Oracle® GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Version 10.4 October 2009 Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide, version 10.4 Copyright © 1995, 2009 Oracle and/or its affiliates All rights reserved This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007) Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065 This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services Contents ABOUT GOLDENGATE – COMPANY AND SOLUTIONS TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW 18 ARCHITECTURE 22 CONFIGURING ORACLE GOLDENGATE 28 STEP PREPARE THE ENVIRONMENT 29 GOLDENGATE COMMAND INTERFACE 46 STEP CHANGE CAPTURE 51 STEP INITIAL LOAD 64 STEP CHANGE DELIVERY 71 EXTRACT TRAILS AND FILES 76 GOLDENGATE DATA FORMAT 79 ALTERNATIVE FORMATS 85 VIEWING IN LOGDUMP 92 REVERSING THE TRAIL SEQUENCE 104 PARAMETERS 107 GLOBALS PARAMETERS 109 MANAGER PARAMETERS 110 EXTRACT PARAMETERS 113 REPLICAT PARAMETERS 122 DATA MAPPING AND TRANSFORMATION 131 DATA SELECTION AND FILTERING 131 COLUMN MAPPING 138 FUNCTIONS 141 SQLEXEC 149 MACROS 158 USER TOKENS 163 USER EXITS 170 ORACLE SEQUENCES 177 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS 178 BATCHSQL 179 COMPRESSION 182 ENCRYPTION 183 EVENT ACTIONS 187 BIDIRECTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 192 ORACLE DDL REPLICATION 202 MANAGING ORACLE GOLDENGATE 211 COMMAND LEVEL SECURITY 211 TRAIL MANAGEMENT 214 PROCESS STARTUP AND TCP/IP ERRORS 219 REPORTING AND STATISTICS 221 MONITIORING ORACLE GOLDENGATE 229 TROUBLESHOOTING 235 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 244 Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide About GoldenGate – Company and Solutions Our Business We enable real-time, continuous movement of transactional data across Operational and Analytical business systems Real-Time Access to Real-Time Information Real-Time Information Real-Time Access Availability: the degree to which information can be instantly accessed Mission-Critical Systems Integration: the process of combining data from different sources to provide a unified view Oracle GoldenGate provides solutions that enable your mission-critical systems to have continuous availability and access to real-time data We offer a robust yet easy platform for moving real-time transactional data between operational and analytical systems to enable both: - High Availability solutions, and - Real Time Integration solutions • Real-Time Access meaning your critical data is accessible and available whenever you need it, 24x7 At the same time… • Real-Time Information meaning that the data available is as current as possible – not 24 hours old, not even hours old Oracle GoldenGate Success Company Strength and Service GoldenGate Software established in 1995 Acquired by Oracle in 2009 Global sales and support Rapid Growth in Strategic Partners 500+ customers 4000+ solutions implemented… in 35 countries Established, Loyal Customer Base Our partnerships are rapidly increasing with major technology players, including database and IT infrastructure, packaged applications, business intelligence, and service providers And because our software platform supports a variety of solution use cases… Our more than 500 customers are using our technology for over 4000 solutions around the world What we typically find that once an initial solution is implemented and the benefits achieved, our customers then find additional areas across the enterprise where we can further drive advantages for them Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Transactional Data Management (TDM) Oracle GoldenGate provides low-impact capture, routing, transformation, and delivery of database transactions across heterogeneous environments in real time Additional Differentiators: Key Capabilities: Real Time Moves with sub-second latency Heterogeneous Moves changed data across different databases and platforms Transactional Performance Log-based capture moves thousands of transactions per second with low impact Extensibility & Flexibility Meets variety of customer needs and data environments with open, modular architecture Reliability Maintains transaction integrity Resilient against interruptions and failures Our focus is on transactional data management (TDM) – which means delivering a platform in which that data can be best utilized in real-time enterprise wide Oracle GoldenGate captures, routes, transforms, and delivers transactional data in real time – and it works across heterogeneous environments with very low impact and preserved transaction integrity Our Key Capabilities in which we architect the product are: • We move data essentially in “real time” – with sub-second speed • Works in heterogeneous environments – across different database and hardware types • Transactional – we are “transaction aware” and apply read-consistent changed data to maintain its referential integrity between source and target systems We further Differentiate ourselves from other technologies with: - High performance with low impact – we can move large volumes of data very efficiently while maintaining very low lag times/latency - Our flexibility – we meet a wide range of customer solution and integration needs, thanks to our open, modular architecture - Our reliability – our architecture is extremely resilient against potential interruptions; no single point of failure or dependencies, and easy to recover TRANSACTIONAL DATA INTEGRATION Oracle GoldenGate provides the following data replication solutions: •High Availability Live Standby for an immediate fail-over solution that can later re-synchronize with your primary source Active-Active solutions for continuous availability and transaction load distribution between two or more active systems •Zero-Downtime Upgrades and Migrations Eliminate downtime for upgrades and migrations •Live Reporting Feeding a reporting database so that you don’t burden your source production systems •Operational Business Intelligence (BI) Real-time data feeds to operational data stores or data warehouses, directly or via ETL tools •Transactional data integration Real-time data feeds to messaging systems for business activity monitoring (BAM), business process monitoring (BPM) and complex event processing (CEP) Uses event-driven architecture (EDA) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Oracle GoldenGate Solutions High Availability & Disaster Tolerance Real-Time Data Integration Live Standby Real-Time Data Warehousing Active-Active Live Reporting Zero-Downtime Operations for: Transactional Data Integration Upgrades Migrations Maintenance Oracle GoldenGate provides two primary solution areas: High Availability/Disaster Tolerance and Real-Time Data Integration Within High Availability and Disaster Tolerance, we offer: • Active-Active solutions for continuous availability and transaction load distribution between two or more active systems •Zero-Downtime Operations that eliminates downtime for planned outages involving upgrades, migrations, and ongoing maintenance •Live Standby for an immediate fail-over solution that can later re-synchronize with your primary source Within Real-Time Data Integration, we offer: • Real-Time Data Warehousing which gives you real-time data feeds to data warehouses or operational data stores •Transactional Data Integration for distributing data in real-time between transaction processing systems •Live Reporting is for feeding a reporting database so that you don’t burden your source production systems Oracle GoldenGate for High Availability & Disaster Tolerance High Availability & Disaster Tolerance Live Standby Active-Active Zero-Downtime Operations for: Upgrades Migrations Maintenance Real-Time Access Improved Uptime Higher Performance Faster Recovery Minimized Data Loss Lower TCO For High Availability and Disaster Tolerance solutions, it’s about “real-time” or CONTINUOUS access to your data via your critical applications The benefits that Oracle GoldenGate drives here include: -Improved uptime and availability (helping you reach aggressive service level agreements/SLAs) -Higher Performance for your production systems – help to eliminate scalability or response time delays that can give users the impression of an availability or access issue -Faster Recovery and Minimized Data Loss – so you can achieve higher Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) - and an overall lower Total Cost of Ownership by putting your standby systems to work for other solutions! Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Managing: Monitoring Lag Source Database Manager Manager Primary Extract Data Pump Trail Network (TCP/IP) Server Collector Trail Target Database Replicat Pump lag Replicat lag “end-to-end” latency Target Commit Timestamp System Time Write to Trail Extract lag System Time Write to Trail Source Commit Timestamp Trans Log Definitions: Lag This is the Extract lag or Pump lag in the diagram It is the difference in time between when a change record was processed by Extract (written to the trail) and the timestamp of that record in the data source Latency This is the Replicat lag in the diagram It is the difference in time between when a change is made to source data and when that change is reflected in the target data 231 Managing: Monitoring Lag (cont’d) Can set Manager parameters for: LAGREPORT Frequency to check for lags LAGREPORTMINUTES LAGREPORTHOURS LAGINFO Frequency to report lags to the error log LAGINFOSECONDS LAGINFOMINUTES LAGINFOHOURS LAGCRITICAL Set lag threshold to force a warning message to the error log LAGCRITICALSECONDS LAGCRITICALMINUTES LAGCRITICALHOURS LAGREPORT Manager parameter, LAGREPORTMINUTES or LAGREPORTHOURS, used to specify the interval at which Manager checks for Extract and Replicat lag The syntax is: LAGREPORTMINUTES | LAGREPORTHOURS The frequency, in minutes, to check for lag The frequency, in hours, to check for lag Example LAGREPORTHOURS LAGINFO Manager parameter, LAGINFOSECONDS, LAGINFOMINUTES, or LAGINFOHOURS, used to specify how often to report lag information to the error log A value of zero (0) forces a message at the frequency specified with the LAGREPORTMINUTES or LAGREPORTHOURS parameter If the lag is greater than the value specified with the LAGCRITICAL parameter, Manager reports the lag as critical; otherwise, it reports the lag as an informational message The syntax is: LAGINFOSECONDS | LAGINFOMINUTES | LAGINFOHOURS The frequency, in seconds, to report lag information The frequency, in minutes, to report lag information The frequency, in hours, to report lag information Example LAGINFOHOURS Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide LAGCRITICAL Manager parameter, LAGCRITICALSECONDS, LAGCRITICALMINUTES, or LAGCRITICALHOURS, used to specify a lag threshold that is considered critical and to force a warning message to the error log when the threshold is reached This parameter affects Extract and Replicat processes on the local system The syntax is: LAGCRITICALSECONDS | LAGCRITICALMINUTES | LAGCRITICALHOURS Lag threshold, in seconds Lag threshold, in minutes Lag threshold, in hours Example LAGCRITICALSECONDS 60 Managing: Monitoring - Setting Email Alerts in Director Within Director, you can configure email alerts: when specific messages appear in the GoldenGate error log when a specific lag threshold has been exceeded Email Alerts Director Client can be configured to send automatic email alerts to operators or email distribution groups for: MESSAGE ALERTS sends emails when any particular error message is generated LATENCY ALERTS sends emails when latency thresholds that have been exceeded LAG Charts can be displayed to show history of average latency over a period of time What is a System Alert? A System Alert is a filter you set up in Director on event type and/or text or checkpoint lag for a particular process or group of processes If the criteria established in the Alert match, an audible warning can be triggered, or an email may be sent to one or more recipients Setting up a System Alert 233 Using the System Alert Setup page, choose to enter a new Alert, or change an existing one, by selecting from the Select an Alert dropdown list When the desired Alert is displayed, complete the following fields: Alert Name This is a friendly name that you will use to refer to the Alert, it can be anything up to 50 characters Alert Type Choose between the following options, note that some fields on the page will change, depending upon what you select here Process Lag This alert type allows you to specify a threshold for checkpoint lag, should lag go over the threshold, notifications will be generated Event Text This alert type allows you to specify event type or text, if the event matches, notifications will be generated Instance Name Choose a specific Manager Instance to apply the Alert criteria to, or you may make the Alert global to all instances Process Name Type the process name to apply the criteria to You may use a wildcard (*) here to make partial matches, for example: '*' - would match all process names 'EXT*' - would match processes beginning with 'EXT' '*SF*' - would match all processes with 'SF' anywhere in the name Criteria When Lag goes above This field is displayed when you select a Process Lag Alert type Enter the desired Lag Threshold here When Event Type is This field is displayed when you select an Event Text Alert type Select the event types (ERROR, WARNING) to match here When Event Text contains This field is displayed when you select an Event Text Alert type Enter the text to match, leave blank or enter '*' to match any text Action Send eMail to Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Troubleshooting Troubleshooting - Resources GGSCI commands to view: Processing status Events Errors Checkpoints GoldenGate reports and logs Process reports Event/Error log Discard file System logs Resources for gathering evidence GoldenGate sends processing information to several locations to help you monitor processes and troubleshoot failures and unexpected results GGSCI The GGSCI command interface provides several helpful commands for troubleshooting For syntax, view the GGSCI online help by issuing the HELP command, or see the alphabetical reference in the Oracle GoldenGate Reference Guide Process Reports Each Extract, Replicat, and Manager process generates a report file that shows: • parameters in use • table and column mapping • database information • runtime messages and error Event/Error log The error log is a file that shows: • history of GGSCI commands • processes that started and stopped • errors that occurred • informational messages 235 Discard file GoldenGate creates a discard file when the DISCARDFILE parameter is used in the Extract or Replicat parameter file and the process has a problem with a record it is processing The discard file contains column-level details for operations that a process could not handle, including: • the database error message • the trail file sequence number • the relative byte address of the record in the trail • details of the discarded record System logs GoldenGate writes errors that occur at the operating system level to the Event Viewer on Windows or the syslog on UNIX On Windows, this feature must be installed Errors appearing in the system logs also appear in the GoldenGate error log Director Most of the information viewed with GGSCI commands can also be viewed through Director Client and Director Web, GoldenGate’s graphical user interfaces For more information about Director, see the Director online help Troubleshooting – Show Status, Events and Errors These commands display basic processing status, events and errors SEND , STATUS shows current processing status STATS shows statistics about operations processed INFO ALL shows status and lag for all Manager, Extract, and Replicat processes on the system INFO , DETAIL shows process status, datasource, checkpoints, lag, working directory, files containing processing information The data source can be transaction log or trail/extract file for Extract, or trail/extract file for Replicat Sample INFO DETAIL command output (some redo logs purposely omitted due to space constraints): GGSCI > INFO EXT_CTG1 DETAIL EXTRACT EXT_CTG1 ABENDED Checkpoint Lag Last Started 2005-12-16 11:10 Status 00:00:00 (updated 444:20:28 ago) Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Log Read Checkpoint File C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORA10G\REDO01.LOG 2005-12-22 23:20:39 Seqno 794, RBA 8919040 Target Extract Trails: Remote Trail Name MB C:\GoldenGate\Oracle\dirdat\g1 Extract Source End C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORA10G\REDO01.LOG 2005-12-22 23:20 C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORA10G\REDO03.LOG 2005-12-16 05:55 C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORA10G\REDO03.LOG 2005-12-15 15:11 C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORA10G\REDO03.LOG 2005-12-15 15:10 Not Available 2005-12-13 10:53 Not Available 2005-12-13 10:53 Seqno RBA 25380 Max Begin 2005-12-16 05:55 2005-12-15 15:11 * Initialized * 2005-12-15 14:27 2005-12-13 10:53 * Initialized * Current directory C:\GoldenGate\Oracle_10.1.10\win_ora101_v8020_019 Report file C:\GoldenGate\Oracle_10.1.10\win_ora101_v8020_019\dirrpt\EXT_CTG1 rpt Parameter file C:\GoldenGate\Oracle_10.1.10\win_ora101_v8020_019\dirprm\EXT_CTG1 prm Checkpoint file C:\GoldenGate\Oracle_10.1.10\win_ora101_v8020_019\dirchk\EXT_CTG1 cpe Process file C:\GoldenGate\Oracle_10.1.10\win_ora101_v8020_019\dirpcs\EXT_CTG1 pce Error log C:\GoldenGate\Oracle_10.1.10\win_ora101_v8020_019\ggserr.log 237 Troubleshooting – Show Checkpoints INFO , SHOWCH provides detailed checkpoint information Extract maintains the following read checkpoints: Startup – starting position in data source (transaction log or trail) Recovery – position of oldest unprocessed transaction in data source Current – position of last record read in data source and one write checkpoint: Current - current write position in trail Replicat maintains the following read checkpoints: Startup – starting position in trail Current – position of last record read in trail Example of an extract checkpoint report GGSCI> INFO EXTRACT JC108XT, SHOWCH Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:01 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log 2006-06-09 14:16:45 Thread 1, Seqno 47, RBA 68748800 Log Read Checkpoint File /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log 2006-06-09 14:16:19 Thread 2, Seqno 24, RBA 65657408 Current Checkpoint Detail: Read Checkpoint #1 Oracle RAC Redo Log Startup Checkpoint (starting position in data source): Thread #: Sequence #: 47 RBA: 68548112 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 13:37:51.000000 SCN: 0.8439720 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in data source): Thread #: Sequence #: 47 RBA: 68748304 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 14:16:45.000000 SCN: 0.8440969 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Thread #: Sequence #: 47 RBA: 68748800 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 14:16:45.000000 SCN: 0.8440969 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo01.log Read Checkpoint #2 Oracle RAC Redo Log Startup Checkpoint(starting position in data source): Sequence #: 24 RBA: 60607504 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 13:37:50.000000 SCN: 0.8439719 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in data source): Thread #: Sequence #: 24 RBA: 65657408 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 14:16:19.000000 SCN: 0.8440613 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Thread #: Sequence #: 24 RBA: 65657408 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 14:16:19.000000 SCN: 0.8440613 Redo File: /orarac/oradata/racq/redo04.log Write Checkpoint #1 GGS Log Trail Current Checkpoint (current write position): Sequence #: RBA: 2142224 Timestamp: 2006-06-09 14:16:50.567638 Extract Trail: /dirdat/eh Header: Version = 239 Record Source = A Type = # Input Checkpoints = # Output Checkpoints = File Information: Block Size = 2048 Max Blocks = 100 Record Length = 2048 Current Offset = Configuration: Data Source = Transaction Integrity = Task Type = Status: Start Time = 2006-06-09 14:15:14 Last Update Time = 2006-06-09 14:16:50 Stop Status = A Troubleshooting – Recovery Both Extract and Replicat restart after a failure at their last read checkpoint SEND EXTRACT STATUS command reports when Extract is recovering Checkpoint information is updated during the recovery stage allowing you to monitor the progress with the INFO command If an error prevents Replicat from moving forward in the trail, you can restart Replicat after the ‘bad’ transaction: START REPLICAT SKIPTRANSACTION | ATCSN |AFTERCSN To determine the CSN to use, view the Replicat report file with the VIEW REPORT command or view the trail with the Logdump utility Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Troubleshooting - Process Report Each Extract, Replicat, and Manager has its own report file that shows: Banner with startup time Parameters in use Table and column mapping Database and Environmental information Runtime messages and errors The report provides initial clues, such as invalid parameter, data mapping errors, or database error messages View with: VIEW REPORT in GGSCI Director provides single click to next or previous historical reports Viewing a process report View file name with INFO DETAIL in GGSCI Default location is dirrpt directory in GoldenGate home location Old reports are kept with active reports You may need to go back to them if the GoldenGate environment is large Only the last ten reports are kept The number of reports is not configurable Old reports are numbered through For a group named EXT_CTG, here is a sample of the report history: 12/15/2005 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/14/2005 12/13/2005 12/13/2005 12/13/2005 12/12/2005 12/12/2005 02:31 11:58 11:13 02:14 04:00 03:56 03:54 06:26 06:38 PM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM AM 5,855 5,855 4,952 5,931 5,453 5,435 5,193 5,636 5,193 EXT_CTG.rpt EXT_CTG0.rpt EXT_CTG1.rpt EXT_CTG2.rpt EXT_CTG3.rpt EXT_CTG4.rpt EXT_CTG5.rpt EXT_CTG6.rpt EXT_CTG7.rpt 241 Current Report next oldest Troubleshooting - Event Log (ggserr.log) GoldenGate Event Log provides: History of GGSCI commands Processes that started and stopped Errors that occurred Informational messages Shows events leading to an error For example, you might discover: Someone stopped a process A process failed to make a TCP/IP or database connection A process could not open a file View with: Standard text editor or shell command GGSCI command VIEW GGSEVT Oracle GoldenGate Director The log’s name is ggserr.log, located in the root GoldenGate directory You can also locate the file using the INFO EXTRACT , DETAIL command The location of the ggserr.log file is listed with the other GoldenGate working directories, as shown below: GGSCI> info extract oraext, detail EXTRACT ORAEXT Last Started 2005-12-28 10:45 Status STOPPED Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 161:55:17 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORA920\REDO03.LOG 2005-12-29 17:55:57 Seqno 34, RBA 104843776 Current directory C:\GoldenGate802 Report file C:\GoldenGate802\dirrpt\ORAEXT.rpt Parameter file C:\GoldenGate802\dirprm\ORAEXT.prm Checkpoint file C:\GoldenGate802\dirchk\ORAEXT.cpe Process file C:\GoldenGate802\dirpcs\ORAEXT.pce Error log C:\GoldenGate802\ggserr.log Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Troubleshooting - Discard File GoldenGate Discard file: Contains column-level details for operations that the process could not handle Created when Extract or Replicat has a problem with the record it is processing, and if the DISCARDFILE parameter is used in the Extract or Replicat parameter file Usually used for Replicat to log operations that could not be reconstructed or applied Can help you resolve data mapping issues Discard file The location of the discard file is set in either the Extract or Replicat parameter file by using the DISCARDFILE parameter: DISCARDFILE C:\GoldenGate\dirrpt\discard.txt, Options are: APPEND: adds new content to old content in an existing file PURGE: purges an existing file before writing new content MEGABYTES : sets the maximum size of the file (default is MB) Discard file sample Aborting transaction beginning at seqno 12 rba 231498 error at seqno 12 rba 231498 Problem replicating HR.SALES to HR.SALES Mapping problem with compressed update record (target format) ORDER_ID = ORDER_QTY = 49 ORDER_DATE = 2005-10-19 14:15:20 243 Technical Support My Oracle Support Web Site Go to My Oracle Support (http:// New users must register for an account with a Customer Support Identifier (CSI) and be approved by their Customer User Administrator (CUA) The customer portal allows you to: Search Knowledge Documents on known issues Log and track a Service Requests (SR) for bugs or enhancement requests Download patches Enter ‘GoldenGate’ as the product Global Customer Care Global Customer Care is a highly available expert resource that resolves customers' business-related inquiries while capturing and sharing feedback to enhance the customer relationship Call US: 800 223 1711 Other Global Support Hot Lines are listed at: Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Access and navigation of Oracle Support websites Placing software orders Assisting with CSI questions Assisting with product or platform issues related to SR logging Locate and provide published information Create software upgrade orders Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Oracle Advisors Webcasts A new way to receive information about your Oracle products and services Go to MetaLink Note 553747.1 - Welcome to the Oracle Advisor Webcast Program! Includes links to the Advisor Webcast page Instructions for registering and viewing both live and archived webcasts The current menu of scheduled webcasts 245 [...]... maintain over long term Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Data Integration: Live Reporting Benefits: Use real-time data for better, faster decision making Remove reporting overhead on source system Reduce cost-to-scale as user demands and data volumes grow Leverage cost-effective systems for reporting needs Oracle GoldenGate' s Live Reporting enables both real-time reporting capabilities while... Integration Oracle GoldenGate Director Manages, defines, configures, and reports on Oracle GoldenGate components Key features: Centralized management of Oracle GoldenGate modules Rich-client and Web-based interfaces Alert notifications and integration with 3rd-party monitoring products Real-time feedback Zero-impact implementation Oracle GoldenGate Director is a centralized server-based graphical enterprise... way to define, configure, manage, and report on Oracle GoldenGate processes Oracle GoldenGate Director is a value added module to centralize management and improve productivity Oracle GoldenGate Director supports all platforms and databases supported by Oracle GoldenGate Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Oracle GoldenGate Veridata A high-speed, low impact data comparison solution Identifies... installation instructions ● Oracle GoldenGate Installation and Setup Guides: There is an installation guide and setup guide for each database that is supported by Oracle GoldenGate These include database-specific configuration information ● Oracle GoldenGate Administration Guide: Introduces Oracle GoldenGate components and explains how to plan for, configure, and implement Oracle GoldenGate on the Windows and... application or utility Written in internal GoldenGate format Do not edit these files File name format is a user-defined two-character prefix followed by either a six-digit sequence number (trail files) or the user-defined name of the associated Extract process group (extract files) Examples: rt000001, finance dirdef Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide The default location for data definitions... files 35 Oracle GoldenGate Documentation Prepare Environment: Oracle GoldenGate Documentation Quick Install Guide Installation and Setup Guides (by database) Administration Guide Reference Guide Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide Note: You can download the documentation from Windows and UNIX platforms: ● Oracle GoldenGate Quick Install Guide: Describes... real-time and eliminates the batch window dependency Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Transactional Data Integration Benefits: Easily integrate large volumes of real-time data between transaction processing systems Reduce overhead; Eliminate batch windows Improve scalability Enhance SOA and EDA environments (delivery to JMS-based messaging systems) 19 Oracle GoldenGate provides real-time... implementations We have strong experience in active-active solutions for both High Availability as well as Zero-Downtime upgrades and migration projects Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide Zero-Downtime Upgrades and Migrations Benefits: Eliminate “planned downtime” during hardware, database, OS and/or application upgrades and migrations Minimize risk with fail-back contingency Improve success with phased... checkpointing? 1 Log-based change data capture, decoupled from database architecture Real-time, heterogeneous and transactional 2 (a) High availability – live standby, active-active, zero down-time upgrades and migrations (b) Real-time data integration – real-time data warehousing (operational business intelligence), live reporting, transactional data integration 3 For recovery if a GoldenGate process,... Change Delivery Oracle GoldenGate can be deployed quickly and easily in four steps: • Prepare the environment, e.g • Install Oracle GoldenGate software on source and target • Enable transaction logging Oracle GoldenGate Fundamentals Student Guide (Heterogeneous source/target) Generate source definitions so Replicat can process trail data Configure and start change capture to GoldenGate trail files