CLICK ANYWHERE TO START Click “Esc” anytime to exit Note: Please see the notes on this slide to see how the game is played VARIABLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE (OPPOSITES) beginners part (3/4 letters) POOR 111 1111 11 111111 Team Score FAT OPEN DARK NEW SAD LEFT FAST TALL WET 554/555 570/571 568/569 570/571 570/571 568/569 554/555 554/555 570/571 570/571 568/569 554/555 570/571 568/569 554/555 568 /569 570/571 568/56 554/555 570/571 570/571 568/56 554/555 570/571 570/571 570/571 568/56 570/571 554/555 568/569 554/555 570/571 Team Score Find the ten opposites ...VARIABLE CROSSWORD PUZZLE (OPPOSITES) beginners part (3/4 letters) POOR 111 1111 11 111111 Team Score FAT OPEN DARK NEW... 570/571 570/571 570/571 568/56 570/571 554/555 568/569 554/555 570/571 Team Score Find the ten opposites