Everything is meant to teach you something to move forward Mistakes are necessary for success 10 Problems are a sure sign you’re on the road to success Use questions Questions are another great way to get the most out a situation where you might feel like giving up It can get you in the correct mindset and puts you in a place where you become eager to overcome it Here are some questions you can ask yourself when you come across a problem or obstacle that makes you wan to quit What can I learn from this? How can this help me on my journey to achieving my one major definite purpose? What’s one thing I can immediately to help solve this? How can I use this to my advantage? How can this take me to the next level? What’s great about this situation? Asking these types of questions gives you that little push you need to go that extra inch, because going that extra inch when you don’t think you can, makes all the difference in life © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 112 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Take a break What? Take a break? Isn’t that the opposite of persistence? Taking a break when you feel stressed out can actually help you Try to take one full day off per week and forget about everything Quiet your thoughts, go out for drinks, swim at the beach, take a hike, whatever it is you want except work on your goal and you’ll find yourself reenergized and focused when you come back Bonus: Read autobiographies of successful people and realize the number of obstacles they had to overcome Lincoln, Roosevelt, Adams, Washington, you’ll soon realize that they have all endured and persisted, and that the numerous problems and obstacles they faced were truly there to SERVE them (Notice how you don’t need as many techniques the further down you go in the Hidden Secret because the proper execution of the previous steps are enough to help you with the subsequent ones.) Summary: Persistence is a natural byproduct Persistence is REQUIRED and truly SERVES YOU Additional techniques to never give up Reframe situations Ask questions Take a break Read the autobiographies of successful people and realize that the numerous obstacles they’ve had to overcome truly SERVED THEM © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 113 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 7: The Secret Ingredient “Consistency in All Steps” Even if you properly execute the steps of the Hidden Secret in the correct order, they mean nothing if you don’t mix them with the Secret Ingredient: Consistency in all steps Many people have the white hot desire, the strong belief, they take action, and they never give up… for a week Then they go back to normal What happened? They were not consistent in all steps You must refuel your burning desire and remind yourself of your one major definite purpose so it dominates your thoughts You’ll find that your desire will start to fade as your attention shifts to other things in your life You may even find yourself temped to pursue another major definite purpose You have to stay focused on the one major definite purpose you decided to pursue and consistently feed your burning desire to achieve it as well A roaring fire, if let alone, will extinguish itself in time so keep the fire going Your faith that you will succeed will come under attack internally and externally You’ll begin to have doubt and your friends and family, some of them at least, will tell you that you can’t it It’s up to you to erect the walls of faith to protect your flame of desire You’ve got to convince yourself DAILY that you will succeed Dream stealers operate everyday Negativity bathes this earth You have to rise above all that and build your faith consistently You must be consistent in organizing a plan and taking action You’ve got to it daily and when you do, you’ll see results happening, which will help you fire you up even more You must be consistent on never giving up I know that sentence doesn’t make sense because how can you not be consistent on never giving up? Doesn’t the word “never” imply consistency? Yes, it does, but I still wanted consistency added to that step to stress just how important it really is that you NEVER quit The best part about being consistent in all steps is that you only have to be consciously aware of this vital necessity for a few weeks and then you’ll find yourself on “auto-pilot”, so to © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 114 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich speak, on the road to the inevitable achievement of your one major definite purpose When you get that point, you will naturally be consistent all steps You will be consistent in fueling your strong desire, which in turn will fuel your faith, which will fuel the correct plans and motivate you to take action, which results in you seeing good progress being made, which in turn will help to you never give up and that results in your burning desire growing hotter and hotter and hotter because you see yourself coming closer and closer which only makes your faith stronger and stronger, and you start to get into that “flow state” where you become an efficient machine that just takes over until you finally achieve your one major definite purpose How to Maintain Consistency In All Steps Review the exercises you competed for each step IN ORDER and add to them on a daily basis (if applicable) That’s why it’s so important to write when you the exercises because when you do, you can go back and review them to help you be consistent in each step of the Hidden Secret If you didn’t write when you did the exercises, you’re going to have to start from scratch again all the time What was my one major definite purpose again? Why am I doing it? When’s the deadline again? How will I know why I’ll succeed? What are the things I’m supposed to today again? By writing these things down, you don’t have to start from scratch again You can review them and also add to them to help you with your consistency Bottom Line: Without consistency, it’s all for nothing © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 115 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 8: Conclusion As I stated before, I want to stress that the Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich can be applied toward achieving any major goal, not just that of financial success, but for any goal that you truly DESIRE When I figured out the Hidden Secret, it was one of those “Ah Ha!” moments where everything I read in countless books on self improvement, goal achievement, and success just clicked and fell into place They all pretty much said the same thing Never give up, have a vision, have a goal, write it down, visualize, etc., but I knew that there was something amiss from all those books Everything was scattered around, which made things very confusing All the books out there give the ingredients, but the key to getting to the next level is to organize those ingredients, realize what the root causes are of those ingredients, and identify the correct steps that need to be properly executed in the correct sequential order to naturally induce those ingredients of success which result in the achievement of your one major definite purpose When you truly desire to achieve your one major definite purpose, that desire provides you with the energy needed to get the work done That burning desire is also laser focused on achieving your one major definite purpose However, desire alone is not enough Faith you will succeed is needed to initiate your primary plans and to get you to take action, which contributes to showing you the correct secondary plans and actions that move you faster toward the achievement of your one major definite purpose You naturally organize a plan and take action due to your strong desire and faith You also naturally find the specialized knowledge you require in order to achieve your one major definite purpose As a result of your primary plans and actions, the specialized knowledge you acquire, and the fact that your one major definite purpose has been dominating your thoughts, all of that gets passed on to the subconscious mind which will then take all of that and analyze it to bring about those secondary © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 116 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich plans and actions that move you that much closer to the achievement of your one major definite purpose These secondary plans and actions are those great ideas you have that help you move faster toward the achievement of your goal However, the first plans and actions you take probably won’t get you to your goal so you must persist and take every setback you see as feedback toward the advancement of your goal And of course, that persistence will be natural because you’ve executed the prior three steps properly in the correct order You must be consistent in each step to: - - remind yourself of your one major definite purpose so it dominates your thoughts, refuel your burning desire strengthen your faith take consistent action to procure specialized knowledge and feedback for the creation of the correct secondary plans and actions to take naturally become persistent What’s more, everything starts to work together in synergy after you execute the steps in the proper order and become consistent with them You have the desire and the faith so you take action and you see results and that in turn refuels your desire and faith because you see yourself getting closer to the achievement of your goal You get specialized knowledge as well and that in turn helps you think of secondary plans and actions to move you that much closer That refuels your desire and faith again and as a result, you then find even more specialized knowledge to help you formulate new primary and secondary plans and actions which when executed, refuel your desire and faith because you see even more results and everything starts working together in harmony and synergy and because of that, you’ll find the achievement of your one major definite purpose becomes inevitable © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 117 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich The Two Biggest Dream Killers What about the two biggest dream killers, fear and doubt? As long as your desire outweighs your fear (which it should if you built it up to a burning desire), you have nothing to worry about Desire beats fear, hands down, 100% of the time Think about it People engage in activities that they fear all the time simply because their desire to engage in them is stronger than the fear of them A man was able to fight off a shark so that his wife could swim away to safety His desire to save his wife was greater than his fear of the shark, so he was able to fight off that shark and sacrifice his life for his wife I think Bill Cosby said it best when he said that “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby And as for doubt? As long as your faith is stronger than your doubt (which it should be if you were consistent), you have nothing to worry about Faith is the ultimate antidote for doubt Doubt paralyzes you Faith energizes you I now urge you to look at the major achievements you have made in your life and you’ll soon realize that you went through the exact same steps in the exact same order as listed in the Hidden Secret I also urge you to review the major goals that you were NOT able to achieve and “diagnose” yourself to see why you weren’t able to achieve them Some may find that they had too many goals Others may find that they have one goal, but it’s not definite enough Still others may have a clear idea of one major definite purpose, but they don’t work on bringing their desire to a full fire © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 118 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Still others bring their desire to a full fire, but don’t the same with their faith, yielding all their planning and action ineffective Others build the fire of desire, build the fire of faith, take the right plans and actions, but give up because they were not consistent enough There’s a million different ways to cut it up but if you fail to properly execute the Hidden Secret in the correct sequential order on a consistent basis, you will fail in the achievement of your one major definite purpose The One Idea I Hope You Take Away From This Book: A lot of success books out there just overload you with information that “pumps” you up, but leave you with nothing concrete to remember In my humble opinion, if there is at least one great idea you can take away from any book you read, then that book was worth it I’m not taking about taking away one cool technique or principle, I’m taking about one theme, one thesis, one GREAT idea What is that one idea for this book? It is simply this: The steps in the Hidden Secret, when properly executed and taken in the correct sequential order on a consistent basis, will naturally induce the principles of success, and those principles of success will work together in harmony and synergy to bring about the inevitable achievement of your one major definite purpose The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Step 1: Have a burning desire to accomplish one major definite purpose Step 2: Have faith that you will succeed Step 3: Organize a definite plan and take action Step 4: Never give up until you achieve your one major definite purpose The Secret Ingredient: Consistency in all steps © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 119 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Two More Ideas to Take Away From This Book Remember the power of Decision and the Master Mind as they are found in every step of the Hidden Secret WRITE WRITE WRITE Read any success book or article now and you’ll be able to place the information you read in the context of the Hidden Secret You’ll soon realize that there is no “Key to Success” Just a bunch of small ones that must be properly executed in the correct order on a consistent basis I sincerely hope what you learn here will change your life because I know it has changed mine I leave you with this one final thought Everything you need, to accomplish anything you want, is already inside of you You can anything you truly desire to Now you know how Invest in yourself and make it happen™ Additional Resources: Contact Me - I would love to hear your thoughts on this book Also, if you’ve realized that you’ve applied the Hidden Secret to achieve a major goal in the past, please tell me your story and if you’ve applied the Hidden Secret to accomplish a recent goal, tell me about that story too! I would sincerely love to hear them! © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 120 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Sign Up For The FREE VIP Self Improvement Newsletter – sign up for the FREE newsletter and get among many other things, daily Motivational and Inspirational Thoughts (M.I.Ts, written by yours truly) delivered to your inbox to help you move that much closer to the achievement of your goals These M.I.Ts are extremely helpful because they help you with Step of the Hidden Secret as well as with the Secret Ingredient of the Hidden Secret – Consistency Join The Affiliate Program! A couple of weeks after I first released this book, several readers, who also happened to be bloggers, emailed me after finishing my book, asking me if there was an affiliate program for it because they liked it so much, they wanted to promote it to their readers The answer to that question is yes The affiliate program offers a 50% commission and will provide a nice additional stream of revenue for your blog, website, newsletter, or even your social networking account (Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, etc) It takes less than minutes to set up so you can start making money today To put it succinctly the way it works is in simple steps You set up an account with Clickbank (it’s free and takes less than a minute) You generate a special affiliate link that will identify any sales made through that link with your account You place that special link at the end of a review of the book on your blog, website, newsletter, social networking account, etc When readers click that link and decide to buy the book, you’re entitled to 50% of each sale that is made which comes out to ~$9.00 If you sell 1/day, that’s over $250/month If you sell 2/day, that’s ~$540/month If you sell 3/day, that’s ~$800/month Not bad for sitting and doing nothing if you ask me ;) © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 121 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich I truly believe this is a book that changes lives and the more hands this book gets into, the better off people will be so if you help spread the word, it only makes sense you should get paid for it as well For more information on how to set this all up and how to maximize your sales, please contact me directly and I will be happy to provide you with more details along with very easy step by step instructions – visit the official site Articles – view the complete list of every article ever written Blog – visit the frequently updated blog and subscribe to the RSS feed Master Mind Success Forum – visit the online forum dedicated to helping people all over the world achieve their dreams © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 122 [...]... WAS the Hidden Secret © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 14 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Step 1: I had a burning desire to accomplish one major definite purpose; to find out what the Hidden Secret in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich was It was one purpose It was major And it was definite... the form of writing down clues, notes, and gradually linking the pieces together I never gave up and then it hit me just like I said it did The methodology I used to find the Hidden Secret WAS the Hidden Secret It makes perfect sense too © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 15 The Hidden Secret in Think. .. another What about the other principles that Napoleon Hill mentioned in his book such as auto-suggestion and Master Mind? Where do these principles fit in the Hidden Secret? Let’s first list all thirteen of them and see where they fit in the Hidden Secret © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 12 The Hidden. .. steps of the Hidden Secret, they will result in persistence becoming natural © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 26 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich If you have a burning desire to accomplish your one major definite purpose and believe you’ll succeed, you’ll easily take action and during that... developed © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 34 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich “1 A definite purpose backed by burning desire for its fulfillment 2 A definite plan, expressed in continuous action 3 A mind closed tightly against all negative influence and discouraging influences (to help build faith... important of all, being consistent in each and every step © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 11 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Some people fail to execute each step properly or they put these steps in the wrong order and wonder why they’re not achieving their major goals For example: Some... major definite purpose But their one major definite purpose began to grow Adams had been communicating with Richard Henry Lee and because of their communication, Adams was able to conceive © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 32 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich of the idea of establishing a Correspondence... which your subconscious mind passes back to you in the form of faith followed by definite plans for procuring that which you desire.” – Napoleon Hill © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 23 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich We see here mention of the Hidden Secret and the IMPORTANCE OF CHRONOLOGICAL... every single step Those two principles are very important as you will see later on in this book.) But before we discuss the first step of the Hidden Secret, let’s first take a look at the journey of its discovery © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 13 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 2: The. .. to the formation of the correct secondary plans and actions to take The thing to remember is to be persistent and realize that it’s all part of the process © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ 31 The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 8 You’ve noticed how decision was frequently mentioned in the ... in Think and Grow Rich © 2006 All Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow. .. – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Chapter 2: The Journey... Rights Reserved – The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich – Brian Kim – Invest in Yourself and Make It Happen™ The Hidden Secret in Think and Grow Rich Here are the ingredients for