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Đáp án trắc nghiệm tiếng anh thi công chức quảng nam 2016

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MULTIPLE CHOICES (200) He’s so lazy that he always expects other people to the work If you want to swim in Hawaii in winter, you must go to the beach! There are some swimming pools Fiona is very angry about her boss’s decision to sack several members of! You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely voluntary I’m afraid you may find the truth somewhat unacceptable Can you help me open the window? How many cakes does she have? She’s very efficient She can be relied on to her job properly You don’t have to whisper Nobody can hear us 10 You shouldn’t touch the pictures in an art gallery 11 You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to 12 In my opinion, it’s only common sense to wear a seat belt in a car 13 How you feel about the pollution problem in this country? 14 Mary and Jack work at the desk 15 I’m sorry that I screamed Something scared me 16 Your dinner is at 7pm so you shouldn’t eat late 17 His building is next to my house 18 My family’s picture is hanging on the wall 19 Our boss is speaking We must listen to him 20 Nobody died in the accident last week, but 20 people were injured 21 My mother is a nurse Jane’s father is a nurse, too They are both nurses 22 “Diana, what is the weather like today?” Jane asked Diana replied “It’s sunny today” 23 Let’s go to school 24 Scientists carried out a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus 25 Tomorrow is my boss’ birthday I will give him a gift 26 People are advised to wear reflectors on their clothing when walking along a road in the dark 27 You’ve been talking about asking her out for weeks, what are you waiting for? 28 A lot of passengers who were in the car accident are still suffering from shock 29 The doctor showed the patient how to some exercises 30 Where have you been yesterday? I couldn't call you 31 Jack and Jean want to know why they should it for her while she could it by herself 32 Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore order in the area 33 Because I am very busy at the moment, I can only arrange a little time to answer your letters 34 They were wearing heavy overcoats to protect themselves against the cold 35 I’m not surprised he became an author Even as a child he had a vivid 36 although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time 37 His employee doesn’t want to explain the reason for his decision 38 The tabloid newspapers, which are engaged in a circulation war, are all trying to print the most sensational stories to improve sales 39 Why you are always jealous of other friends? 40 Scientists have invented a new method of taking away pollutants from industrial wastes 41 We lack of staff in our office at the moment There are not enough people to the work that has to be done 42 Nowadays, it needn’t cost a fortune to own a powerful computer 43 as a doctor, I must advise you to give up drinking too much wine everyday 44 I’m becoming increasingly forgetful Last week I locked myself out of the house twice 45 She’s not very dicisive She’s never quite sure what she wants to 46 My car is very reliable; it’s never broken down 47 Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school diploma 48 Who did you say was coming to see me this morning? 49 The castles are going to be over a thousand years old 50 Do you believe in ghosts? 51 mind the food so that it won’t be over-cooked 52 The only means of access to the station is through a dark subway 53 May I borrow your pen, Jane? I seem to have left mine at home 54 It is up to the police to put an end to these robberies 55 Some people like to have the windows open all the time; others don’t 56 The roots of the old tree spread out as much as thirty meters in all directions and damaged nearby buildings 57 Last year, the music bad FTPG made a profit of several million crowns 58 If you like skiing, there’s a ski resort under an hour’s driving from Madrid 59 If you are “over the moon” about something, how you feel? happy 60 The content of the book was so complicated/ difficult that it was completely incomprehensible 61 Most of what he said was very sensible 62 Everyone is hoping and praying that durable peace will eventually come to the area 63 Does this jacket go with my trousers? 64 Continued high-blood pressure is dangerous because it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke 65 They like to keep their old houses rather than building the new ones although it is very hard and expensive to maintain them 66 Before you begin the exam paper, always read the instruction carefully 67 Unless you take a map with you, you will lose your way 68 Even though I didn’t want my son to leave home, since he was twenty-one there was nothing I could to hinder it 69 Which of the following describes a country’s armed force that operates at sea Navy 70 Mary lost one running shoe, but won the race despite this awkwardness 71 She noticed him running away from the house 72 Although they tried hard, the learners could not complete the project in time as they were lacking in skills and knowledge 73 She feels like giving up her job regardless of the consequences she will face 74 Even if you fail, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you tried 75 You’d better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive intact 76 She’s so prim and proper, you really have to watch _ you say or shell walk out of the room 77 He hasn’t written to us since he left 78 This book is divided into give parts and each of these has three sections 79 You’ve all missed the point The film itself is not racist - it simply tries to make us question our own often racist attitudes 80 The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned 81 Some of these clothes are yours, and the rest of it belong to Zack 82 Mexico changed from a country with a wheat shortage to one that was a wheat exporter 83 The old woman lived alone, with no one to look after her 84 He wasn’t very talkative tonight In fact he hardly said anything 85 She looks like/ takes after her father, everyone says how alike they are! 86 When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you should is go to the check – in desk 87 As no one else cuts it as well as he does, I always have my hair cut at Johnson's 88 They decided to buy the house because its location would allow them to get to work very easily 89 I'm going to meet my friends, at Hoan Kiem lake tonight 90 Paris is the most crowded city in the world 91 I can’t eat this piece of meat; it’s too tough 92 I am looking for a new job 93 It all happened so quickly, one minute I was making chips and the next the whole kitchen was on fire 94 I'm busy Please visit me next time 95 From my point of view, in this situation, you ‘d better say less and more 96 He just turned away when I asked him What he meant 97 He is a man of few words 98 We have imported fewer computers this year than last year 99 You should always make sure your luggage has a lablel on it when you travel 100 Last Christmas, the boss gave all his employees a bonus 101 Are you sure we are going in the right way/direction? 102 My new car is more economical than the one I had before 103 I deeply doubt whether he will actually carry out his threats 104 She was very blunt and told me quite simply that she didn’t like me 105 We can win only if we remain united, and so we must support them the moment they are on strike 106 We set up at about seven o’clock this morning and we eventually arrived at half past four 107 We have to complete the film this month No matter how cold it is, all the summer scences will have to be shot tomorrow 108 Everybody was here except for Jill two hours ago 109 During an exam, you mustn’t copy from the other students 110 I have a secret to tell you, but I'll speak to you about it later 111 The room is ten metres in width 112 The Boston police went on strike in 1919 113 Louise was very patient with me when I was ill and crabby 114 My lover and my closest friend have just got engaged 115 Sachin felt drowsy he had fever A So B Although C because D.If 116 It may be raining, but I’m thoroughly enjoying _ a himself b yourself c by myself d myself 117 Lizzie should ask Bryan to help her with her studies He did the course last year a of b.like c.same d.as 118 If you act according to the instructions, you should face no problems 119 You _ always knock on the door before entering This is a private office a.should b must c can d offen 120 Is there anything _you’d like me to do? a more b.else c.here d right 121 Elenar usually _ clothes that don’t appeal to my taste a.take b.bring c.wear d jakets 122 When we saw the professor off at the station this afternoon, he _ forward to coming back on the first occasion a is looking b has looking c.looking d was looking 123 Since she is not a very abitious person by nature, the competition at work _ her much 124 I’m sorry about all the _things I said to you a mistake b wrong c false d blasphemy 125 George has been in the publishing business since he was in college 126 That model on the TV is too skinny She should eat more, I think! 127 Deforestation an alarming decrease in the amount of farming land a are b was c is d were 128 The author that it is necessary for every adolescent to establish his own place in society a believes b believed c has believed d had believed 129 He is by many people for the money he has helped raise for charity a admired b regarded c approved d considered 130 Drive fast we will miss the train a because b so c although d or 131 I will go home he has not come a if b because c so d that 132 I hope there won’t be a repetition of these unfortunate events a deeply b strongly c sincerely d throughly 133 You always take things _ granted a at b for c about d in 134 I have known her _ last year a in b for c since d on 135 He returned to his home town _ he spent the rest of his life a that b which c where d who 136 If we behave badly in class, our teacher stay late and extra work a much b lets us b allows us to d makes us 137 After working in the hot sun, I wanted to drink _ a some beer b a little beer c a few beer d many beer 138 Pregnant women shouldn’t as it can damage the baby a drink water b.smoke c swim d go picnic 139 He doesn't have many dogs, but he has cats 140 When does the meeting start? _ an hour a about b for c any d in 141 He wants to become either a doctor or a dentist 142 I don't know _ a who you are b you are c who are you d where are you 143 Can you read this letter _ in English? a written b write c writting 144 Which of the following is used to start a very formal letter? dear 145 He’s very _about his work, so try not to say anything that he might take as a criticism a annoyed b touchy c irritated d annoying 146 Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you should try and learn something of the language You will enjoy things a lot more 147 Listen to that music! Our neighbors shouldn’n play music that loud at this hour a should b shouldn’t c can d can not 148 After thirty-five years in the French department, Professor Lane finally _ last month a withdrew b retired c treated d abdicated 149 My brother wants _ go swimming with him a me b me too c that d that i 150 The local council is really strict about protecting that piece of lawn! You mustn’t walk around it! 151 I have a lot of friends _ live in this city a whom b which c that d who 152 My father liked to play baseball _ he was a child a when b as c until d during 153 During the war, the police _arrest you for criticising the king a might b may c should d will 154 This is the place _ I used to camp when I was younger a which b that c where d.when 155 He finally got the reward he so richly _ a owes b earns c deserves d justifies 156 I am taking out a bank loan this month I have to pay a lot of taxes all together 157 It's time for lunch You must not go outside and play now 158 What shape is a football? spheroid 159 Jane, thanks for everything It was a great party I must go now I am really tired 160 One day I’m going to find a(n) piece of land somewhere in the country and build a house on it 161 My cousin was very pleased with the news 162 We have to leave by seven o'clock 163 My company said that if I want this promotion, I must go to the doctor's for a thorough medical check-up first 164 if I were rich, I'd travel around the world 165 What happens next depend entirely on you 166 My back has been hurting for weeks I must go to the doctor's 167 Professor Watkins told me today that I should give in that assignment by Friday at the latest 168 John! This is a one way street You have to turn back 169 It is too cold to go outside without wearing gloves 170 although he is over seventy years old, he still looks young 171 The sandwiches made by your mother were very delicious 172 I’m sure he enjoyed the evening He didn’t say much because he’s quiet by nature 173 This is just what I have always wanted 174 Your father drove to work,doesn’t he? 175 Your colleagues went to a concert last night, don’t they? 176 They don't like football and she don’t either 177 I am looking forward to seeing you 178 My car was so old that I could only sell it for scrap 179 I wish I could play golf as well as my father 180 I've had this diamond necklace for a very long time 181 You have worked really well since the morning coffee break Well done! 182 Each of them was good enough to use 183 Those two have been married since 1985 They are the happiest couple I know? 184 could you please tell me the place of the meeting in this afternoon? 185 The performance will start _at six 186 Mr Gomez has been the Prime Minister since Mrs Gonzalez-Panis resigned in the spring 187 When America was discovered, it was not an empty land, free for the taking 188 Yesterday, at the meeting the committee debated six questions 189 How well did you at your first school according to your teachers? 190 Would you make any allowance for a rude person who had just lost a parent? 191 although the dentist took out that tooth of mine, it's been really painful I should go back to her? 192 I've been coming to this swimming pool for over ten years 193 The price of gas hasn’t fallen much recently, has it? 194 Are you still unemployed? You've been without a job since you decided to resign from that accountancy firm 195 Clifdon was the place we went for that rainy vacation, wasn’t it? 196 Has anybody ever accused you of something you didn't do? 197 Have you ever argued with your best friend about anything? 198 After hours of wandering around in the desert they thought they saw an oasis, but they were wrong There was nothing there; it was only a mirage 199 I heard that the biggest democracy in the world is India 200 My attention was drawn to the picture on the far wall 10

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2016, 17:52

