AIRPOLUTION IN HOCHIMINH CITY CAUSES EFFECTS SOLUTIONS Hochiminh city is facing many serious problems such as air polution, water polution, population… AIRPOLUTION Make a comparision between Hochiminh city and orther cities such as Beijing, Tokyo, Bankok, Manila In HoChiMinh city: The level of sulphure dioxide (SO2) is lower The level of Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are approching the levels of these cities AIRPOLUTION The peak particle level at some heavy traffic is high and exceeds the level of Bangkok and Manila Solutions INPUT CONTROL 1. Restrict population growth 2. Use less energy 3. Improve energy efficiency 4. Reduce waste, 5. Move to non-poluting renewable forms of energy production 6. Avoid burning wood, leaves, trash, and charcoal during ozone action days 7. Microwave meals instead of cooking with a gas stove. Solutions OUTPUT CONTROL The opposite method, seeks to fix the problems caused by air pollution. This usually means cleaning up an area that has been damaged by pollution . AIR POLUTION IN HOCHIMINH CITY CAUSES EFFECTS SOLUTIONS Hochiminh city is facing many serious problems such as air polution, water polution, . many serious problems such as air polution, water polution, population… AIR POLUTION Make a comparision between Hochiminh city and orther cities such