The Influences of Budgetary System in a Selection of Large Chinese companies in the Industry of Electronic Household Appliances

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The Influences of Budgetary System in a Selection of Large Chinese companies in the Industry of Electronic Household Appliances

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❉✉r❤❛♠ ❊✲❚❤❡s❡s ❚❤❡ ■♥✢✉❡♥❝❡s ♦❢ ❇✉❞❣❡t❛r② ❙②st❡♠ ✐♥ ❛ ❙❡❧❡❝t✐♦♥ ♦❢ ▲❛r❣❡ ❈❤✐♥❡s❡ ❝♦♠♣❛♥✐❡s ✐♥ t❤❡ ■♥❞✉str② ♦❢ ❊❧❡❝tr♦♥✐❝ ❍♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞ ❆♣♣❧✐❛♥❝❡s ❋❯✱ ❳■❆❖ ❍♦✇ t♦ ❝✐t❡✿ ❋❯✱ ❳■❆❖ ✭✷✵✶✷✮ ❚❤❡ ■♥✢✉❡♥❝❡s ♦❢ ❇✉❞❣❡t❛r② ❙②st❡♠ ✐♥ ❛ ❙❡❧❡❝t✐♦♥ ♦❢ ▲❛r❣❡ ❈❤✐♥❡s❡ ❝♦♠♣❛♥✐❡s ✐♥ t❤❡ ■♥❞✉str② ♦❢ ❊❧❡❝tr♦♥✐❝ ❍♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞ ❆♣♣❧✐❛♥❝❡s✱ ❉✉r❤❛♠ t❤❡s❡s✱ ❉✉r❤❛♠ ❯♥✐✈❡rs✐t②✳ ❆✈❛✐❧❛❜❧❡ ❛t ❉✉r❤❛♠ ❊✲❚❤❡s❡s ❖♥❧✐♥❡✿ ❤tt♣✿✴✴❡t❤❡s❡s✳❞✉r✳❛❝✳✉❦✴✸✻✹✹✴ ❯s❡ ♣♦❧✐❝② ❚❤❡ ❢✉❧❧✲t❡①t ♠❛② ❜❡ ✉s❡❞ ❛♥❞✴♦r r❡♣r♦❞✉❝❡❞✱ ❛♥❞ ❣✐✈❡♥ t♦ t❤✐r❞ ♣❛rt✐❡s ✐♥ ❛♥② ❢♦r♠❛t ♦r ♠❡❞✐✉♠✱ ✇✐t❤♦✉t ♣r✐♦r ♣❡r♠✐ss✐♦♥ ♦r ❝❤❛r❣❡✱ ❢♦r ♣❡rs♦♥❛❧ r❡s❡❛r❝❤ ♦r st✉❞②✱ ❡❞✉❝❛t✐♦♥❛❧✱ ♦r ♥♦t✲❢♦r✲♣r♦✜t ♣✉r♣♦s❡s ♣r♦✈✐❞❡❞ t❤❛t✿ • ❛ ❢✉❧❧ ❜✐❜❧✐♦❣r❛♣❤✐❝ r❡❢❡r❡♥❝❡ ✐s ♠❛❞❡ t♦ t❤❡ ♦r✐❣✐♥❛❧ s♦✉r❝❡ • ❛ ❧✐♥❦ ✐s ♠❛❞❡ t♦ t❤❡ ♠❡t❛❞❛t❛ r❡❝♦r❞ ✐♥ ❉✉r❤❛♠ ❊✲❚❤❡s❡s • t❤❡ ❢✉❧❧✲t❡①t ✐s ♥♦t ❝❤❛♥❣❡❞ ✐♥ ❛♥② ✇❛② ❚❤❡ ❢✉❧❧✲t❡①t ♠✉st ♥♦t ❜❡ s♦❧❞ ✐♥ ❛♥② ❢♦r♠❛t ♦r ♠❡❞✐✉♠ ✇✐t❤♦✉t t❤❡ ❢♦r♠❛❧ ♣❡r♠✐ss✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❝♦♣②r✐❣❤t ❤♦❧❞❡rs✳ P❧❡❛s❡ ❝♦♥s✉❧t t❤❡ ❢✉❧❧ ❉✉r❤❛♠ ❊✲❚❤❡s❡s ♣♦❧✐❝② ❢♦r ❢✉rt❤❡r ❞❡t❛✐❧s✳ ❆❝❛❞❡♠✐❝ 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study I appreciate that Ms Anne Woodhead joined the supervising team I acknowledge my examiners Mr Alan Coad and Ms Riham Rizk, for their intellectual input in reading my thesis and their suggestions, although it is natural that academic opinions may differ Based on their major advice, I focused this stage of research of this project on an in-depth qualitative case study This produced a constructive outcome Two main streams of data findings have been well received during the correction period of time A paper (cooperated with Rob and Anne) based on this project’s findings about Institutional Theory Approach in management accounting (chapter 6) has been accepted by BAA’s (now BAFA’s) annual conference 2010, after which I was invited to present at the 8th International Management Control Conference 2010, and I was honoured to be the only participant from mainland China at this conference which academies from 26 countries or regions attended My paper based on this project’s findings about Contingency Theory Approach in management accounting (chapter 4) was presented at the highest meeting of AAA’s annual conference Denver 2011 At the final stage of examination on corrections, Professor Mike Humphreys became my new internal examiner when the original internal examiner was absent I appreciate his careful examination and efficient response Professor Robert Scapens had generously spent half an hour for me, during BAA’s annual conference 2005 I appreciate his friendliness as well as Professor Scapens and Doc Burns’ recommendation of references These gave me encouragement especially because the interpretive ontology leads this thesis to its important findings Doc Lydia from Durham University has taught me expertise about NVivo I thank her for her cross disciplinary help to this research project Professor Liza Jack, Professor Mike Tayles, Professor John Collen, and Dr Martin Quinn gave advices on this thesis’ findings about Institutional Theory Approach at BAA 2010 and MCA 2010 Professor D T Otley (MCA 2010), Professor Edward Walker, and Professor Chris Chapman (AAA 2011) gave advices on this thesis’ findings about Contingency Theory Approach Professor Olive Emmanuel gave advices on this thesis’ use of Nvivo to analyse qualitative data at MCA’s Doctoral Colloquium 2010 As learning is an endless process, I wish to still keep learning from all of these scholars after this stage of study, and I am looking forward to possible future cooperation Without permission and strong support by Mr H from Company A and Mr Ch from Company B, this research project can never come into being I would like to thank them for always being so willing to help Mr H especially was like a mentor by allowing me to follow him for months for participant observation and teaching me his experiences For confidentiality reasons, I cannot acknowledge Mr H, Mr Ch., and their colleagues who have helped me for data collection by their full names, yet the appreciation remains the same It is literally impossible to accomplish this project without the genuine supports from certain supportive staff from other administrative units of Durham University, including Ms Elizabeth Amies at the Academic Support Office of Durham University, Mr Tim Broadwell at the Immigration Unit of Durham University, and Ms Brenda Ryder at Ustinov College of Durham University Durham Business School has been a supportive community in its own way I would like to thank Doc Peter Hamilton for his conversation about ‘rhetoric’, Professor Timothy Clark for providing me opportunity of presenting at Northeast students’ workshop, the Dean’s office (especially Ms Emily Aitken and Ms Asheigh), Doctoral office (especially Ms Anne Bailey, Ms Trisha Taylor, and Ms Frances Paylor), IT office (for rescuing me so many times), and DBS library (many thanks for Collin and Debbie for professional advices in academic research and resources searching, and Ercument Aksak for his help and kindness to me) for their constant support I appreciate old Frank’s help and kindness when I was doing evening shift part-time job in DBS library I am also thankful to many fellow PhD students, Terak for bringing me articles concerning China back from conferences, Mohamed and Juliana (especially thanks Juliana for NVivo since we share similar methodology and software, Mohamed for Institutional Theory and NVivo) for teaching me presentation skills, Sinan for good advices in my final stage of writing up, and Diana for sharing last stage PhD experiences before she left Wu Liang and Li Ji have provided I.T help I thank Dr Philip Nathan providing English consultation at Durham University, Dr Clare Wright in linguistic study, Dr Yoonjoung Choi in English literature study, and Andrew Wright in business, Christian Errikson, and Ashley Ogdon for proof reading I thank other friends especially France, the Nortons, the Davies, the Collens, Jacki Thompson-Calvert and Dr Linda Thompson to have faith in me, during ups and downs, and whose wisdom supports me during uninvited life dramas of all kinds Last but not least, I would like to thank Professor C W Nobes, whose knowledgeable and interesting lectures I attended in Reading University during an MSc program, aroused my interests in accounting for the first time, and introduced me to this area He as a role model of a dedicated academy and an upright gentleman, has always been, and will always be, a guiding light for me to find the right path in research and have faith in doing the right things, even in total darkness, loneliness, and pain Abstract Budgetary control has been used and researched for years by both Western academics and practitioners In China, it is re-emerging as a tool to implement management control, but might be used in different ways both in terms of understanding and operation The research objective of this thesis is to examine the applicability of Western theories of change in management accounting in the context of budgeting in Chinese corporations Challenges can exist because of the differences between Western assumptions and Chinese reality The current thesis focuses on difficulties Chinese companies encounter in practical and deeper ideological ways: firstly, Western market-based ideology conflicts with an ideology which has been shaped by central-planning for decades; secondly, difficulties stem from the different cultural context of China which emphasizes hierarchical politeness, kinship ties, trust based on personal relationships, collectivism and social harmony, diligence and individual modesty, and less developed modern legal regulatory systems – these all contribute to China’s own way of doing things This thesis also focuses on the transition process in China Based on the assumption that budgetary changes not happen in isolation from other management accounting changes, this thesis discusses these changes which synchronically took place while the case-study companies were implementing budgetary systems This thesis adopts a longitudinal and in-depth qualitative case study research design, after adjustments made during the learning experience of the pilot study It takes an interpretive and constructive philosophical underpinning, which allows the researcher to observe and understand the process of change, as well as the differences between Chinese practices and Western theories Findings show that certain Western management accounting theories of change and Western theories of budgeting work in the case study Chinese corporations Management accounting theories using an interpretive approach (for example, Berry et al., 1985; Scapens and Roberts, 1993; Ahrens and Chapman, 2002) lead the researcher to interpret management accounting practices from the practitioner’s points of view, and they have provided a range of terms to explain success or failure of management accounting changes This approach together with Scapens et al.’s Institutional theory approach in management accounting have been found especially useful, in explaining the differences between Chinese vs Western context Furthermore, the contingency theory approach in management accounting gives a ‘platform’ which allows the researcher to assess a wide range of possible factors and their relationships with budgetary systems in studied companies This approach is found useful in this thesis to present changes in other management accounting perspectives Last but not least, this thesis finds existing Western literature in technical perspective of budgetary objectives, budgetary evaluation and participation, and budgetary effectiveness useful in a different context of China By describing the change management process, an aspect which is not addressed frequently in the research literature, this thesis argues that to sufficiently understand Chinese companies’ budgetary changes, one also needs to understand unique cultural, socialeconomical and religious circumstances, and to adjust literature and methodology to adapt to these circumstances This thesis provides an empirical experience concerning these issues This thesis contributes to the understanding of management accounting change in China, and the tension which exists when Chinese companies are moving into Western management accounting practices (This page is purposefully left blank.) 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