Chapter 10INTANGIBLE NON-CURRENT ASSETS... Deferred development costs... Intangible non-current assets • Non-current assets which have a value to the entity but no physical substance...
Trang 1Chapter 10
Trang 2Learning Objectives
1 Intangible non-current assets
2 Deferred development costs
Trang 3Intangible non-current assets
• Non-current assets which have a value to the entity but no physical substance.
• Examples:
– Goodwill (see Chapter 19 on partnerships)
– Leases
– Patents and trade names
– Research and development costs
Trang 4Deferred development costs
IAS 38 Intangible assets
• Pure or basic research
• Applied research
• Development expenditure can sometimes be
capitalised under special circumstances All five criteria stated under IAS 38 must be fulfilled
Trang 5Deferred development costs
Five criteria stated under IAS 38
Intangible assets
•Technical feasibility of completing the asset
•Intention to complete the asset
•Ability to use or sell the asset
•Generate probable future economic benefits
•Ability to measure the attributable expenditure
Trang 6Deferred development costs
Capitalised development costs must be amortised systematically once commercial production begins Each project must be reviewed annually to ensure deferral is still appropriate
•Amortisation: An intangible asset with an
indefinite useful life is not amortised but should be reviewed each year for impairment
•Impairment: Development costs should be written
Trang 7Deferred development costs
• Method of amortisation used
• Useful life of the assets or amortisation rate used
• Gross carrying value, accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses at beginning and end of period
• Movements during the period
• Carrying amount of internally-generated intangible assets