CHAPTER 11 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved 11-2 Learning Objectives Define attitude and its role in consumer behavior Summarize the three components of attitudes Discuss attitude change strategies associated with each attitude component Describe the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion Describe the role of message source, appeal, and structure on attitudes Discuss segmentation and product development applications of attitudes 11-3 Consumer Behavior In The News… How are Chinese Brands Perceived? What percent of Americans believe that products made in China are high quality? 10% 25% 65% Is this an increase or decrease from several years ago? Source: “Why the U.S Marketplace is Prime for Chinese Products,” Advertising Age, October 10, 2011, p 10 11-4 Consumer Behavior In The News… How are Chinese Brands Perceived? What percent of Americans believe that products made in China are high quality? 10% 25% - if you said 25% you are correct!! 65% Is this an increase or decrease? If you said increase you are correct! Quality perceptions are on the rise, but still low What attitude change strategies could Chinese businesses use to change this belief? Source: “Why the U.S Marketplace is Prime for Chinese Products,” Advertising Age, October 10, 2011, p 10 11-5 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes An attitude is an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment 11-6 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Attitude Components and Manifestations 11-7 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Emotion Dimension SAM (Self-Assessment Mannequin) P A D Copyright 2000 AdSAM Marketing LLC P=Pleasure; A=Arousal; D=Dominance 11-8 Attitude Components Attitude Component Consistency 11-9 Attitude Components Attitude Component Consistency Factors that may account for inconsistencies: Lack of Need Lack of Ability Failure to Consider Relative Attitudes Attitude Ambivalence Weakly Held Beliefs and Affect Failure to Consider Interpersonal Influence 11-10 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change Consumer Resistance to Persuasion • Consumers are not passive to persuasion attempts • Consumers are often skeptical (an individual characteristic) and resist persuasion • Consumers frequently infer an advertiser’s intent and respond in light of that presumed selling intent 11-17 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change Resisting Brand Attacks: Discrediting Discounting Containment 11-18 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Three types of communication characteristics: Source Characteristics Represents “who” delivers the message Appeal Characteristics Represents “how” the message is communicated Message Structure Characteristics Represents “how” the message is presented 11-19 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Source Characteristics Source Credibility • Persuasion is easier when the target market views the message source as highly credible Celebrity Sources • Celebrity sources can be effective in enhancing attention, attitude toward the ad, trustworthiness, expertise, aspirational aspects, and meaning transfer Sponsorship • Sponsorships often work in much the same manner as using a celebrity endorser 11-20 Video Application The following Video Clip demonstrates how Breathe Right uses celebrity sources 11-21 11-22 11-22 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Source Characteristics Celebrity sources widely used Effectiveness enhanced when marketers match: •image of the celebrity with •personality of the product with •actual or desired self-concept of the target market Billboard Ad Showing Celebrity Endorsement 11-23 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Matching Endorser with Product and Target Audience 11-24 Applications in Consumer Behavior The Mr Clean Magic Eraser Duo ad provides a good example of spokescharacters © The Procter & Gamble Company Used by permission 11-25 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Appeal Characteristics Fear Appeals Humorous Appeals Comparative Ads Emotional Appeals Value-Expressive versus Utilitarian Appeals T-Mobile Comparative Ad YouTube Spotlight 11-26 Applications in Consumer Behavior This ad is a great example of the use of fear appeal Courtesy Ad Council In this case, it is used to spell out the risks of teens riding with reckless teen drivers 11-27 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Appeal Characteristics Value-expressive versus Utilitarian appeals Utilitarian appeals involve informing the consumer of one or more functional benefits that are important to the target market * *Most effective for functional products 11-28 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Message Structure Characteristics One-Sided versus Two-Sided Messages Positive versus Negative Framing Nonverbal Components 11-29 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Message Structure Characteristics Positive versus Negative Framing Goal Framing Message stresses either positive aspect of performing an act or negative aspects of not performing the act For example, having a yearly mammogram • Benefits of having mammogram emphasized (positive frame) • Risks of not having mammogram emphasized (negative) 11-30 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Message Structure Characteristics Nonverbal Components Nonverbal components can influence attitudes through affect, cognition, or both Emotional ads often rely primarily or exclusively on nonverbal content to drive emotional responses These can include: • pictures • music • surrealism 11-31 [...]... competing brands (PC then becomes tie breaker) • Attribute tradeoffs across central cues engenders decision difficulty which PCs help to alleviate 11- 16 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change Consumer Resistance to Persuasion • Consumers are not passive to persuasion attempts • Consumers are often skeptical (an individual characteristic) and resist persuasion • Consumers... Celebrity Endorsement 11- 23 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Matching Endorser with Product and Target Audience 11- 24 Applications in Consumer Behavior The Mr Clean Magic Eraser Duo ad provides a good example of spokescharacters © The Procter & Gamble Company Used by permission 11- 25 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Appeal...Attitude Change Strategies Change the Cognitive Component Change the Affective Component Change the Behavioral Component 11- 11 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change ELM Model 11- 12 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change Core Tenants of ELM: Part I • Compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral... resist persuasion • Consumers frequently infer an advertiser’s intent and respond in light of that presumed selling intent 11- 17 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change Resisting Brand Attacks: Discrediting Discounting Containment 11- 18 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Three types of communication characteristics: 1 Source... more accessible from memory, and more predictive of behaviors 11- 13 Individual and Situational Characteristics that Influence Attitude Change Core Tenants of ELM: Part II • Peripheral Cues (PCs) influence persuasion under LOW INVOLVEMENT but not HIGH INVOLVEMENT • Central Cues (CCs) influence persuasion under HIGH INVOLVEMENT but not LOW INVOLVEMENT 11- 14 Individual and Situational Characteristics... Spotlight 11- 26 Applications in Consumer Behavior This ad is a great example of the use of fear appeal Courtesy Ad Council In this case, it is used to spell out the risks of teens riding with reckless teen drivers 11- 27 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Appeal Characteristics Value-expressive versus Utilitarian appeals Utilitarian appeals involve informing the consumer. .. are caveats and exceptions relating to cue relevance and competitive situation Cue Relevance - What is a PC/CC? • Example: An attractive model (and her hair) may be decision irrelevant (PC) in an ad for a car, but decision relevant (CC) in an ad for shampoo • In this case, the attractive model would influence persuasion under high involvement for shampoos but not for cars 11- 15 Individual and Situational... meaning transfer 3 Sponsorship • Sponsorships often work in much the same manner as using a celebrity endorser 11- 20 Video Application The following Video Clip demonstrates how Breathe Right uses celebrity sources 11- 21 11- 22 11- 22 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Source Characteristics Celebrity sources widely used Effectiveness enhanced when marketers match:... the target market * *Most effective for functional products 11- 28 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Message Structure Characteristics 1 One-Sided versus Two-Sided Messages 2 Positive versus Negative Framing 3 Nonverbal Components 11- 29 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Message Structure Characteristics Positive versus... message is presented 11- 19 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Source Characteristics 1 Source Credibility • Persuasion is easier when the target market views the message source as highly credible 2 Celebrity Sources • Celebrity sources can be effective in enhancing attention, attitude toward the ad, trustworthiness, expertise, aspirational aspects, and meaning transfer ... message source, appeal, and structure on attitudes Discuss segmentation and product development applications of attitudes 11- 3 Consumer Behavior In The News… How are Chinese Brands Perceived? What... Celebrity Endorsement 11- 23 Communication Characteristics that Influence Attitude Formation and Change Matching Endorser with Product and Target Audience 11- 24 Applications in Consumer Behavior The Mr... processes with respect to some aspect of our environment 11- 6 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Attitude Components and Manifestations 11- 7 Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes Emotion Dimension SAM